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neto obveznosti
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0914
neto obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema, ki izhajajo iz transakcij preko TARGET (del postavke 10.3 pasive HBS);
net intra-Eurosystem liabilities resulting from TARGET transactions (part of liability item 10.3 of the HBS);
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0914
neto obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema iz naslova evro bankovcev v obtoku, vključno z obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz uporabe člena 4 tega sklepa.
net intra-Eurosystem liabilities on euro banknotes in circulation, including those resulting from the application of Article 4 of this Decision.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0914
Neto obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema iz naslova evro bankovcev v obtoku morajo biti v celoti vključene v obveznostno osnovo za namene izračunavanja denarnega prihodka nacionalnih centralnih bank v skladu s členom 32.2 Statuta, ker so ekvivalentne bankovcem v obtoku.
The net intra-Eurosystem liabilities on euro banknotes in circulation should be included in the liability base for the purposes of the calculation of the NCBs monetary income under Article 32.2 of the Statute as they are equivalent to banknotes in circulation.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, prikazanih v bilanci stanja Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva Unije, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana »Evropska skupnost za premog in jeklo v likvidaciji«.
The net worth of the assets and liabilities of the European Coal and Steel Community, as they appear in the balance sheet of the European Coal and Steel Community of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as Union assets intended for research in sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "European Coal and Steel Community in liquidation".
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Za izpolnjevanje obveznosti po tem členu vsake pogodbenice iz Aneksa I se uporabljajo neto spremembe emisij iz virov in vseh po ponorih odstranjenih toplogrednih plinov, ki so posledica spremembe rabe zemljišč in gozdarskih dejavnosti, omejenih na pogozdovanje, ponovno ogozdovanje in krčenje gozdov od leta 1990, ki jih neposredno povzroča človek, merjene kot preverljive spremembe zalog ogljika v vsakem ciljnem obdobju. Podatke o emisijah iz virov in po ponorih odstranjenih toplogrednih plinov, povezanih z omenjenimi dejavnostmi, je treba sporočati pregledno in preverljivo in jih pregledovati v skladu s 7. in 8. členom.
The net changes in greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from direct human-induced land-use change and forestry activities, limited to afforestation, reforestation and deforestation since 1990, measured as verifiable changes in carbon stocks in each commitment period, shall be used to meet the commitments under this Article of each Party included in Annex I.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
7.02 Poleg morebitne provizije, ki se lahko plača v skladu s 5. členom, garanti sorazmerno s svojimi deleži v zneskih z jamstvom in do zgornje meje 2 % zapadlega neplačanega zneska, določene v členu 1.01 garancije, banki povrnejo vse njene upravičene zunanje stroške. Ta zgornja meja pa ne velja, kadar banka vnaprej pisno obvesti garante, da utegnejo njeni stroški preseči zgornjo mejo, vendar pa se bo po njenem mnenju zvišal tudi izterjani neto znesek. Povračilo stroškov je omejeno na stroške svetovanja in storitev tretjih oseb, ki jih osebje banke ne more ustrezno zagotoviti. Banka lahko takšne stroške odšteje od katerega koli izterjanega zneska prenesene terjatve. Banka garantom predloži izkaze. Obveznost garantov nastane šele potem, ko si je banka neuspešno 90 dni prizadevala izterjati povračilo stroškov od dolžnika z jamstvom. Ne glede na plačilo garantov si banka še naprej prizadeva za vračilo stroškov od dolžnika z jamstvom.
7.02 In addition to any fee which may be payable under Article 5, the Guarantors shall, in proportion to their respective shares in Guaranteed Sums, and up to the aggregate limit of 2% of the Default Sum laid down by article 1.01 of the Guarantee, indemnify the Bank for all external expenses reasonably incurred by the Bank. The said limit shall not apply where the Bank gives to the Guarantors prior written notice that it will incur expenses which may exceed the limit but which it believes will increase the net sum recovered. This indemnity shall be limited to expenses for obtaining from third parties advice and services that the staff of the Bank could not reasonably provide. The Bank may deduct such expenses from any amount recovered against any Subrogated Sum. It shall render accounts to the Guarantors. The Guarantors' obligations are conditional upon the Bank having first endeavoured and failed during a period of 90 days to obtain reimbursement of the expenses from the Guaranteed Debtor. The Bank shall continue to seek reimbursement from the Guaranteed Debtor, notwithstanding payment by the Guarantors.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zajeti so med spremembami obveznosti in neto vrednosti v računu kapitala sektorja/dejavnosti.
They are recorded in the capital account of the sector/industry as changes in liabilities and net value.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
9 Končna redakcija
Zakonodaja podrobno navaja, katere storitve so zajete, postopek za določitev izvajalcev s posebnimi obveznostmi, kadar je to potrebno, in okvir za financiranje vseh neto stroškov, povezanih s temi obveznostmi, s strani tržnih udeležencev.
The legislation goes into detail on the services covered, the process for designating operators with specific obligations where this is necessary and the framework for the financing of any net costs relating to these service obligations by market actors.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Računi akumulacije analizirajo različne elemente sprememb sredstev in obveznosti enot ter omogočajo prikazovanje sprememb neto vrednosti (razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi).
