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odnos s stranko
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Takšne izjave lahko dajo države brezpogojno ali s pogojem recipročnosti v odnosu do nekaterih ali do določenih drugih visokih pogodbenih strank ali za določeno dobo.
The declarations referred to above may be made unconditionally or on condition of reciprocity on the part of several or certain other High Contracting Parties or for a specified period.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Vsaka visoka pogodbena stranka lahko ob podpisu ali ratifikaciji ali kadarkoli pozneje pošlje generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope izjavo, s katero sporoči, da bodo določbe tega protokola veljale na v izjavi navedenih ozemljih, za katerih mednarodne odnose je odgovorna.
Any High Contracting Party may at the time of signature or ratification or at any time thereafter communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a declaration stating the extent to which it undertakes that the provisions of the present Protocol shall apply to such of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible as are named therein.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
1) Vsaka visoka pogodbena stranka lahko ob podpisu ali ob ratifikaciji tega protokola ali kadarkoli pozneje pošlje generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope izjavo, s katero sporoči, da bodo določbe tega protokola veljale na v izjavi navedenih ozemljih, za katerih mednarodne odnose je odgovorna.
Any High Contracting Party may, at the time of signature or ratification of this Protocol, or at any time thereafter, communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a declaration stating the extent to which it undertakes that the provisions of this Protocol shall apply to such of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible as are named therein.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
1 Vsaka Visoka pogodbena stranka lahko ob podpisu ali ob ratifikaciji tega Protokola ali kadarkoli pozneje posreduje generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope izjavo, s katero sporoči, da bodo določbe tega Protokola veljale za tista ozemlja, navedena v izjavi, za katerih mednarodne odnose je odgovorna.
1 Any High Contracting Party may, at the time of signature or ratification of this Protocol, or at any time thereafter, communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a declaration stating the extent to which it undertakes that the provisions of this Protocol shall apply to such of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible as are named therein.
5 Končna redakcija
Sporazumi morajo biti omejeni na medbančne odnose in ne smejo povzročiti usklajenih ravnanj v zvezi s strankami.
Agreemens must be limited to inter-bank relations and must not lead to concerted practices vis-à-vis customers.
6 Končna redakcija
Ko govorimo o političnih kampanjah, moramo najprej ugotoviti, kakšne 'odnose' (oblike komuniciranja) imajo politiki/stranke s svojimi volivci oz. katere informacije politiki/ stranke ponujajo državljanom.
When considering political campaigns we must first establish what kind of relationship (or forms of communication) politicians/political parties use to communicate with voters, and what information they offer to the citizens.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Ob vzpostavljanju poslovnega odnosa s stranko bi lahko investicijska podjetja od stranke ali potencialne stranke zahtevala, da hkrati privoli v izvedbeno politiko ter v možnost, da se njena naročila izvajajo izven reguliranih trgov ali MTF.
When establishing the business relationship with the client the investment firm might ask the client or potential client to consent at the same time to the execution policy as well as to the possibility that his orders may be executed outside a regulated market or an MTF.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Ne glede na to pa, če so stranke že kategorizirane kot profesionalci v skladu s parametri in postopki, podobnimi tistim zgoraj, ni namen, da bi na njihov odnos z investicijskimi družbami vplivala morebitna nova pravila, sprejeta v skladu s to prilogo.
However, if clients have already been categorised as professionals under parameters and procedures similar to those above, it is not intended that their relationships with investment firms should be affected by any new rules adopted pursuant to this Annex.
9 Končna redakcija
V obširnem razgovoru, ki ga Delo organizira s strankarskimi prvaki, jih sprašujejo o vsem mogočem, ni niti enega zastavljenega novinarskega vprašanja, ki bi kakorkoli merilo na odnose političnih strank s Cerkvijo (Delo, 7. 10. 2000); je torej Delo pristransko do levice ali desnice?
