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obravnavati zadevo
1 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Vsak začasni uslužbenec, ki mora pri opravljanju svojih nalog obravnavati zadevo, navedeno zgoraj, o tem takoj obvesti OPSP.
Any member of temporary staff to whom it falls, in the performance of his duties, to deal with a matter referred to above shall immediately inform the AACC.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Sodišče sme obravnavati zadevo šele potem, ko Komisija ugotovi, da prizadevanja za prijateljsko rešitev niso bila uspešna, in sicer v roku treh mesecev, kot to določa 32. člen.
The Court may only deal with a case after the Commission has acknowledged the failure of efforts for a friendly settlement and within the period of three months provided for in Article 32.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Komisija sme obravnavati zadevo šele potem, ko so bila uporabljena vsa domača pravna sredstva v skladu s splošno priznanimi pravili mednarodnega prava in v šestih mesecih od dne, ko je bila sprejeta dokončna odločba.
The Commission may Only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Pred temi volitvami Sodišče ne sme obravnavati nobene zadeve.
No case can be brought before the Court before this election.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Nalog za prijetje je treba obravnavati in izvršiti kot nujno zadevo.
An arrest warrant shall be dealt with and executed as a matter of urgency.
6 Objavljeno
Pri parlamentarnih komisijah se mora zaupne zadeve obravnavati v posebnih postopkih, na primer na zaupnih ali zaprtih sestankih.
In the case of Parliament hearings, confidentiality issues should be dealt with through specific procedures such as confidential or closed meetings.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 114-2006
Po datumu, ko začne veljati odpoved države pogodbenice, pododbor za preprečevanje ne začne obravnavati nobene nove zadeve, povezane s to državo.
Following the date on which the denunciation of the State Party becomes effective, the Subcommittee on Prevention shall not commence consideration of any new matter regarding that State.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Če se pojavi vprašanje, ali je zadeva vsebinska ali ne, jo je treba obravnavati kot vsebinsko zadevo, razen če ni drugače odločeno z večino, potrebno za odločitve o vsebinskih zadevah.
When the issue arises as to whether the question is one of substance or not, that question shall be treated as a matter of substance unless otherwise decided by the majority required for decisions on matters of substance.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) Sodniki, ki so dodeljeni obravnavnemu in predobravnavnemu oddelku, delajo v teh oddelkih tri leta in po tem še, dokler ne dokončajo zadev, ki jih je ustrezni oddelek že začel obravnavati.
(a) Judges assigned to the Trial and Pre-Trial Divisions shall serve in those divisions for a period of three years, and thereafter until the completion of any case the hearing of which has already commenced in the division concerned.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) Če tožnik v odmerjenem roku ne odpravi pomanjkljivosti tožbe in sodišče zaradi tega zadeve ne more obravnavati, zavrže tožbo s sklepom, razen če spozna, da je izpodbijani upravni akt ničen.
(2) If the plaintiff does not remove the deficiencies within the set period and the court is unable to deal with the case as a result, it shall reject the lawsuit with a resolution, unless it has established that the contested act is void.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
(b) države članice EU morajo Južnoafričane, ki so zakonito zaposleni na njihovem ozemlju, obravnavati enako kot svoje državljane, kar zadeva delovne razmere, plačilo za opravljeno delo in odpuščanje.
(b) the treatment accorded by EU Member States to South Africans legally employed on their territory as regards working conditions, remuneration and dismissal should be equivalent to their own nationals.
12 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Carinska dejanja, pri katerih se zadevna oseba odloči poslovati za svoj račun, se ne smejo obravnavati manj ugodno in zanje ne smejo veljati strožje zahteve kot carinska dejanja, ki jih za zadevno osebo opravlja tretja stran.
The Customs transactions where the person concerned elects to do business on his own account shall not be treated less favourably or be subject to more stringent requirements than those Customs transactions which are handled for the person concerned by a third party.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje, pod katerimi je treba med seboj razlikovati take enakozvočne označbe, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions under which the homonymous designations in question are to be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to avoid misleading the consumer.
14 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
1 Sodišče sme obravnavati zadeve šele potem, ko so bila izčrpana vsa domača pravna sredstva v skladu s splošno priznanimi pravili mednarodnega prava in v šestih mesecih od dne, ko je bila sprejeta dokončna odločitev po domačem pravu.
