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odpraviti uvozno dajatev
1 Končna redakcija
ker je zaradi tega stanja upravičeno odpraviti razne uvozne ovire in jih nadomestiti, razen pri določenih proizvodih iz oljčnega olja, s skupno carinsko tarifo, ki industriji omogoča redno preskrbo s surovinami po dajatev prostim vstopom v Skupnost, medtem ko carine na končne proizvode služijo zaščiti domače industrije in zagotavljanju preskrbe potrošnikov po primernih cenah;
whereas this situation generally justifies the removal of the various import barriers and their replacement, except where certain olive oil products are concerned, by the Common Customs Tariff, which makes it easier for industries to obtain supplies by allowing raw materials to enter the Community duty free while duties on finished products serve to protect these industries and secure consumers' supplies at reasonable prices;
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3830
ker je zaradi oblikovanja enotnega trga brez notranjih mej od 1. januarja 1993 treba odpraviti carine in druge nespremenljive dele dajatev v trgovini med Skupnostjo deseterice in Španijo ter uporabljati iste uvozne carine v trgovini z državami nečlanicami;
Whereas the completion of the single market without internal frontiers as from 1 January 1993 makes necessary the suppression of customs duties and other components to trade between the Community of Ten and Spain and the application of the same import customs duties to trade with non-member countries;
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odpraviti uvozno dajatev