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operater prenosnega sistema
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
naloge operaterja prenosnega sistema plinovoda opravlja podjetje;
the functions of the gas pipeline's transmission system operator shall be performed by the company;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Podjetje opravlja svojo dejavnost na območju Republike Slovenije v skladu s pravom v Republiki Sloveniji in z zahtevami, ki veljajo za operaterje prenosnega sistema (zlasti njihovo certificiranje), in s tem sporazumom.
The company shall conduct its activities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the law in the Republic of Slovenia, including applicable requirements for transmission system operators (in particular their certification), and this Agreement.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Če se ustanovitelja odločita za uporabo obstoječega plinovoda za tranzit zemeljskega plina v skladu s 4. členom tega sporazuma, ruski ustanovitelj ali pravna oseba, ki jo določi ruski ustanovitelj, z operaterjem prenosnega sistema sklene dolgoročno pogodbo o prenosu dogovorjenih količin zemeljskega plina po obstoječem plinovodu.
Should the founders decide to utilise the existing gas pipeline for transit of natural gas in accordance with the Article 4 of the present Agreement, the Russian founder or a legal entity designated by the Russian founder and a relevant transmission system operator shall conclude a long-term gas transportation contract for transportation of the agreed volumes of natural gas through the existing gas pipeline.
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operater prenosnega sistema