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nova ureditev
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
Ta nova ureditev se priloži k temu sporazumu s sklepom Odbora SGP.
The new regime shall be part of this Agreement by decision of the EPA Committee.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
k) spreminja ureditev oddelkov iz 11. člena ali odpira nove oddelke;
i) alter the arrangement into departments provided for in Article 11 or create new departments;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Ob upoštevanju obvestila, ki ga je vlada Danske dala Svetu 3. novembra 1993, za Dansko velja posebna ureditev.
In view of the notice given to the Council by the Danish Government on 3 November 1993, Denmark shall have an exemption.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Visoki svet lahko po posvetovanju z akademskim svetom in glede na izkušnje soglasno spremeni to ureditev ali ustanovi nove oddelke. Akademski svet lahko daje priporočila v ta namen.
Acting unanimously, the High Council, after consulting the Academic Council and in the light of experience, may alter this arrangement or set up new departments. The Academic Council may make recommendations to this end.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Kraljevina Španija in nove države članice kapital in plačila iz 38., 39. in 40. člena tega protokola vplačajo v gotovini v eurih, razen če svet guvernerjev soglasno določi posebno ureditev.
The capital and payments provided for in Articles 38, 39 and 40 shall be paid in by the Kingdom of Spain and the new Member States in cash in euro, save by way of derogation decided unanimously by the Board of Governors.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Če so potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz obstoječe ureditve v novih državah članicah na ureditev, ki izhaja iz uporabe veterinarskih in fitosanitarnih pravil Unije, Komisija sprejme take ukrepe v skladu z ustreznim postopkom, kot je opredeljen v veljavni zakonodaji.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the transition from the existing regime in the new Member States to that resulting from the application of the Union veterinary and phytosanitary rules, such measures shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the relevant procedure as determined in the applicable legislation.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
Pogodbenici sodelujeta z namenom izboljšanja ravni varstva osebnih podatkov glede na najvišje možne mednarodne standarde, kot so med drugim Usmeritve za ureditev računalniških datotek o osebnih podatkih, ki jih je Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov spremenila 20. novembra 1990, in z namenom poenostavitve izmenjave podatkov v skladu z veljavno nacionalno zakonodajo ob upoštevanju najvišjih mednarodnih standardov, vključno z varstvom temeljnih pravic.";
The Parties shall cooperate to improve the level of protection of personal data to the highest international standards, such as, inter alia, the Guidelines for the regulation of computerised personal data files, modified by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1990 and to facilitate the exchange of data in accordance with applicable national legislation, respecting the highest international standards including the protection of fundamental rights.";
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Če so potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz obstoječe ureditve v novih državah članicah na ureditev, ki izhaja iz uporabe skupne kmetijske politike pod pogoji iz tega protokola, Komisija sprejme take ukrepe v skladu s postopkom iz člena 42(2) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/2001 z dne 19. junija 2001 o skupni ureditvi trgov za sladkor ali, če je to primerno, iz ustreznih členov drugih uredb o skupni organizaciji kmetijskih trgov ali evropskih zakonov, ki jih bodo nadomestili, ali v skladu z ustreznim postopkom, kot je opredeljen v veljavni zakonodaji.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the transition from the existing regime in the new Member States to that resulting from the application of the common agricultural policy under the conditions set out in this Protocol, such measures shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector, or as appropriate, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of agricultural markets or of the European laws replacing them or the relevant procedure as determined in the applicable legislation.
9 Končna redakcija
ker ta nova ureditev vpliva na izračun tistega dela nadomestila, ki se plača, ko izvoznik predloži dokazilo, da je proizvod zapustil carinsko območje Skupnosti;
whereas this new provision has consequences for the calculation of the part of the refund payable once the exporter furnishes proof that the product has left the customs territory of the Community;
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
Prehodna ureditev za nove države članice
Transitional arrangements for new Member States
11 Končna redakcija
Bistvena razlika je ta, da nova ureditev dovoljuje odgovor le na neresnične (ali zavajajoče nepopolne) trditve, zavrnitev objave odgovora pa dovoljuje, če so trditve v odgovoru neresnične.
The essential difference, however, lies in the fact that Austrian law allows for a reply to false (or misleading or incomplete) assertions only; moreover, it allows the media to refuse to publish a reply if it contains false assertions.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0594
Uredba (ES) št. 2799/98 je vzpostavila novo kmetijsko-monetarno ureditev od 1. januarja 1999.
