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po posvetovanju s Skupščino
1 Končna redakcija
Po posvetovanju s Skupščino lahko Svet na predlog Komisije, ki predhodno pridobi mnenje Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora, s kvalificirano večino izda direktive za uporabo tega člena.
After consulting the Assembly, the Council may, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, which shall first request the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee, issue directives for the application of this Article.
2 Končna redakcija
Te sporazume sklene Svet soglasno po posvetovanju s Skupščino.
These agreements shall be concluded by the Council, acting unanimously after consulting the Assembly.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11957E
Te sporazume sklene Svet soglasno po posvetovanju s Skupščino.
Such agreements shall be concluded by the Council, voting unanimously after consulting the Assembly.
4 Končna redakcija
Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno določi obdobje iz člena 9(1) za prve volitve.
The Council, acting unanimously after consulting the Assembly, shall determine the period referred to in Article 9 (1) for the first elections.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-17
(2) Uradna besedila izda generalni direktor po posvetovanju s posameznimi vladami v nemškem, italijanskem, portugalskem ter v drugih jezikih, ki jih generalna skupščina zahteva.
(2) Official texts shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested Governments, in German, Italian and Portuguese, and such other languages as the General Assembly may designate.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
letno posodablja delovni program, ki ga odobri svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, po posvetovanju s predsedujočimi študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;
update annually the work programme approved by the world telecommunication standardization assembly, in consultation with the chairmen of the telecommunication standardization study groups;
7 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-57-2009-1
B. Agencija lahko poleg svojega delovnega programa po posvetovanju s članicami, ob nestrinjanju pa po odobritvi skupščine, izvaja projekte, ki jih začnejo in financirajo članice, če imajo razpoložljive nefinančne vire agencije.
B. The Agency may, in addition to its work programme, after consultation of its members and in case of disagreement after approval by the Assembly, carry out projects initiated and financed by members subject to the availability of non-financial resources of the Agency.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
B. Agencija lahko poleg svojega delovnega programa po posvetovanju s članicami, ob nestrinjanju pa po odobritvi skupščine, izvaja projekte, ki jih začnejo in financirajo članice, če imajo razpoložljive nefinančne vire agencije.
B. The Agency may, in addition to its work programme, after consultation of its Members and, in case of disagreement, after approval by the Assembly, carry out projects initiated and financed by Members subject to the availability of non-financial resources of the Agency.
9 Končna redakcija
Določbe tega člena lahko Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno spremeni.
The provisions of this Article may be amended by the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly.
10 Končna redakcija
Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno imenuje člane Računskega sodišča za mandat šestih let.
The members of the Court of Auditors shall be appointed for a term of six years by the Council, acting unanimously after consulting the Assembly.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Po posvetovanju s Posvetovalno skupščino odbor ministrov, če odbor presodi, da je to potrebno, z dvetretjinsko večino skladno z odstavkom d 20. člena Statuta Sveta Evrope odloči, ali je pogodbenica izpolnila obveznosti, ki jih je sprejela po tem kodeksu.
1 After consulting the Consultative Assembly, if it considers it appropriate, the Committee of Ministers shall, by a two-thirds majority in accordance with Article 20, paragraph d, of the Statute of the Council of Europe, decide whether each Contracting Party has complied with the obligations of this Code which it has accepted.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Po posvetovanju z generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te konvencije, in če je primerno, še z drugimi sektorji Zveze, pripravi direktor vse potrebno za skupščine in zasedanja sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, upoštevaje napotke Sveta v zvezi s temi pripravami;
The Director shall make all necessary preparations for assemblies and meetings of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council concerning these preparations;
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-21
(2) Mednarodni urad Organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Mednarodni urad) po posvetovanju z zainteresiranimi vladami določi uradna besedila klasifikacije figurativnih elementov v jezikih, ki jih lahko po 7. členu določi skupščina v skladu s točko (vi) pododstavka (a) drugega odstavka tega člena.
(2) The International Bureau of the Organization (hereinafter designated as ` the International Bureau` ) shall establish, in consultation with the interested Governments, official texts of the Classification of Figurative Elements in the languages which the Assembly referred to in Article 7 may designate in accordance with paragraph (2)(a)(vi) of that Article.
