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osnovna statistika
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kakor je navedeno v točkah 2.140 in 2.151, se spremembe števila živine (za kmetijsko statistiko) vknjižijo kot bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva ali kot spremembe zalog glede na vrsto živine.
As mentioned in 2.140 and 2.151, changes in the number of livestock (for agricultural statistical purposes) are entered either as GFCF or as changes in stocks depending on the type of animal.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Komisija je preučila razpoložljive podatke, ki omogočajo izračun stopnje dampinga, t. j. pritožbo, odgovore na vprašalnik proizvajalcev izvoznikov, vključenih v vzorec, in treh drugih proizvajalcev izvoznikov, ki so zahtevali individualno obravnavo v skladu s členom 17(3) osnovne uredbe, podatke, ki jih je predložilo več zainteresiranih strank, in uradno uvozno statistiko Eurostata.
The Commission examined the information available that would allow to calculate the margin of dumping, i.e. the complaint, the questionnaire replies by the sampled exporting producers and three other exporting producers that had requested individual examination in line with Article 17(3) of the basic Regulation, information submitted by several interested parties and official import statistics from Eurostat.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaradi različnih potreb analitikov FAO priporoča uporabo treh vrst enot kot osnovnih enot za opis ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, to je institucionalnih enot (skupaj z gospodinjstvi), podjetij (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) in proizvodov, kakor priporoča Statistika nacionalnih računov (SNA) 1993 (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) (cf. FAO (1996) Sistem ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, Združeni narodi, Rim).
Recognising differing needs of analysts, the FAO has recommended the use of three types of unit as basic units for describing the economic accounts for food and agriculture, i.e. institutional units (including households), establishments (which are equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) and products as recommended by the 1993 SNA (equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) (cf. FAO (1996) System of Economic Accounts for Food and Agriculture, United Nations, Rome).
4 Pravna redakcija
okrepila infrastrukturo osnovnega sistema za statistiko o javnem zdravju.
reinforce the infrastructure for the basic system on public health statistics.
5 Pravna redakcija
Skladno s členom 6(2) Osnovne uredbe statistika zunanjetrgovinske menjave ne zajema blaga:
Pursuant to Article 6(2) of the Basic Regulation, external trade statistics shall not cover goods:
6 Pravna redakcija
Osnovne gospodarske statistike so seveda neobhodne, vključno z razporeditvijo ustvarjenega bruto domačega proizvoda po sektorjih in regijah, prebivalstvom in zaposlenostjo.
Evidently, basic economic statistics are indispensable, including sectoral and regional distribution of GDP creation, population, and employment.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Z namenom določiti madžarske izvozne cene je Komisija kot neodvisen vir informacij izbrala uradno statistiko o uvozu, ki jo objavlja Eurostat, v skladu s členom 18(5) osnovne uredbe.
In order to establish Hungarian export prices, the Commission selected as an independent source of information the official import statistics published by Eurostat, in accordance with Article 18 (5) of the basic Regulation.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
V skladu s členom 18(5) osnovne uredbe je Komisija kot neodvisen vir informacij izbrala Eurostatovo statistiko o uvozu za zadevne oznake KN za tri nesodelujoče proizvajalce/izvoznike.
In accordance with Article 18 (5) of the basic Regulation, the Commission selected as an independent source of information the Eurostat import statistics for the CN codes concerned for the three non-cooperating producer/exporters.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kakor je navedeno v točkah 2.140 in 2.151, se spremembe števila živine (za kmetijsko statistiko) vknjižijo kot bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva ali kot spremembe zalog glede na vrsto živine.
As mentioned in 2.140 and 2.151, changes in the number of livestock (for agricultural statistical purposes) are entered either as GFCF or as changes in stocks depending on the type of animal.
10 Pravna redakcija
Za vsako vrsto blaga se določi statistični prag iz člena 12 Osnovne uredbe, tako da sta uvoz ali izvoz, ki presegata vrednost 800 EUR ali 1000 kg neto mase, zajeta v statistiko zunanjetrgovinske menjave.
The statistical threshold referred to in Article 12 of the Basic Regulation shall be fixed, for each type of goods, so that imports or exports exceeding EUR 800 in value or 1000 kg in net mass shall be covered by external trade statistics.
