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neto stanje
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
Vsaka pogodbenica opredeli tiste dele na območju, na katerem izvaja jurisdikcijo, ki so pomembni za stanje ohranjenosti in tudi za zavetje in zaščito netopirjev.
Each Party shall identify those sites within its own area of jurisdiction which are important for the conservation status, including for the shelter and protection, of bats.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
ob priznavanju neugodnega stanja ohranjenosti netopirjev v Evropi in neevropskih državah na območju njihove razširjenosti in še posebej resne ogroženosti teh vrst zaradi poslabšanja habitata, motenja zatočišč in nekaterih pesticidov;
Recognising the unfavourable conservation status of bats in Europe and non-European Range States and in particular the serious threat to them from habitat degradation, disturbance of roosting sites and certain pesticides;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, prikazanih v bilanci stanja Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva Unije, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana »Evropska skupnost za premog in jeklo v likvidaciji«.
The net worth of the assets and liabilities of the European Coal and Steel Community, as they appear in the balance sheet of the European Coal and Steel Community of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as Union assets intended for research in sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "European Coal and Steel Community in liquidation".
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
5 Končna redakcija
ker se v primeru pošiljk v razsutem stanju ali v nestandardnih enotah dopušča, da se točno neto maso proizvodov ugotovi šele po nakladanju na prevozno sredstvo;
Whereas, in the case of consignments in bulk or in non-standard units, it is recognised that the exact net mass of the products can be known only after loading onto the means of transport;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Uporabljena metoda se sestoji iz določanja financiranja raziskav na področju premogovništva in jeklarstva za leto n + 2 ob predložitvi bilance stanja za leto n, pri čemer se upošteva polovica povečanja ali zmanjšanja neto rezultata glede na zadnjo raven financiranja, sprejetega za raziskave na tem področju.
The method employed consists of establishing the funding for coal and steel research for year n+2 when producing the balance sheet for year n, taking into account half of the increase or decrease in the net result in relation to the last level of funding adopted for coal and steel research.
7 Končna redakcija
Neto vrednost teh sredstev in obveznosti, prikazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti, izkazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Z odstopanjem od člena 282(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93 lahko dovoljenje za izpolnitev izvozne deklaracije v poenostavljeni obliki določa, da poenostavljena deklaracija vsebuje oceno neto mase proizvodov, ki se izvažajo v razsutem stanju ali v nestandardnih enotah, če se točno količino lahko določi šele po nakladanju na prevozno sredstvo.
By way of derogation from Article 282(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, the authorisation to make the export declaration in a simplified form may stipulate that the simplified declaration shall contain an estimate of the net mass of products exported in bulk or in non-standard units, where the exact quantity can only be established once loading onto the means of transport is completed.
10 Pravna redakcija
neto masa in, pri dodatkih v tekočem stanju, bodisi neto volumen bodisi neto masa;
the net weight and for liquid additives either the net volume or the net weight;
11 Pravna redakcija
Bilance stanja izkazujejo stanja sredstev in obveznosti ter neto vrednost.
Balance sheets present stocks of assets and liabilities and net worth.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1747
Neto spremembe morajo biti prikazane v primerjavi s stanjem pred spremembo.
The net changes must be shown as compared with the situation before the correction.
13 Pravna redakcija
Sektorski računi zajemajo tudi bilance stanja za prikaz stanja sredstev, obveznosti in neto vrednosti ob začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja.
The sector accounts also include balance sheets to describe the stocks of assets, liabilities and net worth at the beginning and the end of the accounting period.
14 Pravna redakcija
Tokovi, ki so prikazani v računu revalorizacije, spreminjajo neto vrednost bilanc stanja enot.
The flows recorded in the revaluation account change the net worth of the balance sheets of the units concerned.
