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popolni nadzor
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(c) poostrijo nadzor nad prenosi sredstev, ki ne vsebujejo popolnih podatkov o izdajatelju plačilnega naloga.
(c) To apply enhanced scrutiny to transfers of funds that do not contain complete information on the originator.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(c) spremembe postopkov, tako da se zagotovi popolno zgorevanje in s tem prepreči nastanek obstojnih organskih onesnaževal, in sicer z nadzorovanjem parametrov, kot je temperatura zgorevanja ali zadrževalni čas;
(c) Modification of process design to ensure complete combustion, thus preventing the formation of persistent organic pollutants, through the control of parameters such as incineration temperature or residence time;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 47-2009
11.3 Pogodbenice, ki se odločijo za popolnoma elektronski postopek pošiljanja zaprosil, morajo zagotoviti, da se vsa njihova zaprosila pošljejo prek nacionalne kontaktne službe iz pogodbe, ki mora biti pod nadzorom odgovornega uradnika.
11.3 The Parties opting for an entirely automated requesting procedure have to assure that all their requests have to pass through their national contact point provided for by the Treaty, which has to be under the supervision of a responsible officer.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(ii) pri določanju cone materialne bilance se izkoristi vsaka priložnost uporabe hrambe in nadzora, ki pomaga zagotoviti popolnost meritev pretoka materiala in s tem poenostavitev uporabe varovanja in osredotočenje merjenja na ključna mesta;
(ii) in determining the material balance area advantage shall be taken of any opportunity to use containment and surveillance to help ensure the completeness of flow measurements and thereby to simplify the application of safeguards and to concentrate measurement efforts at key measurement points;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Sicer pa je za škodo, nastalo zaradi popolne ali delne izgube ali poškodovanja predmetov, ročne prtljage ali živali, katerih nadzor je v skladu s 15. členom naloga samega potnika, prevoznik odgovoren samo, če ta škoda nastane po prevoznikovi krivdi.
2 In other respects, the carrier shall not be liable for the total or partial loss of, or damage to, articles, hand luggage or animals the supervision of which is the responsibility of the passenger in accordance with Article 15, unless this loss or damage is caused by the fault of the carrier.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
ker se zavzemajo za utrditev miru in v želji, da bi prispevale k ustavitvi oboroževalne tekme in doseganju splošne in popolne razorožitve pod strogim in učinkovitim mednarodnim nadzorom ter obvarovanju človeštva pred nevarnostjo uporabe novih sredstev vojskovanja,
Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare,
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(6) Ladje, ki uporabljajo ločeno gorivo, v skladu s pododstavkom (a) četrtega odstavka tega pravila omogočajo dovolj časa, da se sistem za dovajanje goriva popolnoma očisti vseh goriv, ki presegajo 1,5% m/m vsebnosti žvepla, pred vstopom na območje nadzora nad emisijami SOx.
(6) Those ships using separate fuel oils to comply with paragraph (4)(a) of this Regulation shall allow sufficient time for the fuel oil service system to be fully flushed of all fuels exceeding 1.5% m/m sulphur content prior to entry into a SOx Emission Control Area.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Nacionalni odredbodajalec zagotovi, da certifikacijski organ v potrdilu o letnem obračunu in revizijskem poročilu o ugotovitvah revizije iz prvega odstavka zlasti navede, ali si je pridobil zadostna zagotovila, da so obračuni, ki se pošiljajo Komisiji, resnični, popolni in točni in da so zadovoljivo delovali postopki notranjega nadzora.
The National Authorising Officer shall ensure that the Certifying Body's certificate on the annual account and the audit report of its findings referred to in paragraph 1 shall in particular state whether it has gained reasonable assurance that the accounts to be transmitted to the Commission are true, complete and accurate, and that the internal control procedures have operated satisfactorily.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
(d) kadar nacionalni zakoni in predpisi obeh pogodbenic dovoljujejo popolno lastništvo in nadzor njunih letalskih prevoznikov s strani državljanov druge pogodbenice ter obe pogodbenici dovoljujeta polno uporabo Priloge 1, se na podlagi odstavka 5, odstavka 6(e) in odstavka 9 člena 17 (Skupni odbor) tega sporazuma in na podlagi potrditve pogodbenic z njunimi postopki določbe Priloge 2 zgoraj ne uporabljajo več in velja Priloga 1.
