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ocena in pregled
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Ocena in pregled
Assessment and Review
2 Pravna redakcija
Ocena in pregled
Assessment and review
3 Pravna redakcija
Ocena in pregled nadzornih ukrepov
Assessment and review of control measures
4 Objavljeno
Preventivni zdravstveni pregledi in ocena delovne zmožnosti
Preventive medical examinations and evaluation of working ability
5 Objavljeno
V zadnjem obdobju je pregledala in ocenila od 150 do 180 vlog letno.
In the last period the Committee discussed and gave opinion on about 150-180 research proposals yearly.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
a. pregleda in oceni grožnjo, ki jo pomenijo eksplozivni ostanki vojne;
(a) survey and assess the threat posed by explosive remnants of war;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-86
Konferenca pogodbenic nenehno pregleduje in ocenjuje izvajanje konvencije.
The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review and evaluation the implementation of this Convention.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
(b) nadzorni pregled in ocena finančnega položaja finančnega konglomerata;
(b) supervisory overview and assessment of the financial situation of a financial conglomerate;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
- organizacija periodičnih pregledov in ocen stanja gospodarskega sodelovanja;
- Conducting periodic reviews and assessing the status of economic cooperation;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
Med pregledom bo inšpektor za varnost plovbe ocenil tudi, ali je ladja in/ali posadka sposobna:
During inspection the port State control officer will further assess whether the ship and/or crew is able to:
11 Objavljeno
Nominacijski odbor pregleda in oceni obstoječo sestavo članov nadzornega sveta oz. tiste člane, ki jim mandat ne poteče.
A nomination committee reviews and evaluates the existing composition of members of a Supervisory Board or those members whose terms of office do not expire.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
V skladu s Prilogo III določijo staležne letne omejitve smrtnosti delfinov ter pregledajo in ocenijo učinke teh omejitev.
Establish per-stock per-year dolphin mortality caps, and review and assess the effects of these caps, in accordance with Annex III; and
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-20
(4) Predstavniki pristojnih organov iz 3. člena se sestanejo najmanj enkrat letno, da pregledajo sodelovanje in ocenijo delo v centru.
(4) The representatives of the competent authorities referred to in Article 3 shall meet at least once annually in order to review the cooperation and evaluate the Centre's work.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Če je ocena pregleda pozitivna, lahko Španija podaljša sodelovanje za nadaljnje triletno obdobje ob upoštevanju ustreznega cikla pregleda in lahko še naprej sodeluje v celotnem obdobju trajanja projekta.
Following a positive review, Spain may extend its participation for a further three year period, subject to the corresponding review cycle, and may continue to participate for the whole duration of the project.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Predstojnik sestavlja osnutke triletnih finančnih napovedi in jih po posvetovanju z akademskim svetom predloži visokemu svetu v pregled in oceno.
The Principal shall draw up draft triennial financial forecasts and, after consulting the Academic Council, shall submit them to the High Council for examination and appraisal.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(d) pridobijo in ovrednotijo znanstvene nasvete, pregledajo stanje staležev ter ocenijo vpliv ribištva na neciljne in povezane ali odvisne vrste;
(d) obtain and evaluate scientific advice, review the status of the stocks and assess the impact of fishing on nontarget and associated or dependent species;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
razpisovati in zbirati predloge projektov, pregledovati skladnost z zahtevami za predloge projektov (2. poglavje) in ocenjevati kakovost predloženih vlog;
Call for and collect Project proposals, review compliance with the requirements for Project proposals (Chapter 2) and assess the quality of applications submitted;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Svet lahko pregleda, kako upravni račun in prostovoljni računi prispevajo k smotrnemu in učinkovitemu delovanju Organizacije v okviru ocenitve iz člena 33, in
the Council may review how the Administrative Account and the voluntary accounts contribute to the efficient and effective operation of the Organization in the context of the evaluation referred to in Article 33; and
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(b) da merilom za pregled kemikalij ni zadoščeno, potem prek Sekretariata pošlje predlog in oceno odbora vsem pogodbenicam in opazovalkam, predlog pa zavrne.
(b) It is not satisfied that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, it shall, through the Secretariat, inform all Parties and observers and make the proposal and the evaluation of the Committee available to all Parties and the proposal shall be set aside.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
V treh mesecih po prejemu podatkov, omenjenih v 4., 5. in 6. členu, Upravni odbor Agencije pregleda glavne elemente omrežja, da oceni sodelovanje Slovenije.
