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neto marža
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Treba je navesti, da so se v skladu z metodologijo za izračun marž, za katere se zbijajo cene, opisano v uvodnih izjavah 225 in 226 začasne uredbe, tehtane povprečne neto prodajne cene subvencioniranega uvoza za vsak model posebej primerjale s povprečnimi neto prodajnimi cenami posameznega modela industrije Skupnosti na trgu Skupnosti.
It should be noted that in the methodology described in recitals 225 and 226 of the provisional Regulation for the calculation of the price undercutting margins the weighted average net sales prices of the subsidised imports were compared, on a model-by-model basis, with the average net sales price by model of the Community industry in the Community market.
2 Prevod
CELEX: 31999R1600
Treba je navesti, da so se v skladu z metodologijo za izračun marž, ki zbijajo cene, opisano v uvodnih izjavah 33 in 34 začasne uredbe, tehtane povprečne neto prodajne cene dampinškega uvoza za vsak model posebej primerjale s tehtanimi povprečnimi neto prodajnimi cenami po posameznem modelu gospodarske panoge Skupnosti na trgu Skupnosti.
It should be noted that in the methodology described in recitals 33 and 34 of the provisional Regulation for the calculation of the price undercutting margins the weighted average net sales prices of the dumped imports were compared, on a model-by-model basis, with the weighted average net sales price by model of the Community industry in the Community market.
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neto marža