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ocena situacije
1 Objavljeno
Diskvalifikacijske pogoje in situacije potencialnih navzkrižij interesov je potrebno skrbno oceniti ter pripraviti navodila za obravnavanje in reševanje navzkrižij interesov.
Disqualification conditions and situations of conflict of interest should be carefully evaluated and guidance provided about how to handle and resolve them.
2 Objavljeno
Nadalje bi moralo vsebovati informacijo o organiziranosti lastniške funkcije, zbirno oceno finančne situacije družb v državni lasti in poročilo o spremembah v odborih družb v državni lasti.
Information on the organisation of the ownership function should also be provided, as well as an overview of the evolution of SOEs, aggregate financial information and reporting on changes in SOEs' boards.
3 Končna redakcija
V vseh primerih Komisija nemudoma oceni situacijo z zadevno državo članico in čim prej tudi s Stalnim veterinarskim odborom.
The Commission shall in all cases immediately review the situation with the Member State concerned and in the Standing Veterinary Committee at the earliest possible opportunity.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1498
ker zahteva ocena proizvodne in tržne situacije v sektorju mleka in mlečnih izdelkov redno izmenjavo informacij o delovanju intervencijskih ukrepov, ki jih predvideva Uredba (EGS) št. 804/68, zlasti v zvezi s spremembami zalog zadevnih izdelkov, ki jih hranijo intervencijske agencije in zasebna skladišča;
Whereas appraisal of the production and market situation in the milk and milk products sector necessitates a regular exchange of information on the operation of the intervention measures provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 804/68, particularly with regard to changes in stocks of the products concerned, both held by intervention agencies and in private storage;
5 Pravna redakcija
da za države članice, center za spremljanje in informiranje in državo, ki prosi za pomoč, ocenijo situacijo,
assessing the situation for the benefit of the Member States, the monitoring and information centre and the State requesting assistance,
6 Pravna redakcija
glede na situacijo, uničenje perutnine za razplod ali razliko med ocenjeno vrednostjo perutnine za razplod in dohodkom od prodaje toplotno obdelanega mesa, pridobljenega iz te perutnine,
according to the situation, the destruction of breeding poultry or the difference between the estimated value of the breeding poultry and the income from the sale of the heat treated meat obtained from this poultry,
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
Zdajšnja preiskava je pregled, ki analizira situacijo, v kateri so protidampinški ukrepi že obstajali, in njen namen je tako oceniti kateri koli negativen vpliv ukrepov na zadevne stranke.
The present investigation is a review, analysing a situation in which anti-dumping measures were already in place and its remit is thus to assess any undue negative impact of the measures on the parties concerned.
8 Pravna redakcija
Takšna posvetovanja ocenijo situacijo glede plačilne bilance pogodbenice in omejitve, ki se sprejmejo ali ohranijo na podlagi tega člena, pri čemer se med drugim upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so:
Such consultations shall assess the balance of payments situation of the Party concerned and the restrictions adopted or maintained under this Article, taking into account, inter alia, such factors as:
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0359
(5) Da bi se izognili širjenju okužbe in po ocenitvi epidemiološke situacije, je morda primerno preventivno izločiti ogroženo perutnino, za kar se odločijo pristojni organi zadevnih držav članic.
(5) In order to avoid the spread of the infection and after evaluation of the epidemiological situation, the preventive culling of poultry at risk may be appropriate and decided by the competent authorities of the Member States concerned.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0112
Ta informacija je bila naknadno predložena in ocena v Stalnem odboru za prehranjevalno verigo in zdravje živali je zaključila, da obstaja nekaj situacij, kjer je izpostavljenost za ptice, ki gnezdijo na tleh, zanemarljiva.
This information was subsequently provided and the evaluation within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health concluded that there are several situations where exposure to ground-nesting birds is negligible.
11 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenica, v katere coni nastane situacija, opisana v členu 1 tega sporazuma, naredi potrebne ocene o naravi in obsegu vsake nezgode oziroma o vrsti in približni količini nafte ali drugih škodljivih snovi ter o smeri in hitrosti njihovega gibanja.
The Contracting Party within whose zone a situation of the kind described in Article 1 of this Agreement occurs, shall make the necessary assessments of the nature and extent of any casualty or, as the case may be, of the type and approximate quantity of oil or other harmful substances and the direction and speed of movement thereof.