11 Pravna redakcija
Skladno s členom 13 Osnovne uredbe pošljejo države članice Komisiji, brez zamude in najkasneje v šestih tednih po koncu referenčnega obdobja, mesečne rezultate o svoji statistiki zunanjetrgovinske menjave.
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Basic Regulation, Member States shall transmit to the Commission without delay, and no later than six weeks after the end of the reference period, the monthly results of their external trade statistics.
12 Pravna redakcija
V skrbi za skladnost in povezljivost bo posebna akcija tega programa skušala zagotoviti, da se osnovni pojmi, opredelitve in razvrstitve zdravstvene statistike uporabljajo na celotnem področju informacij o zdravju.
In order to ensure consistency and complementarity, specific action under this programme will also be directed towards ensuring that basic concepts, definitions and classifications on health statistics will be used for the whole area of health information.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1334
Ker zato ni bilo mogoče opraviti reprezentativne analize kitajske proizvodnje KŽM in ker ni bilo na razpolago uradne statistike, je Komisija v skladu s členom 18 osnovne uredbe morala uporabiti razpoložljive informacije.
Since this did not allow for a representative analysis of the Chinese CCM production and since no official statistics were available, the Commission had, according to Article 18 of the Basic Regulation, to use the information available.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
S primerjavo količin, prodanih na domačem trgu, z Eurostatovo statistiko o uvozu iz Madžarske se je opravil preskus 5 % globalne reprezentativnosti, ki ga je Komisija izbrala kot neodvisen vir informacij, v skladu s členom 18(5) osnovne uredbe.
The 5 % global representativity test was then performed by comparing the quantities sold domestically with Eurostat import statistics from Hungary, which the Commission selected as an independent source of information, in accordance with Article 18 (5) of the basic Regulation.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0658
Ker edini sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik v OP ni izvažal zadevnega izdelka v Skupnost, je bila izvozna cena ugotovljena na podlagi razpoložljivih podatkov, v tem primeru na podlagi statistike CIF cen meja Skupnosti Statističnega urada Evropske skupnosti, v skladu s členom 18 osnovne uredbe.
As the sole cooperating exporting producer had no exports of the product concerned to the Community during the IP, the export price was established on the basis of the available data, in this case, Eurostat statistics of Community frontier cif prices, in accordance with Article 18 of the basic Regulation.
16 Pravna redakcija
Splošni poudarek bo veljal okrepitvi infrastrukture osnovnega sistema za statistiko javnega zdravja (na ravni držav članic in Unije) ter uskladitvi in izboljšavi primerljivosti obstoječih podatkov v sodelovanju z mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki so pristojne za področje javnega zdravja (WHO in OECD).
The general emphasis will be on reinforcement of the infrastructure for the basic system on public health statistics (at Member State and EU level), on harmonisation and improvement of the comparability of existing data in cooperation with international organisations competent in the field of public health (WHO and OECD).
17 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32001R1920
2. Statistične enote, ki jih države članice pozovejo k sodelovanju pri zbiranju ali zagotavljanju osnovnih podatkov, so dolžne dati poštene in popolne informacije, ko se jih za to zaprosi, ter dopustiti organizacijam in ustanovam, pristojnim za izdelavo uradnih statistik, da na zahtevo dobijo informacije na tako podrobni ravni, da se lahko ovrednotita skladnost z zahtevami po primerljivosti in kakovost podindeksov HICP.
2. The statistical units called upon by the Member States to cooperate in the collection or provision of basic information are obliged to give honest and complete information at the time it is requested and allow the organisations and institutions responsible for compiling official statistics, on request, to obtain information at the level of detail necessary to evaluate compliance with the comparability requirements and the quality of the HICP subindices.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zaradi različnih potreb analitikov FAO priporoča uporabo treh vrst enot kot osnovnih enot za opis ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, to je institucionalnih enot (skupaj z gospodinjstvi), podjetij (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) in proizvodov, kakor priporoča Statistika nacionalnih računov (SNA) 1993 (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) (cf. FAO (1996) Sistem ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, Združeni narodi, Rim).
Recognising differing needs of analysts, the FAO has recommended the use of three types of unit as basic units for describing the economic accounts for food and agriculture, i.e. institutional units (including households), establishments (which are equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) and products as recommended by the 1993 SNA (equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) (cf. FAO (1996) System of Economic Accounts for Food and Agriculture, United Nations, Rome).
