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navedba neto mase
1 Pravna redakcija
Neto masa ali druga merska enota z navedbo enote.
Net mass or other of measurement indicating unit.
2 Pravna redakcija
Neto masa ali druga merska enota z navedbo enote.
Net mass or other unit of measurement indicating unit.
3 Pravna redakcija
Neto količina/vrednost (neto masa/druga enota, z navedbo enote)
Net quantity/value (Net mass/other unit with indication of unit)
4 Pravna redakcija
Neto količina (neto masa ali druga merska enota z navedbo enote)
Net quantity (mass weight or other unit of measure stating the unit)
5 Pravna redakcija
Neto količina (neto masa ali druga merska enota z navedbo enote)
Net quantity (net mass or other unit of measure stating the unit)
6 Pravna redakcija
2 Neto masa ali druga merska enota z navedbo enote.
Net mass or other unit of measurement indicating unit
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1500
(neto masa ali druga merska enota, z navedbo enote)
(net mass or other unit of measure stating the unit)
8 Pravna redakcija
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 2150/2001 z dne 31. oktobra 2001 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 1901/2000 glede poenostavitve navedbe neto mase
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2150/2001 of 31 October 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 1901/2000 with regard to the simplification of the statement of net mass
9 Pravna redakcija
polje 7 z navedbo "sir kačkaval, narejen iz ovčjega mleka, ki je zorel vsaj dva meseca, z najmanjšo vsebnostjo suhe snovi 58 mas. %, v celih sirih do vključno 10 kg neto, če so zaviti v plastiko ali ne";
box 7, by specifying `Kashkaval cheese, made from sheep's milk, matured for at least two months, of a minimum dry matter content by weight of 58 %, in whole cheeses not exceeding 10 kg net, whether or not wrapped in plastic` ;
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Kadar se obrazec iz člena 2(1) uporabi za več kot eno vrsto v pošiljki, se obrazcu priloži priloga, v kateri se poleg zahtev iz prvega pododstavka tega odstavka za vsako vrsto iz pošiljke ponovijo okenca 8 do 22 iz obrazca in iz okenca 27 za navedbo "dejansko uvožene količine/neto mase" in, kadar je primerno, "števila živali, ki so bile ob prihodu mrtve".
Where the form referred to in Article 2(1) is used for more than one species in a shipment, an annex shall be attached which, in addition to the requirements of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, shall, for each species in the shipment, reproduce boxes 8 to 22 of the form concerned as well as the spaces contained in box 27 thereof for the inclusion of the 'quantity/net mass actually imported' and, where appropriate, 'number of animals dead on arrival'.
11 Pravna redakcija
Če glavni zavezanec uporabi nakladnice za pošiljko, ki je sestavljena iz dveh ali več vrst blaga, se v obrazcu, uporabljenem za skupnostni tranzit, prečrtajo polja 15 “Država odpreme/izvoza”, 33 "Tarifna oznaka", 35 “Bruto masa v kg”, 38 "Neto masa v kg" in po potrebi 44 "Dodatni podatki, predložene listine, potrdila in dovoljenja", polje 31 tega obrazca “Tovorki in poimenovanje blaga" pa se ne sme uporabiti za navedbo oznake in številke, števila in vrste tovorkov ter poimenovanje blaga.
Where the principal uses loading lists for a consignment comprising two or more types of goods, boxes 15 'Country of dispatch/export`, 33 'Commodity code`, 35 'Gross mass (kg)`, 38 'Net mass (kg)` and, where necessary, 44 'Additional information, documents produced, certificates and authorizations` of the form used for the purposes of Community transit shall be barred and box 31 'Packages and description of goods` of that form shall not be used to show the marks and numbers, number and kind of the packages and description of goods.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Polje 7 s podrobno navedbo sir finlandia v pravokotnih blokih, z neto maso 30 kg in več.
1.Box 7 by specifying ´´Finlandia cheese in rectangular blocks, of a net weight of not less than 30 kg'',
13 Prevajalska redakcija
To polje je treba izpolniti v državi EFTE le, če predhodna listina T2 vsebuje navedbo neto mase.
This box must be completed in an EFTA country only where the preceding T 2 document contains an indication of the net mass.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Polje 7 s podrobno navedbo sir edamec v oblikah z neto maso do vključno 350 g (znan kot geheimratskaese),
1.Box 7 by specifying ´´Edam cheese in forms of a net weight not exceeding 350 g (known as Geheimratskaese)'',
15 Prevajalska redakcija
To polje je treba izpolniti na deklaracijah T2, izdelanih v državi EFTE, le, če predhodna listina T2 vsebuje navedbo neto mase.
