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pogojna kazen
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
3) Nobena določba te konvencije se ne razlaga kot obveznost izročitve, če osebi, ki jo je treba izročiti, grozi smrtna kazen ali dosmrtni zapor brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta, če pravo zaprošene pogodbenice ne pozna dosmrtnega zapora, razen če ni zaprošena pogodbenica v skladu z veljavnimi pogodbami zavezana izročitvi, če pogodbenica prosilka predloži zagotovilo, ki je po mnenju zaprošene pogodbenice zadostno, da smrtna kazen ne bo izrečena, ali če je izrečena, ne bo izvršena, ali da oseba ne bo dosmrtno zaprta brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta.
3) Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted either as imposing an obligation to extradite if the person who is the subject of the extradition request risks being exposed to the death penalty or, where the law of the requested Party does not allow for life imprisonment, to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, unless under applicable extradition treaties the requested Party is under the obligation to extradite if the requesting Party gives such assurance as the requested Party considers sufficient that the death penalty will not be imposed or, where imposed, will not be carried out, or that the person concerned will not be subject to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Nobena določba v tej konvenciji se ne razlaga kot nalaganje obveznosti zaprošeni državi, da izroči osebo, za katero se zahteva izročitev, če ta tvega, da bo izpostavljena smrtni kazni ali dosmrtnemu zaporu brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta, če pravo zaprošene države ne dopušča dosmrtnega zapora, razen če mora po veljavnih pogodbah o izročitvi zaprošena država osebo izročiti, če da država prosilka tako zagotovilo, kot ga zaprošena država šteje za zadostno, da smrtna kazen ne bo izrečena, ali da izrečena smrtna kazen ne bo izvršena, ali da zadevna oseba ne bo v dosmrtnem zaporu brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta.«
3 Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted either as imposing on the requested State an obligation to extradite if the person subject of the extradition request risks being exposed to the death penalty or, where the law of the requested State does not allow for life imprisonment, to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, unless under applicable extradition treaties the requested State is under the obligation to extradite if the requesting State gives such assurance as the requested State considers sufficient that the death penalty will not be imposed or, where imposed, will not be carried out, or that the person concerned will not be subject to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.` .
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 59
3 Nobena določba v tej konvenciji se ne razlaga kot nalaganje obveznosti zaprošeni državi, da izroči osebo, za katero se zahteva izročitev, če ta tvega, da bo izpostavljena smrtni kazni ali dosmrtnemu zaporu brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta, če pravo zaprošene države ne dopušča dosmrtnega zapora, razen če mora po veljavnih pogodbah o izročitvi zaprošena država osebo izročiti, če da država prosilka tako zagotovilo, kot ga zaprošena država šteje za zadostno, da smrtna kazen ne bo izrečena, ali da izrečena smrtna kazen ne bo izvršena, ali da zadevna oseba ne bo v dosmrtnem zaporu brez možnosti pogojnega odpusta."
3 Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted either as imposing on the requested State an obligation to extradite if the person subject of the extradition request risks being exposed to the death penalty or, where the law of the requested State does not allow for life imprisonment, to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, unless under applicable extradition treaties the requested State is under the obligation to extradite if the requesting State gives such assurance as the requested State considers sufficient that the death penalty will not be imposed or, where imposed, will not be carried out, or that the person concerned will not be subject to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.".
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