Within three months of receiving the information referred to in Articles 4,5 and 6, the Management Board of the Agency shall review the main elements of the network to take account of the participation of Slovenia.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Poleg presoje, opisane v sedmem odstavku 9. člena tega razdelka, prouči Komisija vplive ocene z namenom ponovnega pregleda in morebitnih popravkov programa.
In addition to the assessment referred to in Article 9 (7) of this Section, the Commission shall consider the implications of the evaluation with a view to reviewing the Programme.
22 Objavljeno
Kandidiranje v odbore družb v državni lasti mora biti pregledno, jasno strukturirano in osnovano na oceni vrste zahtevanih strokovnih znanj, kompetenc in izkušenj.
The nomination of SOE boards should be transparent, clearly structured and based on an appraisal of the variety of skills, competencies and experiences required.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Svet na dve leti pregleda in oceni: stanje v svetu na področju lesa in druge dejavnike, vprašanja in premike, ki veljajo za pomembne pri doseganju ciljev tega sporazuma.
The Council shall biennially review and assess: the international timber situation; and other factors, issues and developments considered relevant to achieving the objectives of this Agreement.
24 Objavljeno
Od 100 bolnikov, operiranih od 1987. do 1989. leta, ponovno ocenimo 86 bolnikov s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ambulantnega pregleda. Bolnike ocenimo z isto ocenjevalno lestvico (MB lestvica) kot pri prvem ocenjevanju po 17 mesecih in s pomočjo Prolove lestvice.
Out of 100 patients operated between 1987 and 1989, we recently reassessed 86 patients by means of a questionnaire or on outpatient basis using the same outcome scale (MB scale) as we did 17 months after surgery, and by means of the Prolo outcome scale.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
(a) Pri takih pregledih upoštevajo najboljše razpoložljive znanstvene podatke o vplivih usedanja težkih kovin, ocene tehnološkega razvoja in spreminjanje gospodarskih razmer.
(a) Such reviews will take into account the best available scientific information on the effects of the deposition of heavy metals, assessments of technological developments, and changing economic conditions;
26 Objavljeno
Določila sva stopnjo strinjanja v najinih ocenah spontanega gibanja ter občutljivost in specifičnost metode glede na nevrološki pregled preiskovalcev po treh mesecih od snemanja.
An attempt has been made to determine the objectivity of movement evaluations by comparing evaluations from two different observers, and determine the specificity and sensitivity of the method as judged by a neurological examination performed at three months of age of the subjects that have been included in the study.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-2
Odbor določi postopek za pregled prošenj za mednarodno pomoč in natančno opredeli podatke o prošnji, na primer predvidene ukrepe in potrebne posege, skupaj z oceno njihovih stroškov.
The Committee shall establish the procedure for examining requests for international assistance, and shall specify what information shall be included in the requests, such as the measures envisaged and the interventions required, together with an assessment of their cost.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
a) pregleda znanstvene ocene stanja ohranjenosti kitov in delfinov z območja sporazuma in habitatov, ki so pomembni za njihovo preživetje, ter dejavnike, ki lahko neugodno vplivajo nanje;
a) review scientific assessments of the conservation status of cetaceans of the Agreement area and the habitats which are important to their survival, as well as the factors which may affect them unfavourably;
29 Objavljeno
Če tega ni storil že nadzorni svet ali komisija nadzornega sveta, agencija pregleda in oceni obstoječo sestavo članov nadzornega sveta oziroma tiste člane, ki jim mandat ne poteče.
If this has not been done by the Supervisory Board or the committee of the Supervisory Board, the Agency reviews and evaluates the existing composition of the Supervisory Board or the performance of those members whose terms of office do not expire.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Skupščina lahko po potrebi ustanovi pomožna telesa, vključno z neodvisnim nadzornim mehanizmom za pregled, oceno in preiskavo Sodišča, da bi povečala njegovo učinkovitost in gospodarnost.
The Assembly may establish such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary, including an independent oversight mechanism for inspection, evaluation and investigation of the Court, in order to enhance its efficiency and economy.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
(4) redno pregledoval in ocenjeval vladne politike in ukrepe v jeklarskem sektorju z vidika trenutnih razmer, dogovorjenih večstranskih ciljev in smernic ter sporazuma GATT in drugih takih mednarodnih sporazumov;
(4) regularly review and assess government policies and actions in the steel sector in the light of the current situation, agreed multilateral objectives and guidelines and the GATT and other relevant international agreements;
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Ocena tveganja mora biti izdelana na znanstveno dobro premišljen in pregleden način, pri čemer se lahko upoštevajo strokovni nasveti ustreznih mednarodnih organizacij in smernice, ki so jih te organizacije pripravile.
