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odlog obračuna davka
1 Končna redakcija
Da bi Komisija omogočila Svetu razpravljati o tem in po možnosti sprejeti odločitve pred iztekom prehodnega obdobja, mora do konca leta 1968 predložiti Svetu predloge, kako in v kakšnem časovnem obdobju lahko usklajevanje prometnih davkov doseže svoj namen - odpravo obračunavanja davka pri uvozu in oprostitve davka pri izvozu v trgovanju med državami članicami - ob zagotovitvi nevtralnosti teh davkov, kar zadeva poreklo blaga ali storitev.
In order to enable the Council to discuss this, and if possible to take decisions before the end of the transitional period, the Commission shall submit to the Council, before the end of 1968, proposals as to how and within what period the harmonisation of turnover taxes can achieve the aim of abolishing the imposition of tax on importation and the remission of tax on exportation in trade between Member States, while ensuring the neutrality of those taxes as regards the origin of the goods or services.
2 Pravna redakcija
Za transakcije pod 1(a) lahko država članica zaradi poenostavitve dovoli odlog obračuna davka ter odpravi zahteve glede knjigovodstva za davek na dodano vrednost.
For transactions under 1(a), for the purpose of simplification, the Member State shall authorise suspension of the tax to be collected as well as dispense with the recording requirements of value added tax.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0080
Za transakcije pod 1(a) lahko država članica zaradi poenostavitve dovoli odlog obračuna davka ter odpravi zahteve glede knjigovodstva za davek na dodano vrednost.
2.(a) For transactions under 1(a), for the purpose of simplification, the Member State shall authorise suspension of the tax to be collected as well as dispense with the recording requirements of value added tax.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0005
Ta pravica do odbitka nastane, ko nastane obveznost za obračun davka od dobave, za katero se obdavčljiv preprodajalec odloči uporabiti splošno ureditev davka na dodano vrednost.
This right to deduct shall arise at the time when the tax due for the supply in respect of which the taxable dealer opts for application of the normal value added tax arrangements become chargeable.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0348
"Države članice se lahko odločijo, da ne obračunavajo prometnega davka ali trošarine, ko bi bil znesek obračunanega davka na blago, ki ga uvažajo potniki, enak ali manjši od 5 ECU."
'It shall be open to Member States not to levy turnover tax or excise duty on the import of goods by a traveller when the amount of the tax which should be levied is equal to, or less than, 5 ECU.'
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Znesek zavarovanja, ki ga je treba predložiti za odloženo plačilo, ne sme presegati zneska uvoznih dajatev in davkov, ki bi jih bilo mogoče obračunati za blago, uvoženo v obdobju odloga uvoznih dajatev in davkov.
The amount of the security to be provided for deferred payment should not exceed the amount of the import duties and taxes potentially chargeable in respect of the goods imported during the period for which the payment of import duties and taxes is deferred.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
"Obveznost obračuna" davka nastane v trenutku, ko ima davčni organ po zakonu pravico zahtevati davek od osebe, ki ga je dolžna plačati, četudi se plačilo odloži.
The tax becomes "chargeable" when the tax authority becomes entitled under the law at a given moment to claim the tax from the person liable to pay, notwithstanding that the time of payment may be deferred.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Obdobje, za katerega se plačilo uvoznih dajatev in davkov lahko odloži, je vsaj 14 dni od datuma, ko bi morale biti obračunane uvozne dajatve in davki sicer plačani.
The period for which payment of import duties and taxes can be deferred should be at least 14 days following the date when payment of the amount of import duties and taxes chargeable is otherwise due.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Vendar MRS 12 (spremenjen) prepoveduje pripoznanje odložene obveznosti za davek, ki izhaja iz samega dobrega imena (če amortizacija dobrega imena ni odbitek pri obračunu davka), in odložene terjatve za davek, ki izhaja iz slabega imena, obravnavanega kot odloženi prihodek.
However, IAS 12 (revised) prohibits the recognition of deferred tax liabilities arising from goodwill itself (if amortisation of the goodwill is not deductible for tax purposes) and of deferred tax assets arising from negative goodwill that is treated as deferred income.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Toda v skladu z odstavkoma 15(a) in 24(a) podjetje ne pripozna odloženih obveznosti za davek, ki izhajajo iz dobrega imena samega (če se amortizacija dobrega imena pri obračunu davka ne odšteje) in odloženih terjatev za davek, ki izhajajo iz neobdavčljivega slabega imena, obravnavanega kot odloženi prihodek.
However, in accordance with paragraphs 15(a) and 24(a), an enterprise does not recognise deferred tax liabilities arising from goodwill itself (if amortisation of the goodwill is not deductible for tax purposes) and deferred tax assets arising from non-taxable negative goodwill which is treated as deferred income.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Blago, deklarirano za domačo uporabo, se prepusti takoj, ko ga carinski organi pregledajo ali ko so se odločili, da ga ne bodo pregledali, pod pogojem, da niso našli nobene kršitve in da so bile plačane vse obračunane uvozne dajatve in davki ali da so bili sprejeti ustrezni ukrepi za zagotovitev, da bodo pobrani.
Goods declared for home use shall be released as soon as the customs authorities have examined them, or decided not to examine them, provided that no offence has been found and that any import duties and taxes chargeable have been paid or that appropriate action has been taken to ensure their collection.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Odložena terjatev za davek se pri začetnem pripoznanju posameznega sredstva na primer pojavi, če je neobdavčena državna podpora v zvezi s sredstvom odbitna postavka pri ugotavljanju knjigovodske vrednosti sredstva, a se pri obračunu davka ne odšteje od njegovega amortizirljivega zneska (z drugimi besedami, njegove davčne vrednosti);
One case when a deferred tax asset arises on initial recognition of an asset is when a non-taxable government grant related to an asset is deducted in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset but, for tax purposes, is not deducted from the asset's depreciable amount (in other words its tax base);
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odlog obračuna davka