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1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
obračunati svoj sorazmerni delež obvez za določene zaslužke, sredstev programa in stroškov, ki so povezani s programom, na enak način kot pri vsakem drugem programu z določenimi zaslužki;
account for its proportionate share of the defined benefit obligation, plan assets and cost associated with the plan in the same way as for any other defined benefit plan;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Pri izpolnjevanju pogodb o dobavi energije in vode potrošnikom je treba potrošniku ceno obračunati po dejanski dobavi izkazani na njegovem merilnem mestu.
(1) In the fulfilment of contracts on the supply of energy and water to consumers, the consumer price shall be calculated according to the actual amount delivered as stated on the consumer's measuring instrument.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) Na koncu vsakega poslovnega leta mora izvajalec statusnega partnerstva izračunati dobiček oziroma izgubo in vlagatelju obračunati in skladno z določbami pogodbe izplačati dobiček, ki mu pripada na podlagi njegovega vložka.
(1) At the end of each business year the contractor of an equity partnership must calculate profit and loss and must account and in compliance with the provisions of the contract pay out to the investor the profit pertaining on the basis of the investment.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Če podjetje molče ali izrecno pogojuje nakup blaga ali opravljanje storitev z delnim ali celotnim predplačilom in dobavi blago ali opravi storitev po prejemu predplačila, je dolžno potrošniku ob dobavi blaga ali izvedbi storitve obračunati in plačati obresti po obrestni meri, po kakršni se obrestujejo hranilne vloge, vezane nad tri mesece.
(1) If the enterprise implicitly or expressly makes the purchase of goods or the performance of services conditional on partial or complete prepayment and delivers the goods or performs the services after receipt of the prepayment, the enterprise shall be bound to calculate and pay the consumer, upon delivery of the goods or the performance of the service, interest at the rate applied to deposits fixed for over three months.
5 Končna redakcija
Vendar pa se sme prelevman obračunati le, če so izpolnjene obveznosti iz sporazuma GATT.
However, the levy shall only be charged if commitments undertaken within GATT are respected.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Pri zemljiščih in stavbah, ki jih uporablja lastnik, ni treba obračunati namišljenih najemnin.
In the case of land and buildings used by the owner, there is no need to account for notional rents.
7 Končna redakcija
ker je treba zato, da se prepreči izkrivljanje konkurence zaradi teh razlik, obračunati zadostno uvozno dajatev, ki bo kompenzirala to razliko;
whereas in order to prevent distortions of competition resulting from this difference it is necessary to levy an import duty sufficient to offset this difference;
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Od deklaranta se lahko zahteva, da predloži varščino zaradi poravnave zneskov, ki bi jih bilo treba obračunati, če blago ne bi bilo ponovno uvoženo v določenem roku.
The declarant may be required to provide security for recovery of the sums that would be chargeable if the goods were not reimported within any time limit specified.
9 Končna redakcija
Iz izjave, da je 'sam notranji minister omenil, da smo Slovenci kulturen narod in da ga torej nas ni strah, državljanov Slovenije... ' , je jasna tudi distinkcija: eno so Slovenci, ki so kulturni ('kulturen narod'), drugo pa so državljani, ki so nekulturni in se jih je bodisi treba bati, jih izgnati ali pa nasilno obračunati z njimi, kot bomo videli pozneje.
The statement that 'the Internal Minister himself mentioned that we Slovenians are a cultured nation so he is not afraid of us, Slovenian citizens...' shows the distinction: on the one side are Slovenians, who are cultured ('cultured nation'), on the other are citizens who are not cultured and must be feared, or expelled, or done away with using force, as we shall se later on.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Pri zemljiščih in stavbah, ki jih uporablja lastnik, ni treba obračunati namišljenih najemnin.
In the case of land and buildings used by the owner, there is no need to account for notional rents.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
če se meni, da je treba za preprečitev ponovitve takšne škode retroaktivno obračunati izravnalne dajatve za ta uvoz.
it is deemed necessary, in order to preclude the recurrence of such injury, to assess countervailing duties retroactively on those imports.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0928
(3) Nadomestilo, ki se uporabi v primeru sladu, je treba obračunati z zneskom, vzetim iz količine žit, ki je potrebna za proizvodnjo zadevnih proizvodov.
(3) The refund applicable in the case of malts must be calculated with amount taken of the quantity of cereals required to manufacture the products in question.
13 Pravna redakcija
ki bi se morale obračunati za blago na začasnem izvozu, če bi bilo uvoženo v udeleženo državo članico iz države, kjer je bilo predmet oplemenitenja ali zadnje operacije oplemenitenja.
which would have been applicable to the temporary export goods if they had been imported into the Member State concerned from the country where they underwent the processing operation or the last such operation.
