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neupravičene koristi
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Pogodbenica sprejme zakonske ali druge ukrepe, ki so potrebni, da v svojem notranjem pravu opredeli kot kaznivo dejanje, če razsodnik, ki opravlja svojo funkcijo v skladu z notranjim arbitražnim pravom pogodbenice, naklepno neposredno ali posredno zahteva in sprejema neupravičene koristi zase ali za druge osebe ali sprejema ponudbe ali obljube takšnih koristi, da opravi uradno dejanje ali ga ne opravi.
Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the request or receipt by an arbitrator exercising his/her functions under the national law on arbitration of the Party, directly or indirectly, of any undue advantage for himself or herself or for anyone else, or the acceptance of an offer or promise of such an advantage, to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of his or her functions.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Pogodbenica sprejme zakonske in druge ukrepe, ki so potrebni, da v svojem notranjem pravu opredeli kot kaznivo dejanje, če katera koli oseba naklepno neposredno ali posredno obljublja, ponuja ali daje neupravičene koristi razsodniku, ki opravlja svojo funkcijo v skladu z notranjim arbitražnim pravom pogodbenice, zanj ali za drugo osebo, da opravi uradno dejanje ali ga ne opravi.
Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the promising, offering or giving by any person, directly or indirectly, of any undue advantage to an arbitrator exercising his/her functions under the national law on arbitration of the Party, for himself or herself or for anyone else, for him or for her to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of his or her functions.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
z goljufivim ali nepoštenim namenom neupravičene pridobitve premoženjske koristi zase ali za drugo osebo.
with fraudulent or dishonest intent of procuring, without right, an economic benefit for oneself or for another person.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
ker je zato treba sprejeti ukrepe, da se prepreči takšne neupravičene koristi;
whereas measures should therefore be taken to preclude this unwarranted benefit;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
ker bi v primeru, ko se uporablja te objekte in se kasneje ugotovi, da nadomestilo ne bi smelo biti plačano, izvozniki dejansko imeli neupravičeno korist zaradi brezobrestnega posojila;
Whereas, if use is made of these facilities and it is later found that the refund should not have been paid, the exporters will in effect have had the unjustified benefit of an interest-free loan;
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Poleg tega ta nizek obseg ni bil tak, da bi ščitil proizvajalce Skupnosti pred škodljivimi učinki dampinga ali jim omogočal, da bi neupravičeno koristili ugodnosti zadevnega uvoza.
Furthermore, this low level was not such as to shield the Community producers from the injurious effects of the dumping, nor did it allow them to unduly benefit from the imports concerned.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0985
Kot trdijo, bi bila posledica tega, da bi se nepovezani uvozniki izdajali za povezane uvoznike in s tem bi neupravičeno imeli koristi od uporabe dajatve ad valorem namesto najnižje uvozne cene.
As a consequence, it is claimed that unrelated importers might hold themselves out to be related importers, thus benefiting from the ad valorem duty as opposed to the MIP in an unjustified manner.
8 Pravna redakcija
(a) pridobivanja neupravičenih komercialnih ali industrijskih koristi ali omejevanja trgovine na škodo oseb in podjetij katere koli pogodbenice ali motenja njihovih trgovinskih ali industrijskih interesov, bodisi mednarodnih bodisi notranjih;
(a) securing unfair commercial or industrial advantages, or of restricting trade to the disadvantage of persons and undertakings of either Party or hampering their commercial or industrial interests, whether international or domestic;
9 Pravna redakcija
so v skladu s končno odločitvijo upravnega ali sodnega organa namenoma ali s hudo malomarnostjo povzročili nepravilnost v zvezi z ustreznimi določbami Skupnosti in so bili neupravičeno deležni finančne koristi ali so se poskusili finančno okoristiti;
according to a final decision of an administrative or judicial authority, have deliberately or through serious negligence committed an irregularity in respect of relevant Community provisions and have unjustly benefited from a financial advantage or attempted to benefit therefrom;
10 Pravna redakcija
Izvajanje določb o interoperabilnosti vseevropskega železniškega sistema za konvencionalne hitrosti glede stroškov in koristi ne sme neupravičeno ovirati ohranitve obstoječega železniškega omrežja vsake države članice, ampak mora težiti k cilju interoperabilnosti.
Implementation of the provisions on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system should not create unjustified barriers in cost-benefit terms to the preservation of the existing rail network of each Member State, but must endeavour to retain the objective of interoperability.
11 Pravna redakcija
Pogoj za tako dovoljenje je pisna izjava, ki jo je pooblaščeni pošiljatelj predhodno dal tem organom, s katero je, brez poseganja v kazenske postopke, prevzel obveznost plačila neplačanih carin in drugih dajatev ter povračila finančnih koristi, ki jih je neupravičeno dobil, ker je uporabil obrazce kontrolnega izvoda T5, opremljene z odtisom posebnega žiga.