14 Končna redakcija
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno podaljša obdobje iz odstavka 1.
The Council may, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission after consulting the Assembly, extend the period referred to in paragraph 1.
15 Končna redakcija
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno podaljša obdobje iz odstavka 1.
The Council may, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, extend the period referred to in paragraph 1.
16 Končna redakcija
Svet soglasno na predlog Komisije ter po posvetovanju s Skupščino in po pridobitvi mnenja Računskega sodišča:
The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly and obtaining the opinion of the Court of Auditors, shall:
17 Končna redakcija
Svet soglasno na predlog Visoke oblasti ter po posvetovanju s Skupščino in po pridobitvi mnenja Računskega sodišča:
The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the High Authority and after consulting the Assembly and obtaining the opinion of the Court of Auditors, shall:
18 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije po posvetovanju s Skupščino s kvalificirano večino sprejme ukrepe iz prejšnjega pododstavka.
The Council, acting by a qualified majority and on a proposal from the Commission after consulting the Assembly, shall adopt the measures referred to in the subparagraph.
19 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije po posvetovanju s Skupščino s kvalificirano večino sprejme ukrepe iz prejšnjega pododstavka.
The Council, acting on a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, shall adopt the measures referred to in the previous subparagraph.
20 Končna redakcija
V členu 57(1) Pogodbe EGS se besedilo "in po posvetovanju s Skupščino" nadomesti z "in v sodelovanju z Evropskim parlamentom".
In Article 57 (1) of the EEC Treaty the terms 'and after consulting the Assembly' shall be replaced by 'and in co-operation with the European Parliament'.
21 Končna redakcija
Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino na predlog Komisije, ki mu posreduje mnenja odborov, s kvalificirano večino določi temeljne standarde.
After consulting the Assembly the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission, which shall forward to it the opinions obtained from these Committees, establish the basic standards; the Council shall act by a qualified majority.
22 Končna redakcija
V drugem odstavku člena 7 Pogodbe EGS se besedilo "po posvetovanju s Skupščino" nadomesti z "v sodelovanju z Evropskim parlamentom".
In Article 7, second paragraph of the EEC Treaty the terms 'after consulting the Assembly' shall be replaced by 'in co-operation with the European Parliament'.
23 Končna redakcija
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino s kvalificirano večino sprejme predpise, s katerimi prepove takšno diskriminacijo.
On the proposal of the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, the Council may, by the prescribed majority, lay down regulations prohibiting such discrimination.
24 Končna redakcija
Če takšni predpisi niso bili sprejeti v navedenem roku, jih na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino s kvalificirano večino sprejme Svet.
If such provisions have not been adopted within the period mentioned, they shall be laid down by the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament.
25 Končna redakcija
Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino o teh predlogih soglasno sprejme ustrezne določbe in jih priporoči državam članicam v sprejetje skladno z njihovimi ustavnimi pravili.
After consulting the Assembly on these proposals the Council may, acting unanimously, lay down the appropriate provisions, which it shall recommend to the Member States for adoption in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.
26 Končna redakcija
Pred iztekom prehodnega obdobja Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme direktive za uskladitev zgoraj omenjenih zakonov ali drugih predpisov.
Before the expiry of the transitional period, the Council, voting unanimously on a proposal by the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, shall issue directives for the co-ordination of the aforementioned laws, regulations or administrative rules.
27 Končna redakcija
V treh letih po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme ustrezne uredbe ali direktive za uveljavitev načel iz členov 85 in 86.
Within three years of the entry into force of this Treaty the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, adopt any appropriate regulations or directives to give effect to the principles set out in Articles 85 and 86.
28 Končna redakcija
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme prilagoditve določb tega poglavja, ki bi se izkazale za potrebne zaradi sprememb predpisov Skupnosti.
The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, may make the adaptations to the provisions appearing in this Chapter which may prove to be necessary as a result of a modification in Community rules.
29 Končna redakcija
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme prilagoditve določb iz tega naslova, ki bi se izkazale za potrebne kot posledica sprememb predpisov Skupnosti.
