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pod nadzorom Sodišča
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Nadzira uporabo prava Unije pod nadzorom Sodišča Evropske unije.
It shall oversee the application of Union law under the control of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) je vojaški poveljnik ali oseba, ki dejansko nastopa kot vojaški poveljnik, kazensko odgovorna za kazniva dejanja v pristojnosti Sodišča, ki so jih storile enote, pod njenim dejanskim poveljstvom in nadzorom oziroma pod njeno dejansko oblastjo in nadzorom kot posledico dejstva, da ni pravilno izvajal ali izvajala nadzora nad takimi enotami, če:
(a) A military commander or person effectively acting as a military commander shall be criminally responsible for crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court committed by forces under his or her effective command and control, or effective authority and control as the case may be, as a result of his or her failure to exercise control properly over such forces, where:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) glede odnosov med nadrejenimi in podrejenimi, ki niso opisani v prvem odstavku, je nadrejeni kazensko odgovoren za kazniva dejanja v pristojnosti Sodišča, ki so jih storili podrejeni pod njegovo dejansko oblastjo in nadzorom, ker ni pravilno nadziral podrejenih, če:
(b) With respect to superior and subordinate relationships not described in paragraph (a), a superior shall be criminally responsible for crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court committed by subordinates under his or her effective authority and control, as a result of his or her failure to exercise control properly over such subordinates, where:
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) Kadar pa se zahteva Sodišča nanaša na podatke, premoženje ali osebe, ki so po mednarodnem sporazumu pod nadzorom tretje države ali mednarodne organizacije, zaprošena država o tem obvesti Sodišče, to pa naslovi svojo zahtevo na tretjo državo ali mednarodno organizacijo.
(b) Where, however, the request from the Court concerns information, property or persons which are subject to the control of a third State or an international organization by virtue of an international agreement, the requested States shall so inform the Court and the Court shall direct its request to the third State or international organization.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Če Sodišče od države pogodbenice zahteva, da priskrbi dokument ali informacijo, ki jo hrani, poseduje ali ima pod nadzorom, ki mu jo je zaupno razkrila neka država, medvladna ali mednarodna organizacija, bo ta za razkritje tega dokumenta ali informacije zaprosila za soglasje prvotni vir.
If a State Party is requested by the Court to provide a document or information in its custody, possession or control, which was disclosed to it in confidence by a State, intergovernmental organization or international organization, it shall seek the consent of the originator to disclose that document or information.
6 Končna redakcija
Komisija iz sodne prakse Sodišča [11] povzema, da ima izključno pristojnost, da pod nadzorom Sodišča odloči, ali se izjema na podlagi člena 90(2) lahko uporabi.
The Commission infers from the case law of the Court of Justice (11) that it has exclusive competence, under the control of the Court, to decide that the exception of Article 90 (2) applies.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0024
(5) Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta A5-0396/2000 o Posebnem poročilu Računskega sodišča št. 1/2000 fn o izbruhu klasične prašičje kuge zahteva, da se omrežje Animo upravlja in razvija pod popolnim nadzorom Komisije ter da so spremembe skladne s pripombami Sodišča.
(5) European Parliament Resolution A5-0396/2000 on Court of Auditors Special Report No 1/2000 fn on the outbreak of classical swine fever calls for the Animo network to be managed and developed under the full control of the Commission and for amendments to be made in accordance with the Court's observations.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
Komisija iz sodne prakse Sodišča [11] povzema, da ima izključno pristojnost, da pod nadzorom Sodišča odloči, ali se izjema na podlagi člena 90(2) lahko uporabi.
The Commission infers from the case law of the Court of Justice (11) that it has exclusive competence, under the control of the Court, to decide that the exception of Article 90 (2) applies.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0024
Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta A5-0396/2000 o Posebnem poročilu Računskega sodišča št. 1/2000 [10] o izbruhu klasične prašičje kuge zahteva, da se omrežje Animo upravlja in razvija pod popolnim nadzorom Komisije ter da so spremembe skladne s pripombami Sodišča.
European Parliament Resolution A5-0396/2000 on Court of Auditors Special Report No 1/2000(10) on the outbreak of classical swine fever calls for the Animo network to be managed and developed under the full control of the Commission and for amendments to be made in accordance with the Court's observations.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
če je sodišče prepovedalo trgovanje z blagom, ki je bilo predhodno dano v carinski postopek z obveznostjo zadevne osebe za plačilo uvoznih dajatev pod običajnimi pogoji in potem ponovno izvoženo s carinskega območja Skupnosti ali uničeno pod nadzorom carinskih organov, pod pogojem, da se dokaže, da se zadevnega blaga v Skupnosti ni uporabljalo;
a judicial body has forbidden the marketing of an item previously entered for a customs procedure obliging the person concerned to pay import duties under normal conditions, and the said item is re-exported from the customs territory of the Community or destroyed under the control of the customs authorities, provided it is established that the item in question has not actually been used in the Community;
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pod nadzorom Sodišča