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obseg programa
1 Prevajalska redakcija
Obseg programa IPS je tako širok, kot je to izvedljivo.
The scope of the IMS programme is as broad as practicable.
2 Objavljeno
Program je obsegal naslednje teme:
The program included the following themes:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ozaveščanja in informiranja
Number and scope of programmes and projects on raising awareness and providing information
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
28.2 Nobena članica ne sme razširiti obseg takega programa niti obnoviti takega programa, ko ta poteče.
28.2 No Member shall extend the scope of any such programme, nor shall such a programme be renewed upon its expiry.
5 Objavljeno
Program obsega 20 srečanj s kandidati in zajema teoretični in praktični del.
The program includes 20 meetings with the candidates and has a theoretical and a practical part.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov ter projektov, ki se nanašajo na uravnoteženo zastopanost spolov
Number and scope of programmes and projects relating to gender-balanced representation
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov, namenjenih usklajevanju poklicnega in zasebnega življenja
Number and scope of special programmes, aimed at the reconciliation of professional and private life
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov za spodbujanje enakih možnosti žensk in moških v športu
Number and scope of special programmes for promoting equal opportunities of women and men in sports
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov za spremljanje, proučevanje in izboljšanje reproduktivnega zdravja
Number and scope of programmes for monitoring, examining and improving the reproductive health
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za spodbujanje enakosti spolov v medijih in oglaševanju
Number and scope of programmes and projects for promoting gender equality in media and advertising
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ter posebnih ukrepov za spodbujanje aktivnega očetovstva
Number and scope of programmes and projects and special measures for promoting active fatherhood
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov, ki spodbujajo samozaposlovanje žensk in žensko podjetništvo
Number and scope of special programmes promoting self-employment of women and women` s entrepreneurship
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov za spodbujanje žensk in v okviru aktivne politike zaposlovanja
Number and scope of special programmes and programmes within the active employment policy aimed at encouraging women
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov varovanja in krepitve zdravja, kjer je upoštevan vidik spola
The number and scope of programmes and projects of protection and promotion of health, taking into consideration the gender perspective
15 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Pouk, zagotovljen na vsaki šoli, obsega izobraževalne programe do konca sekundarnega izobraževanja.
The instruction given in each School shall cover the course of studies up to the end of secondary school.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov, namenjenih boju proti diskriminaciji in odpravljanju neenakosti med spoloma
Number and scope of programmes aimed at fighting against discrimination and elimination of inequalities based on gender
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za ozaveščanje in informiranje o problematiki spolnega nasilja
Number and scope of programmes and projects for awareness raising and providing information on issues of sexual violence
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov aktivne politike zaposlovanja, v katere je vključeno najmanj polovica žensk
Number and scope of the active employment policy programmes, involving at least half of women
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za ozaveščanje in informiranje o problematiki nasilja nad ženskami
Number and scope of programmes and projects for awareness raising and providing information on issues related to the violence against women
20 Objavljeno
Zavedamo se, da dobra izvedba nacionalnega programa pogojuje manjši obseg aidsa in okužbe s HIV v prihodnosti.
We are aware of the fact that well organised national prevention and care programme will result in the smaller scope of the HIV/AIDS problem in the future.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ter protokolov, ki se nanašajo na sistemsko obravnavo spolnega nasilja
Number and scope of programmes and projects as well as protocols relating to the regulatory treatment of sexual violence
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov, projektov in storitev na področju duševnega zdravja, kjer je upoštevan vidik spola
Number and scope of programmes, projects and services in the mental health area, taking into consideration the gender perspective
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov in storitev varstva otrok, prilagojenih različnim potrebam staršev in otrok
Number and scope of special childcare programmes and services adapted to the different needs of parents and children
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(4) Obseg javne službe na področju varstva potrošnikov se določi z nacionalnim programom varstva potrošnikov.