1 The Court may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Sodišče sme obravnavati zadeve šele potem, ko so bila izčrpana vsa notranja pravna sredstva v skladu s splošno priznanimi pravili mednarodnega prava in v šestih mesecih od dne, ko je bila sprejeta dokončna odločitev po notranjem pravu.
The Court may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken.
16 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog začasni uslužbenec ne sme obravnavati zadeve, v kateri ima kakršen koli neposreden ali posreden osebni interes, ki bi lahko oviral njegovo neodvisnost, predvsem družinske ali finančne interese, razen kakor je določeno v nadaljevanju.
A member of temporary staff shall not, in the performance of his duties and save as hereinafter provided, deal with a matter in which, directly or indirectly, he has any personal interest such as to impair his independence, and, in particular, family and financial interests.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje uporabe, s katerimi omogoči razlikovanje med enakozvočnimi označbami ali izrazi iz petega in šestega odstavka, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions of use to enable a distinction to be drawn between the homonymous indications or expressions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, bearing in mind the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to ensure that consumers are not misled.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Če se spor nanaša na obseg ali trajanje zaščitnih ukrepov, sprejetih v skladu s členom 111(3) ali členom 112, ali na sorazmernost izravnalnih ukrepov, sprejetih v skladu s členom 114, in če Skupni odbor EGP po treh mesecih od datuma, ko mu je bila zadeva predložena, ne uspe rešiti spora, lahko katera koli pogodbenica spor predloži arbitraži po postopku iz Protokola 33. V takšnih postopkih se ne smejo obravnavati vprašanja glede razlage določb tega sporazuma iz odstavka 3.
If a dispute concerns the scope or duration of safeguard measures taken in accordance with Article 111(3) or Article 112, or the proportionality of rebalancing measures taken in accordance with Article 114, and if the EEA Joint Committee after three months from the date when the matter has been brought before it has not succeeded to resolve the dispute, any Contracting Party may refer the dispute to arbitration under the procedures laid down in Protocol 33. No question of interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement referred to in paragraph 3 may be dealt with in such procedures.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Vsak uradnik, ki mora pri opravljanju svojih nalog obravnavati zadevo, navedeno zgoraj, o tem takoj obvesti organ za imenovanja.
Any official to whom it falls, in the performance of his duties, to deal with a matter referred to above shall immediately inform the Appointing Authority.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Zadeve uradnikov, ki v razumnem času ne morejo doseči pričakovane delovne uspešnosti, je treba obravnavati v tem pravnem okviru.
Cases of officials who are unable to attain the expected standard of performance within a reasonable time should be dealt with within this new legal framework.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Preden se pripravi in da v kroženje končno poročilo, je treba s pristojnim organom zadevne države članice obravnavati rezultat pregledov.
The outcome of the checks made must be discussed with the competent authority of the Member State concerned before a final report is drawn up and circulated.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Kar zadeva stopnjo dampinga, se ugotavlja, da se njen vpliv glede na obseg in cene uvoza iz zadevnih držav ne more obravnavati kot zanemarljiv.
As regards the margin of dumping, it is concluded that, given the volume and the prices of the imports from the countries concerned, its impact cannot be considered negligible.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Nekateri proizvajalci izvozniki so navedli, da bi morali obravnavati kot enoten uvoženi zadevni proizvod ne le sveže mandarine, temveč tudi vse sadje v pločevinkah.
Certain exporting producers argued that not only canned mandarins, but all canned fruits, should be treated as a single imported product concerned.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Dve osebi, ki živita skupaj kakor zakonska partnerja in nista poročeni, se prav tako obravnavata kot zakonca, če se v zadevnih državah članicah pravno priznavata kot taka.
Two persons living together like spouses, without being married, are also treated as spouses, if they are legally recognised as such in the respective Member States.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Iste stranke so tudi dokazovale, da se živa postrv ne sme obravnavati kot zadevni izdelek, da se proizvajalci žive postrvi ne smejo obravnavati v opredelitvi industrije Skupnosti in da je treba proizvajalce postrvi razlikovati od podjetij, ki se ukvarjajo z zakolom, pakiranjem, zamrzovanjem in filetiranjem rib.
The same parties also argued, that live trout should not be covered by the product concerned that producers of live trout should not be considered for the definition of the Community industry, and that producers of trout should be distinguished from companies involved in the slaughtering, packing, freezing and filleting of fish.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
Skladno s tem je potrjeno, da bi bilo treba zadevno podjetje obravnavati kot novega izvoznika skladno s členom 20 osnovne uredbe in mu tako določiti individualni znesek subvencije.
