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posledice sodbe
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
obstoj naloga za prijetje ali drugega dokumenta z enakimi pravnimi posledicami ali izvršljive sodbe,
the existence of an arrest warrant or other document having the same legal effect or of an enforceable judgment,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
V primeru nejasnosti pomena ali posledic sodbe Sodišče na predlog stranke ali institucije Unije, ki ima upravičen interes, poda razlago.
If the meaning or scope of a judgment is in doubt, the Court of Justice shall construe it on application by any party or any institution of the Union establishing an interest therein.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Unija razvija pravosodno sodelovanje v civilnih zadevah s čezmejnimi posledicami, ki temelji na načelu vzajemnega priznavanja sodb in odločb v zunajsodnih zadevah.
The Union shall develop judicial cooperation in civil matters having cross-border implications, based on the principle of mutual recognition of judgments and decisions in extrajudicial cases.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
25.7 Članice ugotavljajo, da notifikacija ukrepa ne pomeni že sodbe o njegovi pravni naravi v smislu GATT 1994 in tega sporazuma ter o posledicah tega sporazuma ali naravi ukrepa samega.
25.7 Members recognize that notification of a measure does not prejudge either its legal status under GATT 1994 and this Agreement, the effects under this Agreement, or the nature of the measure itself.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(2) Z evropskim okvirnim zakonom se lahko določijo minimalna potrebna pravila za lažje vzajemno priznavanje sodb in sodnih odločb ter policijsko in pravosodno sodelovanje v kazenskih zadevah s čezmejnimi posledicami.
To the extent necessary to facilitate mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters having a cross-border dimension, European framework laws may establish minimum rules.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
To je ena od posledic dejstva, da je Unija skupnost, ki temelji na načelih pravne države, kot navaja Sodišče v zadevi 294/83, »Les Verts« proti Evropskemu parlamentu (sodba z dne 23. aprila 1986, [1988] PSES 1339).
That is one of the consequences of the fact that the Union is a community based on the rule of law as stated by the Court in Case 294/83, "Les Verts" v. European Parliament (judgment of 23 April 1986, [1988] ECR 1339).
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Če je bila oseba s pravnomočno sodbo obsojena za kaznivo dejanje in je bila obsodba pozneje spremenjena zaradi novega ali novo odkritega dejstva, ki prepričljivo kaže na sodno zmoto, se osebi, ki je utrpela kazen kot posledico take obsodbe, povrne škoda v skladu z zakonom, razen če se dokaže, da gre nerazkritje nepoznanega dejstva v celoti ali delno pripisati tej osebi.
When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence, and when subsequently his or her conviction has been reversed on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice, the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him or her.
8 Končna redakcija
V primeru nejasnosti pomena ali posledic sodbe mora Sodišče na zahtevo stranke ali institucije Skupnosti, ki ima upravičen interes, dati razlago.
If the meaning or scope of a judgment is in doubt, the Court shall construe it on application by any party or any institution of the Communities establishing an interest therein.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
posledice odsotnosti ugovora ali izostanka navzočnosti, predvsem, kjer je primerno, možnost, da se lahko proti dolžniku izda ali izvrši sodba in odgovornost za plačilo stroškov v zvezi s sodnimi postopki.
the consequences of an absence of objection or default of appearance, in particular, where applicable, the possibility that a judgment may be given or enforced against the debtor and the liability for costs related to the court proceedings.
10 Končna redakcija
Vprašanje je, kje je meja med poklicno novinarsko sodbo, ki temelji na relevantnih dejstvih in jo novinar lahko izreka, in osebnim mnenjem, ki je lahko posledica enostranskih pogledov na stvari in ki ga novinar ne sme izrekati.
The point at issue is where the border between permissible professional judgment (based on relevant facts) and forbidden personal opinion (that may be a result of biased perspective) lies.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Treba je uvesti minimalne standarde za postopke, ki vodijo do sodbe, da bi zagotovili obveščenost dolžnika o postopkih, ki jih je sodišče uvedlo proti njemu, o zahtevah za njegovo aktivno sodelovanje v postopkih za ugovarjanje zahtevku in o posledicah njegovega nesodelovanja, in sicer pravočasno in na tak način, ki mu omogoča pripraviti obrambo.
Minimum standards should be established for the proceedings leading to the judgment in order to ensure that the debtor is informed about the court action against him, the requirements for his active participation in the proceedings to contest the claim and the consequences of his non-participation in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable him to arrange for his defence.
