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poročilo za obravnavo
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
DSB ne obravnava poročil v sprejem 20 dni po dnevu, ko so bila poslana članicam, da bi članicam zagotovili dovolj časa za proučitev poročil ugotovitvenega sveta.
In order to provide sufficient time for the Members to consider panel reports, the reports shall not be considered for adoption by the DSB until 20 days after the date they have been circulated to the Members.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
(d) obravnava poročila pogodbenic in izraža svoje mnenje o njih, po potrebi pridobiva pojasnila ter pripravlja poročila o izvajanju tega protokola za skupščino pogodbenic;
(d) to consider and comment on reports of the Parties, to seek clarifications as required, and prepare its own report on the implementation of this Protocol for the Meeting of the Parties;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Kar zadeva zahteve za obravnavo, za katere je Komisija po uveljavitvi tega protokola sprejela poročilo v skladu s prejšnjim 31. členom konvencije, se poročilo pošlje strankam, ki ga ne smejo objaviti.
With respect to applications in which the Commission, after the entry into force of this Protocol, has adopted a report in accordance with former Article 31 of the Convention, the report shall be transmitted to the parties, who shall not be at liberty to publish it.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Ko prispejo spisi s pritožbo k sodišču druge stopnje, pripravi sodnik poročevalec poročilo za obravnavanje zadeve na pritožbenem senatu.
When the files relating to the appeal reach the court of second instance, the reporting judge shall prepare a report on the appeal to be considered by the appellate panel.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Sekretariat pripravi seznam vprašanj o izvajanju, ki so v teh poročilih posebej navedena, za nadaljnjo obravnavo na Konferenci pogodbenic kot sestanku pogodbenic tega protokola.
The secretariat shall list those questions of implementation indicated in such reports for further consideration by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(e) obravnava in predloži Konferenci osnutek letnega programa in proračuna Organizacije, osnutek poročila Organizacije o izvajanju pogodbe, poročilo o uspešnosti izvajanja svojih dejavnosti in druga poročila, ki jih šteje za potrebna ali jih Konferenca lahko zahteva;
(e) Consider and submit to the Conference the draft annual programme and budget of the Organization, the draft report of the Organization on the implementation of this Treaty, the report on the performance of its own activities and such other reports as it deems necessary or that the Conference may request;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, pripravljena v skladu s št. 194 te konvencije, in odobravati, spreminjati ali zavračati osnutke priporočil iz teh poročil ter obravnavati poročila svetovalne skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v skladu s št. 197J in 197K te konvencije;
consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 194 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject draft recommendations contained in those reports,and consider the reports of the telecommunication standardization advisory group in accordance with Nos. 197J and 197K of this Convention;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
(b) pristojnih nacionalnih organih, odgovornih za sprejemanje poročil o onesnaženju morja z nafto ter nevarnimi in škodljivimi snovmi ter obravnavo zadev v zvezi z ukrepi pomoči med pogodbenicami;
(b) the competent national authorities responsible for receiving reports of pollution of the sea by oil and hazardous and noxious substances and for dealing with matters concerning measures of assistance between Parties;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, izdelana v skladu s št. 157 te konvencije, in odobriti, preoblikovati ali zavrniti osnutke priporočil, ki so vključena v teh poročilih, in preučiti poročila svetovalne skupine za radiokomunikacije, pripravljena v skladu s št. 106H te konvencije;
consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 157 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject the draft recommendations contained in those reports, and consider the reports of the radiocommunication advisory group prepared in accordance with No. 160H of this Convention;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Vsaka študijska skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij pripravi za svetovno konferenco o razvoju telekomunikacij poročilo o napredku pri delu in osnutke novih ali spremenjenih priporočil, ki naj jih obravnava konferenca.
Each telecommunication development study group shall prepare for the world telecommunication development conference a report indicating the progress of work and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the conference.
11 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
(b) v primerih, ko gre za zadeve, ki jih ta odstavek zajema, če ugotovitveni svet ugotovi, da gre tudi za reševanje sporov, ki pa so drugačni od tistih, ki jih ta odstavek zajema, ugotovitveni svet pošlje DSB poročilo, v katerem obravnava take zadeve, ter ločeno poročilo o zadevah, ki spadajo pod ta odstavek.