In Delo's extensive interviews with parties' top leadership, in which all kinds of subjects were discussed, there was not one question that would in any way point to the relationship between political parties and the Church (Delo, 7 October 2000). Given these facts one could justifiably ask whether Delo is prejudiced against the right or the left wing.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
se ena ali več strank koncentracije ukvarja s poslovnimi dejavnostmi na proizvodnem trgu, ki je v medsebojnem vertikalnem razmerju s trgom, na katerem deluje katera druga stranka koncentracije, ne glede na to, če obstaja ali ne obstaja med strankami koncentracije kak odnos med dobaviteljem in odjemalcem (vertikalne povezave).
one or more of the parties to the concentration are engaged in business activities in a product market, which is upstream or downstream of a market in which any other party to the concentration is engaged, regardless of whether there is or is not any existing supplier/customer relationship between the parties to the concentration (vertical relationships).
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
kadar ena ali več strank koncentracije opravlja poslovne dejavnosti na proizvodnem trgu, ki je v medsebojnem vertikalnem razmerju s trgom, na katerem deluje katera druga stranka koncentracije in kateri koli od njihovih posamičnih ali skupnih tržnih deležev na eni ali drugi ravni znaša 25 % ali več, ne glede na to, če obstaja ali ne obstaja med strankami koncentracije kak odnos med dobaviteljem in odjemalcem [6].
one or more of the parties to the concentration are engaged in business activities in a product market, which is upstream or downstream of a product market in which any other party to the concentration is engaged, and any of their individual or combined market shares at either level is 25 % or more, regardless of whether there is or is not any existing supplier/customer relationship between the parties to the concentration(6).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
kadar ena ali več strank koncentracije opravlja poslovne dejavnosti na proizvodnem trgu, ki je v medsebojnem vertikalnem razmerju s trgom, na katerem deluje katera druga stranka koncentracije in kateri koli od njihovih posamičnih ali skupnih tržnih deležev na eni ali drugi ravni znaša 25 % ali več, ne glede na to, če obstaja ali ne obstaja med strankami koncentracije kak odnos med dobaviteljem in odjemalcem [16].
one or more of the parties to the concentration are engaged in business activities in a product market, which is upstream or downstream of a product market in which any other party to the concentration is engaged, and any of their individual or combined market shares at either level is 25 % or more, regardless of whether there is or is not any existing supplier/customer relationship between the parties to the concentration(16).
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Namen te direktive ni zahtevati uporabo pravil o preglednosti pred trgovanjem za transakcije, ki se opravljajo na prostem trgu, katerih značilnosti so tudi, da so priložnostne in neredne ter se izvajajo s pogodbenimi strankami, ki so trgovci na debelo, in so del poslovnega odnosa, za katerega samega so značilni posli nad standardnim tržnim obsegom, in pri katerih se posli opravljajo izven sistemov, ki jih zadevna družba navadno uporablja za svoje poslovanje kot sistematični internalizer.
It is not the intention of this Directive to require the application of pre-trade transparency rules to transactions carried out on an OTC basis, the characteristics of which include that they are ad-hoc and irregular and are carried out with wholesale counterparties and are part of a business relationship which is itself characterised by dealings above standard market size, and where the deals are carried out outside the systems usually used by the firm concerned for its business as a systematic internaliser.
14 Končna redakcija
Izstopajo naslednje ocene: da so mediji pod vplivom predsednika države Kučana (nekdanjega komunista) in da gre pri nas za najhujše oblike cenzure (Družina, 17. 9. 2000); da med novinarji prevladuje avtocenzura, da gre za nenehne napade medijev na Cerkev in za mlačen odnos države do Cerkve (to je stališče nove vladne stranke NSi, katere predsednik je hkrati predsednik vlade in dejaven v predvolilnem boju; Radio Slovenija 1, 18. 9. 2000); da se zaradi medijske blokade premalo govori o uspehih Bajukove vlade; da ni ustrezna nobena javnomnenjska raziskava, saj gre za 'monopolno javno mnenje'; da se ravno v tem predvolilnem času dogajajo na Slovenskem najhujše oblike cenzure; da 'katoliška Cerkev kljub večinskemu položaju nima potrebne politične teže'; da poskušajo novinarji na nacionalni televiziji s svojimi vprašanji razbiti pomladne stranke (Radio Ognjišče, 28.