12 Končna redakcija
»To niso (zgolj) pravila etike, to so obvezna pravila ravnanja - kolikor niso nekatera od njih formulirana samo kot priporočila« (Krivic 2000, 5).»Novinar sme izreči poklicno, novinarsko sodbo, ki temelji na relevantnih dejstvih, ne sme pa izrekati svojega osebnega mnenja, ki je lahko posledica enostranskih pogledov na določena vprašanja« ( točka 1.2. nepristranost).
"These are not simply ethical rules, but mandatory rules of conduct - insofar as they are not formulated as recommendations" (Krivic, 2000: 5)."A reporter may express a professional, journalistic judgment based on relevant facts, but not a personal opinion established as a consequence of one-sided views on certain issues" (Profesional Standards and Ethical Principles of Journalism in the Programmes of rtv Slovenia, Article 2, Impartiality).
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Ob upoštevanju smernic, ki jih lahko dobimo iz preteklih sodb evropskih sodišč in odločb Komisije skladno z Uredbo (EGS) št. 4064/89, in hkratnem upoštevanju standardov škode konkurence, ki so jih določili Komisija in sodišča Skupnosti glede združljivosti koncentracije s skupnim trgom, naj se s to uredbo uveljavi načelo, da se koncentracija z razsežnostjo Skupnosti, ki lahko bistveno ovira učinkovito konkurenco na skupnem trgu ali njegovem znatnem delu, zlasti kot posledica ustvarjanja ali krepitve prevladujočega položaja, razglasi za nezdružljivo s skupnim trgom.
With a view to preserving the guidance that may be drawn from past judgments of the European courts and Commission decisions pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89, while at the same time maintaining consistency with the standards of competitive harm which have been applied by the Commission and the Community courts regarding the compatibility of a concentration with the common market, this Regulation should accordingly establish the principle that a concentration with a Community dimension which would significantly impede effective competition, in the common market or in a substantial part thereof, in particular as a result of the creation or strengthening of a dominant position, is to be declared incompatible with the common market.
14 Pravna redakcija
Brez vpliva na odstavek 2 se pisno sestavi prenos znamke Skupnosti, za kar je potreben podpis pogodbenih strank, razen če je prenos posledica sodbe;
Without prejudice to paragraph 2, an assignment of the Community trade mark shall be made in writing and shall require the signature of the parties to the contract, except when it is a result of a judgment;
15 Pravna redakcija
Sporočilo Komisije o posledicah sodbe, ki jo je izdalo Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti 20. februarja 1979 v primeru 120/78 ("Cassis de Dijon") (UL C 256, 3.10.1980, str. 2).
Communication from the Commission concerning the consequences of the judgment given by the Court of Justice of the European Communities on 20 February 1979 in Case 120/78 ('Cassis de Dijon`) (OJ No C 256, 3.10.80, p. 2).
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
(b) posledice odsotnosti ugovora ali izostanka navzočnosti, predvsem, kjer je primerno, možnost, da se lahko proti dolžniku izda ali izvrši sodba in odgovornost za plačilo stroškov v zvezi s sodnimi postopki.
(b) the consequences of an absence of objection or default of appearance, in particular, where applicable, the possibility that a judgment may be given or enforced against the debtor and the liability for costs related to the court proceedings.
17 Pravna redakcija
Žlahtniteljska pravica v Skupnosti se lahko prenese le na tiste naslednike, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz členov 12 in 82. Prenos se opravi s pisno pogodbo, ki jo morata pogodbeni stranki podpisati, razen takrat, ko je prenos posledica sodbe ali katerega koli drugega dejanja, ki zaključuje sodni postopek.
Transfer of a Community plant variety right by assignment can be made only to successors who comply with the conditions laid down in Article 12 and 82. It shall be made in writing and shall require the signature of the parties to the contract, except when it is a result of a judgment or of any other acts terminating court proceedings.
18 Pravna redakcija
Kadar gre za popolno spremembo lastništva žlahtniteljske pravice v Skupnosti, ki je posledica pravnomočne sodbe, izdane v skladu s členoma 101 ali 102 zaradi zahteve upravičenosti iz člena 98(1), vsakršno izkoriščanje ali druge pravice prenehajo z vpisom upravičenca v register žlahtniteljskih pravic v Skupnosti.
