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ocena uspešnosti
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
Ocena uspešnosti naj upošteva vse vire dohodka zadevnih podjetij.
The assessment of the viability should take into account all sources of income of the enterprises in question.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
Ocena uspešnosti naj upošteva vse vire dohodka zadevnih podjetij.
The assessment of the viability should take into account all sources of income of the enterprises in question.
3 Objavljeno
V nadaljevanju so predstavljene vsebine posameznih programov ter ocena uspešnosti projekta.
The contents of ezch programme and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project are presented in further passage.
4 Objavljeno
Poskus ocene raziskovalne uspešnosti na Medicinski fakulteti
An evaluation attempt of the research efficiency at the Medical faculty
5 Objavljeno
Ocenjevanje raziskovalne uspešnosti Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani je pomembno za oceno njene splošne uspešnosti.
Evaluation of the research efficiency at the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana is important for its general assessment.
6 Objavljeno
Vendar bomo uspešnost operacije ocenili šele na osnovi analize petletnih rezultatov.
The final outcome, however, can only be assessed five years postoperatively.
7 Objavljeno
Ocena fizikalne in mikrobicidne uspešnosti pranja nočnih posod z napravo BLATEX PD-1N
The evaluation of physical and microbicidal efficiency of washing bedpans with BLATEX PD-1N
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(l) spremlja in ocenjuje splošno uspešnost delovanja Mednarodnega opazovalnega sistema in Mednarodnega podatkovnega središča ter o tem poroča.
(l) Monitor, assess and report on the overall performance of the International Monitoring System and of the International Data Centre.
9 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
Na podlagi meritev bo potrebno oceniti morebitna odstopanja od predpisanih emisijskih koncentracij in uspešnost izvedenih ukrepov v primeru drugih TE-TO.
Possible deviations from stipulated emission levels and the efficiency of implemented measures for other cogeneration plants will have to be assessed on the basis of measurements.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Vsaka država pogodbenica preuči možnosti za spremljanje svojih usmeritev in dejanskih ukrepov za boj proti organiziranemu kriminalu ter oceni njihovo uspešnost in učinkovitost.
Each State Party shall consider monitoring its policies and actual measures to combat organized crime and making assessments of their effectiveness and efficiency.
11 Objavljeno
Prejemki, vezani na uspešnost, morajo biti v denarju in ne smejo presegati 40 % osnovne plače, ki je bila izplačana v ocenjenem letu, razen v primerih, ko obstajajo posebni razlogi za odstopanje.
Any remuneration linked to performance must be in cash and must not exceed 40% of the basic salary paid out in the evaluated year except in cases when special reasons for this deviation exist.
12 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
Izvedbena strategija in načrt politike II. faze sta izdelana na temelju temeljite ocene uspešnosti in izkušenj I. faze. Projektni svet je izdelal in odobril državno strategijo izvajanja II. faze.
Phase II implementation strategy and policy agenda developed, based on thorough evaluation of Phase I performance and lessons learned. Phase II national roll out strategy developed and approved by Project Board.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Da bi izmerili uspešnost programa, je treba opraviti vmesno in naknadno ocenjevanje, da se lahko oceni njegov vpliv glede na cilje, zastavljene v programu, in analizirajo njegovi strukturni učinki.
In order to gauge its effectiveness, the Programme shall be the subject of mid-term and ex-post evaluation to appraise its impact with respect to the objectives set out in the Programme, and to analyse its structural effects.
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
Svet bo v skladu z odstavkom 7 Finančnega protokola Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES skupaj z državami AKP izvedel pregled uspešnosti in ocenil stopnjo izvedbe obveznosti in izplačil ter rezultat in učinek zagotovljene pomoči.
The Council shall, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Financial Protocol of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, together with the ACP States, conduct a performance review, assessing the degree of realisation of commitments and disbursements, and the results and impact of the aid provided.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Na podlagi razpoložljivih rezultatov ocenjevanja in ob upoštevanju 9. člena tega razdelka ter vprašanj, ki so pomembna za program, vsebuje naknadna ocena presojo uporabe virov ter učinkovitost in uspešnost programa, njegov učinek in skladnost s predhodno oceno.
