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poročilo o preskušanju
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L1067
Poročilo o preskušanju opredeli uporabljeni analitski postopek kot tudi dobljene rezultate.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L1067
Poročilo o preskušanju mora podati vse potrebne informacije za popolno identifikacijo vzorca.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Poročilo o preskušanju iz člena 57 osnovne uredbe podpiše odgovorni član osebja urada za preskušanje sort in izrecno izjavi, da ima urad izključne pravice do razpolaganja po členu 57(4) iste uredbe.
The examination report referred to in Article 57 of the Basic Regulation shall be signed by the responsible member of the staff of the Examination Office and shall expressly acknowledge the exclusive rights of disposal of the Office under Article 57 (4) of the Regulation.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
Poročilo o preskušanju.
Testing report.
5 Končna redakcija
evidenco o kakovosti, kot so poročila o inšpekcijskih pregledih in podatki o preskušanju, podatki o kalibraciji, poročila o usposobljenosti zadevnega osebja itn.
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports of the personnel concerned, etc.
6 Končna redakcija
evidenco o kakovosti, kakor jo predvideva proizvodni del sistema kakovosti, kot so poročila o inšpekcijskih pregledih in podatki o preskušanju, podatki o kalibraciji, poročila o usposobljenosti zadevnega osebja, itn.
the quality records as foreseen by the manufacturing part of the quality system, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports of the personnel concerned, etc.
7 Končna redakcija
evidenco o kakovosti, kakor jo predvideva proizvodni del sistema kakovosti (vključno z montažo in namestitvijo), kot so poročila o inšpekcijskih pregledih in podatki o preskušanju, podatki o kalibraciji, poročila o usposobljenosti zadevnega osebja, itn.
the quality records as foreseen by the manufacturing part (including assembling and installation) of the quality system, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports of the personnel concerned, etc.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Pristojni organi izdelajo poročilo o oceni zdravila in pripombe na dokumentacijo v zvezi z rezultati farmacevtskih in predkliničnih preskusov ter kliničnih preskušanj zadevnega zdravila.
The competent authorities shall draw up an assessment report and comments on the file as regards the results of the pharmaceutical and pre-clinical tests and the clinical trials of the medicinal product concerned.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Pristojni organ izdela poročilo o oceni zdravila ter komentarje o dokumentaciji glede rezultatov farmacevtskih preskusov in preskusov varnosti in zaostankov ter predkliničnih in kliničnih preskušanj za zadevno zdravilo za uporabo v veterinarski medicini.
The competent authority shall draw up an assessment report and comments on the file as regards the results of the pharmaceutical, safety and residue tests and the pre-clinical and clinical trials of the veterinary medicinal product concerned.
10 Pravna redakcija
Poročila o preskušanju
Examination reports
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Druga poročila o preskušanju
Other examination reports
12 Pravna redakcija
Pristojbina v višini 300 ekujev za poročilo o preskušanju iz člena 94 postopkovne uredbe zapade v plačilo v roku, ki ga določi urad, ne glede na člen 8.
Notwithstanding Article 8, a report fee of ECU 300 shall be due in the case of an examination report referred to in Article 94 of the Proceedings Regulation within such time limit as the Office shall specify.
13 Pravna redakcija
Če urad meni, da poročilo o preskušanju ne predstavlja zadovoljive podlage za odločbo, lahko na svojo pobudo, po posvetu s prijaviteljem ali na njegovo zahtevo zahteva dodatno preskušanje.
Where the Office does not consider the examination report to constitute a sufficient basis for decision, it may provide of its own motion, after consultation of the applicant, or on request of the applicant for complementary examination.
14 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo urada ali če urad za preskušanje sort meni, da so rezultati preskušanja zadostni za oceno sorte, pošlje uradu poročilo o preskušanju in, kadar meni, da so pogoji iz členov 7 do 9 izpolnjeni, opis sorte.
The Examination Office shall, at the request of the Office or if it deems the results of the technical examination to be adequate to evaluate the variety, send the Office an examination report, and, where it considers that the conditions laid down in Articles 7 to 9 are complied with, a description of the variety.
15 Pravna redakcija
Namestitev antene mora biti navedena v poročilu o preskušanju.
The antenna location must be noted in the test report.
16 Pravna redakcija
O vseh študijah in preskušanjih je treba izdelati poročilo, bodisi da je ugodno ali neugodno za predlagatelja.
