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poizvedba o izdelku
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0824
Kadar po poizvedbah, opravljenih v skladu s postopki iz Priloge IV, Komisija ugotovi, da informacije, s katerimi razpolaga, dokazujejo, da so se izdelki s poreklom iz države dobaviteljice, navedeni v Prilogi V, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve, navedene v členu 2 ali uvedene v skladu s členom 10, pretovorili, preusmerili ali drugače uvozili v Skupnost z izogibanjem takšnim količinskim omejitvam in da je treba opraviti nujne prilagoditve, Komisija v skladu s postopkom, opisanim v členu 16, zahteva, da se pričnejo posvetovanja, da bi se tako dosegel dogovor o enakovredni prilagoditvi ustreznih količinskih omejitev."
Where, following the enquiries carried out in accordance with the procedures established in Annex IV, the Commission finds that the information in its possession constitutes proof that products originating in a supplier country listed in Annex V and subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 or introduced pursuant to Article 10 have been transshipped, re-routed or otherwise imported into the Community through circumvention of such quantitative limits and that there is a need for the necessary adjustments to be made, it shall request that consultations be opened, in accordance with the procedure described in Article 16, so that agreement may be reached on an equivalent adjustment of the corresponding quantitative limits.'
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0602
Če Komisija po poizvedbah, opravljenih skladno s postopki iz Priloge III, ugotovi, da informacije, ki jih ima, dokazujejo, da so bili izdelki, našteti v Prilogi I s poreklom iz Ruske federacije, pretovorjeni, preusmerjeni ali drugače uvoženi v Skupnost z izogibanjem takih količinskih omejitev in da je treba izvesti potrebne prilagoditve, zahteva začetek posvetovanj, tako da se lahko doseže sporazum o enakovredni prilagoditvi ustreznih količinskih omejitev.
Where, following the enquiries carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex III, the Commission notes that the information in its possession constitutes proof that products listed in Annex I originating in the Russian Federation have been transhipped, rerouted or otherwise imported into the Community through circumvention of such quantitative limits and that there is a need for the necessary adjustments to be made, it shall request that consultations be opened so that agreement may be reached on an equivalent adjustment of the corresponding quantitative limits.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0824
Kadar po poizvedbah, opravljenih v skladu s postopki iz Priloge IV, Komisija ugotovi, da informacije, s katerimi razpolaga, dokazujejo, da so se izdelki s poreklom iz države dobaviteljice, navedeni v Prilogi V, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve, navedene v členu 2 ali uvedene v skladu s členom 10, pretovorili, preusmerili ali drugače uvozili v Skupnost z izogibanjem takšnim količinskim omejitvam in da je treba opraviti nujne prilagoditve, Komisija v skladu s postopkom, opisanim v členu 16, zahteva, da se pričnejo posvetovanja, da bi se tako dosegel dogovor o enakovredni prilagoditvi ustreznih količinskih omejitev."
Where, following the enquiries carried out in accordance with the procedures established in Annex IV, the Commission finds that the information in its possession constitutes proof that products originating in a supplier country listed in Annex V and subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 or introduced pursuant to Article 10 have been trans-shipped, re-routed or otherwise imported into the Community through circumvention of such quantitative limits and that there is a need for the necessary adjustments to be made, it shall request that consultations be opened, in accordance with the procedure described in Article 16, so that agreement may be reached on an equivalent adjustment of the corresponding quantitative limits.`
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poizvedba o izdelku