(4) The scope of the public service in the area of consumer protection shall be determined by the national consumer protection programme.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za spreminjanje stereotipne vloge žensk in moških v družini in partnerstvu
Number and scope of programmes and projects for changing the stereotype roles of women and men in the family and partnership
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov za spodbujanje zaposlovanja in delovne aktivnosti žensk v okviru aktivne politike
Number and scope of special programmes for the promotion of employment and work activity of women within the framework of the active employment policy
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg posebnih programov in storitev za skrb starejših in drugih pomoči potrebnih družinskih članic in članov
Number and scope of special programmes and services providing care to the elderly and other dependents
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
pripravo predlogov glede obsega programa in vrst štipendij ter drugih splošnih smernic za naslednje finančno leto Združenih držav,
The development of proposals detailing the scope of the Program, the types of grants to be awarded, and similar general guidelines for the following United States fiscal year;
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ter protokolov, ki se nanašajo na sistemsko obravnavo žensk z izkušnjo nasilja in povzročiteljev nasilja
Number and scope of programmes and projects as well as protocols relating to the regulatory treatment of women victims of violence and of perpetrators
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg izobraževalnih, svetovalnih in terapevtskih storitev, programov in projektov za odgovorno in kakovostno starševstvo in partnerstvo
Number and scope of training, counselling and therapeutic services, programmes and projects for a responsible partnership and parenthood
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Vsaka pogodbenica si v ustreznem obsegu prizadeva zagotoviti možnost udeležbe javnosti pri preverjanju načrtov in programov na podlagi tega člena.
To the extent appropriate, each Party shall endeavour to provide opportunities for the participation of the public concerned in the screening of plans and programmes under this article.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
ob spoznanju o pomembnosti vključevanja okolja, tudi zdravja, v pripravo in sprejemanje načrtov ter programov in v primernem obsegu politik in zakonodaje,
Recognizing the importance of integrating environmental, including health, considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes and, to the extent appropriate, policies and legislation,
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
(f) Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo v skladu s svojimi pravili in predpisi v potrebnem obsegu olajšale gibanje sodelujočih v programih in drugih ukrepih.
The Contracting Parties undertake, in accordance with their respective rules and regulations, to facilitate the movement of participants in the programme and other action to the extent necessary.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
a) invalidom zagotavljajo brezplačne ali cenovno dostopne zdravstvene storitve in programe v enakem obsegu, kakovosti in standardu kot drugim, tudi na področju spolnega in reproduktivnega zdravja, ter javne zdravstvene programe;
(a) Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes;
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za spremljanje in povečanje socialne vključenosti ter preprečevanje tveganja revščine, kjer je upoštevan vidik spola
Number and scope of programmes and projects for monitoring and increasing the social inclusion and the prevention of the risk-of-poverty, which take into consideration the gender perspective
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za ozaveščanje in informiranje o problematiki trgovine z ljudmi in spolnega izkoriščanja zaradi prostitucije in pornografije
Number and scope of programmes and projects for awareness raising and providing information on issues of trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation for the purposes of prostitution and pornography
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za ozaveščanje in informiranje o koristih in prednostih uravnotežene zastopanosti žensk in moških pri političnem odločanju
Number and scope of programmes and projects for awareness raising and for providing information on benefits and advantages of gender-balanced representation in political decision-making
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov izobraževanja, usposabljanja in strokovnega izpopolnjevanja kadrov v ministrstvih, uradih in drugih vladnih službah ter v samoupravnih lokalnih skupnostih
Number and scope of programmes for education, basic and advanced professional training of staff at the ministries, offices and other government bodies and self-governing local communities;
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Nacionalni program varstva potrošnikov določa temelje politike varstva potrošnikov in opredeljuje obseg dejavnosti, ki se financira oziroma sofinancira iz državnega proračuna.
(1) The national consumer protection programme shall determine the foundations of the consumer protection policy and shall define the extent of activities financed or co financed from the national budget.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
podpirala programe, ki zmanjšujejo tveganja, povezana z nevarnostjo socialne izključenosti, povečevala obseg in kakovost ter individualizacijo storitev na področju socialne varnosti.