All studies and trials must be reported, whether favourable or unfavourable to the applicant.
17 Pravna redakcija
če na podlagi poročil o preskušanju iz člena 57 sprejme mnenje, da pogoji iz členov 7, 8 in 9 niso izpolnjeni.
it reaches the opinion on the basis of the examination reports pursuant to Article 57, that the conditions laid down in Articles 7, 8 and 9 have not been fulfilled.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
- kolikor končno poročilo ni takoj na voljo, se vmesna poročila o vsakem obdobju rasti predložijo Uradu pred poročilom o preskušanju.
- where the final report is not immediately available, the interim reports on each growing period are submitted to the Office prior to the examination report.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Izkušnje Urada pa so pokazale, da je treba upoštevati tudi druga poročila o preskušanju od poročil, navedenih v členu 27.
The experience of the Office has however shown the need to consider other examination reports as specified in Article 27.
20 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo urada ali, če urad za preskušanje sort, ki mu je zaupano preverjanje, ugotovi, da sorta ni izenačena ali nespremenljiva, urad za preskušanje sort pošlje uradu poročilo o svojih ugotovitvah.
At the request of the Office, or if it establishes that the variety is not uniform or stable, the Examination Office entrusted with the technical verification shall send the Office a report on its findings.
21 Pravna redakcija
Ta pristojbina ne presega pristojbine, zaračunane v državi članici za prenos poročila o preskušanju iz organa, ki izvaja poskuse v drugi državi;
Such fee shall not exceed the fee charged in the Member State concerned for the transmission of an examination report from a testing authority in another country;
22 Pravna redakcija
Ustrezno(-a) poročilo(-a) o preskušanju, ki ga (jih) predloži proizvajalec ali priznana/pooblaščena tehnična služba zaradi sestavljanja certifikata o homologaciji.
Relevant test report(s) supplied by the manufacturer or approved/recognized laboratories for the purpose of drawing up the type-approval certificate.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Predložijo se poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah in študijah začetnega prenašanja pri zdravih udeležencih preskušanja in pri bolnikih, poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah za presojo učinkov intrinzičnih in ekstrinzičnih faktorjev, ter poročila o farmakokinetičnih študijah na skupini ljudi.
Reports of pharmaco-kinetic and initial tolerability studies in healthy subjects and in patients, reports of pharmaco-kinetic studies to assess effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and reports of population pharmaco-kinetic studies shall be provided.
24 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi pravilnega prepoznavanja ustreznih standardov morajo poročila o preskusih in ustrezni certifikati o homologaciji navajati posebni standard preskušanja, ki je bil uporabljen, in njegovo različico, kakor je označeno v stolpcu 5.
For the purpose of identifying correctly the relevant standards, the test reports and the appropriate type-approval certificates shall specify the specific testing standard applied and its version, as identified in column 5.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Če Urad poročila o preskušanju iz odstavka 1 ne šteje za zadostno podlago za odločitev, lahko po posvetovanju s prijaviteljem in zadevnim uradom za preskušanje sort postopa v skladu s členom 55 osnovne uredbe.
Where the Office does not consider the examination report referred to in paragraph 1 to constitute a sufficient basis for a decision, it may follow the procedure under Article 55 of the Regulation, after consultation of the applicant and the Examination Office concerned.
26 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi morajo izdelati poročilo o oceni zdravila ter komentarje o dokumentaciji glede rezultatov analitskih in farmakološko toksikoloških preskusov ter kliničnih preskušanj za zadevno zdravilo za uporabo v veterinarski medicini.
The competent authorities shall draw up an assessment report and comments on the dossier as regards the results of the analytical and pharmacotoxicological tests and the clinical trials of the veterinary medicinal product concerned.
27 Pravna redakcija
Upravna taksa za poročilo o rezultatih preskušanja, ki je bilo že opravljeno v skladu s členom 27 izvedbenih pravil pred datumom prijave v skladu s členom 51 osnovne uredbe, zapade v plačilo v roku, ki ga določi urad.
In the case of an examination report on the results of a technical examination which has already been carried out, in accordance with Article 27 of the Implementing Rules, prior to the date of application under Article 51 of the Basic Regulation, an administrative fee shall be due within such time limit as the Office shall specify.