12 Pravna redakcija
Gospodarski položaj posameznika oceni pristojni organ države članice, v kateri zaseda sodišče, glede na različne objektivne dejavnike, kot so dohodek premoženje ali družinska situacija, vključno z oceno virov oseb, ki so od prosilca finančno odvisne.
The economic situation of a person shall be assessed by the competent authority of the Member State in which the court is sitting, in the light of various objective factors such as income, capital or family situation, including an assessment of the resources of persons who are financially dependant on the applicant.
13 Pravna redakcija
ker je s pristopom Avstrije, Finske in Švedske k Evropski Skupnosti nastala neuravnoteženost pri odgovornostih, ki jih nosijo države članice kot poročevalke za 89 aktivnih snovi, zajetih v prvi fazi delovnega programa za ponovno oceno aktivnih snovi na trgu dve leti po notifikaciji Direktive 91/414/EGS; ker je treba v taki situaciji aktivne snovi prerazporediti;
Whereas owing to the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Community an imbalance has arisen in the responsibilities borne by the Member States as rapporteurs for the 89 active substances covered by the first phase of the programme of work for reassessment of the active substances on the market two years after the date of notification of Directive 91/414/EEC; whereas in such a situation a reallocation of active substances has to be undertaken;
14 Pravna redakcija
Na posvetovanjih se preuči skladnost omejevalnih ukrepov z odstavki 3 in 4. Sprejmejo se vse ugotovitve glede statističnih in drugih dejstev predloženih s strani Mednarodnega denarnega sklada, povezana z deviznim poslovanjem, denarnimi rezervami in plačilno bilanco, sklepi pa temeljijo na Skladovi oceni plačilne bilance in zunanje finančne situacije pogodbenice, ki se posvetuje.
The consultations shall address the compliance of any restrictive measures with paragraphs 3 and 4. All findings of statistical and other facts presented by the International Monetary Fund relating to foreign exchange, monetary reserves and balance of payments shall be accepted and conclusions shall be based on the assessment by the Fund of the balance of payments and the external financial situation of the consulting Party.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0955
ker je treba potrebo po tem postopku kot pomožnem sredstvu za izvoz blaga Skupnosti ocenjevati v zvezi z različnimi situacijami;
whereas the need for recourse to that procedure for the export of Community goods must be evaluated in relation to very different situations;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Intramuskularen način dajanja se lahko uporablja le v izjemnih kliničnih situacijah (glejte poglavje 4. 3), pri tem pa je treba oceniti razmerje med tveganjem in koristjo.
The intramuscular method of administration should only be used in exceptional clinical situations (see section 4.3) and should undergo a risk-benefit assessment.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0439
Ocena vsake od zgoraj omenjenih voznih situacij mora odražati stopnjo spretnosti, s katero kandidat upravlja vozilo in njegovo prikazano sposobnost za varno vožnjo v prometu.
For each of the abovementioned driving situations, the assessment must reflect the degree of ease with which the applicant handles the vehicle controls and his demonstrated capacity to drive in traffic in complete safety.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Odločitev o uporabi rekombinantnih eritropoetinov mora temeljiti na oceni tveganja in koristi, pri kateri mora sodelovati bolnik in pri kateri je treba upoštevati tudi specifično klinično situacijo.
The decision to administer recombinant erythropoietins should be based on a benefit-risk assessment with the participation of the individual patient, which should also take into account the specific clinical context.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Odločitev glede dajanja rekombinantnih eritropoietinov mora temeljiti na oceni koristi in tveganj ob sodelovanju posameznega bolnika, pri tem pa bi bilo treba upoštevati specifično klinično situacijo.
The decision to administer recombinant erythropoietins should be based on a benefit-risk assessment with the participation of the individual patient, which should take into account the specific clinical context.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R1454
Če je zaradi uporabe prvega pododstavka pri dejanski proizvodnji namesto pri oceni proizvodnje na začetku tržnega leta znižanje zneska drugačno od dejansko uporabljene pomoči, se maksimalna zajamčena količina za naslednje leto popravi z upoštevanjem te situacije.
