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pogodbena odškodnina
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Zgornja določba ne izključuje pravice do drugih odškodnin po notranjem pravu pogodbenic.
The foregoing provision shall not preclude the right to other compensation under the national law of the Contracting Parties.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
Pogodbenica v svojem notranjem pravu žrtvam zagotovi pravico, da od storilcev dobijo odškodnino.
3 Each Party shall provide, in its internal law, for the right of victims to compensation from the perpetrators.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
g) Pogodbenica, katere sodišča imajo pristojnost, zagotovi, da v zvezi s tožbami za odškodnino za jedrsko škodo lahko:
g) The Contracting Party whose courts have jurisdiction shall ensure that in relation to actions for compensation of nuclear damage:
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
Če pogodbenici utrpita škodo, ne uveljavljata odškodnine, razen če uradne osebe niso povzročile škode naklepno ali iz hude malomarnosti.
If the damage is suffered by the Contracting Parties, the Contracting Parties shall not institute compensation proceedings against each other, unless the official persons had caused the damage intentionally or due to gross negligence.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
a) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko z državo, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije, sklene sporazum o odškodnini iz javnih sredstev, ko gre za škodo, ki jo je povzročila jedrska nesreča.
a) Any Contracting Party may conclude an agreement with a State which is not a Party to this Convention concerning compensation out of public funds for damage caused by a nuclear incident.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
a) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko sprejme take ukrepe, za katere meni, da so potrebni za zagotovitev povečanja zneska odškodnine, določenega v tej konvenciji.
a) Any Contracting Party may take such measures as it deems necessary to provide for an increase in the amount of compensation specified in this Convention.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Pogodbenica, zoper katero je vložena odškodninska tožba, si prizadeva o takem postopku obvestiti drugo pogodbenico, če bi ta v postopku imela interes.
2 A Party which has become subject of a litigation for damages shall endeavour to inform the other Party of such litigation if that Party might have an interest in the case.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Pogodbenice se lahko dogovorijo o pogojih, pod katerimi uveljavljajo svoje odškodninske zahtevke druga proti drugi ali pa se odpovejo njihovemu uveljavljanju.
The parties to the contract may agree conditions in which they assert or renounce their rights to compensation from the other party to the contract.
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 35-2008
Pogodbenika soglašata, da bosta vse medsebojne odškodninske zahtevke in zahtevke v zvezi z odškodninsko odgovornostjo urejala v skladu z 8. členom NATO SOFA.
The Parties agree that all claims for damages and liability against the other Party will be settled between the Parties according to Article 8 of the NATO SOFA.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(2) Za uradne osebe ene pogodbenice se med opravljanjem nalog po tem sporazumu na državnem območju druge pogodbenice uporablja notranja delovnopravna zakonodaja prve pogodbenice, še zlasti v smislu disciplinske in odškodninske odgovornosti.
(2) During the performance of tasks in the territory of the Contracting Party and pursuant to this Agreement, the official persons of the other Contracting Party shall be subject to the internal labour legislation of their own Contracting Party, especially in terms of disciplinary responsibility and liability for damages.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Nobena pogodbenica ni individualno odgovorna za dejanja in obveznosti EUTELSAT-a, razen če taka odgovornost ne izhaja iz pogodbe, katere pogodbenici sta omenjena pogodbenica in država, ki zahteva odškodnino.
No Party shall be individually liable for the acts and obligations of EUTELSAT, except where such liability results from a treaty to which that Party and a State claiming compensation are parties.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
Če se vlagatelj in pogodbenica ali njeno pristojno telo ne sporazumeta, se višina odškodnine določi v skladu s postopkom za reševanje sporov v skladu z 9. členom sporazuma.
If the investor and the Contracting Party or its competent body, cannot reach an agreement, the amount of compensation shall be determined according to procedure for settlement of disputes according to Article 9 of the Agreement.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Za prevoz, ki ga opravi dejanski prevoznik, se za odškodnino po izbiri tožnika lahko vloži tožba proti temu prevozniku ali pogodbenemu prevozniku ali obema skupaj ali ločeno.
