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pobuda za oceno ustavnosti
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) Če je bila vložena zahteva ali pobuda za oceno ustavnosti akta iz drugega odstavka tega člena, se šteje tožba za pravočasno, če je bila vložena v tridesetih dneh od vročitve odločbe ustavnega sodišča, s katero se je to sodišče izreklo za nepristojno.
(4) lf a request or initiative to test the constitutionality of an act from the second paragraph of this Article has been filed, the lawsuit shall be considered as having been filed within the prescribed period if it was lodged within 30 days of the serving of the constitutional court decision, in which the court declares that it does not have jurisdiction.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) Če je bila vložena zahteva ali pobuda za oceno ustavnosti akta iz drugega odstavka tega člena, se šteje tožba za pravočasno, če je bila vložena v tridesetih dneh od vročitve odločbe ustavnega sodišča, s katero se je to sodišče izreklo za nepristojno.
(4) lf a request or initiative for constitutional review of an act from the second paragraph of this Article has been filed, the lawsuit shall be considered as having been filed within the prescribed period if it was lodged within 30 days of the serving of the constitutional court decision, in which the court declares that it does not have jurisdiction.
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pobuda za oceno ustavnosti