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ob ugotovitvi
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-2
ob ugotovitvi daljnosežnih posledic dejavnosti UNESCO pri oblikovanju normativnih instrumentov za zaščito kulturne dediščine, še zlasti Konvencije o varstvu svetovne kulturne in naravne dediščine iz leta 1972,
Noting the far-reaching impact of the activities of UNESCO in establishing normative instruments for the protection of the cultural heritage, in particular the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
OB UGOTOVITVI uspeha Mednarodne konvencije iz leta 1992 o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, ki jo povzroči onesnaženje z nafto, in Mednarodne konvencije iz leta 1992 o ustanovitvi Mednarodnega sklada za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto pri zagotavljanju, da je povrnitev škode namenjena osebam, ki so utrpele škodo zaradi onesnaženja pri uhajanju ali razlitju nafte, ki jo ladje prevažajo v razsutem stanju,
NOTING the success of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 and the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 in ensuring that compensation is available to persons who suffer damage caused by pollution resulting from the escape or discharge of oil carried in bulk at sea by ships,
3 Pravna redakcija
Ob ugotovitvi prve napake na sestavnem delu ali sistemu se 'zamrznjeni niz' stanja motorja v tistem trenutku shrani v spomin računalnika.
Upon determination of the first malfunction of any component or system, 'freeze-frame' engine conditions present at the time must be stored in computer memory.
4 Pravna redakcija
Ob ugotovitvi potrebe po rednem obveščanju vseh držav članic Sveta Evrope o razvoju zakonodaje na področju 'storitev informacijske družbe' na vseevropski ravni in da bi se po potrebi omogočila obravnavanje in izmenjava informacij in zamisli o tem razvoju;
Noting the need for all Council of Europe Member States to be kept regularly informed of legislative developments on 'Information Society Services' at a pan-European level and, where necessary, to have the possibility to discuss and exchange information and ideas regarding these developments;
5 Pravna redakcija
OB UGOTOVITVI uspeha Mednarodne konvencije o civilni odgovornosti za škodo, nastalo zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, iz leta 1992 in Mednarodne konvencije o ustanovitvi mednarodnega sklada za nadomestilo škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto, iz leta 1992 pri zagotavljanju možnosti povrnitve škode osebam, ki so utrpele škodo zaradi onesnaženja, nastalo pri uhajanju ali razlitju nafte, ki jo ladje prevažajo v razsutem stanju,
NOTING the success of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 and the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992, in ensuring that compensation is available to persons who suffer damage caused by pollution resulting from the escape or discharge of oil carried in bulk at sea by ships,
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0704
OB UGOTOVITVI doseženega napredka in glede na predloge o pristopih k stalnemu skupnemu izvajanju, vse v okviru Sporazuma,
NOTING the progress achieved and the proposals made on approaches to continued joint implementation, all within the framework of the Agreement,
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0069
Ob ugotovitvi prve napake na sestavnem delu ali sistemu se "zamrznjeni niz" stanja motorja v tistem trenutku shrani v spomin računalnika.
Upon determination of the first malfunction of any component or system, 'freeze-frame` engine conditions present at the time must be stored in computer memory.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
ob ugotovitvi, da ta razvoj zahteva revizijo določb konvencije;
Noting that these developments call for a revision of the provisions of the Convention;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
OB UGOTOVITVI, da v velikem številu izročitvenih postopkov oseba soglaša s predajo,
NOTING that, in a large number of extradition proceedings, the person claimed consents to his surrender,
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da imata pogodbenici ustrezno upravno sodelovanje v okviru svojih držav članic,
RECOGNIZING that the Contracting Parties have appropriate administrative cooperation within their own Member States,
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
ob ugotovitvi, da so načela svobodnega pristanka, dobre vere in pacta sunt servanda splošno priznana,
Noting that the principles of free consent, good faith and pacta sunt servanda are universally recognised,
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je vesolje postalo dejavnik v tehnološkem, gospodarskem, znanstvenem in kulturnem razvoju,
NOTING that space has become a factor in technological, economic, scientific and cultural development,
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je Švica solidarna s prizadevanji EU za zmanjševanje gospodarskih in socialnih razlik v EU,
NOTING the solidarity of Switzerland with the endeavours of the EU to reduce economic and social disparities within the EU;
