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okolju varen
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
(e) priprava in izvajanje programov za zbiranje, recikliranje ali odstranjevanje proizvodov, ki vsebujejo katero od težkih kovin iz priloge I na okolju varen način.
(e) The development and implementation of programmes for the collection, recycling or disposal of products containing one of the heavy metals in annex I in an environmentally sound manner.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(c) ustrezno ravnati z zalogami na varen, učinkovit in za okolje primeren način.
(c) Manage stockpiles, as appropriate, in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner.
3 Pravna redakcija
V ta namen pogodbenice, ki jih to zadeva, sodelujejo, kot je potrebno, pri odstranitvi odpadkov na okolju varen način.
To this end, the Parties concerned shall cooperate, as necessary, in the disposal of the wastes in an environmentally sound manner.
4 Pravna redakcija
prepreči uvoz nevarnih in drugih odpadkov, če utemeljeno domneva, da se z zadevnimi odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način;
prevent the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner;
5 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka pogodbenica zahteva, da se z nevarnimi ali drugimi odpadki, ki bodo izvoženi, ravna na okolju varen način v državi uvoznici ali drugod.
Each Party shall require that hazardous wastes or other wastes, to be exported, are managed in an environmentally sound manner in the State of import or elsewhere.
6 Pravna redakcija
država izvoznica nima tehničnih zmogljivosti in potrebnih naprav, zmogljivosti ali ustreznih odlagališč, da zadevne odpadke odstrani na okolju varen in učinkovit način; ali
the State of export does not have the technical capacity and the necessary facilities, capacity or suitable disposal sites in order to dispose of the wastes in question in an environmentally sound and efficient manner; or
7 Pravna redakcija
Obveznost po tej konvenciji za države, v katerih nastajajo nevarni in drugi odpadki, da zahtevajo, da se z navedeni odpadki ravna na okolju varen način, se v nobenem primeru ne sme prenesti na države uvoznice ali tranzitne države.
The obligation under this Convention of States in which hazardous wastes and other wastes are generated to require that those wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner may not under any circumstances be transferred to the States of import or transit.
8 Pravna redakcija
Podatki (vključno s tehničnim opisom naprave), ki jih odstranjevalec pošlje izvozniku ali povzročitelju odpadkov, na katerih temelji ocena, da ni razloga za domnevo, da se z odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način v skladu z zakoni in predpisi države uvoznice.
Information transmitted (including technical description of the plant) to the exporter or generator from the disposer of the waste upon which the latter has based his assessment that there was no reason to believe that the wastes will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of import.
9 Pravna redakcija
na zahtevo dajati pogodbenicam podatke o svetovalcih ali svetovalnih podjetjih, ki imajo potrebno tehnično znanje na tem področju in jim lahko pomagajo, da proučijo obvestilo o prehodu prek meja, preverijo, ali pošiljke nevarnih odpadkov ali drugih odpadkov ustrezajo obvestilom in/ali če so predlagana odlagališča za nevarne odpadke ali druge odpadke okolju varna, kadar utemeljeno domnevajo, da se z zadevnimi odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način.
to provide Parties, upon request, with information on consultants or consulting firms having the necessary technical competence in the field, which can assist them to examine a notification for a transboundary movement, the concurrence of a shipment of hazardous wastes or other wastes with the relevant notification, and/or the fact that the proposed disposal facilities for hazardous wastes or other wastes are environmentally sound, when they have reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner.
10 Pravna redakcija
Kadar odgovornosti za nezakonit promet ni mogoče pripisati niti izvozniku, niti povzročitelju odpadkov, niti odstranjevalcu, zadevne države pogodbenice ali druge države pogodbenice, kot je ustrezno, s sodelovanjem zagotovijo, da se zadevni odpadki čim prej odstranijo na okolju varen način v državi izvoznici ali državi uvoznici ali drugod, če je to primerno.
In cases where the responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or generator or to the importer or disposer, the Parties concerned or other Parties, as appropriate, shall ensure, through cooperation, that the wastes in question are disposed of as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner either in the State of export or the State of import or elsewhere as appropriate.