Accordingly, it is confirmed that the company concerned should be considered a new exporter in accordance with Article 20 of the basic Regulation, and thus an individual amount of subsidy could be determined for it.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Javno naročilo, katerega predmet je dobava proizvodov in ki kot dodatno zadevo zajema tudi namestitvena in inštalacijska dela, se mora obravnavati kot "javno naročilo blaga".
A public contract having as its object the supply of products and which also covers, as an incidental matter, siting and installation operations shall be considered to be a "public supply contract".
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Vmesno in naknadno vrednotenje obravnavata posebna vprašanja, ki se pojavljajo v zadevnih programskih dokumentih za razvoj podeželja, in skupna vprašanja za vrednotenje, pomembna na ravni Skupnosti.
Mid-term and ex post evaluation shall deal with the specific issues arising in the rural development programming document concerned and with common evaluation questions relevant at Community level.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Zato se uvoz zadevnega izdelka iz Pakistana s strani industrije Skupnosti ne da obravnavati, kakor da je prekinil vzročno zvezo med dampinškim uvozom iz Pakistana in znatno škodo, povzročeno industriji Skupnosti v celoti.
Therefore, imports by the Community industry of the product concerned from Pakistan cannot be seen to break the causal link between the dumped imports from Pakistan and the material injury suffered by the Community industry as a whole.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog uradnik ne sme obravnavati zadeve, v kateri ima kakršen koli neposreden ali posreden osebni interes, ki bi lahko oviral njegovo neodvisnost, predvsem družinske ali finančne interese, razen kakor je določeno v nadaljevanju.
An official shall not, in the performance of his duties and save as hereinafter provided, deal with a matter in which, directly or indirectly, he has any personal interest such as to impair his independence, and, in particular, family and financial interests.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Javno naročilo, katerega predmet so skupaj proizvodi in storitve v skladu s pomenom iz Priloge II, se morajo obravnavati kot "javno naročilo storitev", če vrednost zadevnih storitev presega vrednost tistih proizvodov, ki so zajeti v naročilu.
A public contract having as its object both products and services within the meaning of Annex II shall be considered to be a "public service contract" if the value of the services in question exceeds that of the products covered by the contract.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Stranke so tudi dokazovale, da je del proizvodnje velike amerikanke v Skupnosti namenjen proizvodnji iker in da ribe, ki so gojene, dokler ne odrastejo, glede tega predstavljajo izdelek mnogo nižje kakovosti in jih zato ni mogoče obravnavati kot podobne zadevnemu izdelku.
It was further argued that part of the production of large rainbow trout in the Community is destined for producing roe, and that fish grown to maturity to this end constitutes a product of a much inferior quality and therefore can not be considered as alike to the product concerned.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Če so ta plačila vezana na regulativno funkcijo (npr. preverjanje pristojnosti ali kvalifikacij vlagatelja), jih je treba obravnavati kot nakup storitev države in zajeti kot vmesno potrošnjo (razen če so povsem nesorazmerna s stroški zagotavljanja zadevne storitve) (prim. 2.108(o));
If a regulatory function attaches to these payments (e.g. checks on the applicant's competence or qualifications), they should be treated as purchases of services from general government and be recorded as intermediate consumption (unless they are completely out of proportion to the cost of providing the services in question) (cf. 2.108(o));
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Vsak uradnik, ki mora pri opravljanju svojih nalog obravnavati zadevo, navedeno zgoraj, o tem takoj obvesti organ za imenovanja.
Any official to whom it falls, in the performance of his duties, to deal with a matter referred to above shall immediately inform the Appointing Authority.
35 Pravna redakcija
Kadar se sklicuje na postopek, opisan v tem členu, mora odbor obravnavati zadevo ter izdati obrazloženo mnenje v roku 90 dni od datuma, ko mu je bila zadeva predana.
When reference is made to the procedure described in this Article, the Committee shall consider the matter concerned and issue a reasoned opinion within 90 days of the date on which the matter was referred to it.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0165
obravnavati občutljive kratkoročne zadeve,
to consider sensitive short-term issues,
37 Pravna redakcija
obravnavati zadeve v zvezi s tranzitom in ponovnim izvozom;
to pursue the consideration of transit/re-export matters;
38 Pravna redakcija
Predsednik prav tako skliče Svet EGP, na lastno pobudo ali na predlog enega izmed članov Sveta, kadar koli to zahtevajo okoliščine, vključno kadar kateri koli od članov želi obravnavati zadevo, ki povzroča težave, kot je to določeno v členu 89 (2) Sporazuma.