On the basis of the evaluation results already available, and taking account of Article 9 of this Section, as well as questions relevant to the Programme, the ex-post evaluation shall cover the utilisation of resources and the effectiveness and efficiency of the Programme, its impact and its consistency with the ex-ante evaluation.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
a) racionalizirajo in okrepijo gospodarjenje z viri, ki so že namenjeni za boj proti dezertifikaciji in ublažitev posledic suše, tako da jih uporabljajo učinkoviteje in uspešneje, ocenjujejo njihovo uspešnost in pomanjkljivosti, odstranjujejo ovire za njihovo učinkovito uporabo in po potrebi preusmerjajo programe v smislu skupnega, dolgoročnega pristopa, ki so ga sprejele v skladu s to konvencijo;
(a) rationalize and strengthen the management of resources already allocated for combating desertification and mitigating the effects of drought by using them more effectively and efficiently, assessing their successes and shortcomings, removing hindrances to their effective use and, where necessary, reorienting programmes in light of the integrated long- term approach adopted pursuant to this Convention;
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Uspešnost parametrov analize tveganja, uporabljenih v prejšnjih letih, se oceni letno.
The effectiveness of risk analysis parameters used in previous years shall be assessed on an annual basis.
18 Končna redakcija
Pri usklajevanju na kraju samem je poudarek na skupnih ocenah potreb in uspešnosti ter sektorski analizi in prednostih nalog.
Coordination on field level shall give emphasis to shared assessments of needs and performance and sector analysis as well as priorities.
19 Končna redakcija
do 31. decembra 2006 se oceni uspešnost programa vzreje v ujetništvu in stopnja smrtnosti ptic v sistemu vzreje v ujetništvu;
by 31 December 2006 the success of the captive breeding system as well as the mortality rate of birds within the established captive breeding system will have been assessed;
20 Končna redakcija
Od 13500 milijonov evrov iz odstavka 1 se lahko 1000 milijonov evrov sprosti šele po oceni uspešnosti, ki jo Svet izdela leta 2004 na podlagi predloga Komisije.
Out of the EUR 13500 million referred to in paragraph 1, an amount of EUR 1000 million may be released only following a performance review undertaken by the Council in 2004, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission.
21 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999L0081
prva stopnja v postopku posvetovanja je bila Lizbonska konferenca, katere namen je bil oceniti uspešnost tedanje ureditve Skupnosti in pomagati Komisiji pri načrtovanju prihodnje trošarinske politike;
the first stage in this consultation process was the Lisbon Conference, the purpose of which was to assess the performance of the present Community arrangements and to assist the Commission in its task of planning future excise-duty policy;
22 Končna redakcija
PONOVNO POTRJUJEJO, da je treba leta 1992 izvesti temeljito oceno poslovanja in uspešnosti strukturnih skladov ter ob tej priložnosti preučiti ustreznost obsega teh skladov glede na naloge Skupnosti na področju ekonomske in socialne kohezije;
REAFFIRM the need for a thorough evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the Structural Funds in 1992, and the need to review, on that occasion, the appropriate size of these Funds in the light of the tasks of the Community in the area of economic and social cohesion;
23 Končna redakcija
Načelo dobrega finančnega poslovodenja je treba opredeliti s sklicevanjem na načela gospodarnosti, učinkovitosti in uspešnosti ter skladnost s temi načeli preverjati s kazalci poslovanja, določenimi po dejavnostih in merljivih na način, da je mogoče ocenjevanje rezultatov.
The principle of sound financial management should be defined by reference to the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and compliance with those principles checked by means of performance indicators established per activity and measurable in such a way that results can be assessed.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Ti tehnični predpisi vključujejo stopnje okoljske uspešnosti, zahteve v zvezi s konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, kakovosti, varnosti ali dimenzij, vključno s postopki v zvezi z zagotavljanjem kakovosti, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem ali uporabo nalepk.