14 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor ali pogodbenica izvoznica v 30 dneh od prejetja zadeve ni sprejela sklepa, ki bi odpravil težave, sme pogodbenica uvoznica za uvoženi izdelek obračunati kompenzacijsko dajatev.
If the Joint Committee or the exporting Contracting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties within 30 days of the matter being referred, the importing Contracting Party is authorized to levy a compensatory charge on the product imported.
15 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupni odbor ali pogodbenica izvoznica v tridesetih dneh od prejetja zadeve ne sprejmeta sklepa, ki bi odpravil težave, sme pogodbenica uvoznica za uvoženi izdelek obračunati kompenzacijsko dajatev.
If the Joint Committee or the exporting Contracting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties within thirty days of the matter being referred, the importing Contracting Party is authorized to levy a compensatory charge on the product imported.
16 Pravna redakcija
uvozne dajatve, ki bi se morale obračunati za blago na začasnem izvozu, če bi bilo uvoženo na carinsko območje Skupnosti iz države, kjer je bilo predmet oplemenitenja ali zadnje operacije oplemenitenja;
the import duties which would have been applicable to the temporary export goods if they had been imported into the customs territory of the Community from the country in which they underwent the processing operation or the last processing operation;
17 Pravna redakcija
v primerih, ko so ti izdelki namenjeni za tržne namene v drugi državi članici, je treba trošarino še enkrat obračunati v skladu s predpisi namembne države članice in zaradi tega omogočiti povračilo trošarine, ki je bila plačana v državi članici odpreme;
in cases where those products are destined or earmarked for commercial purposes in another Member State the excise duty shall be levied again according to the rules of the Member State of destination and thus give rise to a reimbursement of the excise duty paid in the Member State of dispatch;
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Zahtevek se odda prek države članice, na ozemlju katere so bili izdelki sproščeni v prosti promet, v šestih mesecih potem, ko so pristojni organi ustrezno določili višino dokončnih dajatev, ki jih je treba obračunati, ali ko je bil sprejet sklep o dokončnem pobiranju zneskov, zavarovanih z začasno dajatvijo.
The application shall be submitted via the Member State in the territory of which the products were released for free circulation, within six months of the date on which the amount of the definitive duties to be levied was duly determined by the competent authorities or of the date on which a decision was made definitively to collect the amounts secured by way of provisional duty.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Vsako dobro ali slabo ime je treba obračunati po tem standardu.
Any goodwill or negative goodwill should be accounted for under this Standard.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
kako presoditi ali je vrsta poslov povezana in jih je treba obračunati kot en posel;
how to determine whether a series of transactions is linked and should be accounted for as one transaction;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Učinke sprejetja tega pojasnila je treba obračunati z uporabo prehodnih določb MRS 38118 do 121.
The effects of adopting this interpretation should be accounted for using the transition requirements of IAS 38.118 to 121.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0309
A ker je ta primer primerljiv z najemnim, a praznim stanovanjem, se zdi ustrezno obračunati najemnino.
But since it is comparable to the case of a rented but empty dwelling, it seems appropriate to insert a rent.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Vso notranjo porabo pri razvoju in delovanju lastne spletne strani podjetja je treba obračunati v skladu z MRS 38.
Any internal expenditure on the development and operation of an enterprise's own web site should be accounted for in accordance with IAS 38.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Glavni predmet obravnave pri obračunavanju davka od dobička je, kako obračunati sedanje in prihodnje davčne posledice:
The principal issue in accounting for income taxes is how to account for the current and future tax consequences of:
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Vračilo s prihodki povezane podpore je treba najprej obračunati glede na morebitni časovno razmejeni znesek, ki se nanaša na podporo.
Repayment of a grant related to income should be applied first against any unamortised deferred credit set up in respect of the grant.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Celotna dodatna amortizacija, ki bi jo bilo treba obračunati do datuma obravnavanja, če ne bi bilo podpore, se takoj pripozna kot odhodek.
The cumulative additional depreciation that would have been recognised to date as an expense in the absence of the grant should be recognised immediately as an expense.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Poslovna združitev, ki je prevzem, se mora obračunati z uporabo nakupne metode, kot je predstavljena v tem standardu v odstavkih 19 do 76.
A business combination which is an acquisition should be accounted for by use of the purchase method of accounting as set out in the standards contained in paragraphs 19 to 76.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
V nekaterih okoliščinah je ustrezno razporediti celotno nabavno vrednost sredstva na njegove sestavne dele in obračunati vsak sestavni del posebej.
In certain circumstances, it is appropriate to allocate the total expenditure on an asset to its component parts and account for each component separately.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Po MRS 22.21 je treba prevzem obračunati po nabavni vrednosti in kapitalske inštrumente, ki jih izda prevzemnik, meriti po pošteni vrednosti na dan menjave.