-29. 9. 2000); apostolski nuncij izjavi, da slovenska nacionalna TV zanemarja verske teme in da eden od slovenskih tednikov vztrajno išče škandalozne dogodke v Cerkvi (Dnevnik, 13. 10. 2000), kar se nanaša na tednik Mladina, ki je med drugim objavil tudi seksualno-provokativno risbo nadškofa Rodeta (kot eno v redni seriji tovrstnih risb, v kateri so se pojavljali enako razgaljeni mnogi najuglednejši politiki, tako z leve kot z desne, in druge medijsko izpostavljene osebnosti); ista revija, ki je v očeh cerkvenih predstavnikov izrazito levičarsko usmerjena, kritizira v prav vsaki številki tudi vsaj enega predstavnika levih strank, LDS ali pa Kučana, hkrati pa je mogoče najti stališča v korist desnice; vse to velja tudi v predvolilnem času (gl. Mladina, 18. 9. 2000); predsednik vlade in stranke NSi zatrjuje na nacionalnem radiu, da 'v Sloveniji tik pred volitvami vlada popolna medijska blokada' (Radio 1, 29. 10. 2000) in hkrati poudarja, da javnomnenjskim anketam ne verjame, ko merijo uspešnost njegove stranke - nakar to stališče pojasni takole: anketam ne verjame takrat, ko prikazujejo negativen volilni rezultat, in ne verjame jim tudi, ko prikazujejo pozitiven rezultat, saj namesto tega verjame 'v eno samo stvar, ko hodim po našem podeželju in vidim ljudi...' (TV 3, 9.10. 2000); vladni urad za informiranje kritizira medijsko enostranost, da so naši mediji podobni srbskim, da izvajajo 'hujskaško propagando' in blatijo 'Janšo, Bajuka, Rodeta in Podobnika' (ibid. 6. 10. 2000, POP TV, 6. 10. 2000); da je od vseh 'najbolj nervozna prav nacionalna televizija' (Večer, 12. 10. 2000) itd.
The following conclusions were outstanding: the media are under the influence of President Milan Kučan (an ex-Communist) and Slovenia has the worst form of censorship (Družina, 17 September 2000); auto-censorship is prevailing among journalists, the media incessantly attack the Church, and the state's attitude towards the Church is insipid (this being the standpoint of the newly founded governmental party NSi, whose leader, Dr. Bajuk, was the Prime Minister at that time and active in the election campaign; Radio Slovenia 1, 18 September 2000); due to the media obstruction, the achievements of Bajuk's government were not sufficiently presented to the public; not one opinion poll is competent because the public opinion is a 'monopoly opinion'; the worst form of censorship in Slovenia occurred precisely during the pre-election period; 'the Catholic Church lacks the required political weight despite its majority position'; journalists on the national TV channel attempted to break down the 'Spring Parties' (Radio Ognjišče, 28-29 September 2000); the Apostolic Nuncio stated that Slovenian national TV neglected religious topics and that one of the Slovenian weekly magazines persistently hunted for scandalous events within the Church (Dnevnik, 13 October 2000); the latter is a reference to a sexually provocative drawing of Archbishop Franc Rode published by Mladina weekly magazine (the drawing was one in a series of other similar ones showing many other reputed politicians equally stripped, both from the right and the left wing, and other media personalities; the same magazine, which is, in the opinion of the Church, expressly left-oriented, criticizes in each issue at least one representative of the left parties, the LDS or president Kučan, and moreover, it is possible to find in it certain standpoints in favor of the right wing; all this applies to the pre-election period as well, see Mladina 18 September 2000); the Prime Minister and the leader of the NSi asserted on the national radio station that 'in Slovenia, right before the elections, there is a total blockade of the media' (Radio 1, 29 October 2000) and stressed in the same breath that he did not trust the public opinion polls that forecast election results, explaining his statement as follows: he does not trust the polls that predict negative election results, nor those that forecast positive results, he trusts 'one thing only, that is, when I walk around our countryside and see people....' (TV 3, 9 October 2000); the Government Public Relations and Media Office criticized the one-sidedness of the media, stating that Slovenian media are similar to those in Serbia, that they foment 'firebrand propaganda' and 'throw mud at Janez Janša, Andrej Bajuk, Franc Rode and Marjan Podobnik' (ibid. 6 October 2000, POP TV, 6 October 2000); the most nervous of all is the national TV station (Večer, 12 October 2000) etc.
15 Pravna redakcija
V odnosih s pogodbenimi strankami vsake od konvencij, za katero velja resolucija, bo Skupnost uporabila resolucijo z vsako od strank, ki so tudi sprejele ta dokument.
