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policijska kontrola
1 Končna redakcija
policijska kontrola
police checks
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Protokol o stališču Združenega kraljestva in Irske glede politik mejnih kontrol, azila in priseljevanja ter pravosodnega sodelovanja v civilnih zadevah in policijskem sodelovanju
Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland on policies in respect of border controls, asylum and immigration, judicial cooperation in civil matters and on police cooperation
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(2) Pri izvajanju nalog v okviru mešanih patrulj so uradne osebe druge pogodbenice pooblaščene, da v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju se ukrepa, ugotavljajo identiteto oseb in ustavljajo osebe, ki so se poskušale izogniti policijski kontroli.
(2) During the performance of mixed patrol tasks, the official persons of the other Contracting Party shall be empowered, in accordance with the internal legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the action is taken, to establish the identity of persons and to stop persons who attempt to evade police control.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-92
(1) Pri izvajanju nalog v okviru mešanih patrulj so policisti drugega pogodbenika pooblaščeni, da v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo pogodbenika, na državnem območju katerega se ukrepa, ugotavljajo identiteto oseb in ustavljajo osebe, ki so se poskušale izogniti policijski kontroli.
(1) In carrying out the tasks as part of mixed patrols the officers of the other Contracting Party shall be empowered to, in accordance with the national legislation of the Contracting Party on the state territory of which the tasks are carried out, establish the identity of persons and stop the persons who attempted to evade police control.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
drugi, tretji in četrti odstavek 1. člena, in drugi, tretji in četrti pododstavek prvega odstavka 3. člena Protokola o stališču Združenega kraljestva in Irske glede politik mejnih kontrol, azila in priseljevanja ter pravosodnega sodelovanju v civilnih zadevah in policijskega sodelovanja
Article 1, second, third and fourth paragraphs, and Article 3(1), second, third and fourth subparagraphs, of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland on policies in respect of border controls, asylum and immigration, judicial cooperation in civil matters and on police cooperation,
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41995D0020
V skladu s sporazumi o policijskem sodelovanju morajo organi mejne kontrole države prosilke obvestiti tudi organe mejne kontrole prizadetih držav, zaradi pospešitve odzivanja na samem kraju.
Under agreements on cross-border police cooperation, the border authorities of the requesting State must also inform the border authorities of the States concerned so as to expedite any reactions in the field.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
To prav tako pomeni, da so vsi potniki ne glede na njihovo državljanstvo pri prestopu meje oproščeni vsakršne mejne-policijske kontrole kakor tudi obvezne uporabe uradnih mejnih prehodov.
On the other hand, this would have the effect of exempting all travellers, whatever their nationality, from police checks when crossing the border. Furthermore, they would no longer be obliged to use authorised border crossing points.
9 Končna redakcija
Izdatki za prometno policijo zajemajo skupne izdatke policijskih storitev, ki se lahko zaračunavajo za njihovo funkcijo nadzora in kontrole prometa, vključno z izdatki za stavbe, vozila in opremo, ki so posebej namenjeni za opravljanje teh storitev.
Expenditure on traffic police comprises the total expenditure of police services chargeable to their traffic supervision and control functions, including expenditure on buildings, vehicles and equipment for the special use of such services.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Če je treba začasno ponovno uvesti mejno kontrolo na notranjih mejah v skladu z določbami člena 2(2) Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma, lahko mobilne mejno-policijske sile za izvajanje mejnih kontrol uvedejo omejitev hitrosti s pomočjo "ad-hoc" označevanja s tablami.
Should it prove necessary to reintroduce internal border checks temporarily in accordance with the provisions of Article 2(2) of the Convention, mobile units of the border police can impose the speed restrictions necessary for conducting checks by means of ad hoc signalling.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
Tri mesece po uveljavitvi Konvencije Centralna skupina predloži Izvršnemu odboru predhodno poročilo o delovanju SIS, učinkovitosti mejnih kontrol na zunanjih mejah, učinkovitosti boja proti nedovoljenemu prometu s prepovedanim drogam ter rezultatih policijskega sodelovanja in sodelovanja sodstva.
Three months after the Convention has been brought into force, the Central Group shall submit a preliminary report to the Executive Committee dealing with the functioning of the SIS, the efficacy of controls at the external borders, the efficiency of the fight against narcotic drugs and the results of police and judicial cooperation.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0051
Brez vpliva na skupni seznam, sprejet v skladu s točko 1, navedejo schengenske države zaradi vključitve v nacionalne kontrolne sezname Priročnikov o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju dejavnosti v smislu člena 39(1) Konvencije, za katere lahko zaprosijo in jih izvajajo njihovi policijski organi v skladu z nacionalnim pravom in pod pogoji iz odstavka 1.