(d) when the national laws and regulations of both Parties permit the full ownership and control of their airlines by nationals of the other Party and both Parties permit full application of Annex 1, pursuant to paragraphs 5, 6(e) and 9 of Article 17 (Joint Committee) of this Agreement and pursuant to a confirmation by the Parties through their respective procedures, the provisions of Annex 2 above shall no longer apply and Annex 1 shall take effect.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
V normalnih pogojih (popolni nadzor) vlak kontrolira naslednje značilnosti:
In normal condition (full supervision) the train controls the following characteristics:
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
sistemi s pogojnim dostopom, ki obratujejo na trgu v Skupnosti, morajo imeti potrebno tehnično zmogljivost za stroškovno učinkovit prenos krmilnih funkcij, kar omogoča obratovalcem omrežja na lokalni ali regionalni ravni popolni nadzor storitev, ki uporabljajo take sisteme s pogojnim dostopom;
(a) conditional access systems operated on the market in the Community are to have the necessary technical capability for cost-effective transcontrol allowing the possibility for full control by network operators at local or regional level of the services using such conditional access systems;
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Sistem ni popolnoma varen, vendar je dovolj varen za nadzor nad strojevodjo.
The system is safety related, not fail safe, but safe enough to supervise the driver.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Sistem ni popolnoma varen, vendar je dovolj varen za nadzor nad strojevodjo.
The system is not considered fail safe, but safe enough to supervise the driver.
14 Končna redakcija
In mogoče je reči, da so begunci popolnoma svobodni, pa hkrati nadzorovati vsak njihov korak.
And refugees can be said to be completely free, while their every movement is being regulated.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Modul H1 (popolno zagotavljanje kakovosti s pregledom načrtovanja in posebnim nadzorom končnega preskusa)
Module H1 (full quality assurance with design examination and special surveillance of the final test)
16 Končna redakcija
(2) Inštitutu mora subjekt nadzora izročiti dokumentacijo, iz katere je razviden popolni opis dela računalniškega sistema.
(2) The subject under supervision shall submit to the Institute the documentation comprising the complete description of the operation of the computer system.
17 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) Banki Slovenije mora subjekt nadzora izročiti dokumentacijo, iz katere je razviden popolni opis dela računovodskega sistema.
(2) The subject of supervision must produce to the Bank of Slovenia the documents from which is evident a complete description of the operation of the accounting system.
18 Končna redakcija
Pri merjenju natančno termostatsko nadzorovanje temperature ni potrebno, ker so vsi morebitni temperaturni popravki popolnoma v mejah napake.
When measuring, there is no need for precise thermostatic control since any possible temperature corrections are clearly within possible limits of error.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Sistem deluje popolnoma v ozadju, kar pomeni, da strojevodji ne daje nobenih indikacij o signalnem vidiku, temveč zgolj nakazuje, da je vlak nadzorovan.
It acts completely in background mode, that means that is does not give the driver any indications about signal aspects, it only indicates that the train is supervised.
20 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se v primeru izbruhov afriške prašičje kuge lahko nemudoma ustanovi popolnoma funkcionalno državno središče za nadzor bolezni.
Member States shall ensure that a fully functional national disease control centre can be immediately set up in the event of any outbreaks of African swine fever.
21 Končna redakcija
(2) Carinska uprava opravi pregled objektov, ki zagotavljajo izvajanje carinskega nadzora v ekonomski coni v roku 30 dni od prejema popolnega zahtevka ustanovitelja.
(2) Customs Administration shall perform the inspection of premises which provide the performance of customs supervision in the economic zone within 30 days after the receipt of the complete request of the founder.
22 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se v primeru izbruhov afriške prašičje kuge lahko nemudoma ustanovijo popolnoma funkcionalna lokalna središča za nadzor bolezni.
Member States shall ensure that fully functional local disease control centres can be immediately set up in the event of any outbreaks of African swine fever.
23 Končna redakcija
Za razliko od popolne deregulacije v tiskanih medijih je država (v večini nekdanjih socialističnih državah) še naprej poskušala nadzorovati radiodifuzne medije.
In contrast to the complete deregulation of the print media Weld, most ex-socialist countries attempted to retain control over the broadcast media.
24 Končna redakcija
Pri pisanju novega zakona sploh niso upoštevali zgodovinskega razvoja in posebnosti albanske družbe oz. njenega skrajno nerazvitega (in v preteklosti popolnoma nadzorovanega) medijskega sistema.
However, the makers of this law did not take into consideration the historical development and special features of Albanian society, i.e. the rudimentary media system that had been subject to total control in the past.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0789
Ti podatki vsebujejo popolno dokumentacijo o ladji in po potrebi seznam izboljšav, ki jih zahteva izhodni register zaradi vpisa ladje ali obnovitve njenih spričeval, ter o vsakem zapoznelem nadzoru.
This information shall contain the history file of the vessel and, if applicable, a list of the improvements required by the losing register for registering the ship or renewing her certificates and of overdue surveys.