15 Pravna redakcija
a) Neto terjatve, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računih TARGET in ustreznih računih NCB, t.j. neto znesek terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko 'Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
(a) Net claims arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also liability item 'Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net)')
16 Pravna redakcija
Namen bilanc stanja je dati sliko sredstev, obveznosti in neto vrednosti enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja ter sprememb med bilancami stanja.
The aim of the balance sheets is to give a picture of the assets, liabilities and net worth of units at the start and end of the accounting period and of changes between balance sheets.
17 Pravna redakcija
Neto dobavljene količine je treba vpisatii ob upoštevanju proizvodov v stanju, v katerem zapustijo obrat.
The net delivered tonnages should be entered taking the products in the state in which they leave the works.
18 Pravna redakcija
Primerjava dveh zaporednih bilanc stanja kaže spremembe obveznosti in neto vrednosti ter spremembe sredstev.
Comparison of two successive balance sheets shows changes in liabilities and net worth and changes in assets.
19 Pravna redakcija
izbris računa drugih sprememb sredstev, začetne bilance stanja, računa sprememb bilance stanja, končne bilance stanja in računa neto vrednosti, in sicer za celotno gospodarstvo in tujino, ter izbris zunanjega finančnega računa;
deleting the other changes in assets account, the opening balance sheet, the changes in balance sheets account, the closing balance sheet and the net worth account, both for the total economy and for the rest of the world, and deleting the external financial account;
20 Pravna redakcija
Ta neto koncept vrednotenja stanja osnovnih sredstev se lahko uporabi pri izračunavanju kapitalske intenzivnosti.
This net concept of fixed capital stock could be used in calculating capital intensity.
21 Pravna redakcija
(a) Neto obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računihov TARGET in ustreznihkorespondečnih računihov NCB, t.j. neto zneseki terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko sredstev 'Druge terjatve znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
(a) Net liabilities arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also asset item 'Other claims within the Eurosystem (net)')
22 Pravna redakcija
(a) Pravice črpanja v okviru rezervne tranše (neto) Nacionalna kvota, zmanjšana za stanje v evrih, ki je na razpolago IMF
(a) Drawing rights within the reserve tranche (net) National quota minus balances in euro at the disposal of the IMF.
23 Pravna redakcija
Neto dobavljene količine je treba vpisati ob upoštevanju proizvodov v stanju, v katerem zapustijo obrat ali skladišče zalog obrata.
The net delivered tonnages must be recorded taking the products in the state in which they leave the works or the works' stockyard.
24 Pravna redakcija
Gibanja, ki so prikazana v računu drugih sprememb obsega sredstev, vplivajo na neto vrednost bilanc stanja enot, sektorjev in podsektorjev.
The movements recorded in the other changes in volume of assets account affect the net worth of the balance sheets of the units, sectors and subsectors concerned.
25 Pravna redakcija
Bilance stanja so prikazane z "obveznostmi in neto vrednostjo" (razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi) na desni strani ter s "sredstvi" na levi.
Balance sheets are presented with 'liabilities and net worth' (the difference between assets and liabilities) on the right side and 'assets' on the left.
26 Pravna redakcija
Po neto spremembi intervencijskih zalog za 100.000 ton od zadnje redne seje Sveta izvršni direktor skliče posebno sejo Sveta za oceno stanja.
Following a net change to the Buffer Stock of 100 000 tonnes since the last regular session of the Council, the Executive Director shall convene a special session of the Council to assess the situation.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
28 Pravna redakcija
Denimo, da se potrošnja kapitala, vredna 1.000, izračuna glede cest, mostov, jezov ipd, ki predstavljajo del stanja osnovnih sredstev netržnih panog države.
Suppose that capital consumption equal to 1 000 is calculated in respect of roads, bridges, dams, etc. forming part of the capital stock of the non-market branches of general government.
29 Pravna redakcija
Glede na to, da se bruto vrednosti veliko uporabljajo, je priporočljivo kot dodatne informacije vključiti tako bruto kot neto vrednost stanja osnovnih sredstev.