In relation to the carriage performed by the actual carrier, an action for damages may be brought, at the option of the plaintiff, against that carrier or the contracting carrier, or against both together or separately.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
Spor med eno od pogodbenic in vlagatelji druge pogodbenice v zvezi z naložbami, vključno s spori v zvezi z višino odškodnine, se, če je to le mogoče, rešujejo po mirni poti.
Any dispute which may arise between one of the Contracting Parties and the investors of the other Contracting Party on investments, including disputes relating to the amount of compensation, shall be settled amicably, as far as possible.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
(4) Brez vpliva na uveljavljanje svojih pravic do tretjih oseb in z izjemo tretjega odstavka se vsak pogodbenik v primerih iz drugega odstavka odreče zahtevi za odškodnino za škodo, ki mu jo je povzročil drug pogodbenik.
(4) Without prejudice to the exercise of its rights vis-a-vis third persons and with the exception of paragraph 3, each Contracting Party shall refrain in the case provided for in paragraph 2 from requesting compensation for damage it has sustained from another Contracting Party.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
a) Pod pogoji iz te konvencije se pogodbenice obvezujejo, da se odškodnina za škodo, navedeno v prejšnjem členu, izplača do zneska 300 milijonov posebnih pravic črpanja za nesrečo.
a) Under the conditions established by this Convention, the Contracting Parties undertake that compensation in respect of the damage referred to in Article 2 shall be provided up to the amount of 300 million Special Drawing Rights per incident.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(1) Če uradna oseba pogodbenice pri izvajanju nalog po tem sporazumu povzroči škodo na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, je do tretje oškodovane osebe odškodninsko odgovorna pod istimi pogoji in v enakem obsegu, kot če bi škodo povzročile uradne osebe druge pogodbenice.
(1) If, during the performance of tasks pursuant to this Agreement, an official person of one of the Contracting Parties causes damage in the territory of the other Contracting Party, this official person shall be liable for the damage caused to a third party under the same conditions and to the same extent as if the damage were caused by an official person of the other Contracting Party.
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 34-2009
Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije lahko odpove ta sporazum brez kakršne koli odškodnine, če druga pogodbenica uporablja prejeti računalniški program v nasprotju z določbami tega sporazuma.
The Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia may terminate the present Agreement without any compensation should the other Party use the delivered computer programme contrary to the provisions of the present Agreement.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
OB UGOTOVITVI, da najvišja odškodnina iz Konvencije o Skladu, 1992, v določenih okoliščinah v nekaterih državah pogodbenicah te konvencije morda ne zadostuje za zadovoljitev potreb po odškodninah,
NOTING that the maximum compensation afforded by the 1992 Fund Convention might be insufficient to meet compensation needs in certain circumstances in some Contracting States to that Convention,
20 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
7.3 Odškodnina, ki jo plača pogodbenica prejemnica v skladu z razdelkom 7.2, ne preprečuje lastniku informacij, da uveljavlja svoje zakonske pravice do osebe ali oseb, ki so brez pooblastila razkrile ali zlorabile informacije, vendar pa se vsakršna odškodnina, pridobljena z uveljavljanjem teh pravic, uporabi za pobotanje morebitnega plačila, ki ga je z enakim namenom že opravila pogodbenica prejemnica.
7.3 The payment by the recipient Participant of compensation under sub-section 7.2 will not prevent the owner of the information from exercising his legal rights against the person or persons who have, without authority, disclosed or misused the information, but any compensation recovered by exercising these rights will be used to offset any payment already made by the recipient Participant for the same purpose.
21 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
Pri določanju odgovornosti za povračilo odškodnine se predpostavlja, da je informacije pogodbenici prejemnici preskrbel neposredno lastnik in da je nepooblaščeno uporabo zagrešila pogodbenica prejemnica.