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0130
Pri sporočanju podatkov iz člena 3 države članice obvestijo Komisijo (SUES) o vseh spremembah uporabljenih postopkov in osnovnih statistik.
When they communicate the data provided for in Article 3, Member States shall inform the Commission (SOEC) of any changes in the procedures and basic statistics used.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1488
Da bi omogočili preverjanje in načrtovanje količin zadevnih osnovnih proizvodov, je treba določiti sporočanje statistik o uporabi potrdil.
In order to make it possible to check and plan the quantities of the basic products concerned, communication of statistics on the use of the certificates must be provided for.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0281
V skladu z določbami iz Poglavij I in II osnovne uredbe vse dejavnosti služb Komisije na področju statistike Skupnosti določa Statistični program Skupnosti.
In accordance with the provisions of Chapters I and II of the Basic Regulation, the activities of all Commission services in the field of Community statistics, shall be determined by the Community statistical programme.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1901
Države članice posredujejo Komisiji (Eurostatu) mesečne rezultate svoje statistike blagovne menjave med državami članicami, pripravljene skladno z Osnovno uredbo, najkasneje:
The Member States shall forward to the Commission (Eurostat) the monthly results of their statistics on trade between the Member States, compiled in accordance with the Basic Regulation, no later than:
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0309
Ob upoštevanju periodičnosti relevantnih osnovnih statistik se zdi primerno, da bi novo bazno leto za stanovanjski sklad uvedli vsakih 10 let, kar je običajni interval za popise prebivalstva.
Taking account in this respect of the periodicity of the relevant basic statistics it seems appropriate to carry out a benchmarking of the housing stock every 10 years, i.e., the normal interval for population censuses.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1669
Za vsako vrsto blaga se določi statistični prag, naveden v členu 12 Osnovne uredbe tako, da sta uvoz ali izvoz, ki presegata 1 000 EUR ali 1 000 kg neto mase zajeta v statistiko zunanje trgovine.
The statistical threshold referred to in Article 12 of the Basic Regulation shall be fixed, for each type of goods, so that imports or exports exceeding EUR 1000 in value or 1000 kg in net mass shall be collected for the production of external trade statistics.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1901
Za vzpostavitev statistike v zvezi z blagovno menjavo med državami članicami uporabljajo Skupnost in njene države članice Uredbo (EGS) št. 3330/91, v nadaljevanju "Osnovna uredba", skladno s pravili iz te uredbe.
With a view to establishing the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, the Community and its Member States shall apply Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91, hereinafter referred to as "the Basic Regulation", in accordance with the rules laid down in this Regulation.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3046
Za pripravo statistike o blagovni menjavi med državami članicami uporabljajo Skupnost in njene države članice Uredbo (EGS) št. 3330/91, v nadaljevanju "osnovna uredba", skladno s predpisi, določenimi v tej uredbi.
With a view to establishing the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, the Community and its Member States shall apply Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91, hereinafter referred to as the Basic Regulation, in accordance with the rules laid down in this Regulation.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
V teh okoliščinah je bilo v skladu s členom 18 osnovne uredbe sklenjeno, da se uvoz iz Tajvana, ki ga ni bilo mogoče utemeljiti s tajvansko izvozno statistiko, obravnava kot uvoz s poreklom iz Ljudske republike Kitajske, ki je bil odpremljen prek Tajvana.
In these circumstances, it was concluded, in accordance with Article 18 of the Basic Regulation, that the imports from Taiwan which could not be accounted for by Taiwanese export statistics, should be considered as being of People's Republic of China origin and transhipped through Taiwan.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0130
Države članice pošljejo Komisiji (SUES) v skladu z navodili, ki jih ta določi po posvetovanju z odborom iz člena 6, postopoma in najkasneje 18 mesecev po notifikaciji te direktive, seznam postopkov in osnovnih statistik, uporabljenih za izračun BNPtc in njegovih komponent.
Member States shall provide the Commission (SOEC), in accordance with the arrangements laid down by the latter after consulting the committee referred to in Article 6, progressively and at the latest within 18 months of notification of this Directive, with an inventory of the procedures and basic statistics used to calculate GNPmp and its components.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0281
Cilj tega sklepa je izvajanje Uredbe (ES) št. 322/97 ("osnovna uredba") v okviru notranje organizacije Komisije, zlasti opredelitev vloge in odgovornosti Statističnega urada Evropskih Skupnosti (Eurostat) skladno z razvijanjem nalog organa Skupnosti pri izvajanju statistike Skupnosti in z načeli, opredeljenimi v členu 10 osnovne uredbe.