11 Pravna redakcija
ne dovoli izvoza nevarnih ali drugih odpadkov v državo ali skupino držav, ki pripadajo organizaciji za gospodarsko in/ali politično povezovanje, ki so pogodbenice, zlasti države v razvoju, ki so v svoji zakonodaji prepovedale ves uvoz, ali če se utemeljeno domneva, da se z zadevnimi odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način v skladu z merili, ki jih določijo pogodbenice na prvem zasedanju;
not allow the export of hazardous wastes or other wastes to a State or group of States belonging to an economic and/or political integration organization that are Parties, particularly developing countries, which have prohibited by their legislation all imports, or if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner, according to criteria to be decided on by the Parties at their first meeting.
12 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju svojih nacionalnih zakonov, predpisov in politik sodelujejo pri razvijanju in uvajanju novih, okolju varnih tehnologij, pri katerih nastaja malo odpadkov, ter pri izboljšanju obstoječih tehnologij, da se odpravi, če je izvedljivo, nastajanje nevarnih odpadkov in drugih odpadkov ter se dosežejo uspešnejše in učinkovitejše metode zagotavljanja ravnanja z njimi na okolju varen način, vključno s proučevanjem gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih učinkov sprejetja takšnih novih ali izboljšanih tehnologij;
cooperate, subject to their national laws, regulations and policies, in the development and implementation of new environmentally sound low-waste technologies and the improvement of existing technologies with a view to eliminating, as far as practicable, the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes and achieving more effective and efficient methods of ensuring their management in an environmentally sound manner, including the study of the economic, social and environmental effects of the adoption of such new or improved technologies;
13 Pravna redakcija
Kadar prehod nevarnih ali drugih odpadkov prek meja, ki se pojmuje kot nezakonit promet zaradi ravnanja uvoznika ali odstranjevalca, država izvoznica zagotovi, da uvoznik ali odstranjevalec odstrani zadevne odpadke na okolju varen način, ali jih bo, če bo potrebno, sama odstranila v 30 dneh od dneva, ko je država uvoznica izvedela za nezakonit promet, ali v takšnem obdobju, o katerem bi se državi, ki ju to zadeva, utegnili dogovoriti.
In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as the result of conduct on the part of the importer or disposer, the State of import shall ensure that the wastes in question are disposed of in an environmentally sound manner by the importer or disposer or, if necessary, by itself within 30 days from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the State of import or such other period of time as the States concerned may agree.
14 Pravna redakcija
Kadar prehod nevarnih ali drugih odpadkov prek meja, ki je dobil pisno dovoljenje držav, ki jih to zadeva, ob upoštevanju določb te konvencije, ne more biti končan v skladu s pogodbenimi pogoji, država izvoznica zagotovi, da izvoznik odpelje zadevne odpadke nazaj v državo izvoznico, če ni mogoče skleniti drugega dogovora glede njihove odstranitve na okolju varen način v 90 dneh od dneva, ko je država uvoznica obvestila državo izvoznico in sekretariat, ali v takšnem časovnem obdobju, o katerem se dogovorijo zadevne države.
When a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes to which the consent of the States concerned has been given, subject to the provisions of this Convention, cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes in question are taken back into the State of export, by the exporter, if alternative arrangements cannot be made for their disposal in an environmentally sound manner, within 90 days from the time that the importing State informed the State of export and the Secretariat, or such other period of time as the States concerned agree.
15 Pravna redakcija
Treba je približati zakonodaje držav članic glede namernega sproščanja GSO v okolje in zagotoviti varen razvoj industrijskih proizvodov, ki uporabljajo GSO.
It is necessary to approximate the laws of the Member States concerning the deliberate release into the environment of GMOs and to ensure the safe development of industrial products utilising GMOs.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1726
(7) Pospešeno opuščanje plovil z enojnim trupom bo pripeljalo do pomembnega povečanja števila plovil za razrez in treba si je prizadevati, da bodo odpadna plovila predelana na način, varen za ljudi in okolje.
(7) The accelerated phasing-out of single-hull vessels will lead to a significant increase in the number of vessels for scrapping, and an effort should be made to ensure that scrap vessels are processed in a way which is safe for human beings and the environment.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
se odpadki drugače odstranijo ali predelajo na okolju varen način,
otherwise disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner,
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
V ta namen ti organi sodelujejo, kakor je potrebno, pri odstranitvi in predelavi odpadkov na okolju varen način.