The EEA Council shall also be convened by its president, on his own initiative or at the request of one of its members, whenever circumstances so require, including when any of its members wishes to raise any issue giving rise to a difficulty as provided for in Article 89 (2) of the Agreement.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1882
Postopek iz odstavka 2 se uporablja za zadeve, ki jih obravnavata člena 3(3) in 4(1).
The procedure laid down in paragraph 2 shall apply in respect of the matters covered by Articles 3(3) and 4(1).
40 Pravna redakcija
(d) obravnavata zadeve, ki so v skupnem interesu in se nanašajo na uporabo konkurenčnega prava vsake pogodbenice.
(d) discuss other matters of mutual interest relating to the application of the competition laws of each Party.
41 Pravna redakcija
V povabilu zadevni instituciji so lahko navedeni posebni vidiki pritožbe ali posebna vprašanja, ki jih mora mnenje obravnavati.
The invitation to the institution concerned may specify particular aspects of the complaint, or specific issues, which the opinion should address.
42 Pravna redakcija
Vsak sporazum mora obravnavati tiste vidike ohranitve in upravljanja zadevne selitvene vrste, ki omogočajo, da se doseže ta cilj.
Each Agreement should deal with those aspects of the conservation and management of the migratory species concerned which serve to achieve that object.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Zadeve uradnikov, ki v razumnem času ne morejo doseči pričakovane delovne uspešnosti, je treba obravnavati v tem pravnem okviru.
Cases of officials who are unable to attain the expected standard of performance within a reasonable time should be dealt with within this new legal framework.
44 Pravna redakcija
(a) spremljati izvajanje tega sporazuma in obravnavati vse zadeve, povezane s tem sporazumom, ter preučiti vse zadeve, ki se lahko pojavijo v zvezi z njegovim izvajanjem;
(a) to monitor the implementation of this Agreement and consider any matter relating to this Agreement, and examine all matters which may arise in relation to its implementation;
45 Pravna redakcija
Če obrat, ki odkupi odpadek od trgovca, ne pozna izvora zadevnega odpadka, bi ga bilo treba obravnavati kot domači odpadek in ga prikazati v vrstici 43.
If the works which buys the scrap from a merchant does not know the origin of the scrap in question, it should be assumed to be domestically arising scrap and be indicated in line 43.
46 Pravna redakcija
(13) Upravna komisija bi morala obravnavati to vprašanje ob upoštevanju, da odločba Gottardo zadeva uporabo načela enakega obravnavanja na področju socialne varnosti,
(13) The Administrative Commission should deal with this question, given that the ruling in Gottardo is concerned with the application of the principle of equal treatment in the field of social security,
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Glede na vpliv velikosti dejanske stopnje dampinga na industrijo Skupnosti, ob obsegu in cenah uvoza iz zadevnih držav, tega vpliva ni mogoče obravnavati kot zanemarljivega.
As concerns the impact on the Community industry of the magnitude of the actual dumping margin, given the volume and the prices of the imports from the countries concerned, this impact cannot be considered to be negligible.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0496
Prav tako je potrjeno, da je zadevna družba treba obravnavati kot novega izvoznika v skladu s členom 11(4) osnovne uredbe in da je zato treba zanj določiti individualno stopnjo dampinga.
Accordingly, it is confirmed that the company concerned should be considered a new exporter in accordance with Article 11(4) of the Basic Regulation, and thus an individual dumping margin should be determined for it.
49 Pravna redakcija
Začasni odbor lahko s sklepom določi praktična pravila za razlikovanje zadevnih enakozvočnih označb, pri čemer je treba zadevne proizvajalce enako obravnavati in ne zavajati potrošnikov.
The Interim Committee may determine by way of decision the practical conditions under which the homony-mous designations in question are to be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to avoid misleading the consumer.
50 Pravna redakcija
Predsedstvo je zato udeleženo pri delu izvršilnega odbora KEDO in se nemudoma obvesti o vseh zadevah skupne zunanje in varnostne politike, ki jih je treba obravnavati v izvršilnem odboru KEDO.
The Presidency shall therefore be closely associated with the proceedings of KEDO's Executive Board and shall be informed immediately of any common foreign and security policy matter which must be discussed at Executive Board meetings.
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obravnavati zadevo