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navezovanje stikov
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-66
pomoč pri navezovanju stikov in krepitvi sodelovanja med umetniškimi, kulturno-izobraževalnimi, znanstvenimi in strokovnimi organizacijami obeh držav;
Facilitating contacts and wider cooperation among artistic, cultural and educational, scientific and professional organisations of the two States;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Pri spodbujanju dejavnosti, navedenih v prvem odstavku tega člena, pogodbenice ustvarijo ugodne razmere z olajševanjem navezovanja stikov in sodelovanja med ustreznimi organizacijami in posamezniki v zasebnem in javnem sektorju, ki so sposobni zagotoviti tehnologijo, projektiranje in inženiring, opremo ali finančna sredstva.
In promoting the activities specified in paragraph 1 above, the Parties shall create favourable conditions by facilitating contacts and cooperation among appropriate organizations and individuals in the private and public sectors that are capable of providing technology, design and engineering services, equipment or finance.
3 Končna redakcija
da Skupnost v svojem okviru nudi pomoč pri navezovanju stikov med nacionalnimi informatorji;
the added value of the Community framework for contacts between national correspondents;
4 Pravna redakcija
nenehno izmenjavanje informacij, pomembnih za gospodarsko sodelovanje ter za navezovanje stikov in pospeševanje aktivnosti med podjetji in organizacijami v obeh regijah,
a continuous exchange of information relevant to economic cooperation as well as the development of contacts and promotion activities between firms and organizations in both regions,
5 Pravna redakcija
da Skupnost v svojem okviru nudi pomoč pri navezovanju stikov med nacionalnimi informatorji;
the added value of the Community framework for contacts between national correspondents;
6 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice ustrezno spodbujata redno izmenjavo industrijskih, kmetijskih in drugih podatkov, pomembnih za trgovinsko in gospodarsko sodelovanje, kot tudi navezovanje stikov in uvajanje predstavitvenih aktivnosti med podjetji in gospodarskimi organizacijami Skupnosti in Kanade na tem področju.
The Contracting Parties will as appropriate encourage the regular exchange of industrial, agricultural and other information relevant to commercial and economic cooperation as well as the development of contacts and promotion activities between firms and organizations in these areas in the Communities and Canada.
7 Pravna redakcija
"Država prejemnica " je država, ki prejema sredstva od držav EGP EFTA v skladu s Sklepom št. 47/2000 Skupnega odbora EGP z dne 22. maja 2000. Državo prejemnico zastopa urad, ki bo še imenovan, ki je zadolžen za upravljanje sredstev EGP EFTAv državi ter za navezovanje stikov glede projektov z Odborom.
"The Beneficiary State" is a State that receives funding from the EEA EFTA States according to Decision No 47/2000 of the EEA Joint Committee of 22 May 2000. The Beneficiary State is represented by an authority to be nominated, charged with the management of the EEA EFTA funding in the country and with entering into contracts on projects with the Committee.
8 Pravna redakcija
Navezovanje kakršnih koli stikov CAP s posameznimi državnimi organi poteka skupaj z ustreznimi NCB.
Any contacts established by the CAC with individual national authorities shall be effected together with the relevant NCB.
9 Pravna redakcija
Vsak lokalni center za nadzor bolezni mora imeti možnost hitrega navezovanja stikov z ljudmi/organizacijami, ki so neposredno vpleteni/vpletene v izbruh.
each local disease control centre must be able to contact rapidly persons/organizations which are directly or indirectly involved in an outbreak;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Državo prejemnico zastopa urad, ki bo še imenovan, ki je zadolžen za upravljanje sredstev EGP EFTA v državi ter za navezovanje stikov glede projektov z Odborom.
The Beneficiary State is represented by an authority to be nominated, charged with the management of the EEA EFTA funding in the country and with entering into contracts on projects with the Committee.
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navezovanje stikov