Where application of the first subparagraph to actual production instead of to the production estimated at the beginning of the marketing year would have resulted in a different reduction in the amount of the aid from that actually applied, the maximum guaranteed quantity for the following marketing year shall be adjusted to take account of that situation.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravniki, ki zdravijo bolnike z Zonegranom, bi morali poskrbeti, da ti med zdravljenjem uporabljajo ustrezno kontracepcijo in bi morali uporabiti klinično presojo pri oceni ali so peroralni kontraceptivi (OC – “ oral contraceptive ”) ali odmerki komponent OC ustreznih glede na bolnikovo klinično situacijo.
Physicians treating patients with Zonegran should try to ensure that appropriate contraception is used, and should use clinical judgement when assessing whether OCs, or the doses of the OC components, are adequate based on the individual patient’ s clinical situation.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2040
Če Komisija kasneje oceni, da obstaja tveganje prekoračitve zneskov za programa 1a ali 1b iz finančnega okvira za proračunski leti N ali N+1, in če ne more sprejeti zadostnih ukrepov za odpravo te situacije v okviru svojih upravljavskih pristojnosti, Svetu predlaga druge ukrepe za zagotovitev upoštevanja zneskov iz člena 5(2).
If the Commission subsequently considers that there is a risk that the amounts for subheadings 1a or 1b of the financial perspective for the financial years N or N+1 will be exceeded and if it is unable to take sufficient measures to remedy the situation under the management powers at its disposal, it shall propose other measures to the Council to ensure that the amounts referred to in Article 5(2) are observed.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
V teku ponovne preiskave, o kateri govori ta člen, morajo dobiti izvozniki, uvozniki in proizvajalci Skupnosti možnost, da pojasnijo situacijo glede cen pri nadaljnji prodaji in vseh nadaljnjih prodajnih cen: če se ugotovi, da bi bil ukrep moral voditi do gibanj teh cen, potem se z namenom odstraniti škodo, ki je bila predhodno ugotovljena v skladu s členom 3, izvozne cene ponovno ocenijo v skladu s členom 2 in se stopnje dumpinga ponovno izračuna, tako da se upoštevajo na novo ocenjene izvozne cene.
During a reinvestigation pursuant to this Article, exporters, importers and Community producers shall be provided with an opportunity to clarify the situation with regard to resale prices and subsequent selling prices: if it is concluded that the measure should have led to movements in such prices, then, in order to remove the injury previously established in accordance with Article 3, export prices shall be reassessed in accordance with Article 2 and dumping margins shall be recalculated to take account of the reassessed export prices.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
Uporaba ciprofloksacina pri otrocih in mladostnikih CHMP je izrazil zadržke glede ubeseditve poglavja 4. 1 v povzetku glavnih značilnosti zdravila: „ Druge hude okužbe v skladu z uradnimi smernicami, po pozorni ocenitvi razmerja med koristjo in tveganjem, kadar ni mogoče uporabiti drugih zdravljenj ali po neuspešni konvencionalni terapiji in kadar mikrobiološka dokumentacija upravičuje uporabo ciprofloksacina. “ Potrebno je bilo opisati 14 klinične situacije, v katerih je uporaba ciprofloksacina pri otrocih in mladostnikih možna navkljub nezadostnim indikacijam.
Use of Ciprofloxacin in Children and Adolescents The CHMP raised concerns on the following wording in Section 4.1 of the SPC: “ Other severe infections in accordance with Official guidance, after careful benefit-risk evaluation when other treatments cannot be used, or after failure to conventional therapy and when the microbiological documentation can justify a ciprofloxacin use.” It was deemed to describe clinical situations in which the use of ciprofloxacin may be considered in spite of a missing indication, in children and adolescents.
25 Prevod
CELEX: 31992R1762
Pri analiziranju situacije v državah, ki so upravičene do pomoči v skladu z 2. odstavkom in na podlagi meril, navedenih v tem odstavku, Komisija oceni obseg in učinkovitost reform, ki potekajo na področjih, na katera se ta merila nanašajo.
In analysing the situation of the countries eligible in accordance with paragraph 2 and on the basis of the criteria referred to in that paragraph, the Commission shall appraise the scope and effectiveness of the reforms undertaken in the areas covered by these criteria.
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ocena situacije