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da ni razloga, da se ta dogovor v teh dveh državah članicah ne bi uporabljal zaradi varstva podatkov,
ESTABLISHING that no reason has occurred for excluding this Arrangement in the concerned Member States regarding data protection aspects,
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je les v primerjavi s konkurenčnimi proizvodi energijsko učinkovita, obnovljiva in okolju prijazna surovina;
NOTING that timber is an energy-efficient, renewable and environmentally friendly raw material compared with competing products;
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je v takšnih primerih zaželeno v kar največji meri skrajšati čas, potreben za izročitev in čas pripora zaradi izročitve,
NOTING that it is desirable to reduce to a minimum, in such cases, the time necessary for the extradition and any period of detention for extradition purposes,
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
ob ugotovitvi, da je treba ustrezno popraviti Konvencijo z dne 5. oktobra 1961 o pristojnostih organov in pravu, ki se uporablja, glede varstva mladoletnikov,
Noting that the Convention of 5 October 1961 concerning the powers of authorities and the law applicable in respect of the protection of minors is in need of revision,
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
ob ugotovitvi, da Protokol št. 6 h Konvenciji, ki zadeva odpravo smrtne kazni, podpisan v Strasbourgu 28. aprila 1983, ne izključuje smrtne kazni za dejanja, storjena med vojno ali ob neposredni vojni nevarnosti;
Noting that Protocol No. 6 to the Convention, concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty, signed at Strasbourg on 28 April 1983, does not exclude the death penalty in respect of acts committed in time of war or of imminent threat of war;
19 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
OB UGOTOVITVI, da goljufije, ki škodijo prihodkom in odhodkom Skupnosti, v številnih primerih niso omejene na eno samo državo in jih pogosto zagrešijo organizirane kriminalne mreže,
NOTING that fraud affecting Community revenue and expenditure in many cases is not confined to a single country and is often committed by organized criminal networks;
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
ob ugotovitvi, da države članice, ki so udeležene v predlaganem odboru, in Evropske skupnosti soglašajo z začetnimi zavezami iz večstranskih smernic iz šestega odstavka priloge k temu sklepu,
Noting that the Member countries participating in the proposed Committee and the European Communities agree as initial commitment to the multilateral guidelines set out in Paragraph 6 of the Annex hereto;
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
OB UGOTOVITVI, da najvišja odškodnina iz Konvencije o Skladu, 1992, v določenih okoliščinah v nekaterih državah pogodbenicah te konvencije morda ne zadostuje za zadovoljitev potreb po odškodninah,
NOTING that the maximum compensation afforded by the 1992 Fund Convention might be insufficient to meet compensation needs in certain circumstances in some Contracting States to that Convention,
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da lahko krepitev zmogljivosti avtohtonih in lokalnih skupnosti, ki so odvisne od gozda, vključno s tistimi, ki so lastniki in upravljavci gozdov, prispeva k doseganju ciljev tega sporazuma;
NOTING THAT enhancing the capacity of forest-dependent indigenous and local communities, including those who are forest owners and managers, can contribute to achieving the objectives of this Agreement;
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
ob ugotovitvi, da naj njuna skupna prizadevanja za preprečevanje mednarodnega terorizma in boj proti njemu vključujejo učinkovito sodelovanje pri pravočasni identifikaciji oseb, ki so znani ali osumljeni teroristi, in
Having determined that their joint efforts to prevent and address international terrorism should include efficient cooperation in the timely identification of individuals known or suspected to be terrorists, and
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-73
OB UGOTOVITVI, da bistvene razvojne spremembe, zlasti večja skrb za varstvo okolja, narekujejo potrebo po presoji mednarodnih pravil iz Konvencije o izenačitvi določenih pravil o nudenju pomoči in reševanju na morju, sestavljene v Bruslju 23. septembra 1910,
NOTING that substantial developments, in particular the increased concern for the protection of the environment, have demonstrated the need to review the international rules presently contained in the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Assistance and Salvage at Sea, done at Brussels, 23 September 1910,
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
ob ugotovitvi, da deklaracija tudi spodbuja države, da ` čim prej pregledajo, koliko je veljavnih mednarodnih pravnih določb o preprečevanju, zatiranju in uničenju terorizma v vseh njegovih oblikah in pojavih, da bi zagotovili obsežen pravni okvir, ki bi zajemal vse vidike zadeve` ,