28 Pravna redakcija
ker je za prožno upravljanje stroškov predsednik urada pooblaščen, da določi pristojbine, plačljive za poročila o preskušanju, ki že obstajajo na dan prijave in uradu niso na voljo, ter za posebne opravljene storitve;
Whereas to ensure flexibility in the management of costs, the President of the Office should be empowered to lay down the fees payable for examination reports which already exist at the date of application and are not available to the Office, and for specific services rendered;
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
- seznam raziskovalca(-ev), vsak raziskovalec pa navede svoje ime, naslov, zadolžitve, usposobljenost in klinične dolžnosti, izjavo o kraju preskušanja ter zbere podatke o vsakem posameznem bolniku, vključno z obrazcem za poročilo o primerih pri vsakem posamezniku, udeleženem v preskušanju,
- the list of investigator(s), and each investigator shall give his name, address, appointments, qualifications and clinical duties, state where the trial was carried out and assemble the information in respect of each patient individually, including case report forms on each trial subject
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Urad in vsak pristojen nacionalni urad za sorte rastlindržave članice nudijo drug drugemu upravno pomoč, tako da na zahtevo dajo na razpolago poročila o preskušanju sorte za namene presoje razločljivosti, izenačenosti in nespremenljivosti sorte.
The Office and each competent national plant variety office in a Member State shall give administrative assistance to the other by making available, upon request, any examination reports on a variety, for the purpose of assessing distinctiveness, uniformity and stability of that variety.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Urad lahko poročilo o rezultatih preskušanja sorte, ki ga je za uradne namene v državi članici izvajal ali ga izvaja eden od uradov, pristojnih za zadevno sorto v skladu s členom 55(1) osnovne uredbe, šteje za zadostno podlago za odločitev, če:
An examination report on the results of any technical examination which has been carried out or is in the process of being carried out for official purposes in a Member State by one of the offices responsible for the species concerned pursuant to Article 55(1) of the Basic Regulation may be considered by the Office to constitute a sufficient basis for decision, provided that:
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0815
(31) SCTEE, s katerim se je posvetovala Komisija, je v svojem mnenju z dne 28. septembra 1999 o poročilih TNO, LGC in CPSC (Združene države) o validaciji preskusnih metod za migracijo ftalatov sklenil, da trenutno nobena od metod za preskušanje migracije ftalatov, ki so se poskušale validirati, ni primerna za kontrolo.
(31) The SCTEE, consulted by the Commission. has concluded in its opinion of 28 September 1999 on TNO, LGC and United States CPSC reports on phthalate-migration test validation that none of the phthalate-migration test methods which have been subject to validation attempts is currently suitable for control purposes;
33 Pravna redakcija
glede zahteve za terminalske priključke in radijske oddajnike - preskušanje, izdajanje in sprejem poročil o preskusih, izvajanje potrebnih tehničnih vrednotenj in certificiranje skladnosti z zahtevami zakonov in predpisov, ki veljajo na območjih pogodbenic za proizvode, na katere se nanaša ta priloga,
for terminal attachment and radio transmission requirements - testing, issuing and acceptance of test reports, performance of required technical evaluation and certification of compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations applicable in the territories of the Parties for products covered under this Annex,
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
Urad lahko poročilo o rezultatih preskušanja sorte, ki je bilo izvedeno ali se izvaja za uradne namene v tretji državi, ki je članica Mednarodne zveze za varstvo novih sort rastlin, šteje za zadostno podlago za odločitev, če je preskušanje sorte skladno s pogoji, določenimi v pisnem sporazumu med Uradom in pristojnim organom zadevne tretje države.
An examination report on the results of a technical examination which has been carried out or is in the process of being carried out for official purposes in a third country which is Member of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants may be considered by the Office to constitute a sufficient basis for decision, provided the technical examination complies with the conditions laid down in a written agreement between the Office and the competent authority of such third country.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
(2) Predpisi o postopkih na Uradu so določeni v Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 1239/95 fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 448/96 fn. Člen 27 navedene Uredbe določa, da se lahko poročila o preskušanju sorte, izdelana pod odgovornostjo organov države članice ali tretje države, ki je članica Mednarodne zveze za varstvo novih sort rastlin, štejejo kot zadostna podlaga za odločitev.
(2) The rules concerning the proceedings before the Office are laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1239/95(3), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 448/96(4). Article 27 of that Regulation provided that examination reports made under the responsibility of authorities of a Member State or a third country which is member of the International Union on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) could be considered a sufficient basis for decision.
