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obseg zalog
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0901
Obseg zalog ne šteje za veljaven kazalec škode zaradi sezonske narave prodaje, zaradi dejstva, da se sečnina, namenjena lastni uporabi, skladišči skupaj s sečnino, namenjeno prodaji na prostem trgu, ter zaradi tega, ker sečnino delno skladiščijo sami proizvajalci in delno kmetijske zadruge.
The level of stocks is not considered a valid injury indicator due to the seasonality of the sales, to the fact that urea used for captive use is stored together with the urea sold as such on the market and to the fact that urea is partly stored by the producers themselves and partly by cooperatives of farmers.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979D0639
Obseg zalog (tabela I)
Level of stocks (Table I)
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979D0639
Obseg zalog pomeni vso količino nafte, shranjene znotraj meja države prijaviteljice z izjemo nafte v naftovodih, nafte pri trgovcih na drobno in na bencinskih servisih, zalog pri končnih uporabnikih, ki ni pod administrativnim nadzorom, ter zalog, namenjenih za porabo v vojski.
The level of stocks means all oil stored within the frontiers of the declaring country, with the exception of oil in pipelines, oil held by retailers and in filling stations, stocks held by end-consumers and not subject to administrative supervision, and stocks held for military consumption.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
c) vrstah uskladiščenega blaga (nafta, vrsta derivata) in obsegu zalog;
c) types of the stored materials (crude oil, product category) and the volume of the stock
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Sporazum o kmetijstvu
Obseg in zbiranje teh zalog morata ustrezati vnaprej določenim ciljem, ki se nanašajo samo na varnost pri preskrbi s hrano.
The volume and accumulation of such stocks shall correspond to predetermined targets related solely to food security.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
Pri ugotavljanju resne škode ali dejanske grožnje le-te iz drugega odstavka mora članica preveriti vpliv takega uvoza na stanje določene industrije, kar se kaže v ustreznih ekonomskih spremenljivkah, kot so obseg proizvodnje, storilnost, izkoriščenost zmogljivosti, zaloge, tržni delež, izvoz, plače, zaposlenost, domače cene, dobički in vlaganja. Nobeden od teh dejavnikov sam ali v povezavi z drugimi dejavniki ni nujno odločilen.
In making a determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, as referred to in paragraph 2, the Member shall examine the effect of those imports on the state of the particular industry, as reflected in changes in such relevant economic variables as output, productivity, utilization of capacity, inventories, market share, exports, wages, employment, domestic prices, profits and investment; none of which, either alone or combined with other factors, can necessarily give decisive guidance.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaloge proizvodnje obsegajo:
Output stocks comprise:
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaloge obsegajo vse proizvode, ki niso del stalnega kapitala in jih ima v določenem trenutku proizvodna enota.
Stocks comprise all goods which do not form part of fixed capital and are held by producer units at a given moment.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Druge spremembe obsega se ponavadi razumejo kot zaloga uničenega blaga ob nastopu izrednih dogodkov (npr. naravne nesreče).
Other changes in volume are generally understood to be stocks of goods destroyed in the wake of exceptional events (such as natural disasters).
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Porast zalog med 2000/01 in 2001/02 je sovpadala z 20 % padcem obsega prodaje proizvajalcev Skupnosti v Skupnosti in se je v glavnem pripisovala navedenemu padcu obsega prodaje.
The increase in stock between 2000/01 and 2001/02 coincided with a fall in the Community producers' sales volume in the Community of 20 %, and was found to be chiefly attributable to that fall in sales volume.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Pri vzorčenih proizvajalcih Skupnosti je bilo sicer opaženo povečanje zalog, vendar je prevladalo mnenje, da v tem primeru zaloge niso relevanten pokazatelj škode zaradi velikega nihanja obsega zalog, značilnega za to industrijo.
Whilst an increase in stocks was observed at the sampled Community producers, it was considered that in this case stocks were not a relevant indicator of injury due to the industry specific high fluctuations of stocks.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Ker se pri nekaterih izvoznikih zaloge zelo kopičijo in je višina uvoza zadnje čase velik, je ta obseg takšen, da se ga obravnava kakor največji možni obseg, ki naj bi ga uvažali brez dodatne dajatve.