Without prejudice to the common list to be adopted pursuant to point 1, the Schengen States shall list, for the purpose of inclusion in the national fact sheets of the Handbook on crossborder police cooperation, the activities within the meaning of Article 39(1) of the Convention that may be requested and undertaken in accordance with national law by their police authorities subject to the conditions pursuant to paragraph 1.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0378
Razlog za to je, da mora SIS, kakor je določeno v členu 92 Schengenske konvencije, omogočiti organom, ki jih določijo države članice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb Schengenskega pravnega reda o gibanju oseb.
The reason for this is that, as set out in Article 92 of the Schengen Convention, the SIS is to enable the authorities designated by the Member States, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law, as well as for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis relating to the movement of persons.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kakovoste kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS.
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
Izhajajoč iz potrebe, da se potniki na letih iz tretjih držav pri prihodu v letališke zgradbe pred mejno-policijsko vstopno kontrolo in pri odhodu po mejno-policijski izstopni kontroli ne smejo mešati z notranjimi schengenskimi potniki in da morajo biti za to potrebni gradbeni posegi za fizično ločitev letalskih potnikov na vseh letališčih dokončani do uveljavitve Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma (razen na letališču Schiphol v Amsterdamu je bil izjemoma določen rok do konca leta 1995, pod pogojem, da do takrat zagotovi popolno ločitev potniških tokov z administrativnimi ukrepi), se bo Konvencija o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma tudi za zračni promet uveljavil z dnem, ki ga določi Izvršni odbor [1].
Given the need to prevent the intermingling of passenger flows from domestic and international flights, at entry points, before border police checks, and at exit points, after such checks, and whereas before the Schengen Convention is brought into force the infrastructure necessary to ensure the physical separation of such passenger flows should be in place at all airports (apart from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam which has been granted an exemption until the end of 1995 on condition that during this period it takes procedural measures to ensure that passenger flows are clearly separated), the Schengen Convention will also be brought into force for air traffic on the date set by the Executive Committee(1).
16 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s sporazumi o policijskem sodelovanju morajo organi mejne kontrole države prosilke obvestiti tudi organe mejne kontrole prizadetih držav, zaradi pospešitve odzivanja na samem kraju.
Under agreements on cross-border police cooperation, the border authorities of the requesting State must also inform the border authorities of the States concerned so as to expedite any reactions in the field.
17 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi prikritega evidentiranja se lahko pri mejni kontroli in raznih policijskih ter carinskih preverjanjih v notranjosti države v celoti ali delno zbirajo in posredujejo razpisnemu organu naslednje informacije:
For the purposes of discreet surveillance, all or some of the following information may be collected and communicated to the authority issuing the alert when border checks or other police and customs checks are carried out within the country:
18 Pravna redakcija
SKUPNI UKREP z dne 9. junija 1997 Sveta na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji o izpopolnitvi meril ciljno usmerjene kontrole, metode izbiranja itd. in o zbiranju carinskih in policijskih podatkov (97/372/PNZ)
Joint Action of 9 June 1997 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, for the refining of targeting criteria, selection methods, et., and collection of customs and police information
19 Pravna redakcija
Tri mesece po uveljavitvi Konvencije Centralna skupina predloži Izvršnemu odboru predhodno poročilo o delovanju SIS, učinkovitosti mejnih kontrol na zunanjih mejah, učinkovitosti boja proti nedovoljenemu prometu s prepovedanim drogam ter rezultatih policijskega sodelovanja in sodelovanja sodstva.
Three months after the Convention has been brought into force, the Central Group shall submit a preliminary report to the Executive Committee dealing with the functioning of the SIS, the efficacy of controls at the external borders, the efficiency of the fight against narcotic drugs and the results of police and judicial cooperation.
