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1 Končna redakcija
Pri računalniških igricah, ki so bile opredeljene kot igre za odrasle, jih je bilo 70 odstotkov namenjenih otrokom, mlajšim od 17 let
Among electronic games that were rated as 'mature' for violence, 70% were targeted at children under 17.
2 Končna redakcija
V tem primeru mati z otrokom pripravlja kosilo, pričakata očeta, z njimi skupaj dokončajo obrok, gredo skupaj na sprehod, potem pa mati med likanjem posluša sinovo branje in še oče vstane izza računalnika, da mu prisluhe, nakar se po večernem obredu poslovita od njega.
In this example a mother makes lunch together with the child and waits for the father to have the meal together. They then go out for a walk, and later the mother listens to her son reading while she irons, and even the father stops working at the computer and joins for a while. Finally, after the bedtime rituals, they say goodnight.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R0680
"Če je skrbništvo nad otrokom, ki dobiva dodatek za šolanje, po zakonu ali po odločbi sodišča ali pristojnega upravnega organa dodeljeno drugi osebi, se dodatek za šolanje v imenu in za račun uslužbenca izplačuje tej osebi.
'If custody of the child in respect of whom the education allowance is paid has been entrusted by law or by an order of court or of the competent administrative authority to another person, the education allowance shall be paid to that person in the name and on behalf of the staff member.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R0680
Če je po zakonu, odločbi sodišča ali drugega pristojnega upravnega organa skrbništvo nad nepreskrbljenim otrokom v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom dodeljeno drugi osebi, se otroški dodatek za nepreskrbljenega otroka v imenu in za račun uslužbenca izplačuje tej osebi."
If custody of the dependent child within the meaning of paragraphs 2 and 3 has been entrusted by law or by an order of court or of the competent administrative authority to another person, the dependent child allowance shall be paid to that person in the name and on behalf of the staff member.'
5 Prevajalska redakcija
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo: — zaposlovanje začasno zaposlenega osebja osebja, zlasti telefonistov, administrativnega in tajniškega osebja; — stroški za začasno zaposleno osebje, s katerim se pokrivajo ad hoc potrebe; — fotokopiranje in tipkanje, ki se odda zunanjim sodelavcem, ker ju Agencija ne zmore; — stroški računalniške stave obrazložitvenih in podpornih dokumentov za potrebe Agencije in za predložitev proračunskemu organu; — dotacija, ki se izplača otrokom članov osebja na podlagi usposabljanja za pridobivanje delovnih izkušenj.
This appropriation covers: — the employment of interim staff, particularly telephone operators, clerical and secretarial staff, — the cost of provisional staff required to allow the flexibility in adapting to ad hoc needs, — reproduction and typing which is sent out because it cannot be handled by the Agency, — the cost of computer typesetting for explanatory and supporting documents for the Agency 's own requirements and for submission to the budgetary authority, — the grant payable under the work experience training for children of staff members.
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