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odločilno dejstvo
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
odločilno dejstvo za določitev menjalnega tečaja za evro, ki velja za nadomestilo.
the operative event for the euro exchange rate, for the refund.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Odločilno dejstvo za uporabo menjalnega tečaja za zneske premij in plačil iz členov 4, 5 in 11 Uredbe (ES) št. 2529/2001, je začetek koledarskega leta, za katerega je odobrena premija ali plačilo.
The operative event for the exchange rate to be applied to the amount of the premiums and payments referred to in Articles 4, 5 and 11 of Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 shall be the commencement of the calendar year in respect of which the premium or payment is granted.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Zmotna ali nepopolna ugotovitev dejanskega stanja je podana, če je sodišče kakšno odločilno dejstvo napačno ugotovilo oziroma če ga
An erroneous or incomplete determination of state of facts shall deem to occur exist when the court has erroneously determined or has failed to determine a certain fact.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Obnovo postopka se lahko pri Sodišču predlaga le v primeru, ko se odkrije novo dejstvo odločilnega pomena, ki je bilo pred izrekom sodbe neznano Sodišču in stranki, ki zahteva obnovo.
An application for revision of a judgment may be made to the Court of Justice only on discovery of a fact which is of such a nature as to be a decisive factor, and which, when the judgment was given, was unknown to the Court and to the party claiming the revision.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
če ima sodba pomanjkljivosti, zaradi katerih se ne more preizkusiti, zlasti pa, če je izrek sodbe nerazumljiv, če nasprotuje samemu sebi ali razlogom sodbe ali če sodba sploh nima razlogov ali v njej niso navedeni razlogi o odločilnih dejstvih ali so ti razlogi nejasni ali med seboj v nasprotju;
if the judgment is affected by shortcomings for which it cannot be reviewed, in particular if the ordering part thereof is incomprehensible, inconsistent, or in contradiction with the reasons for the judgment, or if the judgment fails to contain reasons or fails to contain reasons in respect of ultimate facts or if such reasons are vague or self-contradictory;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) Če sodišče spozna, da so bila odločilna dejstva v izpodbijani odločbi o prekršku pravilno ugotovljena, da pa je treba glede na ugotovljeno dejansko stanje ob pravilni uporabi zakona drugače odločiti glede sankcije, odvzema premoženjske koristi in stroškov postopka, ugodi zahtevi in v tem delu spremeni odločbo o prekršku.
(4) If the court finds that the decisive facts in the contested misdemeanour decision were established correctly, but that however a different decision must be adopted, subject to the appropriate application of law, regarding the sanction, deprivation of pecuniary advantage and legal costs with respect to the established actual situation, it shall grant the request and amend the relevant parts of the decision.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Predsednik senata postavlja vprašanja in skrbi za drug primeren način, da se med obravnavo navedejo vsa odločilna dejstva, da se dopolnijo nepopolne navedbe strank o pomembnih dejstvih, da se ponudijo ali dopolnijo dokazila, ki se nanašajo na navedbe strank, in sploh da se dajo vsa potrebna pojasnila, da se ugotovita sporno dejansko stanje in sporno pravno razmerje, ki sta pomembni za odločbo.
The presiding judge shall ask questions, and shall in other appropriate manner see that all ultimate facts be stated during the hearing, that incomplete statements concerning important facts be supplemented, that means of evidence relating to the parties` statements be adduced or supplemented, and that all necessary explanations be given in order to establish the facts and legal relation in dispute.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(7) Višje sodišče ugodi pritožbi in s sodbo spremeni sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje ali jo spremeni po uradni dolžnosti, če ugotovi, da so bila odločilna dejstva v sodbi o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje pravilno ugotovljena, da pa je treba na ugotovljeno dejansko stanje ob pravilni uporabi predpisov izdati drugačno odločbo, glede na stanje stvari pa tudi v primeru kršitve iz 2., 5., 7. in 8. točke prvega odstavka 155. člena tega zakona.
(7) The higher court shall grant the appeal and issue an order amending the misdemeanour judgement or amend it ex officio, if it finds that the decisive facts specified in the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance have been established correctly, but that a different decision must be issued with respect to the actual situation established and with the appropriate application of regulations; with respect to the state of facts, it shall also amend the decision in the cases referred to in points 2, 5, 7 and 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 155 of this Act.
9 Končna redakcija
Da so se Wagni odločili za zidavo na mestu, kjer danes stoji grad Bogenšperk, je bilo najbrž odločilno dejstvo, da se tu nahaja ogromni skalni kolos, debel do 20 metrov in več.
A decisive part in the decision of the Wagens to build on the site where Bogenšperk now stands was probably played by the fact that on this site there is a huge rock monolith, some 20 metres or more deep.
10 Končna redakcija
Obnovo postopka se lahko pri Sodišču zahteva le primeru, da se odkrije novo dejstvo odločilnega pomena, ki je bilo pred izrekom sodbe neznano Sodišču in stranki, ki zahteva obnovo.
An application for revision of a judgment may be made to the Court only on discovery of a fact which is of such a nature as to be a decisive factor, and which, when the judgment was given, was unknown to the Court and to the party claiming the revision.