20 Pravna redakcija
v kolikor te določbe obravnavajo kontrolo oseb za odločanje o državljanstvu/vstopu, ne pa za morebitne kontrole za namene nacionalne varnosti in fiskalne namene, in do obsega, da te določbe ne zadevajo oblik policijskega sodelovanja po določbah Oddelka III Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma iz leta 1990
to the extent that these provisions deal with checks on persons for the purpose of deciding upon nationality/entry and without prejudice to checks for national security purposes and checks for fiscal purposes, where appropriate, and to the extent that these provisions do not concern forms of police cooperation covered by the provisions of Title III of the 1990 implementing Convention
21 Pravna redakcija
Odprava osebne kontrole na notranjih mejah ne vpliva na določbe člena 22 ali na izvajanje policijskih pooblastil pristojnih organov po nacionalni zakonodaji pogodbenice na celotnem ozemlju pogodbenice ali na zahteve, da je treba imeti in pokazati dovoljenja in listine, ki jih določa nacionalna zakonodaja pogodbenice.
The abolition of checks on persons at internal borders shall not affect the provisions laid down in Article 22, or the exercise of police powers throughout a Contracting Party's territory by the competent authorities under that Party's law, or the requirement to hold, carry and produce permits and documents provided for in that Party's law.
22 Pravna redakcija
Brez vpliva na skupni seznam, sprejet v skladu s točko 1, navedejo schengenske države zaradi vključitve v nacionalne kontrolne sezname Priročnikov o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju dejavnosti v smislu člena 39(1) Konvencije, za katere lahko zaprosijo in jih izvajajo njihovi policijski organi v skladu z nacionalnim pravom in pod pogoji iz odstavka 1.
Without prejudice to the common list to be adopted pursuant to point 1, the Schengen States shall list, for the purpose of inclusion in the national fact sheets of the Handbook on crossborder police cooperation, the activities within the meaning of Article 39(1) of the Convention that may be requested and undertaken in accordance with national law by their police authorities subject to the conditions pursuant to paragraph 1.
23 Pravna redakcija
o ustanovitvi sekretariata za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengensko konvencijo)
establishing a secretariat for the joint supervisory data-protection bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention)
24 Pravna redakcija
Schengenski informacijski sistem omogoča organom, ki jih imenujejo pogodbenice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in, pri posebnih vrstah razpisov ukrepa iz člena 96, za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb te konvencije v zvezi s pretokom oseb.
The Schengen Information System shall enable the authorities designated by the Contracting Parties, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law and, in the case of the specific category of alerts referred to in Article 96, for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of this Convention relating to the movement of persons.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0201
Razlog za to je, da mora SIS, kakor je določeno v členu 92 Schengenske konvencije, omogočiti organom, ki jih določijo države članice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb Schengenskega pravnega reda o pretoku oseb.
The reason for this is that, as set out in Article 92 of the Schengen Convention, the SIS is to enable the authorities designated by the Member States, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law, as well as for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis relating to the movement of persons.
26 Pravna redakcija
Konvencija o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) 3, Konvencija o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene 4 in Konvencija o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengenska konvencija) 5 so vzpostavile skupne nadzorne organe, ki naj bi nadzirali pravilno uporabo določb o varstvu podatkov v teh instrumentih.
The Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) (3), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes (4) and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention) (5) have created joint supervisory bodies in order to monitor the correct application of data protection provisions in those instruments.
27 Pravna redakcija
Ustanovi se sekretariat (v nadaljevanju "sekretariat za varstvo podatkov") za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengensko konvencijo)
A secretariat (hereinafter referred to as the 'data-protection secretariat') is hereby established for the joint supervisory bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention).
28 Pravna redakcija
SKLEP SVETA z dne 17. oktobra 2000 o ustanovitvi sekretariata za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengensko konvencijo) (2000/641/PNZ)
Council Decision of 17 October 2000 establishing a secretariat for the joint supervisory data-protection bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention)
29 Pravna redakcija
Kot določa člen 92 Schengenske konvencije iz leta 1990, je razlog za to, da mora Schengenski informacijski sistem omogočiti organom, imenovanim s strani držav članic, s pomočjo avtomatskega iskanja dostop do razpisov ukrepov o osebah in lastnini za namene mejne kontrole ter drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v državi v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo ter za namene izdajanja vizumov, dovoljenj za bivanje in administracijo predpisov o tujcih v okviru uporabe določb schengenskega pravnega reda v zvezi z gibanjem oseb.
The reason for this is that, as set out in Article 92 of the 1990 Schengen Convention, the Schengen Information System is to enable the authorities designated by the Member States, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law, as well as for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis relating to the movement of persons.