In its relations with the Contracting Parties to either of the Conventions covered by this resolution, the Community will apply the resolution to any of the Parties which have also accepted the instrument.
16 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s kakršnimi koli sporazumi v zvezi z denarnimi odnosi med Skupnostjo in tretjimi strankami lahko ECB dodeli dostop do ustreznih podatkov CMS imenovanim organom ali centrom teh tretjih strank.
Subject to any agreements concerning monetary relations between the Community and third parties, the ECB may grant access to the relevant data of the CMS to the designated authorities or centres of these third parties.
17 Pravna redakcija
»Osebju strank, ki je v zvezi s Centrom ali njegovimi projekti in dejavnostmi prisotno v Ukrajini, Vlada Ukrajine zagotovi status, ki je enak statusu, ki ga ima administrativno in tehnično osebje po Dunajski konvenciji o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961.«
'Personnel of the parties who are present in Ukraine in connection with the Centre or its projects and activities shall be accorded by the Government of Ukraine status equivalent to that accorded to administrative and technical staff under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.'
18 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Ustrezne pogodbene ali javnopravne ureditve, ki jih uporablja NCB, morajo zagotoviti, da bodo v odnosu med NCB in nasprotnimi strankami postavljena primerna in nedvoumna pravila o uporabi obrazcev (vključno s potrditvijo pogojev poslov), nosilcev podatkov in načinov ter modalitet komuniciranja.
The relevant contractual or regulatory arrangements applied by the NCB should ensure that, in the relationship between the NCB and Counterparties, appropriate and unambiguous rules relating to the use of forms (including the confirmation of terms of transactions), data carriers and means and specifics of communication will be in place.
19 Pravna redakcija
"samozaposleni voznik" pomeni vsako osebo, katere glavna poklicna dejavnost je cestni prevoz potnikov ali blaga za najem ali plačilo na podlagi licence Skupnosti ali kakega drugega posebnega poklicnega pooblastila za izvajanje navedenega prevoza v smislu zakonodaje Skupnosti, ki sme delati zase in ni vezana na delodajalca s pogodbo o zaposlitvi ali kakršnim koli drugim delovnopravnim odvisnim razmerjem, ki lahko svobodno organizira zadevne delovne dejavnosti, katerih dohodek je neposredno odvisen od ustvarjenega dobička, in lahko posamično ali prek sodelovanja s samozaposlenimi vozniki svobodno vstopa v poslovne odnose z več strankami.
'self-employed driver' shall mean anyone whose main occupation is to transport passengers or goods by road for hire or reward within the meaning of Community legislation under cover of a Community licence or any other professional authorisation to carry out the aforementioned transport, who is entitled to work for himself and who is not tied to an employer by an employment contract or by any other type of working hierarchical relationship, who is free to organize the relevant working activities, whose income depends directly on the profits made and who has the freedom to, individually or through a cooperation between self-employed drivers, have commercial relations with several customers.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0308
v primeru identifikacije kopijo ali sklicevanja na zahtevani dokaz pet let po tem, ko se je odnos s stranko končal,
in the case of identification, a copy or the references of the evidence required, for a period of at least five years after the relationship with their customer has ended,
21 Prevajalska redakcija
Sporazumi morajo biti omejeni na medbančne odnose in ne smejo povzročiti usklajenih ravnanj v zvezi s strankami.
Agreemens must be limited to inter-bank relations and must not lead to concerted practices vis-a-vis customers.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Skupnost bo uporabila resolucijo v okviru svojih odnosov s pogodbenimi strankami z vsako od strank, ki so tudi sprejele ta dokument.
The Community will apply the resolution, in the context of its relations with the Contracting Parties, to any of the Parties, which have also accepted the instrument.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Najemodajalec izgubi nadzor nad odnosom s svojo stranko pri ponudbi komunikacijskih storitev in nobena obveznost najemodajalca za zagotavljanje univerzalnih storitev ne bo več veljala za to posebno stranko. Primeri uporabe:
The lessor will lose control of the relationship with its customer for the provision of communications services, and any universal service obligations of the lessor will no longer apply with respect to that specific customer.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Ob vzpostavljanju poslovnega odnosa s stranko bi lahko investicijska podjetja od stranke ali potencialne stranke zahtevala, da hkrati privoli v izvedbeno politiko ter v možnost, da se njena naročila izvajajo izven reguliranih trgov ali MTF.