Regulation (EC) No 2799/98 introduced new agrimonetary arrangements from 1 January 1999.
13 Končna redakcija
SO SKLENILI, da v medsebojnem soglasju določijo novo ureditev za Grenlandijo in so v ta namen imenovali svoje pooblaščence:
HAVE DECIDED TO determine by common agreement new arrangements applicable to Greenland and have, to this end, designated as their Plenipotentiaries:
14 Končna redakcija
Nove države članice uporabljajo nomenklaturo skupne carinske tarife najkasneje od 1. februarja 1973 za kmetijske proizvode, zajete v skupno ureditev trga.
The new Member States shall apply the Common Customs Tariff nomenclature by 1 February 1973 at the latest, in respect of agricultural products covered by a common organization of the market.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
Da bi bila ureditev prevzemov uspešna, mora biti prilagodljiva in sposobna soočenja, ob njihovem pojavljanju, z novimi okoliščinami ter skladno s tem predvideti možnost izjem in odstopanj.
In order to be effective, takeover regulation should be flexible and capable of dealing with new circumstances as they arise and should accordingly provide for the possibility of exceptions and derogations.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0771
Prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz obstoječe ureditve v novih državah članicah na ureditev, ki izhaja iz uporabe fitosanitarnih pravil, se omejijo na obdobje treh let po datumu pristopa.
Any transitional measure necessary to facilitate the transition from the existing regime in the new Member States to that resulting from the application of phytosanitary rules shall be limited to a period of three years following the date of accession.
17 Končna redakcija
Do 28. februarja 1986 je ureditev, ki se uporablja za trgovino med novo državo članico na eni strani in Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi, drugo novo državo članico ali tretjimi državami na drugi strani, takšna, kakršna se je uporabljala pred pristopom.
The arrangements applicable to trade between a new Member State on the one hand, and the Community as at present constituted, the other new Member State or third countries, on the other hand shall, until 28 February 1986, be those that applied before accession.
18 Končna redakcija
Namreč, tudi novinarje je prepričal argument zakonodajalca, da bi bilo treba za drugačno zakonsko ureditev spremeniti ustavo, kar pa utegne biti zelo dolgotrajno in zapleteno dejanje, ki bi 'zavleklo' sprejem zakona.
As a matter of fact journalists also became convinced by the argument put forward by the legislator that different statutory regulations would call for changes in the constitution itself, which could prove to be a long and complex process likely to delay the adoption of the law.
19 Končna redakcija
To dediščino najdemo tudi pri določbi, ki pravico do popravka in pravico do odgovora priznava tudi državnim organom. Zato avtorica med sprejemanjem novega zakona o medijih nasprotuje argumentu zakonodajalca, da je potrebno ohraniti ureditev obeh pravic, ker da bi bilo treba za drugačno ureditev spremeniti ustavo. Spreminjanje da utegne biti dolgotrajno in zapleteno in bi 'odložilo' sprejem zakona.
The author does not agree with the legislator that the right of reply in the public interest should be included in the new media law because a different solution would call for changes in the constitution itself, which could prove to be a long and complex process likely to delay the adoption of the law.
20 Končna redakcija
». sodelavci vas gledajo, uredite si nohte z novim Revlonom ... urejen videz je vaše ogledalo - priskrbite si Niveo ... seveda ne boste jadrali v istih oblačilih, kot se boste predajali raziskovanju puščave - Lisca pozna rešitev ...«
'your colleagues at work observe you, trim your nails with new Revlon... trim appearance is your mirror - use Nivea ... of course you are not going on a sailing tour in the same clothes in which you will indulge in the exploration of a desert - Lisca has a solution.'
21 Končna redakcija
Spremeni naj se skupna ureditev trga za vino, da bi se zagotovila potrebna fleksibilnost za nemoteno prilagajanje novim razvojnim dosežkom z naslednjimi obsežnimi cilji: ohraniti stabilnejše ravnovesje med ponudbo in povpraševanjem na trgu Skupnosti;
there should therefore be a reform of the common organisation of the market in wine to guarantee the necessary flexibility to adapt smoothly to new developments with the following broad aims: maintaining improved balance between supply and demand on the Community market;
22 Končna redakcija
Ker pa je takšna ureditev povzročala nemalo sporov, ki so pogosto dobili svoj epilog na sodišču, se sedaj med pripravo novega zakona o medijih postavlja vprašanje, ali ne bi bilo potrebno glede na ustavno besedilo obeh pravic zopet vsebinsko različno opredeliti.