Considering the great use of such gross figures, it is recommended that both gross and net figures on fixed capital stock be included as supplementary information.
30 Pravna redakcija
začetno stanje zunanjih sredstev (573) v celici (20,22), začetno stanje zunanjih obveznosti (297) v celici (22,20), začetna neto zunanja finančna pozicija tujine nasproti celotnemu gospodarstvu (276) v celici (23,20), celotne spremembe neto zunanje finančne pozicije tujine ( 34) v celici (23,21) in končna neto finančna pozicija tujine nasproti celotnemu gospodarstvu (242) v celici (22,23).
the opening stock of external assets (573), see cell (20, 22), the opening stock of external liabilities (297), see cell (22, 20), the opening net external financial position of the rest of the world vis-a-vis the total economy (276), see cell (23, 20), total changes in the net external financial position of the rest of the world (-34), see cell (23, 21), and the closing financial position of the rest of the world vis-a-vis the total economy (242), see cell (22, 23).
31 Pravna redakcija
To daje izravnalno postavko, spremembo neto vrednosti zaradi varčevanja in kapitalskih transferjev (230), ki je prenesena na račun sprememb bilance stanja (račun 11).
This yields a balancing item, change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (230), that is transferred to the changes in balance sheet account (account 11).
32 Pravna redakcija
Nato račun sprememb bilance stanja prikazuje oba elementa teh sprememb v vrstici (glej celici (11,6) in (11,9)) in celotno spremembo neto vrednosti (535) v stolpcu (glej celico (13,11)).
Next, the account for changes in balance sheet records both components of these changes in the row, see cells (11, 6) and (11, 9), and the total changes in net worth (535) in the column, see cell (13, 11).
33 Pravna redakcija
(b) na koncu četrtletja se izvede prevrednotenje vrednostnega papirja na podlagi neto pozicije, ki izhaja iz bilance stanja, in prodaj tega vrednostnega papirja, evidentiranih na zabilančnih računih.
(b) at the quarter-end the revaluation of a security shall be made on the basis of the net position resulting from the balance sheet and from the sales of the same security recorded in the off-balance-sheet accounts.
34 Pravna redakcija
Račun sprememb bilance stanja prikazuje spremembe vrednosti sredstev in obveznosti v obračunskem obdobju ter agregira zneske, prikazane v posameznih računih akumulacije, tj. spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi varčevanja in kapitalskih transferjev, spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi drugih sprememb obsega sredstev in spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi nominalnih dobičkov in izgub iz lastnine.
The changes in balance sheet account records changes in the value of assets and liabilities in the course of the accounting period and aggregates the amounts recorded in the various accumulation accounts, i. e. change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers, change in net worth due to other volume changes in assets and change in net worth due to nominal holding gains and losses.
35 Pravna redakcija
Nato končna bilanca stanja v vrstici prikazuje začetno stanje obveznosti v celici (12,10), oba elementa sprememb obveznosti v celicah (12,7) in (12,9) ter končno neto vrednost (10951) v celici (12,13).
Then, the closing balance sheet presents in the row the opening stock of liabilities (cell 12, 10), both components of changes in liabilities (cells 12, 7 and 12, 9), and the closing net worth (10951), see cell (12, 13).
36 Pravna redakcija
V primeru neto prodaj izračun realiziranega prihodka ali odhodka temelji na povprečni nabavni vrednosti stanja posamezne valute ali zlata v predhodnem dnevu, tako da ostane povprečna nabavna vrednost nespremenjena.
In the case of net sales, the calculation of the realised gain or loss shall be based on the average cost of the respective currency or gold holding for the preceding day so that the average cost remains unchanged.
37 Pravna redakcija
Najprej začetna bilanca stanja prikazuje v vrstici začetno stanje sredstev (16714) v celici (10,12), v stolpcu pa začetno stanje obveznosti (6298) v celici (12,10) in začetno neto vrednost (10416) v celici (13,10).