30 Pravna redakcija
Izhajajoč iz potrebe, da se potniki na letih iz tretjih držav pri prihodu v letališke zgradbe pred mejno-policijsko vstopno kontrolo in pri odhodu po mejno-policijski izstopni kontroli ne smejo mešati z notranjimi schengenskimi potniki in da morajo biti za to potrebni gradbeni posegi za fizično ločitev letalskih potnikov na vseh letališčih dokončani do uveljavitve Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma (razen na letališču Schiphol v Amsterdamu je bil izjemoma določen rok do konca leta 1995, pod pogojem, da do takrat zagotovi popolno ločitev potniških tokov z administrativnimi ukrepi), se bo Konvencija o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma tudi za zračni promet uveljavil z dnem, ki ga določi Izvršni odbor fn.
Given the need to prevent the intermingling of passenger flows from domestic and international flights, at entry points, before border police checks, and at exit points, after such checks, and whereas before the Schengen Convention is brought into force the infrastructure necessary to ensure the physical separation of such passenger flows should be in place at all airports (apart from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam which has been granted an exemption until the end of 1995 on condition that during this period it takes procedural measures to ensure that passenger flows are clearly separated), the Schengen Convention will also be brought into force for air traffic on the date set by the Executive Committee ( 1 ).
31 Pravna redakcija
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kvalitete kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS. Stalni odbor rešuje ugotovljene probleme in pripravlja predloge za zadovoljivo in optimalno izvajanje Konvencije. Schengenske države so še naprej izključno odgovorne za preverjanje, ali se Konvencija pravilno uporablja. Stalni odbor se zato omeji na izvajanje postopkov preverjanja opredeljenih v njegovem mandatu.
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.The Standing Committee shall seek solutions to the problems detected and shall make proposals for the satisfactory and optimal implementation of the Convention.Sole responsibility for checking to ensure that the Convention is properly applied shall continue to remain with the Schengen States.The Standing Committee shall therefore confine itself to carrying out the verification procedures as defined in the following mandate.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
To prav tako pomeni, da so vsi potniki ne glede na njihovo državljanstvo pri prestopu meje oproščeni vsakršne mejne-policijske kontrole kakor tudi obvezne uporabe uradnih mejnih prehodov.
On the other hand, this would have the effect of exempting all travellers, whatever their nationality, from police checks when crossing the border. Furthermore, they would no longer be obliged to use authorised border crossing points.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Če je treba začasno ponovno uvesti mejno kontrolo na notranjih mejah v skladu z določbami člena 2(2) Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma, lahko mobilne mejno-policijske sile za izvajanje mejnih kontrol uvedejo omejitev hitrosti s pomočjo "ad-hoc" označevanja s tablami.
Should it prove necessary to reintroduce internal border checks temporarily in accordance with the provisions of Article 2(2) of the Convention, mobile units of the border police can impose the speed restrictions necessary for conducting checks by means of ad hoc signalling.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0641
Sklep Sveta z dne 17. oktobra 2000 o ustanovitvi Sekretariata za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah
Council Decision of 17 October 2000 establishing a secretariat for the joint supervisory data-protection bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0641
Ustanovi se sekretariat (v nadaljevanju "Sekretariat za varstvo podatkov") za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengensko konvencijo)
A secretariat (hereinafter referred to as the "data-protection secretariat") is hereby established for the joint supervisory bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention).
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kakovoste kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS.
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0543
Evropska unija v ta namen Službi Združenih narodov za razorožitev (DDA), v imenu katerega deluje UN-LiREC, priskrbi finančno podporo projektom namenjenim usposabljanju izvajalcev izobraževanja (inštruktorjev) v višjih policijskih šolah z oblikovanjem posebnih tečajev in simulacijskih vaj, razvoju opreme, s čimer bi se pospešila prizadevanja za boljši nadzor nad dovoljenim prometom s strelnim orožjem, preprečevanju in boju proti nedovoljenemu prekupčevanju s slednjim v Latinski Ameriki in na Karibskem otočju, pospeševanju uničenja odvečnega orožja in izboljšanju upravljanja z zalogami slednjega ter podpori parlamentarcem pri izboljšanju zakonodaje o mehanizmih kontrole v zvezi s strelnim orožjem, strelivom in razstrelivi.
For this purpose, the European Union shall provide financial support to the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs (DDA), on behalf of which UN-LiREC is acting, for projects aimed at training the trainers (instructors) in law enforcement academies through the development of specific courses and simulation exercises, developing equipment with the view of facilitating efforts to improve the control of the legal firearms trade, preventing and combating their illicit trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean, facilitating destruction of surplus weapons and improvements of stockpile management, as well as supporting parliamentarians in improving legislation on control mechanisms related to firearms, ammunition and explosives.
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