In the event of a complete change in the holdership of a Community plant variety right in consequence of a final judgment delivered pursuant to Articles 101 or 102 for the purposes of claiming entitlement under Article 98 (1), any exploitation or other rights shall lapse with the entry of the person entitled in the Register of Community Plant Variety Rights.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
(12) Treba je uvesti minimalne standarde za postopke, ki vodijo do sodbe, da bi zagotovili obveščenost dolžnika o postopkih, ki jih je sodišče uvedlo proti njemu, o zahtevah za njegovo aktivno sodelovanje v postopkih za ugovarjanje zahtevku in o posledicah njegovega nesodelovanja, in sicer pravočasno in na tak način, ki mu omogoča pripraviti svojo obrambo.
(12) Minimum standards should be established for the proceedings leading to the judgment in order to ensure that the debtor is informed about the court action against him, the requirements for his active participation in the proceedings to contest the claim and the consequences of his non-participation in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable him to arrange for his defence.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Ob upoštevanju smernic, ki jih lahko dobimo iz preteklih sodb evropskih sodišč in odločb Komisije skladno z Uredbo (EGS) št. 4064/89, in hkratnem upoštevanju standardov škode konkurence, ki so jih določili Komisija in sodišča Skupnosti glede združljivosti koncentracije s skupnim trgom, naj se s to uredbo uveljavi načelo, da se koncentracija z razsežnostjo Skupnosti, ki lahko bistveno ovira učinkovito konkurenco na skupnem trgu ali njegovem znatnem delu, zlasti kot posledica ustvarjanja ali krepitve prevladujočega položaja, razglasi za nezdružljivo s skupnim trgom.
With a view to preserving the guidance that may be drawn from past judgments of the European courts and Commission decisions pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89, while at the same time maintaining consistency with the standards of competitive harm which have been applied by the Commission and the Community courts regarding the compatibility of a concentration with the common market, this Regulation should accordingly establish the principle that a concentration with a Community dimension which would significantly impede effective competition, in the common market or in a substantial part thereof, in particular as a result of the creation or strengthening of a dominant position, is to be declared incompatible with the common market.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
Članice ugotavljajo, da notifikacija ukrepa ne pomeni že sodbe o njegovi pravni naravi v smislu GATT 1994 in tega sporazuma ter o posledicah tega sporazuma ali naravi ukrepa samega.
Members recognize that notification of a measure does not prejudge either its legal status under GATT 1994 and this Agreement, the effects under this Agreement, or the nature of the measure itself.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2100
Prenos se opravi s pisno pogodbo, ki jo morata pogodbeni stranki podpisati, razen takrat, ko je prenos posledica sodbe ali katerega koli drugega dejanja, ki zaključuje sodni postopek.
It shall be made in writing and shall require the signature of the parties to the contract, except when it is a result of a judgement or of any other acts terminating court proceedings.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
posledice odsotnosti ugovora ali izostanka navzočnosti, predvsem, kjer je primerno, možnost, da se lahko proti dolžniku izda ali izvrši sodba in odgovornost za plačilo stroškov v zvezi s sodnimi postopki.
the consequences of an absence of objection or default of appearance, in particular, where applicable, the possibility that a judgment may be given or enforced against the debtor and the liability for costs related to the court proceedings.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0097
ker je med ukrepi iz tretjega srednjeročnega akcijskega programa za enake možnosti žensk in moških (1991 do 1995) [13] Komisija ponovno poudarila sprejetje ustreznih ukrepov glede posledic sodbe z dne 17. maja 1990 v zadevi 262/88 (Barber v. Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group);
Whereas, among the measures included in its third medium-term action programme on equal opportunities for women and men (1991 to 1995) (13), the Commission emphasizes once more the adoption of suitable measures to take account of the consequences of the judgment of 17 May 1990 in Case 262/88 (Barber v. Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group);
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Treba je uvesti minimalne standarde za postopke, ki vodijo do sodbe, da bi zagotovili obveščenost dolžnika o postopkih, ki jih je sodišče uvedlo proti njemu, o zahtevah za njegovo aktivno sodelovanje v postopkih za ugovarjanje zahtevku in o posledicah njegovega nesodelovanja, in sicer pravočasno in na tak način, ki mu omogoča pripraviti obrambo.
Minimum standards should be established for the proceedings leading to the judgment in order to ensure that the debtor is informed about the court action against him, the requirements for his active participation in the proceedings to contest the claim and the consequences of his non-participation in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable him to arrange for his defence.
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posledice sodbe