First, the opening balance sheet gives in the row the opening stock of assets (16714), see cell (10, 12), and in the column the opening stock of liabilities (6298), see cell (12, 10), and the opening net worth (10416), see cell (13, 10).
38 Pravna redakcija
(d) neto nakupi valut in zlata, izvršeni tekom dneva, se dodajo stanju predhodnega dne po povprečni nabavni vrednosti dnevnih nakupov za vsako posamezno valuto in zlato z namenom izračuna novega tehtanega povprečnega tečaja/cene zlata.
(d) net acquisitions of currencies and gold made during the day shall be added, at the average cost of the purchases of the day for each respective currency and gold, to the previous day's holding, to produce a new weighted average rate/gold price.
39 Pravna redakcija
Dobave vključujejo vse proizvode, vključno z drugorazrednimi izdelki, odrezke pločevine in igle/odrezane robove, ki niso namenjeni pretalitvi. Neto dobavljene količine je treba vpisati ob upoštevanju, da so proizvodi v stanju, v katerem so zapustili obrat.
Deliveries include all products including second grades, plate and sheet cuttings and cropped ends not intended for remelting. The net delivered tonnages should be entered taking the products in the state in which they leave the works.
40 Pravna redakcija
Pri večnamenskih napravah, pri katerih bi zgornja metoda dala netočen rezultat (ker naprava še ni popolnoma ogreta po prvem ciklu ogrevanja in za tem 15 minutah stanja pripravljenosti), se lahko uporabi naslednji postopek (v skladu s standardom ASTM F757-94):
For a multifunction device where the above method would give an inaccurate result (because the device is not completely warmed up after the first warm-up cycle plus 15 minutes standby time), the following procedure (in line with ASTM Standard F757-94) may be used:
41 Pravna redakcija
Za proizvode, ki se izvažajo v razsutem stanju ali v nestandardnih enotah, pri katerih velja, da njihova točna neto masa ni znana preden se prevozno sredstvo ne naloži, člen 5(6) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 800/1999 fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1557/2000 fn, predvideva znižanje nadomestila, če se ugotovi, da je dejansko naložena neto masa manjša od nekega odstotka ocenjene neto mase.Pri uporabi te določbe pa je treba upoštevati omejitve pri prevozu po morju ali celinskih vodah.
In the case of products exported in bulk or in non-standard units for which it is accepted that their exact net mass cannot be known until after the means of transport has been loaded, Article 5(6) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 (3), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1557/2000 (4), provides for a reduction in the refund if it is found that the net mass actually loaded is less than a certain percentage of the estimated net mass. To apply this provision, however, account needs to be taken of the constraints inherent in transport by sea or inland waterway.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0762
Na vseh pošiljkah mora biti naveden izraz "NETHERLANDS ANTILLES" in številka odobritve/registracije plovila za predelavo ali zamrzovalnega plovila s črkami, ki jih ni mogoče izbrisati, razen če gre za zamrznjene ribiške proizvode v razsutem stanju in namenjene za proizvodnjo konzervirane hrane.
All packages shall bear the words "NETHERLANDS ANTILLES" and the approval/registration number of the factory or freezer vessel of origin in indelible letters, except in the case of frozen fishery products in bulk and intended for the manufacture of preserved foods.