The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission after consulting the Assembly, may make the adaptations to the provisions appearing in this Title, which may prove to be necessary as a result of a modification in Community rules.
30 Končna redakcija
Če nove okoliščine tako zahtevajo, lahko Svet na zahtevo države članice ali Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno odloči o prilagoditvi načina opravljanja nadzora iz tega poglavja.
Where new circumstances so require, the procedures for applying the safeguards laid down in this Chapter may, at the request of a Member State or of the Commission, be adapted by the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly.
31 Končna redakcija
V dveh letih po začetku veljavnosti te pogodbe Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino in na predlog Komisije, ki predhodno pridobi mnenje Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora, s kvalificirano večino izda direktive za uporabo tega člena.
Within two years of the entry into force of this Treaty, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, which shall first request the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee, shall, after consulting the Assembly, issue directives for the application of this Article.
32 Končna redakcija
Če nove okoliščine tako zahtevajo, lahko Svet na zahtevo države članice ali Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno prilagodi določbe tega poglavja, ki se nanašajo na lastninsko pravico Skupnosti.
Where new circumstances so require, the provisions of this Chapter relating to the Community's right of ownership may, at the request of a Member State or of the Commission, be adjusted by the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly.
33 Končna redakcija
Če ta pogodba začne veljati med proračunskim postopkom, Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino in Komisijo sprejme ukrepe, ki so potrebni, da bi se omogočila uporaba te pogodbe za preostanek proračunskega postopka.
If this Treaty enters into force during the budgetary procedure, the Council shall, after consulting the Assembly and the Commission, adopt the measures required in order to facilitate the application of this Treaty to the remainder of the budgetary procedure.
34 Končna redakcija
Na pobudo države članice ali Komisije in zlasti, če nepredvidene okoliščine povzročijo splošno pomanjkanje, lahko Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno spremeni določbe tega poglavja.
On the initiative of a Member State or of the Commission, and particularly if unforeseen circumstances create a situation of general shortage, the Council may, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, amend the provisions of this Chapter.
35 Končna redakcija
Kadar v Skupnosti ni mogoče izvesti volitev v tem obdobju, Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno določi drugo obdobje, ki je lahko največ mesec dni pred obdobjem, določenim v skladu s prejšnjim pododstavkom, ali največ mesec dni po njem.
Should it prove impossible to hold the elections in the Community during that period, the Council acting unanimously shall, after consulting the Assembly, determine another period which shall be not more than one month before or one month after the period fixed pursuant to the preceding subparagraph.
36 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino v prvih dveh fazah soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino pripravlja uredbe, izdaja direktive ali sprejema odločbe, ne da bi to posegalo v njegova morebitna priporočila.
The Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, acting unanimously during the first two stages and by qualified majority thereafter, make regulations, issue directives, or take decisions, without prejudice to any recommendations it may also make.
37 Končna redakcija
Če se izkaže, da je zaradi doseganja enega od ciljev potrebno ukrepanje Skupnosti, ta pogodba pa ne predvideva potrebnih pooblastil, Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
If action by the Community should prove necessary to attain one of the objectives of the Community and this Treaty has not provided the necessary powers, the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, take the appropriate measures.
38 Končna redakcija
Če se Svet po posvetovanju s Skupščino in, kadar je primerno, s Komisijo izreče za sklic konference predstavnikov vlad držav članic, predsednik Sveta skliče konferenco, zato da se v medsebojnem soglasju določijo potrebne spremembe te pogodbe.
If the Council, after consulting the Assembly and, where appropriate, the Commission, delivers an opinion in favour of calling a conference of representatives of the Governments of the Member States, the conference shall be convened by the President of the Council for the purpose of determining by common accord the amendments to be made to this Treaty.
39 Končna redakcija
Če bi se med delovanjem skupnega trga izkazalo, da je zaradi doseganja enega od ciljev potrebno ukrepanje Skupnosti, ta pogodba pa ne predvideva potrebnih pooblastil, Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
If action by the Community should prove necessary to attain, in the course of the operation of the common market, one of the objectives of the Community and this Treaty has not provided the necessary powers, the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, take the appropriate measures.