Noting that the Declaration also encouraged States ` to review urgently the scope of the existing international legal provisions on the prevention, repression and elimination of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, with the aim of ensuring that there is a comprehensive legal framework covering all aspects of the matter` ,
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
OB PRIZNAVANJU, da Združene države trenutno zagotavljajo stalno storitev GPS standardnega določanja položaja za mirno civilno, komercialno in znanstveno uporabo po vsem svetu brez neposrednih pristojbin uporabnikov, in ob ugotovitvi, da Združene države nameravajo to in podobne civilne storitve pod enakimi pogoji zagotavljati tudi v prihodnosti,
RECOGNISING that the United States is currently providing the GPS Standard Positioning Service for peaceful civil, commercial, and scientific use on a continuous, worldwide basis, free of direct user fees, and noting that the United States intends to continue providing it, and similar future civil services under the same conditions,
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
ob ugotovitvi, da Litva popolnoma uporabi in izvaja pravni red Unije glede seznama držav, katerih državljani morajo imeti vizum za prestop zunanjih meja in tistih, katerih državljani so od teh zahtev izvzeti, kakor tudi pravni red Unije glede formata za vizum najkasneje od pristopa dalje,
Noting, in particular, that Lithuania shall fully apply and implement the Union acquis regarding the list of countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement as well the Union acquis regarding the uniform format for a visa as from accession at the latest;
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
ob ugotovitvi, da procesi globalizacije, ki jih pospešuje hiter razvoj informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, s tem da ustvarjajo popolnoma nove razmere za večjo interakcijo med kulturami, pomenijo tudi izziv za kulturno raznolikost, zlasti glede na možno neravnotežje med bogatimi in revnimi državami,
Noting that while the processes of globalization, which have been facilitated by the rapid development of information and communication technologies, afford unprecedented conditions for enhanced interaction between cultures, they also represent a challenge for cultural diversity, namely in view of risks of imbalances between rich and poor countries,
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
ob ugotovitvi, da 177. člen Konvencije Združenih narodov o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu določa, da oblast na ozemlju vsake države pogodbenice konvencije uživa privilegije in imunitete iz podpoglavja G 4. poglavja XI. dela konvencije in da so privilegiji in imunitete podjetja določeni v 13. členu priloge IV,
Noting that article 177 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides that the Authority shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party to the Convention the privileges and immunities set forth in section 4, subsection G of Part XI of the Convention and that the privileges and immunities of the Enterprise shall be those set forth in annex IV, article 13,
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
PRAV TAKO OB UGOTOVITVI sprejetja Mednarodne konvencije iz leta 1996 o odgovornosti in povrnitvi škode v zvezi v prevozom nevarnih in zdravju škodljivih snovi po morju za zagotavljanje ustrezne, hitre in učinkovite povrnitve škode, nastale zaradi nezgod pri prevozu nevarnih in zdravju škodljivih snovi po morju,
NOTING ALSO the adoption of the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996 in order to provide adequate, prompt and effective compensation for damage caused by incidents in connection with the carriage by sea of hazardous and noxious substances,
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
upoštevajoč, da je eden izmed glavnih namenov izmenjave not med Vlado Združenega kraljestva in Vlado Republike Ciper o upravi suverenih con z dne 16. avgusta 1960 in priložene izjave Združenega kraljestva zavarovanje interesov oseb, ki prebivajo ali delajo v suverenih conah, in ob ugotovitvi, da morajo imeti omenjene osebe tako v možnem obsegu isto obravnavanje kot tiste, ki prebivajo ali delajo v Republiki Ciper,
Noting the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus concerning the administration of the Sovereign Base Areas, dated 16 August 1960, and the attached Declaration by the United Kingdom Government that one of the main objects to be achieved is the protection of the interests of those resident or working in the Sovereign Base Areas, and considering in this context that the said persons should have, to the extent possible, the same treatment as those resident or working in the Republic of Cyprus;
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Prekrškovni organ pred izdajo odločbe o prekršku kršitelja, ki se ob ugotovitvi ali obravnavanju prekrška ni mogel izjaviti o prekršku in ni mogel biti poučen o pravicah iz tega odstavka, pisno obvesti o prekršku in pouči, da se lahko pisno izjavi o dejstvih oziroma okoliščinah prekrška v roku petih dni od prejema obvestila ter da mora navesti vsa dejstva in dokaze v svojo korist, ker jih sicer v postopku ne bo več mogel uveljavljati.
