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odnosi med državo in regijami
1 Končna redakcija
odnosi med državo in regijami
relations between the State and the regions
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Evropski parlament je 11. februarja 1999 sprejel resolucijo o odnosih med ČDO, državami AKP in najbolj oddaljenimi regijami Evropske unije( fn ).
On 11 February 1999 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on relations between the OCTs, the ACP States and the outermost regions of the European Union(2).
3 Pravna redakcija
OBSPOZNANJU, da bo vzpostavitev pogodbenih odnosov med Skupnostjo in Državami GCC, pripomogla k vsesplošnemu sodelovanju med enakovrednimi partnerji pod obojestransko koristnimi pogoji na vseh ravneh med obema regijama in da bo pospešila njun gospodarski razvoj, ob upoštevanju razlik v stopnjah razvoja pogodbenic,
RECOGNIZING that the establishment of contractual relations between the community and the GCC Countries will help to promote overall cooperation between equal partners on mutually advantageous terms in all spheres between the two regions and further their economic development, taking into consideration the differences in levels of development of the parties,
4 Pravna redakcija
- želje po razširitvi okvira odnosov med Evropsko unijo in latinskoameriškim regionalnim povezovanjem z namenom prispevati k strateškemu povezovanju med obema regijama, kot je predvideno v Deklaraciji, sprejeti na vrhu voditeljev držav in vlad Latinske Amerike in Karibov ter Evropske unije v Riu de Janeiru 28. junija 1999;
- the desirability of enlarging the framework of relations between the European Union and the Latin American regional integration with a view to contributing to a strategic association between the two regions as foreseen in the Declaration adopted at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union in Rio de Janeiro on 28 June 1999;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
da bo vzpostavitev pogodbenih odnosov med Skupnostjo in Državami GCC, pripomogla k vsesplošnemu sodelovanju med enakovrednimi partnerji pod obojestransko koristnimi pogoji na vseh ravneh med obema regijama in da bo pospešila njun gospodarski razvoj, ob upoštevanju razlik v stopnjah razvoja pogodbenic,
that the establishment of contractual relations between the community and the GCC Countries will help to promote overall cooperation between equal partners on mutually advantageous terms in all spheres between the two regions and further their economic development, taking into consideration the differences in levels of development of the parties,
6 Prevod
zaželenost, da se razširi okvir odnosov med Evropsko unijo in latinskoameriškim regionalnim povezovanjem z namenom prispevati k strateškemu povezovanju med obema regijama, kot je predvideno v Deklaraciji, sprejeti na vrhu voditeljev držav in vlad Latinske Amerike in Karibov ter Evropske unije v Riu de Janeiru 28. junija 1999;
the desirability of enlarging the framework of relations between the European Union and the Latin American regional integration with a view to contributing to a strategic association between the two regions as foreseen in the Declaration adopted at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union in Rio de Janeiro on 28 June 1999;
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odnosi med državo in regijami