40 Končna redakcija
Za enak namen Svet pred koncem prehodnega obdobja na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino izda direktive za uskladitev določb zakonov ali drugih predpisov v državah članicah, ki se nanašajo na začetek in opravljanje dejavnosti samozaposlenih oseb.
For the same purpose, the Council shall, before the end of the transitional period, acting on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, issue directives for the coordination of the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the taking up and pursuit of activities as self-employed persons.
41 Končna redakcija
Da bi samozaposlenim osebam olajšali začetek in opravljanje njihove dejavnosti, Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino v prvi fazi soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino izda direktive za vzajemno priznavanje diplom, spričeval in drugih dokazil o formalnih kvalifikacijah.
In order to make it easier for persons to take up and pursue activities as self employed persons, the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission and in cooperation with the Assembly, acting unanimously during the first stage and by a qualified majority thereafter, issue directives for the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates, and other evidenee of formal qualifications.
42 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju s Skupščino soglasno odloči o morebitnih potrebnih prilagoditvah podrobnosti prehoda znotraj obdobja največ desetih let, predvidenega za izvajanje prehodnih ukrepov, in za tako dolgo, kot je nujno potrebno za zagotavljanje delovanja skupne ureditve trgov.
the Council, acting unanimously on proposals from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, shall decide on any necessary adjustments to the transition procedure within the maximum period of ten years laid down for the application of the transitional measures, and for such period of time as is strictly necessary in order to ensure the functioning of the common organization of the markets.
43 Končna redakcija
Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Skupščino s kvalificirano večino sprejme potrebne predpise za izvajanje členov 124 do 126;
The Council shall, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Assembly, lay down the provisions required to implement Articles 124 to 126;
44 Končna redakcija
V členu 54(2) Pogodbe EGS se besedilo "Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Skupščino" nadomesti s "Svet na predlog Komisije, v sodelovanju z Evropskim parlamentom in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom".
In Article 54 (2) of the EEC Treaty the terms 'the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Assembly', shall be replaced by 'the Council shall, acting on a proposal from the Commission, in cooperation with the European Parliament and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee'.
45 Končna redakcija
Če se izkaže, da je za izvedbo tega akta treba sprejeti ukrepe, jih Svet na predlog Skupščine in po posvetovanju s Komisijo soglasno sprejme, potem ko si je prizadeval, da bi v okviru Spravnega odbora, ki ga sestavljajo Svet in predstavniki Skupščine, dosegel sporazum s Skupščino.
Should it appear necessary to adopt measures to implement this Act, the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Assembly after consulting the Commission, shall adopt such measures after endeavouring to reach agreement with the Assembly in a conciliation committee consisting of the Council and representatives of the Assembly.
46 Končna redakcija
Za izvajanje člena 74 in ob upoštevanju posebnosti prevoza Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Skupščino do konca druge faze soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino določi:
For the purpose of implementing Article 74, and taking into account the distinctive features of transport, the Council shall, acting unanimously until the end of the second stage and by a qualified majority thereafter, lay down, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Assembly:
47 Končna redakcija
Za izvajanje splošnega programa ali - če takšnega programa ni - za doseganje neke faze pri liberalizaciji posameznih storitev Svet na predlog Komisije ter po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Skupščino izdaja direktive, do konca prve faze soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino.
In order to implement this general programme or, in the absence of such programme, in order to achieve a stage in the liberalization of a specific service, the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Assembly, issue directives acting unanimously until the end of the first stage and by a qualified majority thereafter.
48 Končna redakcija
Za izvajanje splošnega programa ali - če takšnega programa ni - za doseganje določene faze pri uresničevanju svobode ustanavljanja v zvezi s posamezno dejavnostjo Svet na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom in Skupščino izdaja direktive, do konca prve faze soglasno, nato pa s kvalificirano večino.
In order to implement the general programme or, if no such programme exists, to complete one stage towards the achievement of freedom of establishment for a specific activity, the Council, voting unanimously until the end of the first stage and thereafter with the prescribed majority, shall issue directives on a proposal by the Commission, after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Assembly.
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po posvetovanju s Skupščino