(b) in cases involving matters covered by this paragraph, if a panel finds that cases also involve dispute settlement matters other than those covered by this paragraph, the panel shall circulate a report to the DSB addressing any such matters and a separate report on matters falling under this paragraph.
12 Objavljeno
jasno poročilo o tveganjih in priložnostih, ki jih družba obravnava v sklopu trajnostnega razvoja, še posebno o nefinančnem tveganju in priložnostih, ki so potrebni za razumevanje njenega razvoja, uspešnost poslovanja in položaj družbe,
a clear report about risks and opportunities which the company handles within the framework of sustainable development in particular regarding non-financial risks and opportunities which are necessary for the understanding of its development, business performance and the position of the company,
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Vsaka študijska skupina pripravi za svetovno skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij poročilo o napredku pri delu, priporočila, sprejeta v skladu s posvetovalnim postopkom iz št. 192 zgoraj, in osnutke novih ali popravljenih priporočil, ki naj jih obravnava skupščina.
Each study group shall prepare for the world telecommunication standardization assembly a report indicating the progress of work, the recommendations adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure contained in No. 192 above, and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the assembly.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Na podlagi zadnjega poročila o uresničevanju konvencije je bil v Sloveniji, po ugotovitvah Odbora za odpravo diskriminacije žensk, dosežen določen napredek pri doseganju enakosti spolov, predvsem s sprejetjem ustrezne zakonodaje, vendar je preprečevanje in odpravljanje dejanske diskriminacije žensk še vedno premalo učinkovito in počasno (Poročilo Odbora za odpravo diskriminacije žensk o obravnavi drugega in tretjega periodičnega poročila Republike Slovenije na 29. zasedanju (New York, 20. junij- 18. julij 2003) (CEDAW/C/SR.620 in 621)).
however, progress in the prevention and elimination of de facto discrimination against women has been slow and not sufficiently effective (Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women after the consideration of the second and third periodic report of Slovenia at its 29th meeting (New York, 20 June - 18 July 2003 (see CEDAW/C/SR.620 and 621).
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) V primeru vložitve zahteve za določitev smernic iz prejšnjega odstavka pristojni upravni organ za gradbene zadeve razpiše obravnavo, na katero povabi pristojne soglasodajalce in občino, na katere območju leži zemljišče, ki je predmet gradbenega dovoljenja, nato pa na podlagi njihovih pogojev določi spisek pristojnih soglasodajalcev, opredeli projektne pogoje, v primeru graditve objekta z vplivi na okolje pa lahko tudi obseg poročila o vplivih na okolje, hkrati pa določi rok za dopolnitev vloge, v katerem mora investitor predložiti projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja s predpisanimi sestavinami.
In the case of the lodging of a request for the stipulation of the guidelines specified in the previous paragraph, the relevant administrative body for construction matters shall hold a hearing, to which it shall invite the relevant approving authorities and the municipality in which the land that is the subject of the building permit is situated, and then on the basis of their conditions shall define a list of relevant approving authorities, define the project conditions, define the scope of the environmental impact report in the case of a works with environmental impact, and set a deadline for the supplementation of the application, by which the investor must submit the project for acquiring the building permit with the prescribed elements.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Kadar mora dati odbor za poročila priporočilo, ki se nanaša na uradnika, katerega neposredno nadrejeni je član odbora, ta ne sme sodelovati pri obravnavanju zadeve.";
Where the Report Committee is called upon to make a recommendation concerning an official whose immediate superior is a member of the Committee, that member shall not take part in the consideration of his case.";
17 Končna redakcija
Mandat na tak način imenovanih direktorjev in namestnikov direktorjev se izteče ob koncu letne skupščine sveta guvernerjev, na kateri se obravnava letno poročilo za proračunsko leto 2007.
The terms of office of the directors and alternate directors so appointed shall expire at the end of the annual meeting of the Board of Governors during which the annual report for the 2007 financial year is examined.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
MSC je na svojem petinsedemdesetem zasedanju obravnaval poročilo te delovne skupine in priporočil, naj delo prevzame nadaljnja delovna skupina MSC, ustanovljena za čas med zasedanji, ki se je sestala septembra 2002.
