Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Pravna redakcija
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča uradno obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsaki prijavi v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom.
The institution of the place of residence shall notify the competent institution of any registration made in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec lahko tako odobritev zavrne le, če je bilo ugotovljeno, da bi preselitev te osebe škodila njenemu zdravju ali zdravljenju.
Such authorization may be refused only if it is established that movement of the person concerned would be prejudicial to his state of health or the receipt of medical treatment.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča seznani pristojnega nosilca z vsako prijavo v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka tega člena.
The institution of the place of residence shall advise the competent institution of any registration made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča daje vso pomoč pristojnemu nosilcu, da ukrepa proti osebi, ki je prejela storitve, do katerih ni bila upravičena.
The institution of the place of residence shall lend its good offices to the competent institution in order to take action against a person who has received benefits which were not due to him.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča lahko kadar koli zahteva od pristojnega nosilca, da priskrbi podatke v zvezi z zavarovanjem ali upravičenostjo omenjene osebe do storitev.
The institution of the place of residence may at any time request the competent institution to supply any information relating to the said person's affiliation or entitlement to benefits.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča zahteva od pristojnega nosilca odobritev, ki je pogoj za zagotavljanje storitev iz četrtega odstavka 18. člena konvencije.
In order to receive the authorization to which the provision of benefits referred to in Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Convention, is subject, the institution of the place of residence or of temporary stay shall request the competent institution for it.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Nosilec živilske dejavnosti je pravna ali fizična oseba, odgovorna za zagotavljanje varnosti in zdravstvene ustreznosti živil v pridelavi, predelavi, pripravi in prometu živil/hrane.
Food business operator is a natural or legal person responsible for ensuring that the requirements regarding safety and wholesomeness of foods in the process of production, manufacturing, processing, preparation, treatment and marketing, are met.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča takoj, ko je seznanjen s spremembo, ki bi lahko razširila pravice upokojenca ali njegovih družinskih članov do storitev, o tem obvesti pristojnega nosilca.
The institution of the place of residence shall inform, as soon as it becomes aware of it, the competent institution of any alteration susceptible to extend the right to benefits in kind of the pensioner or the members of his family.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Nosilec v kraju začasnega prebivališča na zahtevo pristojnega nosilca, ali kadar je to primerno, na zahtevo nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča temu priskrbi potrebne podatke o višini povračil.
The institution of the place of temporary stay shall, at the request of the competent institution, or, where appropriate, at the request of the institution of the place of residence, supply it with the necessary information about such rates.
11 Končna redakcija
nosilec posnetka
recording medium
12 Končna redakcija
nosilec podatkov
information medium
13 Končna redakcija
Nosilec nemudoma zdravstveno potrdi nezmožnost za delo in pripravi spričevalo iz odstavka 1.
That institution shall immediately have the incapacity for work medically confirmed and the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 drawn up.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31972R0574
Nosilec ali nosilci, pristojni za izplačilo pokojnin, ki so zagotovljene s prispevki za socialno varnost
The institution or institutions responsible for the payment of contributory insurance pensions
15 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju začasnega prebivališča na zahtevo pristojnega nosilca predloži vse potrebne informacije o teh stopnjah.
The institution of the place of stay shall, at the request of the competent institution, supply it with the necessary information about such rates.
16 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsaki prijavi, izvedeni v skladu z določbami odstavka 1.
The institution of the place of residence shall inform the competent institution of every registration effected in accordance with paragraph 1.
17 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča obvesti nosilca, ki je izdal potrdilo, o vsaki prijavi, opravljeni v skladu z odstavkom 1.
The institution of the place of residence shall inform the institution which has issued the certified statement of every registration effected in accordance with paragraph 1.
18 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju začasnega prebivališča zagotavlja storitve, dokler ne prejme odgovora od pristojnega nosilca, vendar največ trideset dni.
That institution shall provide benefits in kind until it receives a reply from the competent institution, but for not more than thirty days.