26 Končna redakcija
Taki obrati morajo v popolnosti izpolnjevati zahteve EU za obrate, vključno z izvajanjem sistema analize tveganj in kritičnih nadzornih točk (HACCP) (iz člena 14 Direktive 92/46/EGS fn ) in dokazati svojo sposobnost, da v popolnosti izpolnijo pogoje, navedene v nadaljevanju, vključno z ločeno namembnostjo ustreznih proizvodnih linij:
Such establishments must fully comply with the EU requirements for establishments, including the implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system (referred to in Article 14 of Directive 92/46/EEC fn ), and must demonstrate their capacity to fully comply with the following conditions, including designating their relevant production lines:
27 Končna redakcija
Mediji so po teh določbah izvrševalci državne politike in čuvarji skrivnosti vladajočih, kar je v popolnem nasprotju z vlogo nadzornika oblasti, ki jo mediji imajo v modernih demokratičnih družbah. (...)
These provisions turned the media into the executioners of national politics and guardians of the secretes of the ruling power, which is contrary to the supervisory role they have in democratic societies. (...)
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Pravilo XI-2/9.2 določa ukrepe za zagotavljanje skladnosti ladij, ki nameravajo vstopiti v pristanišče druge vlade pogodbenice, in uvaja popolnoma drugačen koncept nadzora iz poglavja XI-2, ki se nanaša samo na zaščito.
Regulation XI-2/9.2 applies control measures to ensure compliance to ships intending to enter a port of another Contracting Government and introduces an entirely different concept of control within chapter XI-2, applying to security only.
29 Končna redakcija
odloči o podaljšanju uporabe sheme enotnega plačila na površino s strani nove države članice za obdobje, ki ga oceni kot potrebnega, da se zagotovi popolna vzpostavitev in ustrezno delovanje potrebnih postopkov upravljanja in nadzora.
decide to extend the application of the single area payment scheme by the new Member State for the period estimated necessary to allow for the necessary management and control procedures to be fully in place and to function properly.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Sodišča, pristojna za nadzor nad popolno skladnostjo z minimalnimi postopkovnimi standardi, morajo v primeru ustreznosti izdati standardizirano potrdilo o evropskem nalogu za izvršbo, ki zagotavlja preglednost navedenega nadzora in njegovega rezultata.
The courts competent for scrutinising full compliance with the minimum procedural standards should, if satisfied, issue a standardised European Enforcement Order certificate that makes that scrutiny and its result transparent.
31 Končna redakcija
(4) Vlada odloči o zahtevku v 30 dneh od prejema popolnega zahtevka na podlagi mnenja ministrstev, pristojnih za ekonomske odnose s tujino, gospodarske dejavnosti in finance ter mnenja Carinske uprave Republike Slovenije o pogojih za izvajanje carinskega nadzora.
(4) The Government shall make a decision on the request within 30 days after the receipt of a complete request on the basis of the opinion of ministers responsible for external economic relations, economic activities and finance, and the opinion of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia on the conditions for carrying out customs supervision.
32 Končna redakcija
Naročniku ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku je treba predložiti popolno evidenco, ki spremlja ES-certifikat o verifikaciji, v podporo ES-certifikatu o verifikaciji, ki jo izda priglašeni organ, ter priložiti k ES-izjavi o verifikaciji, ki jo sestavi naročnik, in je namenjena za nadzorni organ.
The complete records accompanying the certificate of EC verification must be lodged with the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative in support of the certificate of EC verification issued by the notified body and must be attached to the EC declaration of verification drawn up by the adjudicating entity intended for the supervisory authority.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
ali je predlagana koncentracija popolna pravno-formalna združitev, pridobitev izključnega ali skupnega nadzora, polno delujoče skupno podjetje v smislu člena 3(4) Uredbe o združitvi ES ali pogodba ali drugo sredstvo, ki podeljuje neposredni ali posredni nadzor v smislu člena 3(2) Uredbe o združitvi ES;
whether the proposed concentration is a full legal merger, an acquisition of sole or joint control, a full-function joint venture within the meaning of Article 3(4) of the EC Merger Regulation or a contract or other means of conferring direct or indirect control within the meaning of Article 3(2) of the EC Merger Regulation;
34 Pravna redakcija
Te razširitve ne smejo biti izdane, če je funkcija nadzora popolnoma izostala.
Such extensions may not be issued if there is a complete lack of monitoring capability.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2474
Komisije ni prepričal, da je zdaj ta družba popolnoma brez državnega nadzora.
The Commission was not satisfied that tis company was now free from State control.