When establishing the business relationship with the client the investment firm might ask the client or potential client to consent at the same time to the execution policy as well as to the possibility that his orders may be executed outside a regulated market or an MTF.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
ob priznavanju želje udeležencev utemeljiti odnos Svetovne trgovinske organizacije z Mednarodnim denarnim skladom v zvezi s področji, ki jih zajemajo večstranski trgovinski sporazumi iz Priloge 1A Sporazuma WTO, v skladu z določbami, ki so urejale odnos POGODBENIH STRANK Sporazuma GATT 1947 z Mednarodnim denarnim skladom;
Recognizing the desire of participants to base the relationship of the World Trade Organization with the International Monetary Fund, with regard to the areas covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement, on the provisions that have governed the relationship of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT 1947 with the International Monetary Fund;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
ponovno potrjujejo, da bo odnos Svetovne trgovinske organizacije z Mednarodnim denarnim skladom v zvezi s področji, ki jih zajemajo večstranski trgovinski sporazumi iz Priloge 1A Sporazuma WTO, temeljil na določbah, ki so urejale odnos POGODBENIH STRANK Sporazuma GATT 1947 z Mednarodnim denarnim skladom, razen če v Sklepni listini ni določeno drugače.
Hereby reaffirm that, unless otherwise provided for in the Final Act, the relationship of the WTO with the International Monetary Fund, with regard to the areas covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement, will be based on the provisions that have governed the relationship of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT 1947 with the International Monetary Fund.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Najemnik ima popoln nadzor nad odnosom s svojo stranko za zagotavljanje celovitega obsega telekomunikacijskih storitev prek krajevne zanke, vključno z uporabo sistemov digitalnega naročniškega voda (DSL) za hiter prenos podatkov.
The lessee has full control of the relationship with its customer for the provision of a full range telecommunication services over the local loop, including deployment of digital subscriber line systems (DSL) for high speed data applications.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Ne glede na to pa, če so stranke že kategorizirane kot profesionalci v skladu s parametri in postopki, podobnimi tistim zgoraj, ni namen, da bi na njihov odnos z investicijskimi družbami vplivala morebitna nova pravila, sprejeta v skladu s to prilogo.
However, if clients have already been categorised as professionals under parameters and procedures similar to those above, it is not intended that their relationships with investment firms should be affected by any new rules adopted pursuant to this Annex.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1972
V skladu s stalno prakso Komisije in Sveta je pametno pojasniti, da so takšne prilagoditve potrebne tudi, če stranke ne delujejo na podlagi odnosa naročnik - zastopnik, temveč dosegajo enak gospodarski rezultat delujoč kot kupec in prodajalec.
It is prudent to clarify, in line with the consistent practice of the Commission and the Council, that such adjustments should also be made, if the parties do not act on the basis of a principal - agent relationship, but achieve the same economic result by acting as buyer and seller.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0308
Države članice zagotovijo, da kreditne in finančne ustanove zahtevajo identifikacijo svojih strank s spremljajočimi dokazi, kadar sklepajo poslovne odnose, zlasti pri odpiranju računa ali hranilnih računov ali kadar ponujajo storitve hrambe v sefih.
Member States shall ensure that credit and financial institutions require identification of their customers by means of supporting evidence when entering into business relations, particularly when opening an account or savings accounts, or when offering safe custody facilities.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
Prodaja se šteje za razveljavljeno samo, če se končajo vsi pogodbeni odnosi med strankami, ki jih zadeva ta prodaja, če so bila povrnjena vsa plačila, opravljena v zvezi s prodajo, in se vse pravice iz zadevnega plovila ali njegovih delov vrnejo ladjedelnici.
A sale shall be considered to have been voided only where all contractual relationships between the parties concerned by the sale in question have been terminated, all consideration paid in connection with the sale is reimbursed and all rights in the vessel concerned or parts thereof are returned to the shipbuilder.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
"Osebju strank, ki je v zvezi s Centrom ali njegovimi projekti in dejavnostmi prisotno v Ukrajini, Vlada Ukrajine zagotovi status, ki je enak statusu, ki ga ima administrativno in tehnično osebje po Dunajski konvenciji o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961."
