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organ za odobritev tipa
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
Pristojni organi pogodbenice, v kateri je vložena vloga za odobritev tipa, za vsak tip snemalne naprave ali vrste zapisnega lista, ki ga odobrijo ali za katerega zavrnejo odobritev, organom drugih pogodbenic v enem mesecu pošljejo kopijo certifikata o odobritvi skupaj s kopijami ustreznih tehničnih podatkov oziroma te organe uradno obvestijo, da je bila odobritev zavrnjena; ob zavrnitvi sporočijo razloge za svojo odločitev.
The competent authorities of the Contracting Party to which the application for type approval has been submitted shall, in respect of each type of control device or model record sheet which they approve or refuse to approve, either send within one month to the authorities of the other Contracting Parties a copy of the approval certificate accompanied by copies of the relevant specifications, or, if such is the case, notify those authorities that approval has been refused; in cases of refusal they shall communicate the reasons for their decision.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
b) Vsako spremembo sestavnega dela snemalne naprave ali vrste uporabljenega materiala za njeno izdelavo je treba pred uporabo v proizvodnji predložiti v odobritev organu, ki je odobril tip snemalne naprave.
(b) Any modification in a constituent part of the control device or in the nature of the materials used for its manufacture must, before being applied in manufacture, be submitted for approval to the authority which granted type-approval for the control device.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
Pristojni organi pogodbenice, v kateri je vložena vloga za odobritev tipa, za vsak tip snemalne naprave, vrsto zapisnega lista ali pomnilniško kartico, ki jo odobrijo ali za katero zavrnejo odobritev, organom drugih pogodbenic v enem mesecu pošljejo kopijo certifikata o odobritvi skupaj s kopijami ustreznih tehničnih podatkov oziroma te organe uradno obvestijo, da je bila odobritev zavrnjena; ob zavrnitvi sporočijo razloge za svojo odločitev.
The competent authorities of the Contracting Party to which the application for type approval has been submitted shall, in respect of each type of control device or model record sheet or memory card which they approve or refuse to approve, either send within one month to the authorities of the other Contracting Parties a copy of the approval certificate accompanied by copies of the relevant specifications, or, if such is the case, notify those authorities that approval has been refused; in cases of refusal they shall communicate the reasons for their decision.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
g) "odobritev tipa konstrukcije" pomeni postopek, ki ga za določen tip konstrukcije železniškega vozila izvede pristojni organ in na podlagi katerega podeli pooblastilo, da se za železniška vozila, ki ustrezajo temu tipu konstrukcije, obratovalno dovoljenje izda po poenostavljenem postopku;
g) ` admission of a type of construction` means the procedure, relating to a type of construction of a railway vehicle, carried out by the competent authority, by which the right is granted to deliver, by a simplified procedure, an admission to operation for vehicles which correspond to that type of construction;
5 Končna redakcija
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z ES-certifikatom o pregledu tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega proizvoda, ki mora prejeti nadaljnjo odobritev, če lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z zahtevami TSI ali predpisanimi pogoji za uporabo proizvoda.
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved product which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the requirements of the TSI or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Prosilec mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi s certifikatom ES o skladnosti tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega elementa, ki morajo dobiti dodatno odobritev, kadar take spremembe lahko vplivajo na skladnost elementa s temeljnimi zahtevami za predpisane pogoje njegove uporabe.
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications of the approved component which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity of the component with the essential requirements for the prescribed conditions for its use.
7 Končna redakcija
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z ES-certifikatom o pregledu tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega podsistema, ki mora dobiti nadaljnjo odobritev, če lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z zahtevami Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI ali predpisanimi pogoji za uporabo podsistema.
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved subsystem which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI or the prescribed conditions for use of the subsystem.
8 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka sprememba v sestavnih delih tahografa ali naravi materialov, uporabljenih za njegovo izdelavo, se mora pred uporabo predložiti v odobritev organu, ki je tahografu izdal odobritev za tip tahografa.
Any modification in a constituent part of the equipment or in the nature of the materials used for its manufacture must, before being used, be submitted for approval to the authority which granted type-approval for the recording equipment.
9 Pravna redakcija
Prosilec obvesti organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo o certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES, o vseh spremembah odobrene vloge, za katere je potrebna dodatna odobritev, kadar bi takšne spremembe lahko vplivale na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali predpisanimi pogoji uporabe izdelka.