These characteristics shall include levels of environmental performance, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, safety or dimensions, including the procedures concerning quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling and production processes and methods.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
"tehnična specifikacija" v primeru javnih naročil blaga ali storitev pomeni specifikacijo v dokumentu, ki opredeljuje zahtevane značilnosti proizvoda ali storitve, kot so stopnje kakovosti, stopnje okoljske uspešnosti, zahteve za konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, kakovosti, varnosti ali dimenzij, vključno z zahtevami v zvezi s proizvodom glede imena, pod katerim se bo prodajal, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem, uporabo nalepk, navodili za uporabnike, proizvodnimi postopki in metodami ter postopki ocenjevanja skladnosti;
"technical specification", in the case of public supply or service contracts, means a specification in a document defining the required characteristics of a product or a service, such as quality levels, environmental performance levels, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, use of the product, safety or dimensions, including requirements relevant to the product as regards the name under which the product is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, production processes and methods and conformity assessment procedures;
26 Končna redakcija
Izstopajo naslednje ocene: da so mediji pod vplivom predsednika države Kučana (nekdanjega komunista) in da gre pri nas za najhujše oblike cenzure (Družina, 17. 9. 2000); da med novinarji prevladuje avtocenzura, da gre za nenehne napade medijev na Cerkev in za mlačen odnos države do Cerkve (to je stališče nove vladne stranke NSi, katere predsednik je hkrati predsednik vlade in dejaven v predvolilnem boju; Radio Slovenija 1, 18. 9. 2000); da se zaradi medijske blokade premalo govori o uspehih Bajukove vlade; da ni ustrezna nobena javnomnenjska raziskava, saj gre za 'monopolno javno mnenje'; da se ravno v tem predvolilnem času dogajajo na Slovenskem najhujše oblike cenzure; da 'katoliška Cerkev kljub večinskemu položaju nima potrebne politične teže'; da poskušajo novinarji na nacionalni televiziji s svojimi vprašanji razbiti pomladne stranke (Radio Ognjišče, 28.-29. 9. 2000); apostolski nuncij izjavi, da slovenska nacionalna TV zanemarja verske teme in da eden od slovenskih tednikov vztrajno išče škandalozne dogodke v Cerkvi (Dnevnik, 13. 10. 2000), kar se nanaša na tednik Mladina, ki je med drugim objavil tudi seksualno-provokativno risbo nadškofa Rodeta (kot eno v redni seriji tovrstnih risb, v kateri so se pojavljali enako razgaljeni mnogi najuglednejši politiki, tako z leve kot z desne, in druge medijsko izpostavljene osebnosti); ista revija, ki je v očeh cerkvenih predstavnikov izrazito levičarsko usmerjena, kritizira v prav vsaki številki tudi vsaj enega predstavnika levih strank, LDS ali pa Kučana, hkrati pa je mogoče najti stališča v korist desnice; vse to velja tudi v predvolilnem času (gl. Mladina, 18. 9. 2000); predsednik vlade in stranke NSi zatrjuje na nacionalnem radiu, da 'v Sloveniji tik pred volitvami vlada popolna medijska blokada' (Radio 1, 29. 10. 2000) in hkrati poudarja, da javnomnenjskim anketam ne verjame, ko merijo uspešnost njegove stranke - nakar to stališče pojasni takole: anketam ne verjame takrat, ko prikazujejo negativen volilni rezultat, in ne verjame jim tudi, ko prikazujejo pozitiven rezultat, saj namesto tega verjame 'v eno samo stvar, ko hodim po našem podeželju in vidim ljudi...' (TV 3, 9.10. 2000); vladni urad za informiranje kritizira medijsko enostranost, da so naši mediji podobni srbskim, da izvajajo 'hujskaško propagando' in blatijo 'Janšo, Bajuka, Rodeta in Podobnika' (ibid. 6. 10. 2000, POP TV, 6. 10. 2000); da je od vseh 'najbolj nervozna prav nacionalna televizija' (Večer, 12. 10. 2000) itd.
The following conclusions were outstanding: the media are under the influence of President Milan Kučan (an ex-Communist) and Slovenia has the worst form of censorship (Družina, 17 September 2000); auto-censorship is prevailing among journalists, the media incessantly attack the Church, and the state's attitude towards the Church is insipid (this being the standpoint of the newly founded governmental party NSi, whose leader, Dr. Bajuk, was the Prime Minister at that time and active in the election campaign; Radio Slovenia 1, 18 September 2000); due to the media obstruction, the achievements of Bajuk's government were not sufficiently presented to the public; not one opinion poll is competent because the public opinion is a 'monopoly opinion'; the worst form of censorship in Slovenia occurred precisely during the pre-election period; 'the Catholic Church lacks the required political weight despite its majority position'; journalists on the national TV channel attempted to break down the 'Spring Parties' (Radio Ognjišče, 28-29 September 2000); the Apostolic Nuncio stated that Slovenian national TV neglected religious topics and that one of the Slovenian weekly magazines persistently hunted for scandalous events within the Church (Dnevnik, 13 October 2000); the latter is a reference to a sexually provocative drawing of Archbishop Franc Rode published by Mladina weekly magazine (the drawing was one in a series of other similar ones showing many other reputed politicians equally stripped, both from the right and the left wing, and other media personalities; the same magazine, which is, in the opinion of the Church, expressly left-oriented, criticizes in each issue at least one representative of the left parties, the LDS or president Kučan, and moreover, it is possible to find in it certain standpoints in favor of the right wing; all this applies to the pre-election period as well, see Mladina 18 September 2000); the Prime Minister and the leader of the NSi asserted on the national radio station that 'in Slovenia, right before the elections, there is a total blockade of the media' (Radio 1, 29 October 2000) and stressed in the same breath that he did not trust the public opinion polls that forecast election results, explaining his statement as follows: he does not trust the polls that predict negative election results, nor those that forecast positive results, he trusts 'one thing only, that is, when I walk around our countryside and see people....' (TV 3, 9 October 2000); the Government Public Relations and Media Office criticized the one-sidedness of the media, stating that Slovenian media are similar to those in Serbia, that they foment 'firebrand propaganda' and 'throw mud at Janez Janša, Andrej Bajuk, Franc Rode and Marjan Podobnik' (ibid. 6 October 2000, POP TV, 6 October 2000); the most nervous of all is the national TV station (Večer, 12 October 2000) etc.