− support the programmes to reduce the risk related to the threat of social exclusion, and increase the volume, quality and individualisation of services in the social security area.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ter protokolov, ki se nanašajo na sistemsko obravnavo preprečevanja trgovine z ljudmi in spolnega izkoriščanja zaradi prostitucije in pornografije
Number and scope of programmes, projects and protocols relating to the prevention of trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation for the purposes of prostitution and pornography
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-16
Pogodbenice, kot je ustrezno, oblikujejo programe za državni, regionalni in svetovni nadzor o obsegu, vzorcih, dejavnikih ter posledicah uživanja tobaka in izpostavljenosti tobačnemu dimu.
The Parties shall establish, as appropriate, programmes for national, regional and global surveillance of the magnitude, patterns, determinants and consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov za usposabljanje strokovnih kadrov, ki delajo na področju preprečevanja nasilja ter obravnave žensk z izkušnjo nasilja in storilcev nasilnih dejanj
Number and scope of programmes and projects for training professional staff active in the area of prevention and treatment of women victims of violence and perpetrators of violent offences
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
V demokratičnih družbah, kakršna je tudi slovenska, je skrb za take posameznike in njihove družine skrb države, ki za to pripravlja posebne programe in namenja določen obseg javnih sredstev.
In democratic societies, such as the Slovene, the care for such individuals and their families shall be the responsibility of the state, which shall prepare special programmes and earmark a certain amount of public funds for this purpose.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Število in obseg programov in projektov ter raven integracije načela enakosti spolov v vso pravno ureditev na področju delitve odsotnosti z dela zaradi nege bolne družinske članice oziroma člana
Number and scope of programmes and projects and the level of gender mainstreaming in all legislative regulation concerning the sharing of absence from work for the purpose of caring for a sick family member.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Okoljsko poročilo v skladu z obsegom presoje, določenim po 6. členu, opredeli, opiše in oceni verjetne pomembne okoljske, tudi zdravstvene, posledice izvajanja načrta in programa ter razumne alternative.
The environmental report shall, in accordance with the determination under article 6, identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant environmental, including health, effects of implementing the plan or programme and its reasonable alternatives.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
ob upoštevanju nujnosti in pomembnosti pospeševanja mednarodnega sodelovanja pri presoji čezmejnih okoljskih in zdravstvenih posledic predlaganih načrtov in programov ter v primernem obsegu politik in zakonodaje
Mindful of the need for and importance of enhancing international cooperation in assessing the transboundary environmental, including health, effects of proposed plans and programmes, and, to the extent appropriate, policies and legislation,
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
Države pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo to konvencijo razširjale v največjem možnem obsegu in zlasti da bodo proučevanje te konvencije in ustreznih določb mednarodnega humanitarnega prava vključile v svoje programe vojaškega usposabljanja.
The States Parties undertake to disseminate this Convention as widely as possible and, in particular, to include the study thereof, as well as relevant provisions of international humanitarian law, in their programmes of military instruction.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
navedbo predmeta in programskih izhodišč za pripravo plana vključno s seznamom potrebnih ali že izdelanih strokovnih podlag za pripravo plana oziroma določenih ali načrtovanih posegov ali območja, ki jih plan obsega oziroma na katerega vpliva;
indication of the subject and programme starting-points for the preparation of the plan, including a list of the technical background material necessary for the preparation of the plan or already elaborated, or defined or planned activities or areas covered by or affected by the plan;
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(2) Z nacionalnim programom varstva potrošnikov se določijo zlasti: - načela in cilji politike varstva potrošnikov, - naloge, ki imajo pri uresničevanju politike varstva potrošnikov prioriteto, - vrste nalog na področju varstva potrošnikov, ki se bodo opravljale na podlagi koncesij, - okvirni obseg sredstev za izvedbo nalog iz nacionalnega programa, - okvirni obseg sredstev za spodbujanje razvoja in delovanja potrošniških organizacij.
(2) The national consumer protection programme shall in particular determine - the principles and goals of the consumer protection policy, - the tasks with priority in the implementation of the consumer protection policy, - the types of tasks in the area of consumer protection which shall be carried out on the basis of awarded concessions, - the approximate amount of funds required to carry out tasks defined in the national programme, and - the approximate amount of funds required to promote the development and operation of consumer organisations.
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obseg programa