To this end, they shall cooperate, as necessary, in the disposal or recovery of the waste in an environmentally sound manner.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
če pristojni organ države odpreme upravičeno meni, da se v taki državi z odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način.
if the competent authority of dispatch has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in accordance with environmentally sound methods in such a country.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
s potrdilom o odstranitvi ali predelavi, da so odpadki prispeli v namembni kraj in bili odstranjeni ali predelani na okolju varen način,
the certificate of disposal or recovery, that the waste has reached its destination and has been disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner,
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Stroški, nastali zaradi odstranitve ali predelave na nadomesten in okolju varen način na podlagi člena 26(3), se zaračunajo prejemniku. 4.
Costs arising from disposal or recovery in an alternative and environmentally sound manner pursuant to Article 26 (3) shall be charged to the consignee.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0062
Države članice lahko spodbujajo sisteme za ponovno uporabo embalaže, ki jo je mogoče skladno s Pogodbo ponovno uporabiti na okolju varen način.
Member States may encourage reuse systems of packaging, which can be reused in an environmentally sound manner, in conformity with the Treaty.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
če pristojni organ države odpreme v Skupnosti upravičeno meni, da se v zadevni namembni državi EFTA z odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način.
if the competent authority of dispatch in the Community has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in accordance with environmentally sound methods in the EFTA country of destination concerned.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
prejemnika, da takoj ko je mogoče, in najpozneje v 180 dneh po prejemu odpadkov, prijavitelju zagotovi potrdilo, da so bili odpadki predelani na okolju varen način.
of the consignee to provide, as soon as possible and not later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste, a certificate to the notifier that the waste has been recovered in an environmentally sound manner.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
prejemnika, da takoj ko je mogoče, in najpozneje v 180 dneh po prejemu odpadkov, prijavitelju zagotovi potrdilo, da so bili odpadki odstranjeni na okolju varen način.
of the consignee, to provide as soon as possible and no later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste a certificate to the notifier that the waste has been disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
ker mora, če gre za nezakonit promet, oseba, katere dejanja so tak promet povzročila, vrniti odpadke in/ali jih odstraniti ali predelati na drug in okolju varen način;
Whereas, in the event of illegal traffic, the person whose action is the cause of such traffic must take back and/or dispose of or recover the waste in an alternative and environmentally sound manner;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Pristojni organ države odpreme zahteva, da se z vsemi odpadki za predelavo, ki se smejo izvoziti, ves čas pošiljanja in v namembni državi ravna na okolju varen način.
The competent authority of dispatch shall require that any waste for recovery authorized for export be managed in an environmentally sound manner throughout the period of shipment and in the State of destination.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
potrditve namembne države EFTA, da med prijaviteljem in prejemnikom obstaja pogodba, v kateri je določeno, da se bo z obravnavanimi odpadki ravnalo na okolju varen način;
the confirmation from the EFTA country of destination of the existence of a contract between the notifier and the consignee specifying environmentally sound management of the waste in question;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
država izvoznica nima tehničnih zmogljivosti in potrebnih naprav, zmogljivosti ali ustreznih odlagališč, da zadevne odpadke odstrani na okolju varen in učinkovit način;
the State of export does not have the technical capacity and the necessary facilities, capacity or suitable disposal sites in order to dispose of the wastes in question in an environmentally sound and efficient manner;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Pristojni organ namembne države prepove vnašanje odpadkov na območje svoje pristojnosti, če upravičeno meni, da se na tem območju z odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način.
The competent authority of destination shall prohibit the bringing of waste into its area of jurisdiction if it has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in its area.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
ker je treba predvideti, da se odpadki vzamejo nazaj ali odstranijo ali predelajo na drug in okolju varen način, če pošiljanja ni mogoče dokončati skladno z določbami tovornega lista ali pogodbe;
Whereas provision must be made for the waste to be taken back or to be disposed of or recovered in an alternative and environmentally sound manner if the shipment cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the consignment note or the contract;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Kadar se odgovornost za nezakonit promet ne more pripisati niti prijavitelju niti prejemniku, pristojni organi sodelujejo, da zagotovijo, da se obravnavani odpadki odstranijo ali predelajo na okolju varen način.