The seventy-fifth session of the MSC considered the report of that Working Group and recommended that work should be taken forward through a further MSC Intersessional Working Group, which was held in September 2002.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Poročilo o oceni, ki ga objavi Agencija po obravnavi vloge za določitev najvišjih mejnih vrednosti zaostankov v skladu z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2377/90, se lahko na primeren način uporabi kot literatura, zlasti v zvezi s preskusi varnosti.
The assessment report published by the Agency following the evaluation of an application for the establishment of maximum residue limits in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 may be used in an appropriate manner as literature, particularly for the safety tests.
20 Končna redakcija
Tudi komisija dz za nadzor proračuna in drugih javnih financ je obravnavala poročilo računskega sodišča o reviziji poslovanja rtvs v letih 1998 in 1999 in ugotovila, da je javni zavod kršil določila zrtvs in zakona o javnih naročilih.
In addition, the commission of the National Assembly responsible for monitoring the budget and other public finances also examined the said report and established violations of the rtv Slovenia Act and the Public Procurement Act.
21 Končna redakcija
Če se kozmetični izdelek prodaja na poseben način, zaradi česar se ne more obravnavati v skladu s temi predpisi, in če za ustrezne preizkusne metode ni določb, se lahko uporabi poseben postopek, če je pripravljen v pisni obliki kot del poročila o analizi.
If the cosmetic product is put up for sale in a special way, as a result of which it cannot be treated in accordance with these instructions, and if no provision is made for the relevant methods of examination an original procedure may be adopted, provided that it is set out in writing as part of the analysis report.
22 Končna redakcija
Kadar obravnava vprašanja, pomembna za celoten gospodarski razvoj in gospodarske politike, se poročila delovne skupine brez poseganja v vlogo Odbora stalnih predstavnikov posredujejo tudi Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru in/ali Odboru za ekonomsko politiko, z namenom pridobitve morebitnega mnenja.
When dealing with issues of relevance to overall economic developments and economic policies, reports of the working party should, without prejudice to the role of the Committee of Permanent Represenstatives, be also transmitted to the Economic and Financial Committee and/or to the Economic Policy Committee with a view to a possible opinion.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Ob petletni aktuarski oceni lahko Svet na podlagi poročila in, če je to primerno, skupaj s predlogom Komisije, ki ga ta predloži po pridobitvi mnenja Odbora za Kadrovske predpise, ponovno obravnava to prilogo, predvsem glede na njene proračunske posledice in aktuarsko ravnotežje.
On the occasion of the five-yearly actuarial assessment, this Annex may be reconsidered by the Council, particularly in the light of its budgetary implications and actuarial balance, on the basis of a report together with, if appropriate, a proposal from the Commission made after securing the opinion of the Staff Regulations Committee.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Vsak pregled na kraju samem v skladu s tem poglavjem je ne glede na to, ali je bil zadevni kmet izbran za pregled na kraju samem v skladu s členom 45 ali ga zaradi nadaljnjega spremljanja neskladnosti kakorkoli drugače obravnava pristojni nadzorni organ, predmet poročila o kontroli, ki ga pripravi pristojni kontrolni organ.
1.Every on-the-spot check under this Chapter, regardless whether the farmer in question was selected for the on-the-spot check in accordance with Article 45 or as a follow-up of non-compliances brought to the attention of the competent control authority in any other way, shall be the subject of a control report to be established by the competent control authority.
25 Končna redakcija
Tudi poročilo MacBridove komisije omenja poleg pravice do popravka tudi pravico do odgovora in celo pravico do pritožbe 'proti zavrnitvi komunikacije', pa ameriško komisijo za federalne komunikacije, ki obravnava pritožbe zaradi neuravnoteženega prikaza kontroverznih javnih vprašanj itd. (Mnogo glasova, jedan svet; Jugounesco, Beograd 1980).