The objective of this Decision is to implement Regulation (EC) No 322/97 ('the Basic Regulation`) within the internal organization of the Commission, and in particular to define the role and the responsibilities of the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) pursuant to the development of the tasks of the Community authority in implementing Community statistics, and of the principles as defined in Article 10 of the Basic Regulation.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Komisija je preučila razpoložljive podatke, ki omogočajo izračun stopnje dampinga, t. j. pritožbo, odgovore na vprašalnik proizvajalcev izvoznikov, vključenih v vzorec, in treh drugih proizvajalcev izvoznikov, ki so zahtevali individualno obravnavo v skladu s členom 17(3) osnovne uredbe, podatke, ki jih je predložilo več zainteresiranih strank, in uradno uvozno statistiko Eurostata.
The Commission examined the information available that would allow to calculate the margin of dumping, i.e. the complaint, the questionnaire replies by the sampled exporting producers and three other exporting producers that had requested individual examination in line with Article 17(3) of the basic Regulation, information submitted by several interested parties and official import statistics from Eurostat.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1006
Za ostali izvoz je v skladu s členom 7(7)(b) osnovne uredbe, in ker statistika Eurostata vsebuje podatke o ceni, ki temeljijo na mešanici različnih vžigalnikov (z vidika izgleda, oblike, velikosti itd.) in zato niso primerni za določitev izvozne cene, ter glede na raven sodelovanja, izvozna cena za nesodelujoče izvoznike temeljila na povprečni ceni sodelujočega podjetja z najnižjo povprečno ceno.
For the remaining exports and in accordance with Article 7 (7) (b) of the Basic Regulation, since Eurostat statistics contain price information based on a mix of different lighters (from the point of view of presentation, shape, size, etc.) and, therefore, not suitable for the purpose of establishing the export price and given the level of cooperation, the export price for the non-cooperating exporters was based on the average price of the cooperating company with the lowest average price.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1920
Statistične enote, ki jih države članice pozovejo k sodelovanju pri zbiranju ali zagotavljanju osnovnih podatkov, so dolžne dati poštene in popolne informacije, ko se jih za to zaprosi, ter dopustiti organizacijam in ustanovam, pristojnim za izdelavo uradnih statistik, da na zahtevo dobijo informacije na tako podrobni ravni, da se lahko ovrednotita skladnost z zahtevami po primerljivosti in kakovost podindeksov HICP.
The statistical units called upon by the Member States to cooperate in the collection or provision of basic information are obliged to give honest and complete information at the time it is requested and allow the organisations and institutions responsible for compiling official statistics, on request, to obtain information at the level of detail necessary to evaluate compliance with the comparability requirements and the quality of the HICP subindices.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1901
Posredovanje informacij davčne narave iz člena 11(4) Osnovne uredbe s strani upravnih organov države članice, odgovornih za uporabo predpisov o davku na dodano vrednost, službam, ki so v tej državi članici odgovorne za pripravo statistike blagovne menjave med državami članicami, je omejeno na informacije, ki jih morajo poslovni subjekti, zavezani obračunavati DDV, zagotoviti skladno s členom 22 Direktive 77/388/EGS.
The provision of information of a fiscal nature referred to in Article 11(4) of the Basic Regulation by a Member State's administrative authorities responsible for the application of laws on value added tax to the departments in that Member State responsible for compiling statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States is limited to information which those liable to account for VAT are required to provide in accordance with Article 22 of Directive 77/388/EEC.
34 Prevod
CELEX: 31992R3590
Zaradi statistike o trgovini med državami članicami, ki jo pripravlja Skupnost in njene države članice, se mediji statističnih informacij, opredeljeni v členu 12, odstavek 1 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3330/91, v nadaljnjem besedilu "osnovna uredba", vzpostavijo v skladu z določbami te uredbe.
With a view to the drawing-up by the Community and its Member States of statistics on trade between the Member States, the statistical information media provided for in Article 12, paragraph 1, of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91, hereafter referred to as 'the basic Regulation', shall be set up in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
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osnovna statistika