Where responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be imputed to either the notifier or the consignee, the competent authorities shall cooperate to ensure that the waste in question is disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0062
ker lahko države članice skladno s Pogodbo spodbujajo sisteme za ponovno uporabo embalaže, ki se lahko ponovno uporabi na okolju varen način, da s tem izkoristijo prispevek takšnih sistemov k varstvu okolja;
Whereas Member States may encourage, in accordance with the Treaty, reuse systems of packaging which can be reused in an environmentally sound manner, in order to take advantage of the contribution of such systems to environmental protection;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Stroški, nastali zaradi vrnitve odpadkov, skupaj s stroški pošiljanja, odstranitve ali predelave odpadkov na nadomesten in okolju varen način na podlagi členov 25(1) in 26(2), se zaračunajo prijavitelju ali, če to ni izvedljivo, zadevnim državam članicam.
Costs arising from the return of waste, including shipment, disposal or recovery of the waste in an alternative and environmentally sound manner pursuant to Articles 25 (1) and 26 (2), shall be charged to the notifier or, if impracticable, to the Member States concerned.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Svet pooblašča posamezne države članice, da izjemoma pri odstranjevanju določenih odpadkov sklenejo dvostranske sporazume in dogovore po datumu, ko se začne uporabljati ta uredba, če se v državi odpreme s takimi odpadki ne bo ravnalo na okolju varen način.
The Council hereby authorizes individual Member States to conclude bilateral agreements and arrangements after the date of application of this Regulation in exceptional cases for the disposal of specific waste, where such waste will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in the country of dispatch.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Od držav iz odstavka 1(b) je treba zahtevati, da pristojnemu organu namembne države vnaprej predložijo primerno utemeljeno zaprosilo glede na to, da nimajo tehničnih zmogljivosti in potrebnih obratov za odstranitev odpadkov in jih pod razumnimi pogoji ne morejo pridobiti na okolju varen način.
The countries referred to in paragraph 1 (b) shall be required to present a duly motivated request beforehand to the competent authority of the Member State of destination on the basis that they do no have and cannot reasonable acquire the technical capacity and the necessary facilities in order to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound manner.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
pogodba tudi določa, da prejemnik, kadar izda nepravilno potrdilo, zaradi katerega se finančna garancija sprosti, nosi stroške, povezane z njegovo dolžnostjo vrniti odpadke na območje pristojnosti pristojnega organa države odpreme in jih odstraniti ali predelati na nadomesten in okolju varen način.
the contract shall stipulate that, if a consignee issues an incorrect certificate with the consequence that the financial guarantee is released, he shall bear the costs arising from the duty to return the waste to the area of jurisdiction of the competent authority of dispatch and its disposal or recovery in an alternative and environmentally sound manner.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Pogodba poleg tega mora vsebovati določila, da prejemnik, če izda nepravilno potrdilo, zaradi katerega se finančna garancija sprosti, nosi stroške, povezane z njegovo dolžnostjo, da odpadke vrne na območje pristojnosti pristojnega organa države odpreme in njihove odstranitve na nadomesten in okolju varen način;
The contract shall, in addition, stipulate that if a consignee issues an incorrect certificate with the consequence that the financial guarantee is released he shall bear the costs arising from the duty to return the waste to the area of jurisdiction of the competent authority of dispatch and its disposal in an alternative and environmentally sound manner;
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Kadar se pošiljanje odpadkov, katerega so pristojni organi odobrili, ne more dokončati v skladu z določbami tovornega lista ali pogodbe iz členov 3 in 6, pristojni organ države odpreme v 90 dneh, potem ko je bil o pošiljki obveščen, zagotovi, da prijavitelj vrne odpadke na njegovo območje pristojnosti ali kamor koli drugam v državo odpreme, razen če mu je bilo zadovoljivo dokazano, da se odpadki lahko odstranijo ali predelajo na nadomesten in okolju varen način.