IAS 22.21 requires that an acquisition be accounted for at its cost, and that equity instruments issued by the acquirer be measured at their fair value at the date of exchange.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0635
Če nakupna cena takih dolžniških vrednostnih papirjev preseže znesek, vračljiv ob dospelosti, se mora znesek razlike obračunati kot odhodek izkaza poslovnega izida.
Where the purchase price of such debt securities exceeds the amount repayable at maturity the amount of the difference must be charged to the profit and loss account.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0482
ker bi bilo treba zaradi enake obravnave kompenzacijske obresti obračunati tudi tam, kjer carinski dolg nastane zaradi drugih razlogov, kakor je sprostitev v prosti promet;
whereas for reasons of equality of treatment, compensatory interest should also be levied where a customs debt is incurred for other reasons than because of release for free circulation;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0012
ker je treba pri trošarinskih proizvodih, ki jih nabavijo fizične osebe za svojo lastno uporabo in ki jih sami prevažajo, trošarino obračunati v državi, v kateri so ti proizvodi nabavljeni;
Whereas in the case of products subject to excise duty acquired by private individuals for their own use and transported by them, the duty must be charged in the country where they were acquired;
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1260
Zaradi enakopravnega obravnavanja je treba dodatno dajatev obračunati za vsako podjetje na osnovi njegovega deleža v prihodkih iz proizvodnih dajatev, ki jih je plačalo za določeno tržno leto.
In the interests of equal treatment, the additional levy should be calculated for each undertaking on the basis of its share in the revenue generated by the production levies which it has paid for the marketing year in question.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Državno podporo, ki jo mora podjetje vrniti, je treba obračunati kot popravek računovodske ocene (glej MRS 8 - Čisti poslovni izid v obdobju, bistvene napake in spremembe računovodskih usmeritev).
A government grant that becomes repayable should be accounted for as a revision to an accounting estimate (see IAS 8, net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies).
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Zaloge blaga, ki običajno ni zamenljivo med seboj, ter proizvedenih proizvodov ali opravljenih storitev, namenjenih določenim projektom, se morajo obračunati na podlagi metode predmetno povezanih cen.
The cost of inventories of items that are not ordinarily interchangeable and goods or services produced and segregated for specific projects should be assigned by using specific identification of their individual costs.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Vrsta poslov, ki vključujejo pravno obliko najema, je povezana in jih je treba obračunati kot en posel, kadar celotnega ekonomskega učinka ni mogoče razumeti brez sklicevanja na to vrsto poslov kot celoto.
A series of transactions that involve the legal form of a lease is linked and should be accounted for as one transaction when the overall economic effect cannot be understood without reference to the series of transactions as a whole.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Znesek zavarovanja, ki ga je treba predložiti za odloženo plačilo, ne sme presegati zneska uvoznih dajatev in davkov, ki bi jih bilo mogoče obračunati za blago, uvoženo v obdobju odloga uvoznih dajatev in davkov.
The amount of the security to be provided for deferred payment should not exceed the amount of the import duties and taxes potentially chargeable in respect of the goods imported during the period for which the payment of import duties and taxes is deferred.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2125
Znesek, ki ga je treba obračunati od uvoza od 1. julija 1995 na podlagi in v času veljavnosti potrdil, prostih dodatnih zneskov, izdanih na podlagi Uredbe (ES) št. 3107/94, je carina ad valorem, prikazana v členu 1.
The amount to be levied on imports from 1 July 1995 on the basis and during the period of validity of licences free from the additional amount issued pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 3107/94 shall be the ad valorem duty shown in Article 1.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Če se standard ne uporablja za nazaj, se šteje, da je bil saldo katerega koli prej obstoječega finančnega najema pri najemodajalcu ugotovljen pravilno, zato ga je treba obračunati v skladu z določbami tega standarda.
If the Standard is not applied retrospectively, the balance of any pre-existing finance lease is deemed to have been properly determined by the lessor and should be accounted for thereafter in accordance with the provisions of this Standard.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Dobički in izgube pri poslih v tujih valutah in tečajne razlike, ki se pojavljajo pri prevajanju računovodskih izkazov enot v tujini, lahko vplivajo na davke, kar je treba obračunati v skladu z MRS 12 - Davek od dobička.
Gains and losses on foreign currency transactions and exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations may have associated tax effects which are accounted for in accordance with IAS 12, income taxes.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Obresti za nadomestilo je treba obračunati v primerih in pod pogoji, določenimi skladno s postopkom odbora, da bi tako preprečili pridobitev finančne ugodnosti zaradi premika trenutka nastanka ali vknjižbe carinskega dolga.