Such authorization shall be subject to the condition that the authorized consignor has previously given those authorities a written undertaking acknowledging that he is liable, without prejudice to any criminal proceedings, for the payment of any duties and other charges which have not been paid and for the repayment of any financial benefits which have been wrongly obtained following the use of control copy T5 forms bearing the imprint of the special stamp.
12 Pravna redakcija
V primeru, da nekdo zlorabi obrazce kontrolnega izvoda T5, ki so vnaprej opremljeni z žigom urada odhoda ali posebnim žigom, je pooblaščeni pošiljatelj, brez poseganja v kazenske postopke, odgovoren za plačilo neplačanih carin in drugih dajatev ter za povračilo finančnih koristi, ki jih je neupravičeno dobil zaradi take zlorabe, razen če dokaže pristojnim organom, ki so ga pooblastili, da je sprejel zahtevane ukrepe iz odstavka 1(b).
In the event of the misuse by any person of control copy T5 forms stamped in advance with the stamp of the office of departure or with the special stamp, the authorized consignor shall be liable, without prejudice to any criminal proceedings, for the payment of duties and other charges which have not been paid and for the repayment of any financial benefits which have been wrongly obtained following such misuse unless he can satisfy the competent authorities by whom he was authorized that he took the measures required of him under paragraph 1 (b).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2988
Praviloma se za vsako nepravilnost odredi odvzem neupravičeno pridobljene koristi:
As a general rule, any irregularity shall involve withdrawal of the wrongly obtained advantage:
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2988
odvzem celotne ali dela koristi, prejete po predpisih Skupnosti, tudi če se je subjekt neupravičeno okoristil samo iz dela te koristi;
total or partial removal of an advantage granted by Community rules, even if the operator wrongly benefited from only a part of that advantage;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0009
če je prosilec prikril finančna sredstva in je zato imel neupravičeno korist od materialnih pogojev za sprejem.
where an applicant has concealed financial resources and has therefore unduly benefited from material reception conditions.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
pridobivanja neupravičenih komercialnih ali industrijskih koristi ali omejevanja trgovine na škodo oseb in podjetij katere koli pogodbenice ali motenja njihovih trgovinskih ali industrijskih interesov, bodisi mednarodnih bodisi notranjih;
securing unfair commercial or industrial advantages, or of restricting trade to the disadvantage of persons and undertakings of either Party or hampering their commercial or industrial interests, whether international or domestic;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
Če davčni zavezanec preide s splošnega načina obdavčitve na posebno ureditev ali obratno, lahko države članice sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev, da davčni zavezanec zaradi tega nima neupravičenih koristi niti ni neupravičeno oškodovan.
Where the taxable person transfers from being taxed in the normal way to a special scheme or vice versa, Member States may take all necessary measures to ensure that the taxable person neither benefits nor is prejudiced unjustifiably.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
ker je za zaščito splošnih koristi mogoče sprejeti ali ohraniti take zakonske določbe, če ne gre za neupravičeno omejevanje pravice do ustanavljanja ali svobode opravljanja storitev in se pri tem razume, da je potrebno take določbe uporabljati na enak način, ne glede na matično državo članico;
whereas, to protect the general good, it is possible to adopt or maintain such legal provisions in so far as they do not unduly restrict the right of establishment or the freedom to provide services, it being understood that such provisions must apply in an identical manner whatever the home Member State of the undertaking may be;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri doseganju tega cilja z uporabo pravil o konkurenci v sektorju za vsak primer posebej Komisija zagotavlja, da se ne uporablja moč monopolov za širjenje zaščitenega prevladujočega položaja v liberalizirane dejavnosti ali za neupravičeno diskriminacijo v korist velikih računov v škodo malih uporabnikov.
In pursuing this objective by applying the competition rules to the sector on a case-by-case-basis, the Commission will ensure that monopoly power is not used for extending a protected dominant position into liberalised activities or for unjustified discrimination in favour of big accounts at the expense of small users.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0048
ker uvedba določb o interoperabilnosti vseevropskega železniškega sistema za visoke hitrosti ob upoštevanju analize stroškov glede na koristi ne sme ustvariti neupravičenih ovir za ohranjanje obstoječega železniškega omrežja vsake države članice, temveč si mora prizadevati za ohranjanje cilja kroženja vlakov za visoke hitrosti po vsej Skupnosti;
Whereas the introduction of provisions on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system must not create unjustified cost-benefit barriers to the preservation of the existing rail network of each Member State, but must endeavour to maintain the objective of the circulation of high-speed trains throughout the Community;
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neupravičene koristi