Where a shipment of waste to which the competent authorities concerned have consented cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the consignment note or the contract referred to in Articles 3 and 6, the competent authority of dispatch shall, within 90 days after it has been informed thereof, ensure that the notifier returns the waste to its area of jurisdiction or elsewhere within the State of dispatch unless it is satisfied that the waste can be disposed of or recovered in an alternative and environmentally sound manner.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
ker morajo imeti, če gre za odpadke za predelavo, države članice po datumu izvedbe te uredbe v izjemnih primerih možnost skleniti dvostranske sporazume o uvozu nekaterih odpadkov, še preden je Skupnost sklenila take sporazume, da se izognejo kakršnikoli prekinitvi njihove obdelave, in če gre za odpadke za odstranitev, kadar država odpreme nima na voljo ali ne more v ustrezni količini pridobiti tehničnih zmogljivosti in potrebnih obratov za njihovo odstranitev na okolju varen način;
whereas Member States must, in exceptional cases, be able to conclude after the date of application of this Regulation bilateral agreements for the import of specific waste before the Community has concluded such agreements, in the case of waste for recovery in order to avoid any interruption of waste treatment and in the case of waste for disposal where the country of dispatch does not have or cannot reasonably acquire the technical capacity and necessary facilities to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound manner;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
Genskotehnično spremenjeni gozdni reprodukcijski material se ne bi smel dati na trg, če ni varen za človekovo zdravje in za okolje.
Genetically modified forest reproductive material should not be placed on the market unless it is safe for human health and the environment;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0448
Gensko spremenjen mikroorganizem mora biti enako varen (za človeka in okolje) kakor prejemnik ali starševski sev) (se uporablja samo za vrste A postopkov).
The genetically modified micro-organism should be as safe (to man and the environment) as the recipient or parental strains) (applicable only for type A operations).
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0030
Vsako distribucijsko podjetje glede na gospodarske razmere deluje, vzdržuje in razvija varen, zanesljiv in učinkovit sistem z obveznim upoštevanjem varovanja okolja.
Each distribution undertaking shall operate, maintain and develop under economic conditions a secure, reliable and efficient system, with due regard to the environment.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0079
Predložijo naj se dokazi, ki potrjujejo, da ostaja dodatek glede na sedanja dognanja in pod odobrenimi pogoji varen za ciljne živalske vrste, potrošnike, izvajalce in okolje.
Evidence should be presented that in the light of the current knowledge the additive remains safe under the approved conditions for target species, consumers, operators and the environment.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0055
Upravljavec distribucijskega omrežja v ekonomsko sprejemljivih pogojih obratuje, vzdržuje in razvija varen, zanesljiv in učinkovit sistem z obveznim upoštevanjem varovanja okolja.
Each distribution system operator shall operate, maintain and develop under economic conditions a secure, reliable and efficient system, with due regard for the environment.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0134
gensko spremenjen mikroorganizem mora biti enako varen v industrijskem okolju, kot je prejemnik ali starševski mikroorganizem, ali pa mora imeti značilnosti, ki omejujejo preživetje in prenos genov.
the genetically modified micro-organism should be as safe in the industrial setting as the recipient or parental micro-organism, or have characteristics that limit survival and gene transfer.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1726
Pospešeno opuščanje plovil z enojnim trupom bo pripeljalo do pomembnega povečanja števila plovil za razrez in treba si je prizadevati, da bodo odpadna plovila predelana na način, varen za ljudi in okolje.
The accelerated phasing-out of single-hull vessels will lead to a significant increase in the number of vessels for scrapping, and an effort should be made to ensure that scrap vessels are processed in a way which is safe for human beings and the environment.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
Če izhodiščni material iz člena 4(1), vsebuje genskotehnično spremenjeni organizem skladno s točkama 1 in 2 člena 2 Direktive 90/220/EGS, se tak material sprejme le, če je varen za zdravje ljudi in okolje.
If the basic material referred to in Article 4(1) consists of a genetically modified organism within the meaning of points 1 and 2 of Article 2 of Directive 90/220/EEC, such material shall only be accepted if it is safe for human health and the environment.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0079
Predložijo naj se dokazi, ki potrjujejo, da ostaja glede na sedanja znanstvena dognanja v razpoložljivi literaturi in pod odobrenimi pogoji dodatek varen za ciljne živalske vrste, potrošnike, izvajalce in okolje.
Evidence should be presented that in the light of the current scientific knowledge in the available literature the additive remains safe under the approved conditions for target species, consumers, operators and the environment.
Prevodi: sl > en
okolju varen