Furthermore, the MacBride commission report mentions, in addition to the right of correction, the right of reply, then the right of complaint against the 'refusal of communication', and also the American commission for federal communications, which deals with complaints about the unbalanced presentation of controversial public issues, etc. (Mnogo glasova, jedan svet/Many voices, one world, Jugounesco, Belgrade 1980)
26 Končna redakcija
(1) Organ iz prvega odstavka prejšnjega člena, pristojen za odločanje, zagotovi javno predstavitev osnutka odločbe in poročila iz 56. člena tega zakona oziroma celotnega projekta, če poročilo ne vsebuje vseh potrebnih sestavin iz drugega odstavka navedenega člena, in zagotoviti njegovo javno obravnavo ter javno zaslišanje nosilca posega v okolje.
(1) If the Ministry does not deny an environmental consent because of incompatibility of the project with the regulations, before the consent is issued the Ministry must guarantee the public presentation of the report cited in Article 56 of this Law or of the complete project if the report does not contain all the relevant information cited in Paragraph 2 of the same Article and guarantee its public discussion and a public hearing for the party responsible for the activity.
27 Končna redakcija
Splošna načela pravil konkurence, ki niso posebej povezana s telekomunikacijami, vendar se zanje v celoti lahko uporabljajo, je mogoče med drugim najti v pravnih aktih, sodbah Sodišča in odločbah Komisije, ki obravnavajo posamezne primere, v letnih poročilih Komisije o politiki na področju konkurence, sporočilih za javnost in v drugih obvestilih Komisije, namenjenih javnosti.
The general principles of competition rules not specifically connected with telecommunications but entirely applicable to these can be found, inter alia, in the regulatory acts, the Court judgments and the Commission decisions dealing with the individual cases, the Commission's yearly reports on competition policy, press releases and other public information originating from the Commission.
28 Končna redakcija
Konferenca soglaša, da bo Svet v okviru dejavnosti iz členov K.1 in K.3 določb o sodelovanju na področju pravosodja in notranjih zadev prednostno obravnaval vprašanja azilne politike držav članic, zato da do začetka 1993 sprejme skupne ukrepe za uskladitev vidikov te politike glede na delovni program in časovni razpored iz poročila o azilu, pripravljenega na zahtevo Evropskega sveta, ki se je sestal v Luxembourgu 28. in 29. junija 1991.
The Conference agrees that, in the context of the proceedings provided for in Articles K.1 and K.3 of the provisions on cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, the Council will consider as a matter of priority questions concerning Member States" asylum policies, with the aim of adopting, by the beginning of 1993, common action to harmonize aspects of them, in the light of the work programme and timetable contained in the report on asylum drawn up at the request of the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on 28 and 29 June 1991.
29 Pravna redakcija
Komisija skliče sestanek interesnih skupin za obravnavanje tega poročila do 30. junija vsako leto.
The Commission shall convene a meeting of stakeholders to discuss this report by 30 June each year.
30 Pravna redakcija
pristojni oblasti, ki je odgovorna za prejemanje in pošiljanje poročil o tej vrsti onesnaženja in za obravnavanje vprašanj v zvezi z
the competent authority responsible for receiving and dispatching reports of such pollution and for dealing with questions concerning
31 Pravna redakcija
V izjemnih primerih lahko predsedstvo odobri nadaljnje seje za obravnavo osnutka mnenja ali poročila ali podaljša rok za predstavitev osnutka.
In exceptional cases the Bureau may authorise further meetings to discuss a draft opinion or report, or may extend the time limit for the presentation of the draft.
32 Pravna redakcija
Letna poročila in druga poročila drugih institucij, glede katerih pogodbe predvidevajo posvetovanje z Evropskim parlamentom ali za katera se po drugih predpisih zahteva mnenje Evropskega parlamenta, se obravnavajo v obliki poročila, predloženega plenarnemu zasedanju.
Annual reports and other reports of other institutions, in respect of which the Treaties provide for consultation of the European Parliament or where other legal provisions require an opinion by the European Parliament, shall be dealt with by means of a report submitted to the plenary.
33 Pravna redakcija
Druga poročila in letna poročila drugih institucij, glede katerih ustanovitvene pogodbe predvidevajo posvetovanje z Evropskim parlamentom ali glede katerih je za razvoj Unije potrebno mnenje Evropskega parlamenta, se obravnavajo v obliki poročila, predloženega plenumu.