Accumulation accounts analyse the various components of changes in the assets and liabilities of units and make it possible to record changes in net worth (the difference between assets and liabilities).
11 Končna redakcija
Ta izraz zajema tržne in netržne storitve, ki jih javne oblasti klasificirajo kot tiste, ki so splošnega interesa, in za katere veljajo posebne obveznosti zagotavljanja storitev.
This term covers market and non-market services which the public authorities class as being of general interest and subject to specific public service obligations.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0022
izračunajo neto stroške obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve v skladu z Delom A Priloge IV, pri čemer upoštevajo vsako tržno korist, ki jo pridobi podjetje, določeno za zagotavljanje univerzalne storitve; ali
calculate the net cost of the universal service obligation, taking into account any market benefit which accrues to an undertaking designated to provide universal service, in accordance with Annex IV, Part A; or
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0824
Družba se tudi obvezuje, da se ne bo izognila obveznosti s sklepanjem kompenzacijskih dogovorov s katerokoli drugo stranko, kar povzroči, da je neto cena, ki jo plača prva samostojna stranka v Skupnosti, pod minimalnimi uvoznimi cenami.
The company also undertakes not to circumvent the undertaking by making compensatory arrangements with any other party which causes the net price paid by the first independent customer in the Community to be below the MIPs.
14 Končna redakcija
Neto vrednost teh sredstev in obveznosti, prikazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti, izkazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Neto prihodek se nameni splošnemu proračunu Evropske unije kot namenski prihodek in se po potrebi prenese z ESPJ v likvidaciji in po zaključeni likvidaciji s sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo za poravnavo obveznosti iz proračunske postavke za raziskovalne programe v korist sektorjev, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarstvom.
The net revenue will be committed to the general budget of the European Union as dedicated revenue and will be transferred from the ECSC in liquidation and, on completion of the liquidation, the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel when necessary to meet the obligations from the budget line directed to research programmes for sectors related to the coal and steel industry.
17 Končna redakcija
Če so samo enemu izvajalcu ali omejenemu številu izvajalcev, ki tekmujejo na trgu, naložene obveznosti opravljanja javnih storitev, drugim pa ne, je primerno vključiti vse izvajalce, ki delujejo na tem trgu, v financiranje neto dodatnih stroškov, nastalih pri opravljanju storitev splošnega interesa, iz sistema dodatnih dajatev ali iz sklada za javne storitve.
Where only one or a limited number of all operators competing in a certain market are charged with public service obligations while the others are not, it may be appropriate to involve all operators active in that market in the financing of the net extra costs of the service of general interest by a system of additional charges or a public service fund.
18 Pravna redakcija
(a) Neto obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računihov TARGET in ustreznihkorespondečnih računihov NCB, t.j. neto zneseki terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko sredstev 'Druge terjatve znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
(a) Net liabilities arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also asset item 'Other claims within the Eurosystem (net)')
19 Pravna redakcija
Neto nastanek obveznosti
Net incurrence of liabilities
20 Pravna redakcija
Obveznosti in neto vrednost
Liabilities and net worth
21 Pravna redakcija
neto izračun izvoznih obveznosti,
netting out of export commitments,
22 Pravna redakcija
Spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti
Changes in liabilities and net worth
23 Pravna redakcija
Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto)
Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net)
24 Pravna redakcija
Spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti skupaj
Total change in liabilities and net worth
25 Pravna redakcija
Prikazana je na strani sprememb obveznosti in neto vrednosti.
It is recorded on the changes in liabilities and net worth side.
26 Pravna redakcija
Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto) Neporavnane postavke
Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net) Items in course of settlement
27 Pravna redakcija
Kadar ima zamenjava neto vrednost obveznosti, se prikazuje na strani obveznosti, pri čemer negativna neto plačila povečujejo neto vrednost (in obratno)«.
Where the swap has a net liability value, it is recorded on the liabilities side, negative net payments increasing the net value (and conversely).
28 Pravna redakcija
Bilance stanja izkazujejo stanja sredstev in obveznosti ter neto vrednost.
Balance sheets present stocks of assets and liabilities and net worth.
29 Pravna redakcija
opisujejo neto pridobitve finančnih sredstev in neto prevzeme obveznosti za vsako obliko finančnega instrumenta.
which describe the net acquisition of financial assets or the net incurrence of liabilities for each type of financial instrument.
30 Pravna redakcija
a) Neto terjatve, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računih TARGET in ustreznih računih NCB, t.j. neto znesek terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko 'Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
(a) Net claims arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also liability item 'Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net)')
31 Pravna redakcija
Transakcije s finančnimi instrumenti (F) (Neto pridobitev finančnih sredstev/neto nastanek finančnih obveznosti)
Transactions in financial instruments (F) (Net acquisition of financial assets/net incurrence of liabilities)
32 Pravna redakcija
Povračilo vseh neto stroškov iz obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve
Recovery of any net costs of universal service obligations
33 Pravna redakcija
Razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi je neto vrednost na koncu obračunskega obdobja.
The difference between assets and liabilities is the net worth at the end of the accounting period.