36 Pravna redakcija
popolna uskladitev s pravnim redom Skupnosti; popolna uskladitev evropskih standardov; popolna okrepitev obstoječih struktur za certificiranje, tržni nadzor in ocenjevanje skladnosti.
complete alignment with the EU acquis; complete alignment of European standards; complete strengthening of existing certification, market surveillance and conformity-assessment structures.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1915
Poleg tega so biki v centrih za zbiranje semena pod uradnim nadzorom, zaradi česar je mogoče zagotoviti, da bodo po smrti popolnoma uničeni.
(6) In addition, bulls at semen collection centres are under official control, which makes it possible to ensure that they are completely destroyed following death.
38 Pravna redakcija
Za odkrivanje pravilnega delovanja sistemov za nadzor emisij in odkrivanje sistemov za nadzor emisij, ki za popolno oceno potrebujejo nadaljnje obratovanje vozila, se uporabljajo ločene kode stanja.
Separate status codes must be used to identify correctly functioning emission control systems and those emission control systems which need further vehicle operation to be fully evaluated.
39 Pravna redakcija
Za opravljanje teh nalog je Skupni nadzorni organ upravičen do popolnega dostopa do vseh datotek, v katerih se takšni osebni podatki obdelujejo.
In order to fulfil these tasks, the Joint Supervisory Body shall be entitled to have full access to all files where such personal data are processed.
40 Pravna redakcija
Da bi PVO lahko zagotavljal popoln "politični nadzor in strateško usmerjanje" vojaškega kriznega upravljanja, se vzpostavijo naslednji postopki:
The following arrangements will be put in place to enable the PSC to ensure full "political control and strategic direction" of a military crisis-management operation:
41 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0096
Brez poseganja v druge določbe Skupnosti lahko države članice pod davčnim nadzorom uporabijo popolne ali delne izjeme glede ravni obdavčitve za:
Without prejudice to other Community provisions, Member States may apply under fiscal control total or partial exemptions or reductions in the level of taxation to:
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1334
Kitajski izvozniki so nasprotovali, češ da je sodelujoči indijski proizvajalec popolnoma v državni lasti in da zato cene KŽM v Indiji nadzoruje vlada.
The Chinese exporters raised the argument that the cooperating Indian producer is entirely State-owned and hence the prices of CCM in India are controlled by the government.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
Komisija prepove iztovarjanje sleda, če se zdi, da z izvajanjem ukrepov iz točk 1 and 2 ni dosežen popoln nadzor umrljivosti sleda v vseh oblikah ribištva.
The Commission shall prohibit landings of herring if it is deemed that implementation of the measures mentioned in points 1 and 2 does not achieve a strict control of fishing mortality of herring in all fisheries.
44 Pravna redakcija
ker bi se upravne preiskave morale izvajati pod vodstvom direktorja urada, popolnoma neodvisno od institucij, organov, uradov in agencij ter od nadzornega odbora;
Whereas administrative investigations should be conducted under the authority of the Director of the Office, in full independence from the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and from the Supervisory Committee;
45 Pravna redakcija
Kot posledica dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev organizacije se lahko pojavijo pomembni okoljski vidiki, nad katerimi organizacija morda nima popolnega upravljavskega nadzora.
As a result of the activities, products and services of an organisation there may be significant environmental aspects over which it may not have full management control.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Če se deklaracija za vnos blaga v postopek carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kakor nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime in popoln naslov nadzornega urada.
Where a declaration entering goods for the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
47 Pravna redakcija
Pri pregledovanju modela nadzorni organ preveri, da je bil model izdelan v skladu s proizvajalčevo tehnično dokumentacijo in ga je mogoče popolnoma varno uporabljati za njegov predviden namen.
When examining the model, the inspection body shall verify that it has been produced in accordance with the manufacturer's technical file and can be used in complete safety for its intended purpose.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
čim prej je to mogoče po datumu tega obvestila, vendar ne kasneje kakor 60 po tem obvestilu, če ni drugače dogovorjeno z nadzornikom, predloži nadzorniku popolne in podrobne podatke o svoji terjatvi.
as soon as is reasonably practicable after the date of such notice but not later than 60 days after such notice, unless otherwise agreed by the supervisor, submit to the supervisor full and detailed particulars of his claim.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Če se deklaracija za ponovni izvoz po zavrnitvi postopka carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kot nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime s popolnim naslovom nadzornega urada.
Where a re-export declaration discharging the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
50 Pravna redakcija
Da bi lahko države članice nadzorovale vsako neprimerno obnašanje, naj vsaj predpišejo jasno vodenje ločenih računovodskih evidenc med dvema dejavnostma, čeprav je zaželena popolna strukturna ločitev.
To allow the monitoring of any improper behaviour, Member States should therefore at least impose a clear separation of financial records between the two activities, though full structural separation is preferable.
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popolni nadzor