Other reports and annual reports of other institutions, in respect of which the Treaties provide for consultation of the European Parliament or in respect of which the development of the European Union necessitates an opinion by the European Parliament, shall be dealt with by means of a report submitted to the plenary.
34 Pravna redakcija
V okviru priprav za ta sklep Podskupina za meje in Centralna skupina v letu 1998 Izvršnemu odboru predložita poročilo. Izvršni odbor obravnava poročilo najkasneje na svojem zadnjem sestanku v letu 1998 in o tem sprejme sklep.
In preparation for this decision, the sub group on frontiers and the Central Group shall submit a report to the Executive Committee in 1998. The Executive Committee shall discuss this report at the latest during its last meeting in 1998 and adopt a decision.
35 Pravna redakcija
Tega ne bo storil, kadar je za to ali za naslednje delno zasedanje predvidena obravnava poročila o isti zadevi, razen če predsednik izjemoma predlaga drugače.
It shall not do so if a report on the same matter is scheduled for the same or the next part-session, unless the President, for exceptional reasons, proposes otherwise.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Kadar mora dati odbor za poročila priporočilo, ki se nanaša na uradnika, katerega neposredno nadrejeni je član odbora, ta ne sme sodelovati pri obravnavanju zadeve.";
Where the Report Committee is called upon to make a recommendation concerning an official whose immediate superior is a member of the Committee, that member shall not take part in the consideration of his case.";
37 Pravna redakcija
o pristojnih državnih oblasteh, odgovornih za sprejem poročil o onesnaževanju morja z nafto in drugimi škodljivimi snovmi in za obravnavanje zadevv zvezi s pomočjo med pogodbenicami;
the competent national authorities responsible for receiving reports of pollution of the sea by oil and other harmful substances and for dealing with matters concerning measures of assistance between Parties;
38 Pravna redakcija
Nadzorni agent pripravi v skladu z načrtom ob pomembnih fazah projekta, običajno vsaj enkrat na leto, poročilo za državo prejemnico in Odbor, v njem pa med drugim obravnava:
The monitoring agent reports at important stages of the project, in accordance with the established plan, normally at least once a year, to the beneficiary State and the Committee, giving, inter alia, the following information:
39 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupna komisija ne more pripraviti poročila o zadevi, za katero pogodbenica meni, da je nujna ali pomembna, predloži svojim organom mnenja obeh strani v nadaljnjo obravnavo.
In the event of the Joint Commission being unable to evolve a recommendation on a matter considered by either Contracting Party to be urgent or important, it shall submit the views of the two sides to the said authorities for further consideration.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
(iii) Po prejemu poročila SOMN lahko država pogodbenica v obdobju naslednjih dveh mesecev zahteva, da Komisija za ribištvo na posebni seji obravnava poročilo in sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
(iii) On receipt of the Stactic report, a Contracting Party may within a further period of two months request a special meeting of the Fisheries Commission to consider the report and to take appropriate action.
41 Pravna redakcija
Če predsednik dovoli posredovanje, lahko posrednik v tem primeru na podlagi poročila za obravnavo, ki mu je poslano, predloži svoje pripombe med ustnim postopkom, če do tega postopka pride."
In that event, if the President allows the intervention, the intervener may, on the basis of the Report for the Hearing communicated to him, submit his observations during the oral procedure, if that procedure takes place.".
42 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je vloženih več kakor petdeset sprememb k poročilu za obravnavo v Parlamentu, predsednik lahko po posvetovanju s predsednikom pristojnega odbora od tega odbora zahteva, da se sestane in obravnava spremembe.
When over fifty amendments have been tabled to a report for consideration in Parliament, the President may, after consulting its chairman, request the committee responsible to meet to consider the amendments.
43 Pravna redakcija
Če je zahteva po posredovanju narejena po izteku roka šestih tednov, ki so predpisani v členu 115(1), lahko posrednik na podlagi poročila za obravnavo, ki mu je poslano, predloži svoje pripombe med ustnim postopkom. "
Where the application to intervene is made after the expiry of the period of six weeks prescribed in Article 115(1), the intervener may, on the basis of the Report for the Hearing communicated to him, submit his observations during the oral procedure."
