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odrediti pripor
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(odreditev in trajanje pripora)
(Orders for and Duration of Detention)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Odreditvena država odšteje celoten čas pripora, ki je bil prebit od izvršitve naloga za prijetje, od celotnega časa pripora, ki ga mora oseba prestati v odreditveni državi po izrečeni kazni zapora ali ukrepa, vezanega na odvzem prostosti.
The issuing State shall deduct all periods of detention arising from the execution of an arrest warrant from the total period of detention to be served in the issuing State as a result of a custodial sentence or detention order being passed.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
V ta namen izvršitveni pravosodni organ ali centralni organ, imenovan na podlagi člena 10, ob predaji osebe pošlje odreditvenemu pravosodnemu organu vse podatke v zvezi s trajanjem pripora zahtevane osebe na podlagi naloga za prijetje.
To that end, all information concerning the duration of the detention of the requested person on the basis of the arrest warrant shall be transmitted by the executing judicial authority or the central authority designated under Article 10 to the issuing judicial authority at the time of the surrender.
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odrediti pripor