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področje prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Da bi Unija pripomogla k doseganju ciljev iz III-130. in III-220. člena Ustave in da bi državljanom Unije, gospodarskim subjektom ter regionalnim in lokalnim skupnostim omogočila v celoti izkoristiti ugodnosti vzpostavitve območja brez notranjih meja, prispeva k vzpostavitvi in razvoju vseevropskih omrežij na področju prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture.
To help achieve the objectives referred to in Articles III-130 and III-220 and to enable citizens of the Union, economic operators and regional and local communities to derive full benefit from the setting-up of an area without internal frontiers, the Union shall contribute to the establishment and development of trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures.
2 Končna redakcija
Da bi Skupnost pripomogla k doseganju ciljev iz členov 14 in 158 in da bi državljanom Unije, gospodarskim subjektom ter regionalnim in lokalnim skupnostim omogočila v celoti izkoristiti ugodnosti vzpostavitve območja brez notranjih meja, prispeva k vzpostavitvi in razvoju vseevropskih omrežij na področju prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture.
To help achieve the objectives referred to in Articles 14 and 158 and to enable citizens of the Union, economic operators and regional and local communities to derive full benefit from the setting-up of an area without internal frontiers, the Community shall contribute to the establishment and development of trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures.
3 Končna redakcija
Da bi Skupnost pripomogla k doseganju ciljev iz členov 7a in 130a in da bi državljanom Unije, gospodarskim subjektom ter regionalnim in lokalnim skupnostim omogočila v celoti izkoristiti ugodnosti vzpostavitve območja brez notranjih meja, prispeva k vzpostavitvi in razvoju vseevropskih omrežij na področju prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture.
To help achieve the objectives referred to in Articles 7a and 130a and to enable citizens of the Union, economic operators and regional and local communities to derive full benefit from the setting up of an area without internal frontiers, the Community shall contribute to the establishment and development of trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures.
4 Pravna redakcija
razvoj lokalnih, regionalnih in vseevropskih omrežij na področju prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture, vključno z zagotavljanjem ustreznega dostopa do njih;
the development of local, regional and trans-European networks including the provision of suitable access to the said networks in the sectors of transport infrastructure, telecommunications and energy;
5 Pravna redakcija
ki v regijah, zajetih v cilj 1, prispevajo k povečevanju ekonomske zmogljivosti, k razvoju, strukturnemu prilagajanju, ustvarjanju ali ohranjanju trajnih delovnih mest v teh regijah, vključno s tistimi naložbami v infrastrukturo, ki prispevajo k vzpostavitvi in razvoju vseevropskih omrežij na področju prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture, pri čemer se upošteva potreba po povezavi otoških, neobalnih in obrobnih regij z osrednjimi regijami Skupnosti;
which, in regions covered by Objective 1, helps to increase the economic potential, development, structural adjustment and creation or maintenance of sustainable jobs in those regions, including investment in infrastructure contributing to the establishment and development of trans-European networks in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures taking into account the need to link to the central regions of the Community regions suffering from a structural handicap because of their insular, landlocked or peripheral status;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2236
Ta uredba določa pogoje in postopke za dodelitev pomoči Skupnosti za projekte skupnega interesa na področju vseevropskih omrežij za prometno, telekomunikacijsko in energetsko infrastrukturo na podlagi člena 129c(1) Pogodbe.
This Regulation defines the conditions and procedures for granting Community aid to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European networks for transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures under Article 129c (1) of the Treaty.
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področje prometne, telekomunikacijske in energetske infrastrukture