36 Pravna redakcija
primerjava neobdelanih podatkov in povezanih zapisov z vmesnim ali zaključnim poročilom, da se ugotovi ali se je o neobdelanih podatkih pravilno poročalo, da se ugotovi ali je bilo preskušanje izvedeno skladno z načrtom študije in standardnimi operativnimi postopki, da se pridobijo dodatne informacije, ki niso navedene v poročilu ter ugotovi ali se je pri pripravi podatkov uporabil način dela, ki bi zmanjšal njihovo veljavnost.
a comparison of raw data and associated records with the interim or final report in order to determine whether the raw data have been accurately reported, to determine whether testing was carried out in accordance with the study plan and standard operating procedures, to obtain additional information not provided in the report, and to establish whether practices were employed in the development of data that would impair their validity,
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
Poročilo o preskušanju.
Testing report.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
Končno poročilo o preskušanju bo predloženo maja 2013.
The final study report for the trial will by submitted by May 2013.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Oblika poročil o preskušanju
Form of the examination reports
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
je urad imel možnost, da nadzira vodenje preskušanja, in - kadar končno poročilo ni takoj dosegljivo, se uradu predloži vmesna poročila o vsakem obdobju rasti, preden se predloži poročilo o preskušanju.
the Office has had the opportunity to monitor the conduct of the technical examination concerned, and - where the final report is not immediately available, the interim reports on each growing period are submitted to the Office prior to the examination report.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Ni poročil o primerih prevelikega odmerjanja med kliničnimi preskušanji.
No case of overdose has been reported during clinical trials.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0740
Poročila o preskušanju pripravijo neodvisni laboratoriji (tretja stranka).
Test reports shall be made by independent (third party) laboratories.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2181
kolikor končno poročilo ni takoj na voljo, se vmesna poročila o vsakem obdobju rasti predložijo Uradu pred poročilom o preskušanju.
where the final report is not immediately available, the interim reports on each growing period are submitted to the Office prior to the examination report.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0740
Pristojni organ, ki vlogo presoja, pa lahko izjemoma sprejme tudi poročila o preskušanju, ki so jih pripravili ustrezno akreditirani interni laboratoriji.
However, the competent body assessing the application may exceptionally accept test reports from suitably accredited in-house laboratories.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
Poročali so tudi o primerih akutne jetrne okvare pri osebah, zasvojenih z opioidi, tako v kliničnih preskušanjih kot v postmarketinških poročilih o neželenih učinkih.
Cases of acute hepatic injury have been reported in opioid-dependent addicts both in clinical trials and in post marketing adverse event reports.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0001
Če so te mejne vrednosti presežene, je treba v poročilu o preskusu navesti dobljeno korigirano vrednost in točno opisati pogoje preskušanja (temperaturo in tlak).
If these accepted values are exceeded, the corrected value obtained must be stated and the test conditions (temperature and pressure) specified exactly in the test report.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0001
Če so te mejne vrednosti presežene, je treba v poročilu o preskusu navesti dobljeno korigirano vrednost in točno opisati pogoje preskušanja (temperaturo in tlak).
If the limit values are exceeded the corrected value obtained must be stated and the test conditions (temperature and pressure) stated exactly in the test report.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0001
Če so te mejne vrednosti presežene, je treba v poročilu o preskusu navesti dobljeno korigirano vrednost in točno opisati pogoje preskušanja (temperaturo in tlak).
If these limits are exceeded, the corrected value obtained must be given and the test conditions (temperature and pressure) precisely stated in the test report.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0041
Če so mejne vrednosti presežene, je treba v poročilu o preskusu navesti dobljeno korigirano vrednost in natančno opisati pogoje preskušanja (temperaturo in tlak).
If the limit values are exceeded the corrected value obtained must be stated and the test conditions (temperature and pressure) stated exactly in the test report."
50 Prevajalska redakcija
35 Poročila o neučinkovitosti, predvsem pri profilaktično zdravljenih bolnikih, prihajajo iz kliničnih preskušanj in iz postmarketinških opazovanj zdravila ReFacto.
Reports of lack of effect, mainly in prophylaxis patients, have been received in the clinical trials and in the post-marketing setting for ReFacto.
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poročilo o preskušanju