'Personnel of the parties who are present in Ukraine in connection with the Centre or its projects and activities shall be accorded by the Government of Ukraine status equivalent to that accorded to administrative and technical staff under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.`
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
se ena ali več strank koncentracije ukvarja s poslovnimi dejavnostmi na proizvodnem trgu, ki je v medsebojnem vertikalnem razmerju s trgom, na katerem deluje katera druga stranka koncentracije, ne glede na to, če obstaja ali ne obstaja med strankami koncentracije kak odnos med dobaviteljem in odjemalcem (vertikalne povezave).
one or more of the parties to the concentration are engaged in business activities in a product market, which is upstream or downstream of a market in which any other party to the concentration is engaged, regardless of whether there is or is not any existing supplier/customer relationship between the parties to the concentration (vertical relationships).
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
kadar ena ali več strank koncentracije opravlja poslovne dejavnosti na proizvodnem trgu, ki je v medsebojnem vertikalnem razmerju s trgom, na katerem deluje katera druga stranka koncentracije in kateri koli od njihovih posamičnih ali skupnih tržnih deležev na eni ali drugi ravni znaša 25 % ali več, ne glede na to, če obstaja ali ne obstaja med strankami koncentracije kak odnos med dobaviteljem in odjemalcem [16].
one or more of the parties to the concentration are engaged in business activities in a product market, which is upstream or downstream of a product market in which any other party to the concentration is engaged, and any of their individual or combined market shares at either level is 25 % or more, regardless of whether there is or is not any existing supplier/customer relationship between the parties to the concentration(16).
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Namen te direktive ni zahtevati uporabo pravil o preglednosti pred trgovanjem za transakcije, ki se opravljajo na prostem trgu, katerih značilnosti so tudi, da so priložnostne in neredne ter se izvajajo s pogodbenimi strankami, ki so trgovci na debelo, in so del poslovnega odnosa, za katerega samega so značilni posli nad standardnim tržnim obsegom, in pri katerih se posli opravljajo izven sistemov, ki jih zadevna družba navadno uporablja za svoje poslovanje kot sistematični internalizer.
It is not the intention of this Directive to require the application of pre-trade transparency rules to transactions carried out on an OTC basis, the characteristics of which include that they are ad-hoc and irregular and are carried out with wholesale counterparties and are part of a business relationship which is itself characterised by dealings above standard market size, and where the deals are carried out outside the systems usually used by the firm concerned for its business as a systematic internaliser.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0015
"samozaposleni voznik" pomeni vsako osebo, katere glavna poklicna dejavnost je cestni prevoz potnikov ali blaga za najem ali plačilo na podlagi licence Skupnosti ali kakega drugega posebnega poklicnega pooblastila za izvajanje navedenega prevoza v smislu zakonodaje Skupnosti, ki sme delati zase in ni vezana na delodajalca s pogodbo o zaposlitvi ali kakršnim koli drugim delovnopravnim odvisnim razmerjem, ki lahko svobodno organizira zadevne delovne dejavnosti, katerih dohodek je neposredno odvisen od ustvarjenega dobička, in lahko posamično ali prek sodelovanja s samozaposlenimi vozniki svobodno vstopa v poslovne odnose z več strankami.
"self-employed driver" shall mean anyone whose main occupation is to transport passengers or goods by road for hire or reward within the meaning of Community legislation under cover of a Community licence or any other professional authorisation to carry out the aforementioned transport, who is entitled to work for himself and who is not tied to an employer by an employment contract or by any other type of working hierarchical relationship, who is free to organise the relevant working activities, whose income depends directly on the profits made and who has the freedom to, individually or through a cooperation between self-employed drivers, have commercial relations with several customers.
37 Prevod
Pri ratifikaciji, sprejetju in potrditvi tega protokola ali pristopu k njemu, ali kadar koli pozneje, lahko stranka, ki ni organizacija za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, pisno izjavi z listino, ki jo predloži depozitarju, da v zvezi s katerim koli sporom glede razlage ali izvajanja protokola, priznava kot obvezni ipso facto in brez posebnega sporazuma, v odnosu do katere koli stranke, ki sprejema isto obveznost, enega ali oba od naslednjih načinov reševanja spora:
When ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to the present Protocol, or at any time thereafter, a Party which is not a regional economic integration organisation may declare in a written instrument submitted to the Depositary that, in respect of any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Protocol, it recognises one or both of the following means of dispute settlement as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation:
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