19 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča nato opravi vsa potrebna administrativna preverjanja in zdravniške preglede delavca, kakor da bi bil ta zavarovan pri tem nosilcu.
The institution of the place of residence shall subsequently carry out any necessary administrative checks or medical examinations of the worker as if he were insured with that institution.
20 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča obvesti nosilca, ki je izdala potrdilo, predvideno v odstavku 1, o vsaki prijavi, izvedeni v skladu z določbami navedenega odstavka.
The institution of the place of residence shall inform the institution which has issued the certified statement provided for in paragraph 1 of every registration effected in accordance with the provisions of the said paragraph.
21 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti obrata, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora zagotoviti, da so prevozna sredstva in pogoji nakladanja takšni, da so izpolnjene higienske zahteve iz tega poglavja.
The operator of the plant, the owner or his representative must ensure that transport vehicles and loading conditions are such as to enable the hygiene requirements of this Chapter to be met.
22 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju začasnega ali stalnega prebivališča, ki mora po členu 87 uredbe opraviti zdravniški pregled, deluje v skladu s postopki, določenimi v zakonodaji, ki jo izvaja.
The institution of the place of stay or residence which is required under Article 87 of the Regulation to carry out a medical examination, shall act in accordance with the procedures laid down by the legislation which it administers.
23 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti v obratu, lastnik ali njegov mora izvajati redne preglede splošnih higienskih pogojev proizvodnje v svojem obratu, med drugim z mikrobiološkimi kontrolnimi pregledi.
The operator of the establishment, the owner or his agent must conduct regular checks on the general hygiene of conditions of production in his establishment, inter alia by means of microbiological controls.
24 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča lahko od pristojnega nosilca kadar koli zahteva, da mu priskrbi kakršne koli informacije v zvezi z zavarovanjem delavca ali z njegovo upravičenostjo do storitev.
The institution of the place of residence may, at any time, request the competent institution to supply it with any information relating to the worker's insurance or to his entitlement to benefits in kind.
25 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti v obratu, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora poskrbeti za program usposabljanja zaposlenih, ki delavcem omogoči skladnost s pogoji higienske proizvodnje, prilagojene proizvodni strukturi.
The operator of the establishment, the owner or his agent must establish a staff training programme enabling workers to comply with conditions of hygienic production adapted to the production structure.
26 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča vnaprej obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsaki odločitvi v zvezi z odobritvijo storitev, vključenih v seznam iz člena 24(2) uredbe, in priloži potrebno dokazno dokumentacijo.
The institution of the place of residence shall notify the competent institution in advance of any decision relating to the granting of the benefits in kind included in the list referred to in Article 24 (2) of the Regulation, enclosing the necessary supporting documents.
27 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti obrata, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora omogočiti dejavnosti nadzora nad obratom, zlasti vsa opravila, ki se štejejo za potrebna, in mora nadzorni službi dati na razpolago vse, kar je potrebno.
The operator of the plant, the owner or his representative must facilitate operations for supervising the plant, in particular any handling which is considered necessary, and must place the necessary facilities at the disposal of the supervisory service.
28 Končna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov lahko kadar koli od nosilca v upokojenčevem kraju stalnega prebivališča zahteva, da mu dostavi kakršne koli podatke v zvezi z upravičenostjo do storitev.
The institution of the place of residence of the members of the family may, at any time, request the institution of the pensioner's place of residence to furnish it with any information relating to entitlement to benefits in kind.
29 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti razsekovalnice ali obrata za preembaliranje, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora voditi evidenco o svežem perutninskem mesu, ki vstopa ali izstopa iz obrata, in pri tem navesti naravo prejetega perutninskega mesa.
The operator of a cutting plant or of a rewrapping centre, the owner or his agent must keep records of fresh poultrymeat entering and leaving the establishment, specifying the nature of the poultrymeat received.
