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potrdilo o študiju
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Ob prenehanju študija ali raziskovalnega dela na inštitutu raziskovalni študenti, ki jim ni bil podeljen noben naslov iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, na svojo zahtevo od inštituta prejmejo potrdilo o študiju in raziskovalnem delu, opravljenem na inštitutu.
On leaving the Institute, Institute research students on whom neither of the degrees provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 has been conferred shall receive from the Institute at their request a certificate attesting to the study and research they have carried out at the Institute.
2 Končna redakcija
Kot primer posebne oblike komunikacijske deprivilegiranosti temelji medijsko poročanje o manjšinah izključno na navajanju virov večinskega prebivalstva, kar je potrdila tudi ta študija.
The media coverage of minorities, as a special example of underprivileged communication opportunities, exclusively relies on the sources of the majority population, as is shown in this study.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Izvajanje potrebnih študij, preskusov in preskušanj zaradi uporabe odstavkov 1 do 5 ter posledične praktične zahteve niso v nasprotju s pravicami v zvezi s patenti ali potrdili za zdravila o dodatni zaščiti.";
Conducting the necessary studies, tests and trials with a view to the application of paragraphs 1 to 5 and the consequential practical requirements shall not be regarded as contrary to patent-related rights or to supplementary-protection certificates for medicinal products.";
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0815
(17) Znanstveni odbor za toksičnost, ekotoksičnost in okolje (SCTEE), s katerim se je posvetovala Komisija, je v svojem mnenju o ftalatih v igračah z dne 27. novembra 1998 upoštevajoč rezultate najnovejših študij na tem področju potrdil, da obstajajo razlogi za skrb z nizkimi mejami varnosti glede izpostavljenosti otrok ftalatoma DEHP in DINP pri uporabi nekaterih igrač in predmetov za nego otrok iz mehkega PVC, ki vsebuje te snovi.
(17) The Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (SCTEE), consulted by the Commission, in its opinion on phthalates in toys of 27 November 1998, taking into account the results of the most recent relevant studies, has confirmed that there are grounds for concern with the low safety margins as regards the exposure of children to the phthalate DEHP and DINP, in connection with the use of certain toys and childcare articles made of soft PVC containing these substances;
5 Pravna redakcija
Od datuma, ko Avstrija sprejme potrebne ukrepe za uskladitev s to direktivo, države, za katere se uporablja ta direktiva, zaradi opravljanja dejavnosti iz člena 1 te direktive, prilagojene za namene EGP, priznajo osebam, ki so začele univerzitetni študij pred uveljavitvijo Sporazuma EGP, v Avstriji podeljene diplome, spričevala in druga dokazila o formalni izobrazbi iz medicine s priloženim potrdilom, ki ga izdajo pristojni avstrijski organi in potrjuje, da so te osebe v Avstriji v petih letih pred izdajo potrdila vsaj tri leta neprekinjeno dejansko, zakonito in pretežno opravljale dejavnosti, določene v členu 5 Direktive 78/687/EGS, in da lahko opravljajo navedene dejavnosti pod enakimi pogoji kakor imetniki diplom, spričeval ali drugih dokazil o formalni izobrazbi iz člena 3(m).
From the date on which Austria takes the measures necessary to comply with this Directive, the States to which this Directive applies shall recognize, for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in Article 1 of this Directive, as adapted for EEA purposes, the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in medicine awarded in Austria to persons who had begun their university training before the entry into force of the EEA Agreement, accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent Austrian authorities, certifying that these persons have effectively, lawfully and principally been engaged in Austria in the activities specified in Article 5 of Directive 78/687/EEC for at least three consecutive years during the five years prior to the issue of the certificate and that these persons are authorized to carry out the said activities under the same conditions as holders of the diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications referred to in Article 3(m).
6 Prevajalska redakcija
In vitro študije metabolizma so potrdile, da se prvotna spojina zelo hitro presnavlja v 3- O- acetiltilozin.
In vitro metabolism studies have confirmed that the parent compound is rapidly metabolised to 3-O- acetyltylosin.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0021
V svojem mnenju z dne 6. junija 2000 [8], je odbor potrdil izbrano sprejemljivo raven izpostavljenosti izvajalca in ponudil nasvet za razlago dolgoročnih študij o glodalcih.
In its opinion of 6 June 2000(8), the Committee confirmed the acceptable operator exposure level selected and offered advice on the interpretation of the long-term studies in rodents.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
To so potrdili tudi rezultati študij o zamenjavi zdravila in glede na to, da je zdravilo na tržišču že kar nekaj let, sta bili tudi učinkovitost in varnost že potrjeni.
This was supported by results from the switching studies and since this product has been on the market for several years already, its efficacy and safety have been already confirmed.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Opravljene so bile študije genotoksičnosti: Čeprav v objavljenih študijah cisteamina poročajo o pojavu kromosomskih aberacij pri gojenih vrstah eukariotskih celic, v posebnih študijah z cisteaminijevim bitartratom Amesov test ni potrdil mutagenega učinka, enako kot tudi test mikrojeder pri miših ni potrdil klastogenosti.
Genotoxicity studies have been performed: although in published studies using cysteamine, induction of chromosome aberrations in cultured eukaryotic cell lines has been reported, specific studies with cysteamine bitartrate did not show any mutagenic effects in the Ames test or any clastogenic effect in the mouse micronucleus test.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Izvajanje potrebnih študij, preskusov in preskušanj zaradi uporabe odstavkov 1 do 5 ter posledične praktične zahteve niso v nasprotju s pravicami v zvezi s patenti ali potrdili za zdravila o dodatni zaščiti.";
Conducting the necessary studies, tests and trials with a view to the application of paragraphs 1 to 5 and the consequential practical requirements shall not be regarded as contrary to patent-related rights or to supplementary-protection certificates for medicinal products.";
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Skupna analiza rezultatov iz vseh preskušanj III. faze je potrdila podatke posameznih študij o zmanjšanju vseh VTE, težjih oblik VTE in simptomatskih VTE z rivaroksabanom 10 mg enkrat na dan v primerjavi z enoksaparinom 40 mg enkrat na dan.
The analysis of the pooled results of the phase III trials corroborated the data obtained in the individual studies regarding reduction of total VTE, major VTE and symptomatic VTE with rivaroxaban 10 mg once daily compared to enoxaparin 40 mg once daily.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0815
Znanstveni odbor za toksičnost, ekotoksičnost in okolje (SCTEE), s katerim se je posvetovala Komisija, je v svojem mnenju o ftalatih v igračah z dne 27. novembra 1998 upoštevajoč rezultate najnovejših študij na tem področju potrdil, da obstajajo razlogi za skrb z nizkimi mejami varnosti glede izpostavljenosti otrok ftalatoma DEHP in DINP pri uporabi nekaterih igrač in predmetov za nego otrok iz mehkega PVC, ki vsebuje te snovi.
The Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (SCTEE), consulted by the Commission, in its opinion on phthalates in toys of 27 November 1998, taking into account the results of the most recent relevant studies, has confirmed that there are grounds for concern with the low safety margins as regards the exposure of children to the phthalate DEHP and DINP, in connection with the use of certain toys and childcare articles made of soft PVC containing these substances;
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potrdilo o študiju