Risk assessment should be carried out in a scientifically sound and transparent manner, and can take into account expert advice of, and guidelines developed by, relevant international organizations.
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
Svet bo v skladu z odstavkom 7 Finančnega protokola Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES skupaj z državami AKP izvedel pregled uspešnosti in ocenil stopnjo izvedbe obveznosti in izplačil ter rezultat in učinek zagotovljene pomoči.
The Council shall, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Financial Protocol of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, together with the ACP States, conduct a performance review, assessing the degree of realisation of commitments and disbursements, and the results and impact of the aid provided.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
b) svetuje o smernicah iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena, oceni preglede, pripravljene skladno s prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu, ter v zvezi z njihovo pripravo, vsebino in izvajanjem oblikuje priporočila za zasedanje pogodbenic;
b) advise on the guidelines as provided for in Article IV, paragraph 3, assess the reviews prepared in accordance with Annex 2 to this Agreement and formulate recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties relating to their development, contents and implementation;
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Namen pregleda je oceniti, ali je verjetno, da bo kemikalija zaradi prenosa v okolju na velike razdalje povzročila pomembnejše škodljive učinke na zdravje ljudi in/ali okolje, tako da bi bilo upravičeno globalno delovanje.
The purpose of the review is to evaluate whether the chemical is likely, as a result of its long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and/or environmental effects, such that global action is warranted.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Če odbor odloči: (a) da je zadoščeno merilom za pregled kemikalij, potem prek Sekretariata pošlje predlog in oceno odbora vsem pogodbenicam in opazovalkam ter jih povabi, naj predložijo informacije, opredeljene v Prilogi E, ali
If the Committee decides that: (a) It is satisfied that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, it shall, through the Secretariat, make the proposal and the evaluation of the Committee available to all Parties and observers and invite them to submit the information specified in Annex E; or
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
Pri takih pregledih upoštevajo najboljše dostopne znanstvene podatke o vplivih usedanja obstojnih organskih onesnaževal, ocene tehnološkega razvoja, spremembe gospodarskih razmer in izpolnjevanje obveznosti glede ravni emisij.
Such reviews will take into account the best available scientific information on the effects of the deposition of persistent organic pollutants, assessments of technological developments, changing economic conditions and the fulfilment of the obligations on emission levels.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Pri posredovanju informacij iz člena 2 tega protokola Agenciji, Skupnost pošlje tudi informacije o inšpekcijskih metodah, ki jih namerava uporabljati, vključno z ocenami inšpekcijskih pregledov za dejavnosti rednih inšpekcijskih pregledov, za priloge k dopolnilnim dogovorom za objekte in naprave in cone materialne bilance zunaj objektov in naprav.
When providing the Agency with the information referred to in Article 2 of this Protocol, the Community shall also transmit information on the inspection methods which it proposes to use and the complete proposals, including estimates of inspection efforts for the routine inspection activities, for attachments to the subsidiary arrangements for facilities and material balance areas outside facilities.
39 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
(c) Za vsako pogodbo s posameznimi svetovalci v ocenjeni protivrednosti 25.000 USD ali več se banki v predhodni pregled in potrditev predložijo dokazila o strokovni usposobljenosti, izkušnjah, delovnih področjih in pogojih najemanja svetovalcev.
(c) With respect to each contract for the employment of individual consultants estimated to cost the equivalent of $25,000 or more, the qualifications, experience, terms of reference and terms of employment of the consultants shall be furnished to the Bank for its prior review and approval.
40 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(b) Za vsako pogodbo s posameznimi svetovalci v ocenjeni protivrednosti 25.000 USD ali več se banki v predhodni pregled in potrditev predložijo dokazila o strokovni usposobljenosti, izkušnjah, delovnih področjih in pogojih najemanja svetovalcev.
(b) With respect to each contract for the employment of individual consultants estimated to cost the equivalent of $25,000 or more, the qualifications, experience, terms of reference and terms of employment of the consultants shall be furnished to the Bank for its prior review and approval.
41 Objavljeno
Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti prevalenco diskinezij pri naključno izbranih 50 ambulantnih bolnikih s psihozo (25 moških in 25 žensk), ki so na vzdrževalnem depojskem nevroleptičnem zdravljenju s pregledom in uporabo lestvice AIMS za oceno zgibkov.