The applicant informs the notified body that holds the technical documents concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modidfications to the approved appliance which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Organ, pristojen za odobritev tipa, izda funkcionalni certifikat.
The type approval authority delivers the functional certificate.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Organ države članice, pristojen za odobritev tipa, izda certifikat o odobritvi tipa takoj, ko ima vse tri zahtevane certifikate.
The type approval authority of the Member State may deliver the type approval certificate as soon as it holds the three required certificates.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Organi držav članic, ki so pristojni za odobritev tipa, ne izdajo certifikata o odobritvi tipa v skladu s členom 5 te uredbe, če nimajo:
Member States type approval authorities will not grant a type approval certificate in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation, as long as they do not hold:
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Vlagatelj zahtevka za tipsko odobritev mora organu države članice, pristojnemu za odobritev tipa, predložiti vsa gradiva in dokumentacijo, ki jih ta organ smatra za potrebna.
Each candidate for type approval shall provide the Member State's type approval authority with all the material and documentation that the authority deems necessary.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Ta certifikat proizvajalec posreduje organu države članice, pristojnemu za odobritev tipa, pri katerem je bil izdan funkcionalni certifikat.
It is forwarded by the manufacturer to the type approval authority of the Member State who has delivered the functional certificate.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
proizvodna organizacija od agencije in nosilca ali prosilca za certifikat tipa, certifikat tipa z omejitvami ali za odobritev projekta prejme te podatke, da lahko ugotovi skladnost z veljavnimi projektnimi podatki;
The production organisation is in receipt of such data from the Agency, and from the holder of, or applicant for, the type-certificate, restricted type-certificate or design approval, to determine conformity with the applicable design data.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
Za komercialni letalski prevoz pristojni organ za odobritev z začetnim zahtevkom za spričevalo letalskega prevoznika in ustrezno za vsako zaprošeno spremembo ter za vsak tip zrakoplova, ki se namerava uporabljati, prejme:
For commercial air transport the competent authority shall receive for approval with the initial application for the air operator's certificate and where applicable any variation applied for and for each aircraft type to be operated:
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0301
Države članice naj zato zagotovijo, da se odgovornost za oblikovanje specifikacij in predpisov za odobritev tipa dodeli organu, ki je neodvisen od operaterja omrežja in od vsakega drugega konkurenta na trgu terminalov.
Member States should therefore ensure that the responsibility for drawing up type-approval specifications and rules is assigned to a body independent of the operator of the network and of any other competitor in the market for terminals.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
V odločitvi države članice ali nadzornega organa v skladu s to direktivo in posebnimi direktivami, da zavrne odobritev EGS za vzorec ali pritrditev verifikacijske oznake EGS in da prekliče odobritev ali prepove prodajo ali uporabo tlačne posode tipa EGS, je treba navesti natančne razloge, na katerih temelji taka odločitev.
Any decision by a Member State or an inspection body pursuant to this Directive and the separate Directives to refuse EEC pattern approval or to refuse to affix the EEC verification mark, to withdraw approval, or to prohibit the sale or use of EEC-type pressure vessels, shall state the exact grounds on which it is based.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
Za spremembe odobrenega izdelka je treba pridobiti nadaljnjo odobritev priglašenega organa, ki je izdal certifikat o ES tipskem preskusu, če lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali s pogoji uporabe, določenimi za izdelek.
Modifications to the approved product must receive further approval from the notified body which issued the EC type-examination certificate where such modifications may affect conformity with the essential requirements or with the conditions of use specified for the product.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0384
Za spremembe na odobrenem tipu mora vložnik dobiti dodatno odobritev priglašenega organa, ki je izdal certifikat ES-homologaciji, če take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami te direktive ali s predpisanimi pogoji za uporabo te tehtnice.
Modifications to the approved type must receive additional approval from the notified body that issued the EC type-approval certificate where such changes influence conformity with the essential requirements of this Directive or the prescribed conditions for use of the instrument.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
Organizacija, ki prosi za dodatni certifikat tipa, odobritev načrta velikega popravila ali odobritev načrta pomožne pogonske enote, ki 28. septembra 2003 nima ustreznega potrdila projektivne organizacije, ki ga je država članica izdala po veljavnih postopkih JAA, dokazuje svojo sposobnost pred 28. septembrom 2005 v skladu z delom 21, 21A.112, 21A.432B ali v primeru pomožne pogonske enote 21A.602B.