44 Pravna redakcija
Kadar Sodišče meni, da je treba več zadev obravnavati in o njih odločati v eni in isti sestavi Sodišča, je sestava taka kot je bila določena za zadevo, v zvezi s katero je bilo predhodno poročilo najprej obravnavano.
Where the Court considers that several cases must be heard and determined together by one and the same formation of the Court, the composition of that formation shall be that fixed for the case in respect of which the preliminary report was first examined.
45 Pravna redakcija
Informativna poročila obravnavajo posebej pomembno vprašanje, ki ga Odboru v informacijo pošljeta Svet ali Komisija, ali zadeve, v zvezi s katerimi se mora ali pa se lahko Odbor prosi za mnenje na podlagi ustanovitvene pogodbe.
Information reports shall deal with a problem of particular importance communicated to the Committee by the Council or the Commission for information purposes, or matters on which the Committee must or may be consulted under the Treaty.
46 Pravna redakcija
Svet meni, da je treba na tej stopnji dati prednost obravnavi predmeta pogodbe o zračnem prevozu zaradi določitve najmanjših zahtev in objavi rednih poročil za potrošnike, in se namerava o tem posvetovati z zainteresiranimi strankami.
At this stage, the Council believes that priority should be given to addressing the subject of the air transport contract in order to set its minimum requirements, and to publishing regular reports for consumers, and intends to consult interested parties on the matter.
47 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je EUEB zadovoljen z gornjimi pripravljalnimi deli za obravnavano skupino proizvodov in če je priložnostna delovna skupina dala pozitivno priporočilo, Komisiji posreduje zaključno poročilo, skupaj s predlogi o osnutku mandata, in od Komisije zahteva, da začne postopek za določitev ekoloških meril za obravnavano skupino proizvodov ter da EUEB mandate, ki upoštevajo zgoraj omenjene predloge.
When satisfied with the above preparatory work for a candidate product group and with the positive recommendation of the ad hoc working group, the EUEB shall forward the final report together with the proposals concerning the drafting of the mandate to the Commission, and shall request the Commission to initiate the procedure for setting the ecological criteria for the product group in question and to give a mandate to the EUEB that takes into account the abovementioned proposals.
48 Pravna redakcija
Predsednik Sodišča in predsedniki senatov pri vodenju ustnih postopkov, sodnik-poročevalec v svojem predhodnem poročilu in v svojem poročilu za obravnavo, sodniki in generalni pravobranilci pri postavljanju vprašanj in generalni pravobranilci pri izrekanju svojih mnenj lahko uporabljajo enega izmed jezikov, ki so omenjeni v prvem odstavku tega člena in ki ni jezik primera.
The President of the Court and the Presidents of Chambers in conducting oral proceedings, the Judge-Rapporteur both in his preliminary report and in his report for the hearing, Judges and Advocates-General in putting questions and Advocates-General in delivering their opinions may use one of the languages referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article other than the language of the case.
49 Pravna redakcija
Kadar obravnava vprašanja, pomembna za celoten gospodarski razvoj in gospodarske politike, se poročila delovne skupine brez poseganja v vlogo Odbora stalnih predstavnikov posredujejo tudi Ekonomsko-finančnemu odboru in/ali Odboru za ekonomsko politiko, z namenom pridobitve morebitnega mnenja.
When dealing with issues of relevance to overall economic developments and economic policies, reports of the working party should, without prejudice to the role of the Committee of Permanent Represenstatives, be also transmitted to the Economic and Financial Committee and/or to the Economic Policy Committee with a view to a possible opinion.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Ob petletni aktuarski oceni lahko Svet na podlagi poročila in, če je to primerno, skupaj s predlogom Komisije, ki ga ta predloži po pridobitvi mnenja Odbora za Kadrovske predpise, ponovno obravnava to prilogo, predvsem glede na njene proračunske posledice in aktuarsko ravnotežje.
On the occasion of the five-yearly actuarial assessment, this Annex may be reconsidered by the Council, particularly in the light of its budgetary implications and actuarial balance, on the basis of a report together with, if appropriate, a proposal from the Commission made after securing the opinion of the Staff Regulations Committee.
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