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nosilec, ki preučuje zahteve
1 Končna redakcija
V primeru ponovnega izračuna, odvzema ali začasne ustavitve izplačila dajatve nosilec, ki sprejme takšno odločitev, o tem nemudoma obvesti zadevno osebo in vsakega nosilca, pri katerem ima zadevna oseba pravico do dajatve, če je to potrebno, s posredovanjem nosilca, ki preučuje zahtevek.
In the event of recalculation, withdrawal or suspension of benefit, the institution which has taken such a decision shall forthwith notify the fact to the person concerned and to each institution with which the said person has established entitlement to benefit, if necessary through the intermediary of the investigating institution.
2 Pravna redakcija
odzivni čas nosilca, ki preučuje zahtevek v državi članici stalnega prebivališča (to je čas, ki ga nosilec, ki preučuje zahtevek, porabi za obvestitev pristojnega nosilca, da je ta prejel zahtevek za pokojnino).
the reaction time of the investigating institution in the Member State of residence (that is the time taken by the investigating institution to inform the competent institution that a claim for a pension has been made to the latter institution).
3 Pravna redakcija
povprečni, najkrajši in najdaljši čas, ki ga je nosilec, ki preučuje zahtevek, v predhodnih šestih mesecih potreboval za odposlanje zahtevkov za starostne pokojnine pristojnemu nosilcu;
the average, shortest and longest time taken during the preceding six months for old age pension claims to sent by the investigating institution to the Competent Institution;
4 Pravna redakcija
Za namene tega sklepa pomeni izraz "nosilec, ki preučuje zahtevek" nosilca v državi članici, kjer ima prosilec stalno prebivališče, in sicer nosilca, ki izpolni obrazec E 202, izraz "pristojni nosilec" pa pomeni nosilca v državi članici, ki prejme izpolnjeni obrazec E 202 in je odgovoren za obdelavo zahtevka;
For the purposes of this Decision 'investigating institution' shall mean the organisation in the claimant's Member State of residence responsible for completing form E 202 whilst 'competent institution' means the organisation in the Member State which receives the completed E 202 and is responsible for processing the claim accordingly;
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nosilec, ki preučuje zahteve