However, since this caused a number of disputes, many of which ended up before the courts, the new media law is now faced with the question of whether it would not be necessary, given the wording of the Constitution, to re-introduce the distinction between these two rights.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Treba je predvideti prehodno ureditev, s katero se omogoči postopna uporaba novih pravil in ukrepov in pri tem spoštuje pravice, ki so jih zaposleni v okviru sistema Skupnosti pridobili pred začetkom veljavnosti Kadrovskih predpisov ter upošteva njihova legitimna pričakovanja.
Provision should be made for transitional arrangements to enable the new rules and measures to be applied gradually, whilst respecting the acquired rights of the staff in the framework of the Community system before the entering into force of these amendments to the Staff Regulations and taking account of their legitimate expectations.
24 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, zajete v skupno ureditev trga, lahko nove države članice v skladu s postopkom iz člena 26 Uredbe št. 120/67/EGS o skupni ureditvi trga za žita oziroma iz ustreznih členov v drugih uredbah o ustanovitvi skupnih ureditev trgov, odpravijo carine iz odstavka 1 ali uskladijo dajatve, kot je določeno v odstavku 2 ali oboje, hitreje kot je to določeno v prejšnjih odstavkih, ali v celoti ali deloma začasno opustijo carine za proizvode, uvožene iz drugih držav članic.
In respect of products covered by a common organization of the market, the new Member States may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 26 of Regulation No 120/67/EEC on the common organization of the market in cereals or, as the case may be, laid down in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the establishment of a common organization of agricultural markets, be authorized to abolish the customs duties referred to in paragraph 1, or to align duties as provided for in paragraph 2, or both, at a more rapid rate than that laid down in the preceding paragraphs or to suspend in whole or in part the customs duties on products imported from other Member States.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
Pri postopku pa se upoštevajo tudi prehodne težave na trgu, na primer tiste, ki so povezane z mednarodnim sledenjem, in možnost nastanka novih ozkih grl zaradi tehnološkega razvoja, ki lahko zahtevata ex ante zakonsko ureditev, na primer na področju širokopasovnih dostopovnih omrežij.
However the procedure also takes account of transitional problems in the market such as those related to international roaming and of the possibility of new bottlenecks arising as a result of technological development, which may require ex ante regulation, for example in the area of broadband access networks.
26 Končna redakcija
da bi zadevni proizvajalci lahko opravili setev in predložili svoje pogodbe in vloge za plačila na površino glede na omenjeno tržno leto s poznavanjem pravil o izvajanju novih ureditev in v skladu z njimi, naj bi ta uredba začela veljati takoj po objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti;
whereas, so that the producers concerned can carry out sowing and submit their contracts and applications for area payments in respect of that marketing year in full knowledge of, and in compliance with, the rules on the application of the new arrangements, this Regulation should enter into force immediately on publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities;
27 Končna redakcija
12.2. Status ogroženega okolja je podlaga za posebno ureditev, predpisano v skladu z določbami tega zakona za celovito sanacijo, vzpostavitev novega ali nadomestitev prejšnjega stanja posameznega območja, posamezne naravne združbe ali drugega dela naravne dobrine (režim celovite sanacije).
12.2. The status of endangered environment is the basis for a special regime, prescribed in accordance with this Law, for a rehabilitation program, the establishment of a new state, or the restoration of a previous state of an individual area, individual ecosystem, or another part of the natural goods (rehabilitation regime).
28 Končna redakcija
Naša ureditev, ki zgolj zahteva, da odgovor ne sme biti žaljiv, načelno sicer ni sporna, a vendar v sodni praksi de facto preveč favorizira žaljive novinarske napade, s tem ko z istim vatlom meri domnevno ali resnično žaljivost odgovorov - ne glede na to, na kako žaljive napade odgovarjajo.
Our laws, which simply demand that the reply not be insulting, is not theoretically disputable, yet in judicial practice it de facto sides with insulting attacks by journalists by applying the same yardstick to presumably or actually insulting replies - regardless of how insulting the attacks that caused the reply were.
29 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, ki so ob datumu pristopa zajeti v skupno ureditev trga, se sistem, ki se uporablja v Skupnosti v prvotni sestavi za carine in dajatve z enakim učinkom ter količinske omejitve in ukrepe z enakim učinkom, v skladu s členi 55 in 59, v novih državah članicah uporablja od 1. februarja 1973.
