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poravnalni znesek
1 Pravna redakcija
Stranki potrjujeta, da pogoji tega sporazuma, vse transakcije, ki jih ta sporazum ureja, vse spremembe pogojev za te transakcije in samo en poravnalni znesek, ki zapade v plačilo v okviru kateregakoli sporazuma o neto poravnavi, predstavljajo enoten posel ter pogodbeno razmerje in dogovor.
The parties acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement, all transactions governed by this Agreement, any amendments to the terms of such transactions, and the single net balance payable under any netting agreement constitute a single business and contractual relationship and arrangement.
2 Pravna redakcija
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Stranki potrjujeta, da pogoji tega sporazuma, vse transakcije, ki jih ta sporazum ureja, vse spremembe pogojev za te transakcije in samo en poravnalni znesek, ki zapade v plačilo v okviru kateregakoli sporazuma o neto poravnavi, predstavljajo enoten posel ter pogodbeno razmerje in dogovor.
The Parties acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement, all transactions governed by this Agreement, any amendments to the terms of such transactions, and the single net balance payable under any netting agreement constitute a single business and contractual relationship and arrangement.
3 Pravna redakcija
Če pride do odpovedi zaradi kršitve, ECB izračuna, čim hitreje je to razumno izvedljivo, zapadle obveznosti vsake stranke, ki jih dolguje drugi stranki po vsakem sporazumu o neto poravnavi (vključno s Prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu), v zvezi s katerim je prišlo do odpovedi zaradi kršitve, in združi vsote, ki jih dolguje vsaka stranka drugi stranki po tem sporazumu o neto poravnavi (vključno s Prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu), vedno pa v osnovni valuti ali v njo preračunano samo stranka, ki dolguje več, izplača poravnalni znesek.
Should a default termination occur, the ECB shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, take an account of what is due from each party to the other under each netting agreement (including under Appendix 2 of this Agreement) in respect of which default termination has occured and aggregate the sums due from each party to the other under such netting agreements (including under Appendix 2 to this Agreement), in every case in or converted into the base currency, and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the party owing the larger aggregate sum.
4 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Če pride do odpovedi zaradi kršitve, ECB izračuna, čim hitreje je to razumno izvedljivo, zapadle obveznosti vsake stranke, ki jih dolguje drugi stranki po vsakem sporazumu o neto poravnavi (vključno s Prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu), v zvezi s katerim je prišlo do odpovedi zaradi kršitve, in združi vsote, ki jih dolguje vsaka stranka drugi stranki po tem sporazumu o neto poravnavi (vključno s Prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu), vedno pa v osnovni valuti ali v njo preračunano samo stranka, ki dolguje več, izplača poravnalni znesek.
Should a default termination occur, the ECB shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, take an account of what is due from each Party to the other under each netting agreement (including under Appendix 2 to this Agreement) in respect of which default termination has occurred and aggregate the sums due from each Party to the other under such netting agreements (including under Appendix 2 to this Agreement), in every case in or converted into the base currency, and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the Party owing the larger aggregate sum.
5 Pravna redakcija
V tem sporazumu "vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi" pomeni katerikoli obstoječi sporazum med strankama (vključujoč, brez izjem, ta sporazum in vse take sporazume, ki so našteti v Dodatku 1 k temu sporazumu), vključno s tistimi spremembami in dodatki, o katerih se lahko občasno dogovorita ECB in sodelujoča stranka (v nadaljevanju "stranki"), ki vsebuje določbe v smislu, da, če pride do kakršnegakoli primera kršitve, ki je opredeljen za namene takšnega sporazuma, obstaja možnost predčasne odpovedi, likvidacije, zaključka ali povezovanja v zvezi z odpovedjo bodisi transakcij bodisi obveznosti v okviru transakcij ("odpoved zaradi kršitve"), in da se lahko ustrezne obveznosti strank v okviru takega sporazuma sestavijo, združijo ali poravnajo med strankama tako, da se pripravi samo en poravnalni znesek, ki ga ena stranka plača drugi.
In this Agreement, a "netting agreement" means any agreeement for the time being in effect between the Parties (and including, without limitation, this Agreement and agreements of the kind listed in Appendix 1 to this Agreement), including such modifications and additions thereto as may be agreed between the ECB and the Counterparty (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), from time to time, which contains provisions to the effect that, should any event of default as defined for the purposes of such agreement occur, there may be an early termination, liquidation, closing-out or acceleration of transactions or obligations under transactions or any analogous event (a "default termination") and the respective obligations of the parties under such agreement may be combined, aggregated or netted against each other so as to produce a single net balance payable by one Party to the other.
6 Pravna redakcija
V tem sporazumu "vzorčni sporazum o neto poravnavi" pomeni katerikoli obstoječi sporazum med strankama (vključujoč, brez izjem, ta sporazum in vse take sporazume, ki so našteti v Dodatku 1 k temu sporazumu), vključno s tistimi spremembami in dodatki, o katerih se lahko občasno dogovorita ECB in sodelujoča stranka (v nadaljevanju "stranki"), ki vsebuje določbe v smislu, da, če pride do kakršnegakoli primera kršitve, ki je opredeljen za namene takšnega sporazuma, obstaja možnost predčasne odpovedi, likvidacije, zaključka ali povezovanja v zvezi z odpovedjo bodisi transakcij bodisi obveznosti v okviru transakcij ("odpoved zaradi kršitve"), in da se lahko ustrezne obveznosti strank v okviru takšnega sporazuma sestavijo, združijo ali poravnajo med strankama tako, da se pripravi samo en poravnalni znesek, ki ga ena stranka plača drugi.
In this Agreement, a "netting agreement" means any agreement for the time being in effect between the Parties (and including, without limitation, this Agreement and agreements of the kind listed in Appendix 1 to this Agreement), including such modifications and additions thereto as may be agreed between the ECB and the Counterparty (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) from time to time, which contains provisions to the effect that, should any event of default as defined for the purposes of such agreement occur, there may be an early termination, liquidation, closing-out or acceleration of transactions or obligations under transactions or any analogous event (a "default termination") and the respective obligations of the Parties under such agreement may be combined, aggregated or set-off against each other so as to produce a single net balance payable by one Party to the other.
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