(2) Before issuing a decision on the misdemeanour committed by a violator who upon the establishment or trial of the misdemeanour could not give a statement and could not be advised of the rights referred to in this paragraph, the misdemeanour authority shall notify this violator in writing and advise him that he may give a written statement on the facts and circumstances connected with the misdemeanour within five days of receipt of the notification, and that he must state all facts and produce all evidence to his benefit, since otherwise he will not be able to refer to these facts and evidence during the proceedings.
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je medsebojno pomoč mogoče zagotoviti na podlagi Sporazuma med Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije in Vlado Ljudske republike Madžarske o sodelovanju in vzajemni pomoči pri carinskih vprašanjih z dne 29. marca 1978 ter na podlagi Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 515/97 o medsebojni pomoči med upravnimi organi držav članic in o sodelovanju med njimi in Komisijo zaradi zagotavljanja pravilnega izvajanja carinske in kmetijske zakonodaje,
ESTABLISHING that mutual assistance can be provided on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the People's Republic of Hungary regarding cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters, signed on 29 March 1978 and on the Council Regulation (EC) No 515/97 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of the law on customs and agricultural matters,
34 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
Ob potrdilni ugotovitvi dumpinga in škode se zaveza nadaljuje v skladu s sprejetimi pogoji in določbami tega sporazuma.
In the event that an affirmative determination of dumping and injury is made, the undertaking shall continue consistent with its terms and the provisions of this Agreement.
35 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Po posvetovanju s strankami v sporu člani ugotovitvenega sveta, kakor hitro je to izvedljivo in kadarkoli je to mogoče v enem tednu od dogovora o sestavi in mandatu ugotovitvenega sveta določijo časovni razpored postopka ugotovitvenega sveta ob upoštevanju določb devetega odstavka 4. člena, če so ustrezne.
After consulting the parties to the dispute, the panelists shall, as soon as practicable and whenever possible within one week after the composition and terms of reference of the panel have been agreed upon, fix the timetable for the panel process, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 4, if relevant.
36 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Ob pozitivni ugotovitvi subvencioniranja in škode se zaveza nadaljuje v skladu z določenimi pogoji in določbami tega sporazuma.
In the event that an affirmative determination of subsidization and injury is made, the undertaking shall continue consistent with its terms and the provisions of this Agreement.
37 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Poročila ugotovitvenega sveta se pripravijo brez prisotnosti strank v sporu ob upoštevanju pridobljenih informacij in danih izjav.
The reports of panels shall be drafted without the presence of the parties to the dispute in the light of the information provided and the statements made.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-2
ob nadaljnji ugotovitvi, da trenutno ni nobenega zavezujočega večstranskega instrumenta za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine,
Noting further that no binding multilateral instrument as yet exists for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage,
39 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je sodelovanje med državami članicami že urejeno s Konvencijo o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti z dne 26. julija 1995, da pa je treba brez poseganja v obveznosti iz zakonodaje Skupnosti ustrezno urediti sodelovanje med državami članicami in Komisijo, da se zagotovi učinkovito ukrepanje proti goljufiji, aktivni in pasivni korupciji in s tem povezanim pranjem denarja, ki škodujejo ali bi verjetno škodovali finančnim interesom Evropskih skupnosti, vključno z izmenjavo podatkov med državami članicami in Komisijo;
NOTING that cooperation between Member States is already covered by the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests of 26 July 1995, but that there is a need, without prejudice to obligations under Community law, for appropriate provision also to be made for cooperation between member States and the Commission to ensure effective action against fraud, active and passive corruption and related money laundering damaging or likely to damage the European Communities' financial interests, including exchange of information between the Member States and the Commission;
40 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Pri ustanavljanju ugotovitvenega sveta lahko DSB pooblasti svojega predsedujočega, da določi mandat ugotovitvenega sveta ob posvetovanju s strankami v sporu pod pogoji določb prvega odstavka. Tako določen mandat se pošlje vsem članicam.