In determining the liability for compensation, it will be assumed that the information was supplied directly by the owner to the recipient Participant and the unauthorised use was made by the recipient Participant.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(2) Pogodbenici, ki je odškodnino oškodovancu ali njegovim pravnim naslednikom poravnala, mora le-to povrniti druga pogodbenica, razen če ni prišlo do izvajanja nalog na podlagi zaprosila prve pogodbenice.
(2) The Contracting Party, which compensates the injured party or his/her legal successors for the damage, shall be reimbursed for this damage by the other Contracting Party, unless the performance of tasks had been undertaken on the basis of a request submitted by the first Contracting Party.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
Le pogodbenica, v kateri je prišlo do dogodka, ki je povzročil škodo, lahko nastopa v odškodninski tožbi v imenu oškodovanca, ki se obrne na sodišča, pristojna po notranjem pravu prizadete države SECI.
Only the Party in which the event which gave rise to the damage occurred may be the subject of an action for compensation on the part of the injured party, who shall apply to the courts having jurisdiction under the national law of the SECI state involved.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
j) Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da osebe, ki so utrpele škodo, lahko uveljavijo svoje pravice do odškodnine, ne da bi morale sprožiti ločene postopke glede na izvor sredstev, predvidenih za tako odškodnino.
j) Each Contracting Party shall ensure that persons suffering damage may enforce their rights to compensation without having to bring separate proceedings according to the origin of the funds provided for such compensation.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
b) Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da osebe, ki so utrpele škodo, lahko uveljavijo svoje pravice do odškodnine, ne da bi za to morale začeti ločene postopke glede na vir teh sredstev, določenih za tako odškodnino.
b) Each Contracting Party shall ensure that persons suffering damage may enforce their rights to compensation without having to bring separate proceedings according to the origin of the funds provided for such compensation.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
1 Na zahtevo vsaj ene četrtine držav pogodbenic generalni sekretar vsak predlog za spremembo omejitve zneska odškodnine iz odstavka 2(a) 4. člena razpošlje vsem članicam Organizacije in vsem državam pogodbenicam.
1 Upon the request of at least one quarter of the Contracting States, any proposal to amend the limit of the amount of compensation laid down in article 4, paragraph 2 (a), shall be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Members of the Organization and to all Contracting States.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Države pogodbenice zagotovijo vsem otrokom žrtvam kaznivih dejanj, opisanih v tem protokolu, dostop do ustreznih postopkov, da lahko brez razlikovanja zahtevajo odškodnino za škodo od tistih, ki so odgovorni po zakonu.
States Parties shall ensure that all child victims of the offences described in the present Protocol have access to adequate procedures to seek, without discrimination, compensation for damages from those legally responsible.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-16
Pogodbenice zaradi nadzora nad tobakom načrtujejo sprejetje zakonskega ukrepa ali uresničujejo veljavne zakone, kadar je potrebno, ki obravnavajo kazensko in civilno odgovornost, vključno z odškodnino, kadar je ustrezno.
For the purpose of tobacco control, the Parties shall consider taking legislative action or promoting their existing laws, where necessary, to deal with criminal and civil liability, including compensation where appropriate.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
3 Kadar se odškodnina začasno zavrne v skladu z drugim odstavkom, se odškodnina v zvezi s to nezgodo trajno zavrne, če obveznosti glede obvestila direktorju Dopolnilnega sklada na podlagi prvega odstavka 13. člena in prvega odstavka tega člena niso izpolnjene v enem letu po tem, ko je direktor Dopolnilnega sklada državo pogodbenico obvestil o neizpolnjevanju njenih obveznosti glede poročanja.