30 Končna redakcija
nosilec izračuna teoretični znesek dajatve, ki bi jo oseba lahko zahtevala, kakor da bi bile vse zavarovalne dobe, dopolnjene po zakonodaji držav članic, ki so za osebo veljale, dopolnjene v tej državi in po zakonodaji, ki jo uporablja na dan dodelitve dajatve.
the institution shall calculate the theoretical amount of benefit that the person concerned could claim if all the insurance periods completed under the legislations of the Member States to which he has been subject had been completed in the State in question and under the legislation administered by it on the date the benefit is awarded.
31 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti v obratu, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora na zahtevo pristojnega organa uradnemu veterinarju ali veterinarskim izvedencem Komisije sporočiti naravo, pogostost in rezultate opravljenih pregledov ter ime preiskovalnega laboratorija, če je potrebno.
The operator of the establishment, the owner or his agent must be in a position, upon request from the competent authority, to inform the official veterinarian or the Commission's veterinary experts of the nature, frequency and results of the checks conducted, together with the name of the investigating laboratory if need be.
32 Končna redakcija
Nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja se je uporabljala v času, ko je nastopila nezmožnost za delo, ki ji je sledila invalidnost, v skladu s to zakonodajo ugotovi, ali oseba izpolnjuje pogoje za upravičenost do dajatev, če je potrebno tudi ob upoštevanju člena 38.
The institution of the Member State whose legislation was applicable at the time when incapacity for work followed by invalidity occurred, shall determine, in accordance with that legislation, whether the person concerned satisfies the conditions for entitlement to benefits, taking account where appropriate of the provisions of Article 38.
33 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnost obrata ali njegov namestnik poskrbi, da nadzor obrata poteka brez težav, zlasti kateri koli ukrepi, za katere se meni, da so potrebni, ter nadzorni službi da vse potrebno na razpolago; predvsem mora uradnemu veterinarju, odgovornemu za nadzor, na njegovo zahtevo predložiti dokumentacijo o poreklu pošiljk svežega mesa.
The owner of the plant or his agent shall facilitate operations for supervising the plant, in particular any handling which is considered necessary, and shall place the necessary facilities at the disposal of the supervisory service; in particular, he must be able on request to make known to the official veterinarian responsible for supervision the origin of fresh meat brought into his cutting plant.
34 Končna redakcija
Nosilec države članice, ki je odgovoren za izplačevanje pokojnine in ki uporablja zakonodajo, po kateri se prispevki za storitve plačujejo od pokojnin, je pooblaščen, da opravi te odvedbe, izračunane v skladu s to zakonodajo, od pokojnine, ki jo izplačuje, če stroški dajatev po členih 27, 28, 31 in 32 bremenijo nosilca te države članice.
The institution responsible for payment of a pension, and belonging to a Member State whose legislation provides for deductions from pensions in respect of contributions payable by a pensioner to cover benefits in kind, shall be authorised to make such deductions from the pension payable by such institution, calculated in accordance with the legislation concerned, to the extent that the cost of the benefits in kind under Articles 27, 28, 31 and 32 are to be borne by an institution of the said Member State.
35 Končna redakcija
nosilec nato določi dejanski znesek dajatve na podlagi teoretičnega zneska iz prejšnjega pododstavka v sorazmerju med trajanjem zavarovalnih dob, dopolnjenih pred nastopom zavarovalnega primera po zakonodaji, ki jo uporablja, in med skupnim trajanjem zavarovalnih dob, dopolnjenih po zakonodajah vseh držav članic pred nastopom zavarovalnega primera..
the institution shall then establish the actual amount of the benefit on the basis of the theoretical amount referred to in the preceding subparagraph and in the ratio which the length of the insurance periods completed before the materialisation of the risk under the legislation administered by that institution, bears to the total length of the insurance periods completed before materialisation of the risk under the legislations of all the Member States concerned;
36 Končna redakcija
Nosilec zavarovanja za primer brezposelnosti v kraju, kamor je prišla brezposelna oseba mora na izvodu potrdila iz člena 83 izvedbene uredbe, ki ga pošlje nosilcu zdravstvenega zavarovanja v istem kraju, navesti, da so pogoji, določeni v členu 69(1)(b) uredbe, izpolnjeni in navesti datum njihove izpolnitve in datum, od katerega dalje brezposlena oseba prejema dajatve za brezposelnost na stroške pristojnega nosilca.