This box must be completed on T 2 declarations made out in an EFTA country only where the preceding T 2 document contains an indication of the net mass.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Polje 7 s podrobno navedbo predelan sir, v izvirnem pakiranju, z maso do vključno 1 kg, pri čemer embalaža vsebuje porcije ali rezine s posamezno neto maso do vključno 100 g',
1.Box 7 by specifying ´´processed cheese, put up in immediate packaging of a weight not exceeding 1 kg containing portions or slices each weighing not more than 100 g'',
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2535
polje 7 z navedbo "sir kačkaval, narejen iz ovčjega mleka, ki je zorel vsaj dva meseca, z najmanjšo vsebnostjo suhe snovi 58 mas. %, v celih sirih do vključno 10 kg neto, če so zaviti v plastiko ali ne";
box 7, by specifying "Kashkaval cheese, made from sheep's milk, matured for at least two months, of a minimum dry matter content by weight of 58 %, in whole cheeses not exceeding 10 kg net, whether or not wrapped in plastic";
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2623
Če se uporabi poenostavljeni deklaracijski postopek iz člena 260 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93 za sprostitev proizvodov iz te uredbe v prost promet, poenostavljene deklaracije vsebujejo poleg drugih zahtev tudi navedbo neto mase (kg) zadevnih proizvodov.
Where the simplified declaration procedure referred to in Article 260 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 is used to put into free circulation products covered by the present Regulation, the simplified declarations shall contain, in addition to other requirements, an indication of the net mass (kg) of the products concerned.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2623
Če se uporabi postopek hišnega carinjenja iz člena 263 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93 za sprostitev proizvodov iz te uredbe v prost promet, obvestilo carinskim organom iz člena 266(1) omenjene uredbe vsebuje vse potrebne podatke za identifikacijo blaga, kot tudi navedbo neto mase (kg) zadevnih proizvodov.
Where the local clearance procedure referred to in Article 263 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 is used to put into free circulation products covered by the present Regulation, the notification to the customs authorities referred to in Article 266(1) of that Regulation shall contain all necessary data for the identification of the goods, as well as an indication of the net mass (kg) of the products concerned.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2623
Deklaracije za sprostitev proizvodov iz te uredbe v prost promet, ki jih na zahtevo deklaranta carinski organi lahko sprejmejo, ne da bi vsebovale nekatere podatke iz Priloge 37 k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2454/93, vsebujejo poleg podatkov iz člena 254 omenjene uredbe tudi navedbo neto mase (kg) zadevnih proizvodov.
Declarations for release for free circulation of products covered by the present Regulation which the customs authorities may accept at the declarant's request without their containing certain particulars referred to in Annex 37 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 shall contain, in addition to the particulars referred to in Article 254 of that Regulation, an indication of the net mass (kg) of the products concerned.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Kadar se obrazec iz člena 2(1) uporabi za več kot eno vrsto v pošiljki, se obrazcu priloži priloga, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz prvega pododstavka tega odstavka in v kateri se za vsako vrsto iz pošiljke ponovijo okenca 8 do 22 iz obrazca in polja iz okenca 27 za navedbo "dejansko uvožene količine/neto mase" in, kadar je primerno, "števila živali, ki so bile ob prihodu mrtve".
Where the form referred to in Article 2(1) is used for more than one species in a shipment, an annex shall be attached which, in addition to the requirements of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, shall, for each species in the shipment, reproduce boxes 8 to 22 of the form concerned as well as the spaces contained in box 27 thereof for the inclusion of the "quantity/net mass actually imported" and, where appropriate, "number of animals dead on arrival".
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če glavni zavezanec uporabi nakladnice za pošiljko, ki je sestavljena iz dveh ali več vrst blaga, se v obrazcu, uporabljenem za skupnostni tranzit, prečrtajo polja 15 ` Država odpreme/izvoza` , 33 "Tarifna oznaka", 35 ` Bruto masa v kg` , 38 "Neto masa v kg" in po potrebi 44 "Dodatni podatki, predložene listine, potrdila in dovoljenja", polje 31 tega obrazca ` Tovorki in poimenovanje blaga" pa se ne sme uporabiti za navedbo oznake in številke, števila in vrste tovorkov ter poimenovanje blaga.
Where the principal uses loading lists for a consignment comprising two or more types of goods, boxes 15 'Country of dispatch/export', 33 'Commodity code', 35 'Gross mass (kg)', 38 'Net mass (kg)' and, where necessary, 44 'Additional information, documents produced, certificates and authorizations' of the form used for the purposes of Community transit shall be barred and box 31 'Packages and description of goods' of that form shall not be used to show the marks and numbers, number and kind of the packages and description of goods.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Če glavni zavezanec uporabi nakladnice za pošiljko, ki je sestavljena iz dveh ali več vrst blaga, se na obrazcu, uporabljenem za tranzit, prečrtajo polja 15 "Država odpreme/izvoza", 32 "Zaporedna številka postavke", 33 "Tarifna oznaka", 35 "Bruto masa v kg", 38 "Neto masa v kg" in po potrebi 44 "Dodatni podatki, predložene listine, potrdila in dovoljenja", polje 31 tega obrazca "Tovorki in poimenovanje blaga" pa se ne uporablja za navedbo znakov in številk, števila in vrste tovorkov ter poimenovanje blaga.
Where the principal uses loading lists for a consignment comprising two or more types of goods, the boxes 15 'Country of dispatch/export', 32 'Item No', 33 'Commodity code', 35 Gross mass (kg)', 38 'Net mass (kg)' and where necessary, 44 'Additional information/Documents produced/Certificates and authorizations' of the form used for the purposes of transit shall be barred and the box 31 'Packages and description of goods' of that form shall not be used to show the marks and numbers, number and kind of the packages and description of goods.
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navedba neto mase