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pooblastila za urejanje
1 Končna redakcija
ker mora imeti Komisija pooblastilo za urejanje takega primera na podlagi Uredbe št. 17 z odločbo, ki velja za naprej;
whereas the Commission must have power to regulate such a case in pursuance of Regulation No 17 by way of decision having effect for the future;
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0006
Odobrijo se taktične in operativne potrebe za prihodnji čezmejni digitalni radijski sistem za policijske in carinske službe v schengenskih državah, opredeljene v skladu s pooblastilom iz člena 44 schengenske konvencije, pravila za izdelavo in urejanje enotnih šifrirnih algoritmov ter drugi sporazumi v pristojnosti podskupine za telekomunikacije, kot je to določeno v naslednjih devetih dokumentih.
The tactical and operational requirements for a future cross-border digital radio system for the police and customs services in the Schengen States defined in accordance with the mandate pursuant to Article 44, the rules for manufacturing and administering uniform encryption algorithms, and other agreements established within the remit of the Subgroup on telecommunications, as set out in the following nine documents, are hereby approved.
3 Pravna redakcija
Odobrijo se taktične in operativne potrebe za prihodnji čezmejni digitalni radijski sistem za policijske in carinske službe v schengenskih državah, opredeljene v skladu s pooblastilom iz člena 44 schengenske konvencije, pravila za izdelavo in urejanje enotnih šifrirnih algoritmov ter drugi sporazumi v pristojnosti podskupine za telekomunikacije, kot je to določeno v naslednjih devetih dokumentih.
The tactical and operational requirements for a future cross-border digital radio system for the police and customs services in the Schengen States defined in accordance with the mandate pursuant to Article 44, the rules for manufacturing and administering uniform encryption algorithms, and other agreements established within the remit of the Subgroup on telecommunications, as set out in the following nine documents, are hereby approved.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
Pooblastilo za urejanje pasti in metod lova s pastmi za lov na navedene kopenske in semiakvatične sesalce v Združenih državah imajo prvenstveno državne in plemenske oblasti. Spremno pismo
Authority to regulate traps and trapping methods for the taking in the United States of the specified terrestrial or semi-aquatic mammals resides primarily in the state and tribal authorities.Side letter
5 Prevajalska redakcija
Kot je prikazano v Potrjenem zapisniku, imajo pooblastilo za urejanje pasti in metod lova s pastmi za lov na kopenske in semiakvatične sesalce v Združenih državah prvenstveno državne in plemenske oblasti.
As reflected in the Agreed Minute, authority to regulate traps and trapping methods for the taking in the United States of terrestrial or semi-aquatic mammals resides primarily in the State and tribal authorities.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0094
Osebe, ki jih je ustrezno pooblastil Urad Evropske komisije za akreditacijo v zvezi z varnostjo, imajo lahko dostop do teh podatkov, le če je to potrebno za urejanje, vzdrževanje in razvoj omrežij CCN/CSI.
Persons duly accredited by the Security Accreditation Authority of the European Commission may have access to this information only in so far as is necessary for the care, maintenance and development of the CCN/CSI network.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1247
Poslovnik Evropskega nadzornika za varstvo podatkov, ki ga predvideva člen 46(k) Uredbe (ES) št. 45/2001, bi moral vsebovati zlasti postopkovne določbe o urejanju načina uporabe njegovih pooblastil.
The Rules of Procedure of the European Data-protection Supervisor, required by Article 46(k) of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, should contain, in particular, procedural provisions governing the manner in which he is to exercise his powers.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
Komisija lahko Strokovnemu svetu predloži katero koli vprašanje v zvezi s strokovno podlago za upravljanje in ohranjanje ribolovnih virov v območju urejanja in opredeli obseg pooblastil za obravnavo tega vprašanja.
The Commission may refer to the Scientific Council any question pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources within the Regulatory Area and shall specify terms of reference for the consideration of that question.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31970L0050
ker do tega pride, če je uvoz onemogočen ali otežen ali dražji kot prodaja izdelkov domače proizvodnje in če ta učinek ni potreben za doseganje cilja v okviru pooblastil za urejanje trgovine, ki jih državam članicah podeljuje Pogodba;
Whereas such is the case where imports are either precluded or made more difficult or costly than the disposal of domestic production and where such effect is not necessary for the attainment of an objective within the scope of the powers for the regulation of trade left to Member States by the Treaty;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Strokovni svet preuči in izdela poročilo o vsakem vprašanju, ki mu ga v zvezi s strokovno podlago za upravljanje in ohranjanje ribolovnih virov v območju urejanja predloži Komisija za ribištvo, ob upoštevanju obsega pooblastil, ki ga za zadevno vprašanje opredeli Komisija za ribištvo.
The Scientific Council shall consider and report on any question referred to it by the Fisheries Commission pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources within the Regulatory Area and shall take into account the terms of reference specified by the Fisheries Commission in respect of that question.
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pooblastila za urejanje