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neupravičeno zapostavljati zaposlene
1 Končna redakcija
Enajst visokih pogodbenic ugotavlja, da je bilo v razpravah o členu 2(2) Sporazuma dogovorjeno, da Skupnost pri določanju minimalnih zahtev za varovanje zdravja in varnosti zaposlenih ne namerava neupravičeno zapostavljati zaposlenih v malih in srednjih podjetjih.
The eleven High Contracting Parties note that in the discussions on Article 2(2) of the Agreement it was agreed that the Community does not intend, in laying down minimum requirements for the protection of the safety and health of employees, to discriminate in a manner unjustified by the circumstances against employees in small and medium-sized undertakings.
2 Končna redakcija
Konferenca ugotavlja, da je bilo v razpravah o členu 118a(2) Pogodbe EGS dogovorjeno, da Skupnost pri določanju minimalnih zahtev za zagotavljanje varnosti in zdravja zaposlenih ne namerava glede na okoliščine neupravičeno zapostavljati zaposlenih v malih in srednjih podjetjih.
The Conference notes that in the discussions on Article 118a (2) of the EEC Treaty it was agreed that the Community does not intend, in laying down minimum requirements for the protection of the safety and health of employees, to discriminate in a manner unjustified by the circumstances against employees in small and medium-sized undertakings.
3 Končna redakcija
Visoke pogodbenice ugotavljajo, da je bilo v razpravah o členu 118(2) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti dogovorjeno, da Skupnost pri določanju minimalnih zahtev za varovanje zdravja in varnosti zaposlenih ne namerava neupravičeno zapostavljati zaposlenih v malih in srednjih podjetjih.
The High Contracting Parties note that in the discussions on Article 118(2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community it was agreed that the Community does not intend, in laying down minimum requirements for the protection of the safety and health of employees, to discriminate in a manner unjustified by the circumstances against employees in small and medium-sized undertakings.
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neupravičeno zapostavljati zaposlene