In establishing a panel, the DSB may authorize its Chairman to draw up the terms of reference of the panel in consultation with the parties to the dispute, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1. The terms of reference thus drawn up shall be circulated to all Members.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
ob ponovni ugotovitvi, da je jezikovna raznolikost temeljni element kulturne raznolikosti, in ob ponovni potrditvi temeljne vloge, ki jo ima izobraževanje pri varovanju in spodbujanju kulturnih izrazov,
Recalling that linguistic diversity is a fundamental element of cultural diversity, and reaffirming the fundamental role that education plays in the protection and promotion of cultural expressions,
42 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
20.5 Ob negativni dokončni ugotovitvi se vsi gotovinski pologi in varščine, ki so bili dani med uporabo začasnih ukrepov, hitro izplačajo oziroma sprostijo.
20.5 Where a final determination is negative, any cash deposit made during the period of the application of provisional measures shall be refunded and any bonds released in an expeditious manner.
43 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
V sporu po tem sporazumu v zvezi z znanstvenimi ali tehničnimi vprašanji mora ugotovitveni svet poiskati nasvet pri strokovnjakih, ki jih izbere ob posvetovanju z udeleženci spora.
In a dispute under this Agreement involving scientific or technical issues, a panel should seek advice from experts chosen by the panel in consultation with the parties to the dispute.
44 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če več kot ena članica zahteva ustanovitev ugotovitvenega sveta v isti zadevi, se lahko ob upoštevanju pravic vseh zainteresiranih članic ustanovi en sam ugotovitveni svet za obravnavo teh tožb.
Where more than one Member requests the establishment of a panel related to the same matter, a single panel may be established to examine these complaints taking into account the rights of all Members concerned.
45 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Članice uporabnice ob morebitni uradniški napaki v ugotovitvenem poročilu zagotavljajo, da subjekti predodpremne kontrole popravijo napako in dostavijo popravljeno informacijo ustreznim strankam, kakor hitro je to mogoče.
User Members shall ensure that, in the event of a clerical error in the Clean Report of Findings, preshipment inspection entities correct the error and forward the corrected information to the appropriate parties as expeditiously as possible.
46 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
4.5 Ob njegovi ustanovitvi sme ugotovitveni svet zahtevati pomoč Stalne skupine izvedencev (Permanent Group of Experts, v nadaljnjem besedilu PGE)(7) pri ugotavljanju, ali je določen sporen ukrep po naravi prepovedana subvencija.
4.5 Upon its establishment, the panel may request the assistance of the Permanent Group of Experts[78] (referred to in this Agreement as the "PGE") with regard to whether the measure in question is a prohibited subsidy.
47 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Ko se preiskava zaključi, OPSP obvesti zadevno osebo in ji predloži sklepne ugotovitve poročila o preiskavi ter, na zahtevo in ob upoštevanju varovanja legitimnih interesov tretjih strank, vse dokumente, ki so neposredno povezani z domnevnimi obtožbami proti njej.
The AACC shall inform the person concerned when the investigation ends, and shall communicate to him the conclusions of the investigation report and, on request and subject to the protection of the legitimate interests of third parties, all documents directly related to the allegations made against him.
48 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
` Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb /ime zajetega sporazuma (-ov), ki so jih navedle stranke v sporu/ proučiti zadevo, ki jo je /ime stranke/ predložila DSB v dokumentu... ter sprejeti ugotovitve, ki DSB pomagajo pri sprejemanju priporočil ali sklepov, predvidenih v tem ali teh sporazumih.`
"To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions in (name of the covered agreement(s) cited by the parties to the dispute), the matter referred to the DSB by (name of party) in document... and to make such findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in that/those agreement(s)."
49 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Seznam vključuje register nevladnih članov ugotovitvenega sveta, sestavljen 30. novembra 1984 (BISD 31S/9), in druge registre in indikativne sezname, sestavljene na podlagi kateregakoli od zajetih sporazumov, ter ohrani imena oseb iz registrov in indikativnih seznamov ob začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO.
That list shall include the roster of non-governmental panelists established on 30 November 1984 (BISD 31S/9), and other rosters and indicative lists established under any of the covered agreements, and shall retain the names of persons on those rosters and indicative lists at the time of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.
50 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
12.2.2 Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi ob pritrdilni ugotovitvi, ki je podlaga za uvedbo dokončne carine ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze, mora vsebovati ali drugače zagotoviti v obliki ločenega poročila vse ustrezne informacije o dejanskih in pravnih zadevah in razlogih, ki so bili podlaga za uvedbo končnega ukrepa ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze ob ustreznem upoštevanju zahteve po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
12.2.2 A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of a price undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of a price undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
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ob ugotovitvi