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podzakonski akt
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) Podzakonske akte iz 4. poglavja tega zakona izda minister, pristojen za promet, najkasneje v šestih mesecih od uveljavitve tega zakona in se začnejo uporabljati po poteku šestih mesecev od njihove izdaje, če posamezen podzakonski akt ne določa drugače.
(1) Statutory acts referred to in Section 4 of this Act shall be issued by the minister responsible for transport not later than in six months from this Act taking effect and shall begin to be used six months after their issue unless otherwise determined in individual statutory act.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) Podzakonske akte iz 4. poglavja tega zakona izda minister, pristojen za promet, najkasneje v šestih mesecih od uveljavitve tega zakona in se začnejo uporabljati po poteku šestih mesecev od njihove izdaje, če posamezen podzakonski akt ne določa drugače.
in the aircraft operating log shall be entered data on the crew of the aircraft, movement of the aircraft, functioning of engines and other systems and devices of the aircraft, flight hours, accidents that involved the aircraft, relating to repairs and inspections carried out and relating to the aircraft` s readiness for flight;
3 Končna redakcija
V roku enega meseca po uveljavitvi tega zakona minister, pristojen za finance, sprejme podzakonski akt o finančnem poslovanju proračunskih porabnikov, ki smiselno povzema določbe tega zakona ob upoštevanju zakona, ki ureja izvrševanje proračuna.
Within one month from the effective date of this Act, the minister of finances shall adopt an implementing regulation on the financial operations of companies financed from the budget, which reasonably summarises the provisions of this Act, while at the same time taking into consideration the act which regulates the implementation of the budget.
4 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Podrobnejše določbe o izvedbi disciplinskega postopka vsebuje podzakonski akt, ki ga izda minister, pristojen za pravosodje.
Detailed provisions for the organisation of disciplinary proceedings shali be found in the by-law issued by the minister responsible for justice,
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podzakonski akt