The total duration of illness was longer for males compared to females.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
Ta dokumentacija mora vsebovati poročila o pregledih konstrukcije, poročila o oceni stanja (prevedena v angleščino in ki jih je potrdila uprava države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja), poročila o meritvah debeline in listina o načrtovanju pregledov.
This file should contain reports of structural surveys, condition evaluation reports (translated into English and endorsed by the flag State Administration), thickness measurement reports and a survey planning document.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Konferenca pogodbenic lahko na podlagi meril za pregled kemikalij iz Priloge D in ob upoštevanju ocene odbora ter na podlagi vseh dodatnih informacij, ki jih predloži pogodbenica ali katera od opazovalk, odloči, da gre predlog v nadaljnjo obravnavo.
The Conference of the Parties may decide, based on the screening criteria in Annex D and taking into account the evaluation of the Committee and any additional information provided by any Party or observer, that the proposal should proceed.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Konferenca pogodbenic kot sestanek pogodbenic tega protokola občasno pregleda ta protokol z vidika najboljših razpoložljivih znanstvenih informacij in ocen spremembe podnebja in njenih učinkov kakor tudi ustreznih strokovnih, družbenih in gospodarskih informacij.
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall periodically review this Protocol in the light of the best available scientific information and assessments on climate change and its impacts, as well as relevant technical, social and economic information.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Ob upoštevanju rezultatov ocenjevanja lahko pogodbenica prosilka odloči, da se na ozemlju druge pogodbenice uporabljajo enakovredni ukrepi varovanja, da so potniki, prtljaga in/ali tovor v transferju lahko oproščeni ponovnega pregleda na ozemlju pogodbenice prosilke.
Taking into account the results of the assessments, the requesting Party may decide that security measures of an equivalent standard are applied in the territory of the other Party in order that transfer passengers, transfer baggage, and/or transfer cargo may be exempted from re-screening in the territory of the requesting Party.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Skupine izvedencev za pregledovanje pripravijo poročila za Konferenco pogodbenic kot sestanek pogodbenic tega protokola, v katerih ocenijo, kako pogodbenice izvajajo svoje obveznosti, in ugotavljajo morebitne težave pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti in dejavnike, ki na to vplivajo.
The expert review teams shall prepare a report to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, assessing the implementation of the commitments of the Party and identifying any potential problems in, and factors influencing, the fulfilment of commitments.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Takšni inšpekcijski pregledi, izraženi kot dogovorjene ocene dejanskih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki se bodo opravili, se določijo v dopolnilnih dogovorih skupaj z ustreznimi opisi pristopov k preverjanju in obsega inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki jih opravita Skupnost in Agencija.
Such inspection efforts, expressed as agreed estimates of the actual inspection efforts to be applied, shall be set out in the subsidiary arrangements together with relevant descriptions of verification approaches and scopes of inspections to be carried out by the Community and by the Agency.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
g. prožnost. V dveh letih po začetku izvajanja slovensko-švicarskega programa sodelovanja se s pregledom ponovno ocenijo tematske prednostne naloge, po dogovoru preusmerijo začetno dodeljena finančna sredstva in določijo prednostne naloge za še nedodeljeni del prispevka;
g. Flexibility. Within two years after the beginning of the Slovenian - Swiss Cooperation Programme, a review shall assess thematic priorities, redirect the initial financial allocations as agreed, and determine the priorities for the not yet allocated part of the Contribution.
49 Objavljeno
vsaj en ultrazvočni pregled med nosečnostjo, ocena po Apgarjevi v prvi minuti po rojstvu 6 ali več in v peti minuti 7 ali več, normalen klinični status ter širina frontalnega dela stranskega možganskega prekata od 5 do 10 mm ob sicer normalnem ultrazvočnem izvidu možganov.
at least one examination with ultrasound during pregnancy, Apgar score -6 at 1st minute and -7 at 5th minutes, normal clinical status.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
d. da do leta 1998 ali čim prej potem znanstveno presodijo in ocenijo približevanje cilju za leto 2001 doseči staležno letno omejitev 0,1 % Nmin, za svoje vlade pa v zvezi s temi presojami in pregledi pripravijo ustrezna priporočila, leta 2000 pa tudi dodatne ocene v skladu s tem sporazumom;
d. Conduct scientific reviews and assessments by the year 1998 or as soon as possible thereafter, regarding progress toward the year 2001 objective of achieving a per-stock, per-year cap of 0.1 percent N(min), and make appropriate recommendations to their governments concerning these reviews and assessments, as well as additional assessments in the year 2001 consistent with this Agreement;
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ocena in pregled