In respect of products covered, on the date of accession, by a common organization of the market, the system applicable in the Community as originally constituted in respect of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect shall, subject to Articles 55 and 59, apply in the new Member States from 1 February 1973.
30 Končna redakcija
Če so potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz obstoječe ureditve v novih državah članicah na ureditev, ki izhaja iz uporabe veterinarskih in fitosanitarnih pravil Skupnosti, Komisija sprejme take ukrepe v skladu z ustreznim postopkom v odboru, kot je opredeljen v zakonodaji, ki se uporablja.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the transition from the existing regime in the new Member States to that resulting from the application of the Community veterinary and phytosanitary rules, such measures shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the relevant committee procedure as determined in the applicable legislation.
31 Končna redakcija
Res je, da je bila večini držav skupna komunistična oz. socialistična družbena ureditev, a ta se je v praksi zelo razlikovala. Med državami so bile velike razlike v pravni ureditvi, imele so različne medijske sisteme in na koncu različno novo oblast, ta pa ni bila pripravljena enako hitro demokratizirati medije.
However, while it is true that the vast majority of these countries shared a communist or socialist past, their social systems were radically different in practice, as were their legal and media systems, and ultimately, their new governments and the pace of media democratisation.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0060
Prehodni ukrepi so zato potrebni zaradi prehoda z veljavne proizvodne in trgovinske ureditve v Češki publiki, Estoniji, na Cipru, v Latviji, Litvi, na Madžarskem, Malti, Poljskem, v Sloveniji in na Slovaškem (v nadaljnjem besedilu "nove države članice") na ureditev, predvideno v Uredbi (ES) št. 1260/2001.
Transitional measures are therefore required to change over from the production and trade arrangements in force in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia (hereinafter referred to as the new Member States) to those provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
"predkonkurenčni razvoj"; pomeni oblikovanje rezultatov industrijskih raziskav v načrt, ureditev ali zasnovo za nove, spremenjene ali izboljšane izdelke, procese ali storitve, če so ti namenjeni za prodajo ali uporabo, vključno z ustvarjanjem začetnega prototipa, ki ga ni mogoče uporabiti v komercialne namene.
'pre-competitive development' shall mean the shaping of the results of industrial research into a plan, arrangement or design for new, altered or improved products, processes or services, whether they are intended to be sold or used, including the creation of an initial prototype which could not be used commercially.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
Schengenska ureditev uvaja pomembno novost: pri potnikih na notranjih letih ni treba več opravljati osebne kontrole neodvisno od njihove nacionalne pripadnosti, pri potnikih na letih iz tretjih držav se kontrola opravlja ob vstopu in izstopu iz države; pri čemer je od državljanstva potnika odvisno, kako temeljita je kontrola.
The Schengen arrangements introduce an important new feature: irrespective of their nationality, domestic flight passengers will no longer be subject to any checks whereas international flight passengers will undergo checks on entry and departure, the thoroughness of which will vary depending on their nationality.
35 Končna redakcija
Povsem nasprotna razmišljanja od gornjih - sam jih dobro poznam tudi iz hudih besednih spopadov z našimi uredniki in novinarji pri pripravljanju novega medijskega zakona v letu 1999 - pa so očitno prevladala, najbrž tudi tam pod pritiskom in lobiranjem medijev, v avstrijskem zakonu, ki je (točno sto let po skrajno liberalnem francoskem zakonu) leta 1981 avstrijsko ureditev postavil še precej bolj skrajno od nemške, s katero je bila dotlej skoraj enaka.
Quite the opposite line of reasoning from the one described above - let me mention that I became familiar with it through arguments with Slovene editors during the preparation of a new media law in 1999 - has obviously prevailed in Austrian law, probably under the pressure and lobbying of the media itself. In 1981 (exactly one hundred years after the introduction of the extremely liberal French law) this line of reasoning produced20 regulations that proved to be even stricter than German law, to which Austrian regulations had largely corresponded before that.
36 Končna redakcija
Če so potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda s sedanje ureditve v Španiji na ureditev, ki izhaja iz izvajanja skupne ureditve trgov pod pogoji iz tega poglavja, zlasti če za nekatere proizvode izvajanje nove ureditve v skladu z dogovorjenim datumom pomeni precejšnje težave v Skupnosti, se taki ukrepi sprejmejo po postopku iz člena 38 Uredbe št. 136/66/EGS ali, odvisno od primera, iz ustreznih členov drugih uredb o skupni ureditvi kmetijskih trgov.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the passage from the existing arrangements in Spain to those resulting from the application of the common organization of the markets as provided for in this Chapter, particularly if for certain products the implementation of the new arrangements on the scheduled date meets with appreciable difficulties in the Community, such measures shall be adopted following the procedure provided for in Article 38 of Regulation No (EEC) 136/66 or, as the case may be, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organization of agricultural markets.