3 Where compensation has been denied temporarily in accordance with paragraph 2, compensation shall be denied permanently in respect of that incident if the obligations to communicate to the Director of the Supplementary Fund under article 13, paragraph 1 and paragraph 1 of this article, have not been complied with within one year after the Director of the Supplementary Fund has notified the Contracting State of its failure to report.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-23
Določbe tega člena ne vplivajo na pravice ene od pogodbenic ali tistih, ki jih ta pogodbenica pooblasti, do ustrezne odškodnine za kakršne koli ukrepe, sprejete za reševanje ladje ali pomoč ladji, posadki, potnikom in tovoru.
The provisions of this Article do not affect the rights of one of the Contracting Parties or those authorized by such Contracting Party for the corresponding compensation for any actions taken for the salvage of the vessel or any assistance provided to the vessel, the crew, the passengers and the cargo.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-75
Če policijski uslužbenec pogodbenice prosilke pri opravljanju nalog po tem protokolu utrpi škodo, je pogodbenica prosilka odgovorna za plačilo odškodnine, pri čemer od zaprošene pogodbenice ne zahteva nikakršnega povračila.
If a police officer of the requesting Contracting Party suffers damage during the performance of his/her tasks under this Protocol, the requesting Contracting Party is responsible for paying the compensation due, without seeking redress from the requested Contracting Party.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-102
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo, da bodo sodelovale pri oblikovanju in sprejemanju ustreznih pravil in postopkov za določanje odgovornosti in odškodnine za škodo, nastalo zaradi onesnaževanja morskega okolja na območju Sredozemskega morja.
The Contracting Parties undertake to cooperate in the formulation and adoption of appropriate rules and procedures for the determination of liability and compensation for damage resulting from pollution of the marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea Area.
33 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
Odškodninski zahtevki, nastali pri izvajanju tega sporazuma in njegove priloge, se rešujejo v skladu z VIII. členom Sporazuma med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantske pogodbe o statusu njihovih sil, ki je bil podpisan v Londonu 19. junija 1951.
Claims arisen in connection with implementation of this Agreement and its Annex shall be solved in accordance with Article VIII of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of Their Forces, done in London on June 19, 1951.
34 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Država pogodbenica je v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in prakso odgovorna za plačilo odškodnine za škodo, ki jo je med izvajanjem te pogodbe povzročila drugim državam pogodbenicam ali njihovim fizičnim ali pravnim osebam ali njihovemu premoženju.
A State Party shall, in accordance with international law and practice, be liable to pay compensation for damage to other States Parties, or to their natural or juridical persons or their property, caused by it in the course of the implementation of this Treaty.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-54
OB SPOZNANJU, da je po mnenju številnih držav pogodbenic Konvencije o odgovornosti, 1992, in Konvencije o Skladu, 1992, nujno treba zagotoviti dodatna sredstva za odškodnine z vzpostavitvijo dodatnega načrta, h kateremu lahko države po želji pristopijo,
RECOGNIZING that a number of Contracting States to the 1992 Liability and 1992 Fund Conventions consider it necessary as a matter of urgency to make available additional funds for compensation through the creation of a supplementary scheme to which States may accede if they so wish,
36 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
a) Ob morebitni škodi na drugi lastnini pogodbenice na njenem ozemlju, ki je bila povzročena ali izvira iz navedenega v prvem odstavku, določi odškodninsko odgovornost katere koli druge pogodbenice in oceni škodo, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, en arbiter, ki se izbere v skladu s točko b) tega odstavka.
(a) In the case of damage caused or arising as stated in paragraph 1 to other property owned by a Contracting Party and located in its territory, the issue of the liability of any other Contracting Party shall be determined and the amount of damage shall be assessed, unless the Contracting Parties concerned agree otherwise, by a sole arbitrator selected in accordance with sub-paragraph b. of this paragraph.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-82
Pogodbenica ne uveljavlja kot obrambo, protizahtevek, pravico do pobota ali iz katerega koli drugega razloga tega, da je bila ali bo prejeta na podlagi jamstva, garancije ali pogodbe o zavarovanju odškodnina ali drugo nadomestilo za vso domnevno škodo ali njen del.