27 Pravna redakcija
dajo točno oceno uspešnosti organizacije;
give an accurate appraisal of the organisations performance;
28 Pravna redakcija
oceno uspešnosti in učinkovitosti izvajanja tega sporazuma.
reviewing the efficient and effective functioning of the Agreement.
29 Pravna redakcija
primerjavo s prejšnjimi izjavami in oceno uspešnosti organizacije.
the comparison with the previous statements and the performance assessment of the organisation.
30 Pravna redakcija
Presoje morajo biti zasnovane tako, da se oceni okoljska uspešnost organizacije;
The audits shall be designed to assess the environmental performance of the organisation;
31 Pravna redakcija
Okoljska presoja vključuje oceno dejanskih podatkov, potrebnih za ovrednotenje uspešnosti.
Environmental audit includes assessment of the factual data necessary to evaluate performance.
32 Pravna redakcija
omogočajo letne primerjave, tako da se lahko oceni razvoj okoljske uspešnosti organizacije;
allow for year on year comparison to assess the development of the environmental performance of the organisation;
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2130
Poročilo oceni uspešnost ukrepov, ki se izvedejo po reviziji delovanja in neodvisnem vrednotenju.
The report shall assess the effectiveness of action taken following performance audits and independent evaluations.
34 Pravna redakcija
Podatki bi morali omogočiti primerjavo po posameznih letih, da se lahko oceni razvoj okoljske uspešnosti organizacije;
The data should allow for year-by-year comparison to assess the development of the environmental performance of the organisation;
35 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 10(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 880/92 navaja, da se okoljska uspešnost izdelka oceni s sklicevanjem na posebna merila za to skupino proizvodov;
Whereas Article 10(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 880/92 states that the environmental performance of a product shall be assessed by reference to the specific criteria for product groups;
36 Pravna redakcija
Okoljska uspešnost in primernost za uporabo skupine proizvodov se oceni s sklicevanjem na posebna okoljska merila, določena v Prilogi k tej odločbi.
The environmental performance and the fitness for use of the product group shall be assessed by reference to the specific ecological criteria set out in the Annex to this Decision.
37 Pravna redakcija
Od 13.500 milijonov EUR iz oddelka 2.1 se lahko 1000 milijonov EUR sprosti šele po oceni uspešnosti, ki jo Svet izdela leta 2004 na podlagi predloga Komisije.
Out of the EUR 13 500 million referred to in Section 2.1, an amount of EUR 1 000 million may be released only following a performance review undertaken by the Council in 2004, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0344
(2) Pred 31. decembrom 2003 so na podlagi kazalnikov za spremljanje iz člena 44(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 države članice v tesnem posvetovanju s Komisijo ocenile uspešnost posameznih dokumentov pomoči.
(2) Before 31 December 2003, on the basis of the monitoring indicators referred to in Article 44(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, the Member States assessed under each objective, in close consultation with the Commission, the performance of each of their assistance documents.
39 Pravna redakcija
uradno zahtevo po tretiranju, kot so uničenje, dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija, sterilizacija in druga tretiranja, ki jih je treba izvesti, ter uradni opis in oceno njihove uspešnosti/rezultatov, vključno z opisom metod, uporabljenih pri teh tretiranjih;
the statutory notice requiring treatments like destruction, disinfection, disinfestation, sterilisation and other treatments to be carried out and an official description and assessment of their achievement/results, including the description of the methods used for these treatments;
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0020
Spremljanje delovanja in ocenjevanje vpliva alternativnega reševanja sporov, zlasti spletnih projektov, ter njihove uspešnosti pri reševanju čezmejnih pritožb in sporov, pa tudi tehnična pomoč za nadaljnji razvoj sistema evropske izvensodne mreže.
Monitoring of the functioning and assessment of the impact of alternative dispute resolution schemes, in particular of on-line schemes and their effectiveness in settling cross-border complaints and disputes, as well as technical assistance for the further development of the European extrajudicial network system.