11 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bilo treba v zvezi z reprezentativnim tečajem, ki naj se uporablja za preračunavanje zavarovanega zneska, izraženega v ekujih, v nacionalno valuto, določiti odločilno dejstvo iz člena 5 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1676/85 z dne 11. junija 1985 o vrednosti obračunske enote in menjalnih tečajev za uporabo v skupni kmetijski politiki( fn );
Whereas, in connection with the representative rate to be used for converting a sum secured expressed in ECU into national currency, the operative event referred to in Article 5 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1676/85 of 11 June 1985 on the value of the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purpose of the common agricultural policy (1), should be defined;
12 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba upoštevati posledice spremembe kmetijskih konverzijskih tečajev za varščine na dan odločilnega dejstva;
whereas the consequences of a modification of the agricultural conversion rate for a security on the day of the operative event should be taken into account;
13 Pravna redakcija
ker je odločilni dejavnik za uporabo člena 71 v celoti dejstvo, da je oseba med zadnjo zaposlitvijo stalno prebivala v državi članici, ki ni tista, katere zakonodaja je veljala za to osebo, ta država pa ni nujno tista, v kateri je bila zaposlena;
Whereas the determining factor for the application of Article 71 in its entirety is the fact that the person concerned resided during his last employment in a Member State other than the one to the legislation of which he was subject, which does not necessarily correspond to the one in which he was employed;
14 Pravna redakcija
ker Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 1068/93 z dne 30. aprila 1993 o podrobnih pravilih za določitev in uporabo kmetijskih konverzijskih tečajev( fn ), s katero so določena odločilna dejstva za kmetijske konverzijske tečaje, še posebno tista, ki se uporabljajo pri varščinah;
Whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1068/93 of 30 April 1993 on detailed rules for determining and applying the agricultural conversion rates (17) lays down the operative events for agricultural conversion rates, in particular those applicable for securities;
15 Pravna redakcija
Če je celotni znesek zahtevane varščine, izražen v valuti zadevne države članice, narasel zaradi spremembe kmetijskega konverzijskega tečaja za varščine in začne veljati z dnem odločilnega dejstva, se varščina sprejme na podlagi kmetijskega konverzijskega tečaja, ki je veljal na dan pred spremembo, če znaša primanjkljaj manj kakor 20 ekujev, izraženo v nacionalni valuti, z uporabo novega kmetijskega konverzijskega tečaja.
If the total sum of a security required expressed in the currency of the Member State concerned has increased owing to a modification of the agricultural conversion rate for the security entering into force on the date of the operative event, the security is accepted on the basis of the agricultural conversion rate in force the day before the modification if the deficit amounts to less than ECU 20 expressed in national currency using the new agricultural conversion rate.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Zato je treba opredeliti metodo pretvorbe v državno valuto ter zlasti odločilno dejstvo in veljavni menjalni tečaj.
For that reason there is a need to define the method of conversion into national currencies and in particular the operative event and the exchange rate applicable.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Določi ga Komisija v mesecu, ki sledi datumu nastopa odločilnega dejstva."
It shall be fixed by the Commission during the month following the date of the operative event."
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Člen 1 te uredbe določa uporabo tistega menjalnega tečaja, ki ga je nazadnje določila Evropska centralna banka (ECB) pred nastopom odločilnega dejstva.
Article 1 of this Regulation states that the exchange rate to be used shall be the rate most recently fixed by the European Central Bank (ECB) prior to the operative event.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Menjalni tečaj, ki se uporabi, je povprečje menjalnih tečajev, veljavnih meseca decembra pred nastopom odločilnega dejstva, izračunano po časovnem sorazmerju.
The exchange rate to be used shall be the average of the exchange rates applicable in the month of December preceding the date of the operative event, calculated pro rata temporis.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Glede odločilnega dejstva v zvezi z uporabo meril iz člena 3(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 2799/98, je primerno določiti, da je to prvi dan koledarskega leta, za katerega se plačajo premije.
As to the operative event, for applying the criteria set forth in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2799/98, it is appropriate to define it as the first day of the calendar year for which the premia are paid.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
Nato pod naslednjimi tremi navedbami podajte izjavo o odločilnih dejstvih in razlogih, zakaj menite, naj člen 85(1) ali 86 Pogodbe ES in/ali člen 53(1) ali 54 Sporazuma o EGP ne velja, tj.:
Then, under the following three references, give a statement of the relevant facts and reasons as to why you consider Article 85 (1) or 86 of the EC Treaty and/or Article 53 (1) or 54 of the EEA Agreement to be inapplicable, i.e.:
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0263
Vendar je treba za namene uresničevanja ciljev skupne tržne ureditve za ovčje in kozje meso stopnjo, ki je veljavna ob nastopu odločilnega dejstva, določiti na način, ki bo načeloma zagotovil, da te pomoči, premije in zneski niso izpostavljeni velikim nihanjem pri pretvorbi v nacionalno valuto zaradi menjalnega tečaja v enem samem dnevu.
However, for the purposes of attaining the goals of the sheep and goat common market organisation, the rate applicable on the date of the operative event should be fixed in such a way as to ensure in principle that such aids, premiums and amounts do not undergo any sharp fluctuations on conversion into national currency due to the exchange rate on a single date.
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odločilno dejstvo