34 Pravna redakcija
kadar neto izravnave povzročijo neto obveznost kreditne institucije, ki zračunava neto nadomestitvene stroške, se tekoči nadomestitveni stroški zračunajo kot "0",
in the case where netting leads to a net obligation for the credit institution calculating the net replacement cost, the current replacement cost is calculated as '0',
35 Pravna redakcija
Bilance stanja so prikazane z "obveznostmi in neto vrednostjo" (razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi) na desni strani ter s "sredstvi" na levi.
Balance sheets are presented with 'liabilities and net worth' (the difference between assets and liabilities) on the right side and 'assets' on the left.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zajeti so med spremembami obveznosti in neto vrednosti v računu kapitala sektorja/dejavnosti.
They are recorded in the capital account of the sector/industry as changes in liabilities and net value.
37 Pravna redakcija
Če taki posebni ukrepi zadevnim potrošnikom povzročijo breme neto stroškov, se lahko neto učinek vključi v vsak izračun neto stroškov za obveznost zagotavljanja univerzalnih storitev.
Where such specific measures produce a net cost burden for those consumers concerned, the net effect may be included in any net cost calculation of universal service obligations.
38 Pravna redakcija
Prikazujejo različne vzroke sprememb sredstev in obveznosti enot ter spremembe njihovih neto vrednosti.
They record the various causes of changes in the assets and liabilities of units and the change in their net worth.
39 Pravna redakcija
Četrtič, finančni račun prikazuje neto pridobitve zunanjih finančnih sredstev (celica 18,8) in neto posojanje tujine (celica 18,17) v vrstici ter neto prevzem zunanjih obveznosti (celica 8,18) v stolpcu.
Fourthly, the financial account gives the net acquisition of external financial assets (cell 18, 8) and net lending of the rest of the world (cell 18, 17) in the row, and the net incurrence of external liabilities (cell 8, 18) in the column.
40 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju svojih obveznosti pri WTO (pravic in obveznosti) pogodbenici soglašata, da te netarifne ovire vključujejo, niso pa omejene na, zadeve, kakor so:
Bearing in mind their WTO commitments (rights and obligations), the Parties agree these non-tariff barriers include but are not limited to matters such as:
41 Pravna redakcija
Vsota neto prevzemov zunanjih obveznosti in neto posojanja celotnega gospodarstva je enaka neto pridobitvam zunanjih finančnih sredstev. Tako je tudi v tem računu obdržana enakost med vsoto vrstice in stolpca.
Of course, the net incurrence of external liabilities plus net lending of the total economy equals the net acquisition of external financial assets, so that in this account too the balance between row and column totals is maintained.
42 Pravna redakcija
Primerjava dveh zaporednih bilanc stanja kaže spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti ter spremembe sredstev.
Comparison of two successive balance sheets shows changes in liabilities and net worth and changes in assets.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3769
(a) obstaja utemeljen sum, da so podatki, predloženi v skladu z obveznostmi po omenjenem odstavku 1, netočni;
(a) there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information supplied in compliance with the obligations under the said paragraph 1 is incorrect, (b) there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the precautions taken are not sufficient to prevent the diversion of scheduled substances to the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances or for believing that the operator or the person responsible in the case of a legal person, does not provide sufficient safeguard against the risk of diversion.
44 Pravna redakcija
Desna stran računov akumulacije se imenuje "spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti", leva pa "spremembe sredstev".
The right side of the accumulation accounts is called 'changes in liabilities and net worth' and their left side is called 'changes in assets'.
45 Pravna redakcija
Povračilo z javnimi sredstvi je ena od metod povračila neto stroškov obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve.
Recovery via public funds constitutes one method of recovering the net costs of universal service obligations.
46 Pravna redakcija
Lahko se financirajo le v skladu s členom 12 izračunani neto stroški obveznosti, ki so določene v členih 3 do 10.
Only the net cost, as determined in accordance with Article 12, of the obligations laid down in Articles 3 to 10 may be financed.
47 Pravna redakcija
Razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi - izravnalna postavka računa - je neto vrednost na začetku obračunskega obdobja.
The difference between assets and liabilities - the balancing item in the account - is the net worth at the start of the accounting period.
48 Pravna redakcija
Pri izračunavanju je treba neto stroške obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve izračunati kot razliko med neto stroški določenega podjetja za obratovanje z obveznostmi zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve in neto stroški za obratovanje brez obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve.
In undertaking a calculation exercise, the net cost of universal service obligations is to be calculated as the difference between the net cost for a designated undertaking of operating with the universal service obligations and operating without the universal service obligations.
49 Pravna redakcija
Vsi neto stroški obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve naj bodo izračunani na podlagi transparentnih postopkov.
Any net costs of universal service obligations should be calculated on the basis of transparent procedures.
50 Pravna redakcija
V tabeli integriranih ekonomskih računov so porabe, sredstva in spremembe sredstev prikazani na levi strani, viri, obveznosti, spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednost pa na desni strani.
In the table of integrated economic accounts, uses, assets and changes in assets are recorded on the left-hand side, while resources, liabilities, changes in liabilities and net worth are recorded on the right-hand side.
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neto obveznosti