43 Pravna redakcija
Karbon papir, samokopirni papir in drug papir za kopiranje ali prenašanje (vključno premazan ali impregniran papir za matrice za razmnoževanje ali ofsetne plošče), tiskan ali netiskan, v zvitkih, širokih nad 36 cm, ali v pravokotnih (vključno kvadratnih) listih z najmanj eno stranico, daljšo od 36 cm, v neprepognjenem stanju
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed, in rolls of a width exceeding 36 cm or in rectangular (including square) sheets with a least one side exceeding 36 cm in unfolded state
44 Pravna redakcija
Karbon papir, samokopirni papir in drug papir za kopiranje ali prenašanje (vključno premazan ali impregniran papir za matrice za razmnoževanje ali ofsetne plošče), tiskan ali netiskan, v zvitkih, širokih nad 36 cm, ali v pravokotnih (vključno kvadratnih) listih z najmanj eno stranico, daljšo od 36 cm, v neprepognjenem stanju:
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed, in rolls of a width exceeding 36 cm or in rectangular (including square) sheets with at least one side exceeding 36 cm in unfolded state:
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Zato bi se morali proizvodni stroški, uporabljeni za izračun normalne vrednosti, nespremenjeno ugotavljati na podlagi končnega stanja zalog ob koncu obdobja preiskave, ki se je po informacijah, predloženih Komisiji do konca preveritvenega obiska, določilo na podlagi stroškov ali neto realizirane vrednosti, če je bila slednja nižja.
Therefore, the investigation period-end closing stock value, which according to all information received by the Commission up to the end of the verification visit, was based on the lower of cost or net realisable value, should be maintained as the cost of production for the determination of normal value.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Vendar pa je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili posebej izračunani proizvodni stroški zaradi metode vrednotenja zalog (to je vrednotenje na podlagi povprečnih stroškov ali neto realizirane vrednosti, če je slednja nižja), navedene v odgovoru na vprašalnik, v neskladju z določenimi vrednostmi, ki jih je o končnem stanju zalog ta proizvajalec - izvoznik navedel v svojem odgovoru na vprašalnik.
However, it was found that the specifically calculated costs were inconsistent with certain closing stock values reported by this exporting producer in its questionnaire response, given the stock valuation method reported therein, i. e. the lower of average cost or net realisable value.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2369
"5. Prosilci predložijo vsako leto za pet zaporednih let od dneva ustanovitve skupnega podjetja ali od dneva, ko je partner Skupnosti pridobil delež v podjetju, upravljalnemu organu poročilo o izvajanju načrta aktivnosti, vključno s podatki o ulovih in trgih ribiških proizvodov, predvsem pa proizvodov, iztovorjenih v Skupnosti ali izvoženih vanjo, s spremnimi dokumenti skupaj z bilanco stanja podjetja in izjavo o njegovi neto vrednosti.
"5. Each year for five consecutive years from the date of constitution of the joint enterprise or the date on which the Community partner acquired holdings in the enterprise, applicants shall submit to the management authority a report on the implementation of the activity plan, including data on catches and markets of fisheries products, in particular products landed in or exported to the Community, with supporting documents, together with the enterprise's balance sheet and a statement of its net worth.
48 Strokovna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004R0707
Podjetje v svoji začetni bilanci stanja v skladu z MSRP-ji ne odraža razmerja varovanja pred tveganjem take vrste, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev za obračunavanje varovanja pred tveganjem v skladu z MRS 39 (na primer številna razmerja varovanja pred tveganjem kjer je inštrument za varovanje pred tveganjem gotovinski inštrument ali pisna opcija; kadar je pred tveganjem varovana postavka neto pozicija; ali kadar varovanje pred tveganjem krije obrestna tveganja v naložbah, ki se obdržijo do zapadlosti).
An entity shall not reflect in its opening IFRS balance sheet a hedging relationship of a type that does not qualify for hedge accounting under IAS 39 (for example, many hedging relationships where the hedging instrument is a cash instrument or written option; where the hedged item is a net position; or where the hedge covers interest risk in a held-to-maturity investment).
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0349
V tem primeru se meje za celotno bilanco stanja in merila za neto promet povečajo za 20 %.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2423
Odraziti bi morala tudi spremembe rezervacij za posojila, če NCB določi, da je treba neporavnana stanja evidentirati neto brez rezervacij.
It should also reflect the changes in provisions on loans if an NCB decides that outstanding stocks should be recorded net of provisions.
Prevodi: sl > en
neto stanje