37 Končna redakcija
Pri tem pa se pozablja na dosti bolj pomembno vprašanje, in sicer, ali bi bila takšna zakonska ureditev sploh v skladu s sodobnim pojmovanjem novinarske svobode in ali morda takšno sredstvo ne teži k temu, da bi to postala splošna omejitev medijev in na drugi strani splošna pravica dostopa do medijev vsakega pripadnika družbe, kadarkoli bi menil, da informacija, ki jo želi posredovati javnosti, prispeva k vsestranskemu in objektivnemu informiranju javnosti.
In dealing with these issues everybody seems to have forgotten much more important questions: one is whether such statutory regulations conform with the modern understanding of journalistic freedom at all; the other is whether this instrument perhaps leads towards a general restriction of the media on the one hand and the general right of access to the media on the other. The latter would mean that every member of society would have the right of access to the media whenever he/she estimates that the information which he/she wants to communicate to the public contributes to the diversity and objectivity of public information.
38 Končna redakcija
Če pri uporabi predpisov Skupnosti in še zlasti delovanju skupnih ureditev trgov in prehodnih mehanizmov, predvidenih v tem naslovu, ni nobenih težav, lahko Svet na predlog Komisije s kvalificirano večino novim državam članicam dovoli, da v to nomenklaturo vključijo takšne obstoječe nacionalne pododdelke, ki so nujno potrebni za izvajanje postopnega usklajevanja s skupno carinsko tarifo ali za odpravo dajatev v Skupnosti pod pogoji, določenimi v tem aktu.
To the extent that no difficulties arise in the application of the Community rules and, in particular, in the functioning of the common organization of markets and of the transitional mechanisms provided for in this Title, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may authorize a new Member State to include within this nomenclature such existing national subdivisions as would be indispensable for carrying out the progressive moves towards alignment with the Common Customs Tariff or the elimination of the duties in the Community under the conditions laid down in this Act.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0095
Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 1453/2001 z dne 28. junija 2001 o uvedbi posebnih ukrepov za nekatere kmetijske proizvode za Azore in Madeiro in o razveljavitvi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1600/92 (Poseima) ter (ES) št. 1454/2001 z dne 28 junija 2001 o uvedbi posebnih ukrepov za nekatere kmetijske proizvode za Kanarske otoke in o razveljavitvi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 (Poseican) določata novo ureditev za ublažitev težav zaradi oddaljenosti, otoške narave in najbolj oddaljene lege teh regij.
Council Regulations (EC) No 1453/2001 of 28 June 2001 introducing specific measures for certain agricultural products for the Azores and Madeira and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1600/92 (Poseima)(2) and (EC) No 1454/2001 of 28 June 2001 introducing specific measures for certain agricultural products for the Canary Islands and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 (Poseican)(3) lay down new arrangements to remedy the remoteness, insularity and outermost location of these regions.
40 Končna redakcija
Če so v novi državi članici potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz sedanjega režima na režim, ki je rezultat uporabe skupnih ureditev trgov, kot je določeno v tem naslovu, še zlasti, če za nekatere proizvode izvajanje novega režima v skladu z dogovorjenimi datumi pomeni precejšnje težave, se taki ukrepi sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 26 Uredbe št. 120/67/EGS oziroma v skladu z ustreznimi členi drugih uredb o skupni ureditvi trgov na kmetijskih trgih.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the passage from the existing arrangements in the new Member States to those resulting from the application of the common organization of the markets as provided for in this Title, particularly if for certain products the implementation to the new arrangements on the scheduled date meets with appreciable difficulties, such measures shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 26 of Regulation No 120/ 67/EEC or, as the case may be, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organization of agricultural markets.
