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potrdilo o nezmožnosti za delo
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
K zahtevku, vloženemu pri nosilcu iz prvega odstavka tega člena, mora biti priloženo potrdilo o nezmožnosti za delo, ki ga izda lečeči zdravnik.
The claim submitted to the institution mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article must be accompanied by a certificate of incapacity for work issued by the doctor providing treatment.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
b) Nosilec iz točke b) prvega odstavka tega člena, ki prejme zahtevek, čim prej uradno obvesti Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, Ljubljana, o vložitvi zahtevka za dajatve in navede dan vložitve zahtevka ter ime in naslov morebitnega delodajalca ter pošlje potrdilo o nezmožnosti za delo, priloženo zahtevku, Zavodu za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, Ljubljana.
b) The institution mentioned in paragraph 1b) of this Article which has received the claim shall as soon as possible notify the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, of the submitting of the claim for benefits, stating the date on which the claim has been submitted as well as the name and the address of the employer, if any, and send the certificate of incapacity for work which was annexed to the claim to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
a) Zavod iz točke a) prvega odstavka tega člena, ki prejme zahtevek, čim prej uradno obvesti pristojnega nosilca, ali če ta ni znan, Nacionalni zavod za socialno zavarovanje (Landelijk Instituut Sociale Verzekeringen), c/o GAK, Nederland bv, Amsterdam, o vložitvi zahtevka za dajatve in navede dan vložitve zahtevka ter ime in naslov morebitnega delodajalca ter pošlje potrdilo o nezmožnosti za delo, priloženo zahtevku, pristojnemu nosilcu, ali če ta ni znan, Nacionalni zavod za socialno zavarovanje (Landelijk Instituut Sociale Verzekeringen), c/o GAK, Nederland bv, Amsterdam.
a) The institution mentioned in paragraph 1a) of this Article which has received the claim shall as soon as possible notify the competent institution or if this institution is not known, the ` Landelijk Instituut Sociale Verzekeringen` , c/o GAK Nederland bv, Amsterdam, of the submitting of the claim for benefits, stating the date on which the claim has been submitted as well as the name and the address of the employer, if any, and send the certificate of incapacity for work which was annexed to the claim to the competent institution or if this institution is not known, the ` Landelijk Instituut Sociale Verzekeringen` , c/o GAK Nederland bv, Amsterdam.
4 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v obveznost predložitve potrdila o nezmožnosti za delo delavcu, ki začasno biva na ozemlju države članice, ne da bi tam opravljal poklicno dejavnost, ni treba predložiti obvestila o prekinitvi dela iz člena 61(1) izvedbene uredbe.
However, without prejudice to the obligation to submit a certificate of incapacity for work, a worker who is staying in the territory of a Member State without pursuing any professional or trade activity there shall not be required to submit the notification of having ceased work referred to in Article 61 (1) of the Implementing Regulation.
5 Končna redakcija
Kadar lečeči zdravniki zadevnega delavca v državi stalnega prebivališča ne izdajo potrdil o nezmožnosti za delo, se delavec obrne neposredno na nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča v roku, določenem z zakonodajo, ki jo ta uporablja.
Where the doctors treating the worker concerned in the country of residence do not issue certificates of incapacity for work, the worker shall apply directly to the institution of the place of residence within the time limit fixed by the legislation which it administers.
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potrdilo o nezmožnosti za delo