Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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pokazati listine
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Drugi osebi sme sodišče naložiti, naj predloži listino, le tedaj, če jo mora ta po zakonu pokazati ali predložiti ali če gre za listino, ki je po svoji vsebini skupna zanjo in za stranko, ki se sklicuje na listino.
Persons other than parties may be ordered to submit documents only if such obligation is imposed on the by the statute, or if the contents of a document to be submitted relate both to such person and to the party adducing it as evidence.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
Kontrolne listine iz 10. člena in dovolilnice iz 15. člena morajo biti v avtobusu in jih je treba na zahtevo katerega koli pooblaščenega kontrolnega organa pokazati.
The control documents referred to in Article 10 and the authorisations referred to in Article 15 shall be carried on the bus or coach and shall be presented at the request of any authorised inspecting officer.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Stranka ne sme odreči predložitve listine, če se je v pravdi sama sklicevala nanjo v dokaz svojih navedb ali če gre za listino, ki jo mora po zakonu izročiti ali pokazati, ali če velja listina po vsebini za skupno za obe stranki.
A party may not withhold a document which they have adduced as evidence, or which is to be submitted or produced under the statute, or whose contents relate to both parties to the litigation.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Z ukinitvijo mejnih kontrol se odpravi obveznost predložiti ali pokazati veljavne listine za prestop meje ob prestopu notranjih meja.
The abolition of border controls goes hand in hand with abolition of the requirement to produce or present a valid document that permits the holder to cross borders.
5 Pravna redakcija
Odprava osebne kontrole na notranjih mejah ne vpliva na določbe člena 22 ali na izvajanje policijskih pooblastil pristojnih organov po nacionalni zakonodaji pogodbenice na celotnem ozemlju pogodbenice ali na zahteve, da je treba imeti in pokazati dovoljenja in listine, ki jih določa nacionalna zakonodaja pogodbenice.
The abolition of checks on persons at internal borders shall not affect the provisions laid down in Article 22, or the exercise of police powers throughout a Contracting Party's territory by the competent authorities under that Party's law, or the requirement to hold, carry and produce permits and documents provided for in that Party's law.
6 Pravna redakcija
Kadar carinski organi to zahtevajo, se deli (kot so kolesa, pnevmatike in notranji obroči) in dodatki, ki se ne štejejo za običajno opremo vozila (kot so radioaparati in prtljažniki), prijavijo v listinah za začasni uvoz s potrebnimi podatki (kot sta teža in vrednost) in jih je treba ob izhodu iz obiskane države pokazati.
When the customs authorities so require, spare parts (such as wheels, tyres, and inner tubes) and accessories not considered as constituting the normal equipment of the vehicle (such as radio sets, and luggage carriers) shall be declared on the temporary importation papers with the necessary particulars (such as weight and value) and shall be produced on exit from the country visited.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Z ukinitvijo mejnih kontrol se odpravi obveznost predložiti ali pokazati veljavne listine za prestop meje ob prestopu notranjih meja.
The abolition of border controls goes hand in hand with abolition of the requirement to produce or present a valid document that permits the holder to cross borders.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3665
Ti dokumenti in dokazilne listine morajo med drugim pokazati pogostost izvoza, opisati predvidene postopke in vključevati podrobnosti, ki kažejo, da bo mogoče preveriti, ali so izpolnjeni pogoji za enakovredno blago.
Such documents or evidence shall inter alia show the frequency of the exports, give an outline of the procedures envisaged and include particulars showing that it will be possible to verify whether the conditions for equivalent goods are satisfied.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Kadar carinski organi to zahtevajo, se deli (kot so kolesa, pnevmatike in notranji obroči) in dodatki, ki se ne štejejo za običajno opremo vozila (kot so radioaparati, priklopniki, ki niso prijavljeni s posebnim dokumentom, ali prtljažniki), prijavijo v listinah za začasni uvoz z vsemi potrebnimi podatki (kot sta teža in vrednost) in jih je treba ob izhodu iz obiskane države pokazati.
When the customs authorities so require, parts (such as wheels, tyres, and inner tubes) and accessories not considered as constituting the normal equipment of the vehicle (such as radio sets, trailers not declared on a separate document, or luggage carriers) shall be declared on the temporary importation papers with the necessary particulars (such as weight and value) and shall be produced on exit from the country visited.
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