A Contracting Party shall not assert as a defence, counter-claim, right of set-off or for any other reason, that indemnification or other compensation for all or part of the alleged damages has been received or will be received pursuant to an indemnity, guarantee or insurance contract.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-40
Pogodbenica ne uveljavlja kot obrambo, protizahtevek, pravico do pobota ali iz katerega koli drugega razloga tega, da je bila ali bo prejeta na podlagi jamstva, garancije ali pogodbe o zavarovanju odškodnina ali drugo nadomestilo za vso domnevno škodo ali njen del.
A Contracting Party shall not assert as a defence, counter-claim, right of set-off or for any other reason, that indemnification or other compensation for all or part of the alleged damages has been received or will be received pursuant to an indemnity, guarantee or contract of insurance.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-36
(1) Če spremljajoča uradna oseba pogodbenika prosilca, ki izvaja tranzit na območju drugega pogodbenika, utrpi škodo pri izvajanju nalog ali med njo, je pogodbenik prosilec odgovoren za plačilo odškodnine, ne da bi od zaprošenega pogodbenika zahteval nadomestilo.
(1) If an escorting official of the requesting Contracting Party, while operating a transit on the territory of the other Contracting Party, suffers damage during the execution or in the course of the mission, the requesting Contracting Party is responsible for paying the compensation due, without seeking redress from the requested Contracting Party.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(b) sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da svojim sodiščem omogoči, da tistim, ki so storili kaznivo dejanje, določeno v skladu s to konvencijo, naloži plačilo nadomestila ali odškodnine drugi državi pogodbenici, ki ji je bila s takim kaznivim dejanjem povzročena škoda, in
(b) Take such measures as may be necessary to permit its courts to order those who have committed offences established in accordance with this Convention to pay compensation or damages to another State Party that has been harmed by such offences; and
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
c) Prenehanje veljavnosti te konvencije ali njena odpoved za pogodbenico ne pomeni, da prenehajo obveznosti, ki so jih pogodbenice sprejele za plačilo odškodnine za škodo, ki so jo povzročile jedrske nesreče, ki so se zgodile pred prenehanjem veljavnosti ali odpovedjo.
c) The expiry of this Convention or the withdrawal of a Contracting Party shall not terminate the obligations assumed by each Contracting Party under this Convention to pay compensation for damage caused by nuclear incidents occurring before the date of such expiry or withdrawal.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
Konferenca pogodbenic prouči na podlagi študij, ki jih je treba izdelati, vprašanje odgovornosti in odškodnine, vključno z vrnitvijo v prejšnje stanje in nadomestilom za škodo, povzročeno biološki raznovrstnosti, razen če je takšna odgovornost popolnoma notranja zadeva.
The Conference of the Parties shall examine, on the basis of studies to be carried out, the issue of liability and redress, including restoration and compensation, for damage to biological diversity, except where such liability is a purely internal matter.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
c) Odškodnina za jedrsko škodo na prevoznih sredstvih, na katerih so bile jedrske snovi v trenutku jedrske nesreče, ne zmanjša odgovornosti uporabnika za drugo jedrsko škodo na znesek, nižji od 80 milijonov eurov, ali drug višji znesek, ki ga določa zakonodaja pogodbenice.
c) Compensation for nuclear damage caused to the means of transport on which the nuclear substances involved were at the time of the nuclear incident shall not have the effect of reducing the liability of the operator in respect of other nuclear damage to an amount less than either 80 million euro, or any higher amount established by the legislation of a Contracting Party.
44 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
7.2 Če lastnik informacij, zagotovljenih po tem MOS, utrpi izgubo ali škodo zaradi nepooblaščenega razkritja ali uporabe informacij bodisi s strani pogodbenice ali kake tretje osebe, kateri je pogodbenica prejemnica razkrila informacije, bo pogodbenica prejemnica povrnila odškodnino lastniku informacij za nepooblaščeno razkritje ali uporabo.