An organisation, being the applicant for a supplemental type-certificate, a major repair design approval or an Auxiliary Power Unit design approval which does not hold on 28 September 2003 an appropriate design organisation approval issued by a Member State under applicable JAA procedures shall demonstrate its capability before 28 September 2005 in accordance with Part 21, 21A.112, 21A.432B, or in the case of an Auxiliary Power Unit, 21A.602B.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3821
Pristojni organi države članice, katerim je bila predložena vloga za odobritev tipa, pošljejo za vsak tip tahografa ali vzorec tahografskega vložka, ki ga odobrijo ali njegovo odobritev zavrnejo, pristojnim organom drugih držav članic v enem mesecu certifikat o odobritvi tipa skupaj s kopijami ustreznih specifikacij oziroma ob zavrnitvi obvestijo pristojne organe o svoji odločitvi in navedejo razloge za takšno odločitev.
The competent authorities of the Member State to which the application for type approval has been submitted shall, in respect of each type of recording equipment or model record sheet which they approve or refuse to approve, either send within one month to the authorities of the other Member States a copy of the approval certificate accompanied by copies of the relevant specifications, or, if such is the case, notify those authorities that approval has been refused; in cases of refusal they shall communicate the reasons for their decision.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0098
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima v lasti vso dokumentacijo glede ES-spričevala o pregledu tipa, obveščati o vseh spremembah odobrenega izdelka, ki morajo pridobiti dodatno odobritev, če bi te spremembe lahko vplivale na usklajenost z zahtevami predpisanih pogojev za uporabo izdelka.
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved product, which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect compliance with the requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0042
Prosilec obvesti priglašeni organ, ki hrani tehnično dokumentacijo o certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES, o vseh spremembah na odobreni napravi, za katere je potrebna dodatna odobritev, kadar bi takšne spremembe lahko vplivale na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali predpisanimi pogoji uporabe izdelka.
The applicant informs the notified body that holds the technical documents concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved appliance which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
ker je treba vzpostaviti postopke potrjevanja, da bi določili način, s katerim morajo odobreni nacionalni organi odobriti modele igrač, ki niso skladne s standardi, in izdajati certifikate o tipskem pregledu zanje in za igrače, ki so v skladu s standardi, katerih model jim je predložen v odobritev;
Whereas certification procedures must be established to define the way in which national approved bodies have to approve models of toys not in conformity with standards and issue type-examination certificates for them and for toys in conformity with standards, a model of which is submitted to them for approval;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0098
Če proizvajalec ponovno vloži vlogo za odobritev tipa za opremo, za katero je bila zavrnjena izdaja spričevala o tipu, mora ta predložitev priglašenemu organu vsebovati vso ustrezno dokumentacijo, vključno s prvotnimi poročili preskušanj, podrobnimi razlogi za prejšnjo zavrnitev in podrobnosti o vseh izboljšavah, izvedenih na opremi.
Where a manufacturer reapplies for type-approval for equipment for which a type-certificate has been refused, his submission to the notified body must include all relevant documentation, including the original test reports, the detailed reasons for the previous refusal and details of all modifications made to the equipment.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z certifikatom ES o tipskem pregledu, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega podsistema, ki mora pridobiti dodatno odobritev, kadar take spremembe lahko vplivajo na skladnost z zahtevami Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI ali s predpisanimi pogoji za njegovo uporabo.
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved subsystem which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and of the TSI or the prescribed conditions for use of the subsystem.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Če bodo tudi po koncu tega obdobja ostali nerešeni kakšni problemi v zvezi s skupno uporabnostjo, mora laboratorij, pristojen za preskuse skupne uporabnosti, v sodelovanju s prizadetimi proizvajalci in organi, pristojnimi za odobritev tipa, ki so izdali ustrezne funkcionalne certifikate, ugotoviti vzroke napak glede skupne uporabnosti in ugotoviti, katere spremembe mora izvesti vsak od prizadetih proizvajalcev.
If at the end of this period, interoperability problems still remain, the laboratory in charge of interoperability tests, with the collaboration of the manufacturers concerned and with the type approval authorities who delivered the corresponding functional certificates shall find out the causes of the interoperability faults and establish which modifications should be made by each of the manufacturers concerned.
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organ za odobritev tipa