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neupravičena odsotnost
1 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Če se na pregledu ugotovi, da začasni uslužbenec lahko opravlja delo, se ob upoštevanju spodnjega pododstavka njegova odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda šteje kot neupravičena.
If the finding made in the examination is that the member of temporary staff is able to carry out his duties, his absence shall, subject to the following subparagraph, be regarded as unjustified from the date of the examination.
2 Pravna redakcija
Ugovor vesti vojaške dolžnosti, neupravičena odsotnost in pobeg iz vojske ali boja
Conscientious objection, absence without leave and desertion
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Če se na pregledu ugotovi, da uradnik lahko opravlja delo, se ob upoštevanju spodnjega pododstavka njegova odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda šteje kot neupravičena.
If the finding made in the examination is that the official is able to carry out his duties, his absence shall, subject to the following subparagraph, be regarded as unjustified from the date of the examination.
4 Pravna redakcija
Strah pred kaznijo za ugovor vesti vojaške dolžnosti, neupravičene odsotnosti ali pobega iz vojske ali boja se preuči individualno.
The fear of punishment for conscientious objection, absence without leave or desertion is investigated on an individual basis.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Če se na pregledu ugotovi, da uradnik lahko opravlja delo, se ob upoštevanju spodnjega pododstavka njegova odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda šteje kot neupravičena.
If the finding made in the examination is that the official is able to carry out his duties, his absence shall, subject to the following subparagraph, be regarded as unjustified from the date of the examination.
6 Pravna redakcija
V primerih neupravičene odsotnosti ali pobega iz vojske ali boja je treba zadevni osebi dodeliti status begunca, če pogoji, pod katerimi opravlja vojaške dolžnosti, sami po sebi predstavljajo preganjanje.
In cases of absence without leave or desertion, the person concerned must be accorded refugee status if the conditions under which military duties are performed themselves constitute persecution.
7 Pravna redakcija
ker so ob odsotnosti usklajenega sistema zakonodaje ali sodne prakse v zvezi z nelojalno konkurenco dodatno potrebni drugi ukrepi za preprečitev neupravičenega jemanja izvlečkov in/ali ponovne uporabe vsebine baze podatkov;
Whereas, nevertheless, in the absence of a harmonized system of unfair-competition legislation or of case-law, other measures are required in addition to prevent the unauthorized extraction and/or re-utilization of the contents of a database;
8 Pravna redakcija
Podobno se lahko status begunca dodeli v zvezi z vsemi drugimi zahtevami opredelitve, v primerih kaznovanja ugovora vesti vojaške dolžnosti ali namerne neupravičene odsotnosti in pobega iz vojske ali boja zaradi ugovora vesti, če bi opravljanje vojaških dolžnosti vodilo zadevno osebo k dejanjem, ki sodijo med klavzule o izključevanju iz člena 1F Ženevske konvencije.
Similarly, refugee status may be granted, in the light of all the other requirements of the definition, in cases of punishment of conscientious objection or deliberate absence without leave and desertion on grounds of conscience if the performance of his military duties were to have the effect of leading the person concerned to participate in acts falling under the exclusion clauses in Article 1F of the Geneva Convention.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0296
Če se za odsotnost dogovora o zahtevi za tranzit zdijo neupravičeni ali nezadostni, Komisija na pritožbo vlagatelja zahteve ali na lastno pobudo sproži postopke, ki jih predvideva pravo Skupnosti.
If the reasons for the absence of agreement on a request for transit appear unjustified or insufficient, the Commission, acting on a complaint from the requesting body or on its own initiative, shall implement the procedures provided for by Community law.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0547
Če se razlogi za odsotnost dogovora o zahtevi za tranzit zdijo neupravičeni ali nezadostni, Komisija na pritožbo vlagatelja zahteve ali na lastno pobudo sproži postopke, ki jih predvideva pravo Skupnosti.
Each the entities concerned may request that the conditions of transit be subject to conciliation by a body set up and chaired by the Commission and on which the entities responsible for transmission grids in the Community are represented. Article 4 If the reasons for the absence of agreement on a request for transit appear unjustified or insufficient, the Commission, acting on a complaint from the requesting body or on its own initiative, shall implement the procedures provided for by Community law.
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neupravičena odsotnost