7.2 If the owner of the information supplied under this MOU suffers loss or damage through the unauthorised disclosure or use of the information either by the recipient Participant or by a third party to whom the recipient Participant has disclosed the information, then the recipient Participant will compensate the owner of the information for the unauthorised disclosure or use.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Odškodninsko tožbo je treba po izbiri tožnika vložiti na ozemlju ene od držav pogodbenic bodisi na sodišču v kraju stalnega prebivališča prevoznika ali glavnega sedeža podjetja ali sedeža podjetja, prek katerega je bila sklenjena pogodba, ali na sodišču v namembnem kraju.
An action for damages must be brought, at the option of the plaintiff, in the territory of one of the States Parties, either before the court of the domicile of the carrier or of its principal place of business, or where it has a place of business through which the contract has been made or before the court at the place of destination.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Če oseba sproži pravni postopek zaradi odgovornosti za škodo, ki je posledica dejanja ali opustitve v zvezi s sodelovanjem na podlagi tega poglavja, se pogodbenice, na katere se to nanaša, po potrebi med seboj posvetujejo, da določijo, kako razdeliti dolgovani znesek odškodnine.
1 When legal action on liability for damages resulting from an act or omission in relation to co-operation under this chapter has been initiated by a person, the Parties concerned shall consider consulting each other, where appropriate, to determine how to apportion any sum of damages due.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Vsaka država pogodbenica sprejme v skladu s temeljnimi načeli svojega notranjega prava potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovijo, da imajo subjekti ali osebe, ki so bili oškodovani zaradi korupcijskega dejanja, pravico sprožiti pravni postopek za odškodnino zoper odgovorne za škodo.
Each State Party shall take such measures as may be necessary, in accordance with principles of its domestic law, to ensure that entities or persons who have suffered damage as a result of an act of corruption have the right to initiate legal proceedings against those responsible for that damage in order to obtain compensation.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
h) Pogodbenica, katere sodišča imajo pristojnost po tej konvenciji, zagotovi, da je samo eno od njenih sodišč pristojno za odločanje o odškodninah za jedrsko škodo, ki jo je povzročila katera koli jedrska nesreča, merila za izbiro pa določa notranja zakonodaja te pogodbenice.
h) The Contracting Party whose courts have jurisdiction under this Convention shall ensure that only one of its courts shall be competent to rule on compensation for nuclear damage arising from any one nuclear incident, the criteria for such selection being determined by the national legislation of such Contracting Party.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Kadar ukrepajo na zaprosilo druge pogodbenice v skladu s 23. in 24. členom te konvencije, pogodbenice v obsegu, ki ga dovoljuje nacionalna zakonodaja in če je tako zahtevano, prednostno obravnavajo vrnitev odvzetega premoženja pogodbenici prosilki, tako da lahko izplača odškodnino žrtvam kaznivih dejanj ali vrne tako premoženje zakonitim lastnikom.
2 When acting on the request made by another Party in accordance with Articles 23 and 24 of this Convention, Parties shall, to the extent permitted by domestic law and if so requested, give priority consideration to returning the confiscated property to the requesting Party so that it can give compensation to the victims of the crime or return such property to their legitimate owners.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
Če je predmet nacionalizacije ali razlastitve mešano podjetje, ustanovljeno na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic, se odškodnino, ki se plača vlagatelju druge pogodbenice, izračuna ob upoštevanju deleža tega vlagatelja v mešanem podjetju na podlagi listin, ki izkazujejo njegovo udeležbo v družbi.
In case that the object of nationalization or expropriation is a joint-venture constituted in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, the compensation to be paid to the investor of the other Contracting Party shall be calculated taking into account the share of such investor in the joint-venture, in accordance with main documents referring to its participation in the company.
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