Given a significant build up of stocks by some importers and the continuing high level of imports most recently, it is considered that this is the maximum volume which should be imported without additional duty.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Vsaka posamična ampula mora biti jasno označena, voditi pa je treba tudi obsežne evidence o zalogah virusa skupaj z datumi in rezultati preverjanj kakovosti.
All individual ampoules must be clearly labelled, and comprehensive records maintained of virus stocks together with dates and results of quality-control checks.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Živina kot "osnovno sredstvo" je dejansko pretvorjena v zaloge z zajemanjem toka, imenovanega "druge spremembe obsega" (prim. 2.136), vpisanega v račun "drugih sprememb obsega sredstev".
"Fixed asset" livestock are in fact converted into stocks by recording a flow entitled "other change in volume" (cf. 2.136) entered in the "other changes in volume of assets" account.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Ta padec se v glavnem razloži z dejstvom, da se zaloge običajno nakopičijo na koncu vsakega koledarskega leta, ker se zmanjša obseg proizvodnje v zimskih mesecih, ko so stroški energije najvišji.
This fall is mainly explained by the fact that stocks usually build up at the end of each calendar year to allow for reduced production volumes during the winter months when energy costs peak.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Vina z različno gostoto in volumenskim deležem alkohola, pripravljena vsak mesec v industrijskem obsegu, vzeta iz pravilno skladiščene zaloge steklenic in dostavljena laboratorijem kot anonimni proizvodi.
Samples Wines of different density and alcoholic strength prepared each month on industrial scale, taken from a properly stored stock of bottles and delivered as anonymous products to the laboratories.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V poskusu uskladitve z metodo stalne inventarizacije ESR 95 priporoča "kvantitativna" metoda, ki obsega merjenje sprememb stanj kot razlike v obsegu med zalogami na začetku in na koncu obračunskega obdobja, vrednotenih po povprečnih cenah, ki veljajo v obravnavanem obdobju.
In an attempt to get into line with the perpetual inventory method, the ESA 95 recommends a "quantitative" method which consists in measuring changes in stocks as the difference in volume between the stocks at the opening and closing of the accounting period, valued at the average prices in force during the period concerned.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Poleg dejavnikov škode, opredeljenih v uvodnih izjavah 150 do 159 začasne uredbe, torej proizvodnje, proizvodne zmogljivosti, izkoriščenosti zmogljivosti, obsega prodaje, tržnega deleža, prodajnih cen, zalog, rentabilnosti, zaposlovanja in naložb, so bili analizirani naslednji dejavniki škode, ki so v skladu s priporočili iz poročil spodaj podrobno opredeljeni.
In addition to the injury factors as set out in recitals 150 to 159 of the Provisional Regulation, i.e. production, production capacity, capacity utilisation, sales volume, market share, sales prices, stocks, profitability, employment and investments, the following injury factors were analysed, and, following the Reports recommendations, are now set out in detail below.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0230
V ta namen lahko uporabijo sistem za določanje imetnikov presežnih zalog, ki temelji na analizi tveganja, ob ustreznem upoštevanju zlasti naslednjih meril: - vrsta dejavnosti imetnika, - zmogljivost skladišč, - obseg dejavnosti. Nove države članice najpozneje do 31. oktobra 2004 obvestijo Komisijo o količini proizvodov v presežnih zalogah, razen o količinah v javnih zalogah iz člena 5.";
The new Member States shall notify the Commission of the quantity of products in surplus stocks, except of those quantities in public stocks as referred to in Article 5, by 31 October 2004 at the latest.";
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Drugič, obseg zalog se je po letu 1996 zmanjšal,
Secondly, the volume of stocks has decreased since 1996:
21 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi v rednih presledkih preverjajo dejansko izvoženi obseg in obseg zalog.
The competent bodies shall at regular intervals check on the volume actually exported and on the volume of stocks.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0964
(63) Med letom 1996 in OP se je obseg zalog zmanjšal za približno 4 %. Medtem ko je bil v
(63) The level of stocks decreased by around 4 % between 1996 and the IP.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
Obseg prodaje se je povečal za 4,9 %, ustrezni tržni delež pa za 19 %; v istem obdobju se je obseg zalog zmanjšal za približno 4 %.
Sales volumes rose by 4,9 % and the corresponding market share by 19 %; during the same period stock volumes decreased by about 4 %.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaloge proizvodnje obsegajo:
Output stocks comprise:
25 Pravna redakcija
Intervencijske zaloge obsegajo:
The Buffer Stock shall comprise:
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Gospodarski dejavniki, kot so povprečne prodajne cene za tono najbolje prodajane kakovosti, obseg zalog in donosnost, so se ugodno razvijali.