Compensatory interest shall be applied, in the circumstances and under the conditions to be defined in the provisions adopted under the committee procedure, in order to prevent the wrongful acquisition of a financial advantage through deferment of the date on which the customs debt was incurred or entered in the accounts.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Če se vsi razpoznavni sredstva in dolgovi, povezani s prevzemom, preračunajo na poštene vrednosti v času zaporednih nakupov, je vsak preračun, ki se nanaša na prejšnji prevzemnikov delež, revalorizacija in ga je treba obračunati kot takšnega.
If all the identifiable assets and liabilities relating to an acquisition are restated to fair values at the time of successive purchases, any adjustment relating to the previously held interest of the acquirer is a revaluation and is accounted for as such.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0303
ker je zato treba dati državam članicam možnost, da oprostijo ali zavežejo dajatvi na kapital vse transakcije ali del transakcij, ki sodijo v njeno področje, pri čemer je razumljivo, da se mora v isti državi članici davek obračunati po enotni davčni stopnji;
whereas the Member States must therefore be given the opportunity to exempt from or subject to capital duty all or part of the transactions coming within its scope, it being understood that a single rate of tax must be charged within one and the same Member State;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Usmeritev za amortiziranje amortizirljivih najetih sredstev mora biti usklajena z usmeritvijo za lastna amortizirljiva sredstva, pripoznano amortizacijo pa je treba obračunati na podlagi, ki jo določata MRS 16 - Opredmetena osnovna sredstva (nepremičnine, naprave in oprema) in MRS 38 - Neopredmetena sredstva.
The depreciation policy for depreciable leased assets should be consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned, and the depreciation recognised should be calculated on the basis set out in IAS 16, property, plant and equipment and IAS 38, intangible assets.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0593
Poleg tega bi bilo v primerih, ko mora blago samo začasno ostati na carinskem območju države, praviloma neupravičeno zahtevati dokončno plačilo uvoznih dajatev in davkov za blago, saj bi to, denimo, pomenilo, da se morajo za blago obračunati uvozne dajatve in davki vsakokrat, ko se to začasno uvozi v različne države.
Moreover, when goods have to stay only temporarily in the customs territory of a State, to require final payment of the import duties and taxes applicable to them would as a rule be unjustified since the effect would be, for example, to subject goods to payment of import duties and taxes every time they were imported, on a temporary basis, into one country or another.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Prevzem je treba obračunati po nabavni vrednosti, enaki plačanemu znesku denarnih sredstev ali denarnih ustreznikov ali pa pošteni vrednosti, ki jo imajo na dan menjave druga nakupna nadomestila, ki jih je dal prevzemnik v zameno za obvladovanje čistega premoženja drugega podjetja, povečani za vse stroške, ki jih je mogoče pripisati neposredno prevzemu [29].
An acquisition should be accounted for at its cost, being the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value, at the date of exchange, of the other purchase consideration given by the acquirer in exchange for control over the net assets of the other enterprise, plus any costs directly attributable to the acquisition(29).
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0442
da prouči vsako zadevo, ki mu jo predloži država članica, ki na podlagi inšpekcijskih pregledov v skladu s členom 9 Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70 in dvostranskih razgovorov o ugotovitvah takšnih inšpekcijskih pregledov od pristojnih oddelkov Komisije prejme uradno obvestilo s sklicem na to odločbo, da nekaterih izdatkov, ki jih je imela država članica, ni mogoče obračunati v breme Jamstvenega oddelka EKUJS;
to examine any matter referred to it by a Member State which, following inspections pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70 and bilateral discussion of the findings of such inspections, receives formal notification from the competent Commission departments, with reference to this Decision, of the conclusion that certain items of expenditure incurred by that Member State are not chargeable to the EAGGF Guarantee Section,
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Pri uporabi uskupinjevanja in kapitalske metode računovodstva je treba inštrumente, ki vsebujejo potencialne glasovalne pravice, obračunati kot del finančne naložbe v odvisno podjetje oziroma finančne naložbe v pridruženo podjetje le takrat, ko se pri razporejanju dela kapitalskih (lastniških) deležev upošteva morebitno uresničitev navedenih potencialnih glasovalnih pravic v skladu z odstavkom 5 tega pojasnila.
When applying the consolidation and the equity method of accounting, instruments containing potential voting rights should be accounted for as part of the investment in a subsidiary and the investment in an associate respectively only when the proportion of ownership interests is allocated by taking into account the eventual exercise of those potential voting rights in accordance with paragraph 5 of this interpretation.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
V takih okoliščinah se običajno oceni poštena vrednost nedenarnega sredstva in se tako podpora kot tudi sredstvo obračunata po pošteni vrednosti.
In these circumstances it is usual to assess the fair value of the non-monetary asset and to account for both grant and asset at that fair value.
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