The unemployment insurance institution of the place where the unemployed person has gone shall testify on a copy of the certified statement referred to in Article 83 of the Implementing Regulation, which shall be sent to the sickness insurance institution of that same place, that the conditions laid down in Article 69 (1) (b) of the Regulation have been fulfilled and shall specify the date from which they were fulfilled, and the date from which the unemployed person qualifies for unemployment insurance benefits at the expense of the competent institution.
37 Pravna redakcija
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0656
Nosilec ali tehnika:
Medium or technique:
39 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec rezervnega kolesa
Spare-wheel carrier
40 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec zdravstvenega zavarovanja, pri katerem je prosilec ali upokojenec zavarovan
The sickness insurance institution with which the claimant or pensioner is insured
41 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62004J0406
nosilec v kraju [dejanskega bivališča] ji zagotavlja dajatve na svoje lastne stroške.
the institution of the place of residence shall provide such benefits at its own expense.
42 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec je vsaka snov, ki se uporablja kot nosilec za mešanje, razprševanje ali raztapljanje preskušanca ali reference in tako omogoča lažje dajanje/aplikacijo v preskusnem sistemu.
Vehicle means any agent which serves as a carrier used to mix, disperse, or solubilise the test item or reference item to facilitate the administration/application to the test system.
43 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov lahko kadar koli zahteva, da mu pristojni nosilec priskrbi vse podatke v zvezi z delavčevo upravičenostjo do družinskih dodatkov.
The institution of the place of residence of the members of the family may, at any time, ask the competent institution to supply it with any information relating to the worker's entitlement to family allowances.
44 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec kmetijskega gospodarstva ali njegov zastopnik mora imeti možnost, da podpiše zapisnik.
The farmer or a representative should be given the opportunity to sign the report.
45 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec ali nosilci, pristojni za izplačilo pokojnin, ki so zagotovljene s prispevki za socialno varnost
The institution or institutions responsible for payment of contributory pensions
46 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec kolektivneNosilec kolektivne znamke Skupnosti mora Uradu predložiti vse spremembe pravilnika o uporabi.
The proprietor of a Community collective mark must submit to the Office any amended regulations governing use.
47 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča zagotavlja storitve, dokler ne prejme odgovora pristojnega nosilca, vendar ne dlje kakor trideset dni.
The institution of the place of stay shall provide the benefits in kind until it receives a reply from the competent institution, but for not more than thirty days.
48 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec zdravstvenega zavarovanja, pri katerem je bila brezposelna oseba zavarovana na dan, ko je zapustila ozemlje Zvezne republike Nemčije
The sickness insurance institution with which the unemployed person was insured on the date when he left the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany
49 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec države članice, na ozemlju katere se je pripetila nesreča pri delu ali v kateri je bila poklicna bolezen prvič ugotovljena, pošlje pristojnemu nosilcu v dveh izvodih zdravniško spričevalo, izdelano na tem ozemlju, in vse pomembne informacije, ki bi jih ta nosilec lahko zahteval.
The institution of the Member State in whose territory the accident at work was sustained or in which the occupational disease was first diagnosed, shall forward to the competent institution, in duplicate, the medical certificates drawn up in that territory and any relevant information which the latter institution may request.
50 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča v treh dneh pri pristojnem nosilcu poizve, ali zadevni delavec izpolnjuje pogoje za pridobitev pravice do storitev.
The institution of the place of stay shall, within three days, inquire of the competent institution whether the person concerned satisfies the conditions for acquisition of the right to benefits in kind.
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