Economic factors such as average sales prices per tonne for the most-sold grade, volume of stocks and profitability showed a positive development.
27 Pravna redakcija
vodijo evidenco zalog, ki obsega vsaj:
keep stock records showing at least:
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0658
Zaradi sezonske narave prodaje in zaradi dejstva, da AN deloma skladiščijo sami proizvajalci, deloma pa kmetijske zadruge, se obseg zalog ne šteje za ustrezen kazalec škode.
The level of stocks is not considered to be a relevant injury indicator owing to the seasonal nature of the sales and the fact that AN is partly stored by the producers themselves and partly by the cooperatives of farmers.
29 Pravna redakcija
Kadar so spremembe obsega in cen zalog precej enakomerne, je spremembe zalog mogoče oceniti tudi z množenjem spremembe obsega zalog s povprečnimi cenami tekočega ali baznega leta.
When changes in the volume and the prices of inventories are fairly regular, estimates of changes in inventories can also be obtained by multiplying the volume change of inventories by average prices for the current year or the base year.
30 Pravna redakcija
Oblikovanje zalog cepiva Skupnosti proti slinavki in parkljevki obsega:
The establishment of Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine shall consist of:
31 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba stroške financiranja izračunati v skladu z metodo, ki upošteva obseg zalog, različne načine predstavitve blaga za intervencijo, amortizacijo uskladiščenega blaga od začetka proračunskega leta in tudi spremembe intervencijskih cen proizvodov med proračunskim letom;
Whereas the financing costs should be calculated according to a method which takes account of the volume of the stocks, of the different ways in which the goods are presented for intervention, of the depreciation of goods in storage since the beginning of the financial year and also of changes in the intervention prices of products during the financial year;
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
To je v skladu z ugotovijo o ustaljenem obsegu proizvodnje in zalog v istem obdobju.
This is line in with the finding of steady production volumes and stocks in the same period.
33 Pravna redakcija
Če se cene nanašajo na tekoče leto, vrednost meri spremembe obsega zalog v tekočih cenah, če pa na bazno leto, vrednost ustreza spremembam obsega zalog v cenah baznega leta.
If they refer to the current year, the value measures the volume changes in inventories at current prices.If the average prices refer to a base-year, the value corresponds to volume changes in inventories at base-year prices.
34 Pravna redakcija
Če spremembe cen in obsegov zalog niso prevelike, se kot alternativa ponuja neposredno deflacioniranje spremembe zalog s povprečnim letnim cenovnim indeksom.
When volume and price changes of inventories are not too large, the direct deflation of the change in inventories with an average price index of the year provides an alternative.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaloge obsegajo vse proizvode, ki niso del stalnega kapitala in jih ima v določenem trenutku proizvodna enota.
Stocks comprise all goods which do not form part of fixed capital and are held by producer units at a given moment.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Po tem so se zaloge povečale, ker je obseg prodaje znatno upadel, medtem ko se je proizvodnja nekoliko povečala.
Thereafter, the level of stocks increased due to the significant decrease of sales volume while production slightly increased.
37 Pravna redakcija
Zaloge na začetku in koncu obdobja je treba izračunavati v stalnih cenah za ocenjevanje spremembe obsega zalog v obdobju.
Inventories at the beginning and at the end respectively of each period may have to be calculated at constant prices in order to estimate the volume change in inventories during the period.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Druge spremembe obsega se ponavadi razumejo kot zaloga uničenega blaga ob nastopu izrednih dogodkov (npr. naravne nesreče).
Other changes in volume are generally understood to be stocks of goods destroyed in the wake of exceptional events (such as natural disasters).
39 Pravna redakcija
če se v obračunskem obdobju znatno spreminjajo obseg in cene zalog, je treba uporabiti bolj zapletene metode približnih ocen.
if both the volume and the prices of the inventories change substantially within the accounting period, more sophisticated approximation methods are required.