41 Končna redakcija
Če so na Portugalskem potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda s sedanje ureditve na Portugalskem na ureditev, ki izhaja iz izvajanja skupne ureditve trgov pod pogoji iz tega poglavja, zlasti če za nekatere proizvode izvajanje nove ureditve v skladu z dogovorjenim datumom pomeni precejšnje težave v Skupnosti, se taki ukrepi sprejmejo po postopku iz člena 38 Uredbe št. 136/66/EGS ali, odvisno od primera, iz ustreznih členov drugih uredb o skupni ureditvi kmetijskih trgov.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the passage from the existing arrangements in Portugal to those resulting from the application of the common organization of the markets as provided for in this Title, particularly if for certain products the implementation of the new arrangements on the scheduled date meets with appreciable difficulties in the Community, such measures shall be adopted following the procedure provided for in Article 38 of Regulation No 136/66/EEC or, as the case may be, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organization of agricultural markets.
42 Končna redakcija
Če so potrebni prehodni ukrepi za olajšanje prehoda iz obstoječe ureditve v novih državah članicah na ureditev, ki izhaja iz uporabe skupne kmetijske politike pod pogoji iz tega akta, Komisija sprejme take ukrepe v skladu s postopkom iz člena 42(2) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/2001 o skupni ureditvi trgov v sektorju sladkorja fn ali, če je to primerno, iz ustreznih členov drugih uredb o skupni organizaciji kmetijskih trgov ali v skladu z ustreznim postopkom v odboru, kot je opredeljen v zakonodaji, ki se uporablja.
If transitional measures are necessary to facilitate the transition from the existing regime in the new Member States to that resulting from the application of the common agricultural policy under the conditions set out in this Act, such measures shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector fn, or as appropriate, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of agricultural markets or the relevant committee procedure as determined in the applicable legislation.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
imena geografske enote iz odstavka 1, če je vino pridobljeno iz mešanice grozdja, grozdnih moštov, novih vin še v vrenju ali, do 31. avgusta 2003, iz vin s poreklom iz geografske enote, katere ime se uporablja za poimenovanje, s proizvodom, proizvedenim v isti določeni regiji, vendar zunaj navedene geografske enote, pod pogojem, da je najmanj 85 % kakovostnega vina pdpo pridobljenega iz grozdja, obranega v geografski enoti, po kateri je poimenovano, in pod pogojem, da je bila ureditev za izjemo, ki preneha veljati 31. avgusta 2003, dovoljena z ustrezno določbo v predpisih države članice proizvajalke že pred 1. septembrom 1995;
the name of a geographical unit as referred to in paragraph 1 where the wine is obtained from a mixture of grapes, grape musts, new wines still in fermentation or, until 31 August 2003, wines originating in the geographical unit the name of which is to be used for the designation with a product obtained in the same specified region but outside that unit, provided that at least 85 % of the quality wine psr concerned is obtained from grapes harvested in the geographical unit the name of which it bears, and provided, in respect of the exception expiring on 31 August 2003, that such an arrangement was allowed by the provisions of the producer Member State concerned before 1 September 1995;
44 Pravna redakcija
Za leto 1998/1999 se bodo uporabljale prehodne ureditve, če začne nova ureditev veljati po 1. juliju.
Transitional arrangements will apply in respect of 1998/1999 if the new arrangement enters into force after 1 July.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
Prehodna ureditev za nove države članice
Transitional arrangements for new Member States
46 Pravna redakcija
Schengenska ureditev uvaja pomembno novost:
The Schengen arrangements introduce an important new feature:
47 Pravna redakcija
Zaščitni ukrepi, predvideni v členu 379 Akta o pristopu, se po pogoji iz navedenega člena uporabljajo za vsak sektor, na katerega se nanaša nova ureditev, ki vključuje Kanarske otoke v Skupnost, vendar le do 31. decembra 1999.
The safeguard measures provided for in Article 379 of the Act of Accession shall apply, in the eventualities provided for in that Article, to any sector affected by the new arrangements integrating the Canary Islands into the Community, but only until 31 December 1999.
48 Pravna redakcija
ker Uredba (ES) št. 2799/98 določa novo kmetijsko-monetarno ureditev po uvedbi evra;
Whereas Regulation (EC) No 2799/98 establishes new agrimonetary arrangements following the introduction of the euro;
49 Pravna redakcija
ker Uredba (EGS) št. 3813/92 s 1. januarjem 1993 uvaja novo kmetijsko denarno ureditev;
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 3813/92 introduces new agri-monetary arrangements as from 1 January 1993;
50 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bilo zato treba uvesti kmetijsko-monetarno ureditev, prilagojeno novemu položaju, in razveljaviti uredbe, ki določajo prejšnjo kmetijsko-monetarno ureditev;
whereas agrimonetary arrangements adapted to the new situation should therefore be established and the Regulations laying down the former agri-monetary arrangements should be repealed;
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