41 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica ob tesnem sodelovanju s Komisijo oceni v okviru posameznega cilja in najpozneje do 31. decembra 2003 dosežene rezultate vsakega operativnega programa ali enotnega programskega dokumenta na podlagi omejenega števila kazalnikov za spremljanje, ki kažejo uspešnost, upravljanje in finančno izvajanje ter merijo vmesne rezultate glede na posebne začetne cilje.
Each Member State, in close consultation with the Commission, shall assess under each objective and not later than 31 December 2003 the performance of each of their operational programmes or single programming documents on the basis of a limited number of monitoring indicators reflecting effectiveness, management and financial implementation and measuring the mid-term results in relation to their specific initial targets.
42 Pravna redakcija
Podatki, ki se jih udeleženke obvežejo dajati na podlagi odstavka 1 tega člena, v skladu z načini, ki jih določi Svet, vključujejo podatke o pretekli uspešnosti, sedanjem stanju in oceno obetov glede proizvodnje (vključno z razvojem sestave čred), porabe, cen, zalog in trgovine s proizvodi iz člena II in kakršne koli druge podatke, za katere Svet meni, da so potrebni, zlasti o konkurenčnih proizvodih.
The information that the participants undertake to provide pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, according to the modalities that the Council shall establish, shall include data on past performance and current situation and an assessment of the outlook regarding production (including the evolution of the composition of herds), consumption, prices, stocks of and trade in the products referred to in Article II, and any other information deemed necessary by the Council, in particular on competing products.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1783
(c) uporabi kmetijskega svetovanja s strani kmetov, kakor je predvideno v Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 1782/2003 z dne 29. septembra 2003 o vzpostavitvi skupnih pravil za sheme neposrednih podpor v okviru skupne kmetijske politike in shem podpor za pridelovalce nekaterih poljščin*, pri ocenjevanju uspešnosti kmetij in opredeljevanju potrebnih izboljšav glede zakonsko predpisanih zahtev o upravljanju iz navedene uredbe.
(c) the use of farm advisory services by farmers, as provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and support schemes for producers of certain crops, in assessing the performance of farm businesses and identifying improvements required with regard to the statutory management requirements as set out in that Regulation.
44 Pravna redakcija
Kjer je namen prenosa sprejemanje avtomatizirane odločitve iz člena 15 Direktive 95/46/ES, ki ima pravne učinke za posameznika ali nanj v precejšnji meri vpliva ter temelji zgolj na avtomatizirani obdelavi podatkov za ocenitev nekaterih osebnih vidikov, ki se nanj nanašajo, kakor na primer njegovo delovno uspešnost, kreditno sposobnost, zanesljivost, vedenje, itd., naj ima posameznik pravico biti seznanjen z razlogi za te odločitve.
Where the purpose of the transfer is the taking of an automated decision as referred to in Article 15 of Directive 95/46/EC, which produces legal effects concerning the individual or significantly affects him and which is based solely on automated processing of data intended to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to him, such as his performance at work, creditworthiness, reliability, conduct, etc., the individual should have the right to know the reasoning for this decision.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
Glavno merilo učinkovitosti je bila zdravnikova ocena uspešnosti zaustavitve krvavitve.
The main measure of effectiveness was the doctor’ s assessment of how well bleeding was stopped.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0819
kazalniki uspešnosti izvajanja za oceno dejanj, potrebnih za doseganje ciljev iz člena 2.
the performance indicators for evaluating the actions needed to achieve the objectives set out in Article 2.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0253
najkasneje do 31. decembra 2005 vmesno poročilo z oceno uspešnosti in učinkovitosti programa;
by 31 December 2005 at the latest, an interim report evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme;
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1267
Naknadna ocena mora zajemati uporabo virov ter uspešnost in učinkovitost pomoči ter njene učinke.
Ex-post evaluation is to cover the utilisation of resources and the effectiveness and efficiency of assistance and its impact.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1922
Države članice sodelujejo pri letnem zagotavljanju strokovne ocene uspešnosti pogojev iz te uredbe.
Member States shall collaborate to provide annually a scientific evaluation of the effects of the conditions defined in this Regulation.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0743
Poročilo vsebuje oceno stroškovne učinkovitosti in na osnovi kazalcev uspešnosti izdelano oceno o tem, ali so bili cilji doseženi.
This report will include an evaluation of cost-effectiveness and an assessment, based on performance indicators, of whether the objectives have been achieved.
Prevodi: sl > en
ocena uspešnosti