40 Pravna redakcija
če cene blaga ostajajo v glavnem nespremenjene, niti velika nihanja obsega zalog ne preprečujejo uporabe enostavnega približka, tj. množenja spremembe obsega s povprečno ceno;
in case the prices of the goods involved remain fairly constant, even large fluctuations in the volume of inventories may not invalidate a simple approximation, i. e. the multiplication of the volume change with the average price;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Živina kot "osnovno sredstvo" je dejansko pretvorjena v zaloge z zajemanjem toka, imenovanega "druge spremembe obsega" (prim. 2.136), vpisanega v račun "drugih sprememb obsega sredstev".
'Fixed asset' livestock are in fact converted into stocks by recording a flow entitled 'other change in volume' (cf. 2.136) entered in the 'other changes in volume of assets' account.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Pri vzorčenih proizvajalcih Skupnosti je bilo sicer opaženo povečanje zalog, vendar je prevladalo mnenje, da v tem primeru zaloge niso relevanten pokazatelj škode zaradi velikega nihanja obsega zalog, značilnega za to industrijo.
Whilst an increase in stocks was observed at the sampled Community producers, it was considered that in this case stocks were not a relevant indicator of injury due to the industry specific high fluctuations of stocks.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
V primerjavi s celotnim obsegom proizvodnje industrije Skupnosti so se v obravnavanem obdobju tudi končne zaloge zmanjšale za 58 %, in sicer so zaloge predstavljale 20,7 % celotnega obsega proizvodnje v letu 1996 in 8,7 % v obdobju OP.
In relation to the total production volume of the Community industry, closing inventories have decreased by 58 % over the period considered as well, namely inventories represented 20,7 % of total production volume in 1996 and 8,7 % in the IP.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2328
(2) Javna prodaja vinskega alkohola za uporabo v sektorju goriv v Skupnosti se izvede zaradi zmanjšanja zalog vinskega alkohola v Skupnosti in do nekega obsega zagotavljanja zalog podjetjem, odobrenim na podlagi člena 92 Uredbe (ES) št. 1623/2000.
(2) Public sales of wine alcohol for use in the fuel sector in the Community should be organised with a view to reducing Community stocks of wine alcohol and to some extent ensuring supplies to firms approved under Article 92 of Regulation (EC) No 1623/2000.
45 Pravna redakcija
kadar so spremembe obsega zalog precej enakomerne, je praktična metoda, ki je zelo blizu teoretičnemu načelu vrednotenja, množenje spremembe obsega zalog s povprečnimi cenami obdobja (kupčeve cene za zaloge pri porabnikih, trgovcih na debelo ali trgovcih na drobno, osnovne cene za zaloge pri proizvajalcih);
when changes in the volume of inventories are fairly regular, a practical method which comes close to the theoretical valuation principle is to multiply the volume change of the inventories by the average prices for the period (purchasers' prices for inventories held by users or by wholesalers or retailers, basic prices for inventories held by their producers);
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Drugi kazalci škode bi sledili enakemu negativnemu trendu, z izjemo naložb in obsega proizvodnje, čigar povečanje pa bi imelo za posledico večje zaloge.
The other injury indicators would have followed the same negative trend, with the exception of the investments, and of the production volume, the increase of which however resulted in higher stocks.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Dodatni negativni kazalci so bili zmanjšanje obsega prodaje, izguba tržnega deleža, zmanjšanje proizvodnih zmogljivosti in zaposlenosti ter povečanje zalog.
Additional negative indicators were the decrease in sales volume, the loss of market share, the reduction of production capacity and employment, and the increase of stock levels.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000S2730
(49) V odsotnosti vseh pripomb se potrdijo začasne ugotovitve glede zalog, obsega prodaje in tržnega deleža (rasti), investicij, zaposlovanja in produktivnosti.
(49) In the absence of any comments, the provisional findings regarding stocks, sales volume and market share (growth), investments, employment and productivity are hereby confirmed.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Zmanjšanje zalog v obdobju od leta 1996 do leta 1999 je mogoče pojasniti z znatnim povečanjem obsega prodaje v primerjavi z obsegom proizvodnje v istem obdobju.
The decrease of the level of stocks in the period 1996 to 1999 is explained by a significant increase of sales volume, namely as compared to the production volume during the same period.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
Nekateri gospodarski kazalniki v Skupnosti, kakor so obseg prodaje in tržni delež ter zaloge, so pokazali ugoden razvoj za industrijo Skupnosti v obdobju pregleda.
Certain economic factors in the Community, such as sales volumes and market share, as well as stocks, have shown positive developments for the Community industry during the period under review.
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obseg zalog