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potrdilo o pregledu blaga
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
se dobaviteljeva evidenca zahtev, nalogov, potrdil o prejemu in uporabe blaga in materialov po pogodbi vodi v obliki, ki jo je odobril nadzornik, in da je ta evidenca na razpolago nadzorniku za pregled;
the supplier's record of requirements, orders, receipts and use of goods and materials under the contract are kept in a form approved by the supervisor and such records are available for inspection by the supervisor;
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
Komisija takoj po oddaji naročila obvesti dobavitelja o službi, ki je odgovorna za opravljanje pregledov iz člena 16, izdajo certifikata o skladnosti ali potrdila o dostavi ter za splošno usklajevanje vseh faz dobave blaga (v nadaljnjem besedilu "nadzornik").
As soon as the contract has been awarded the Commission shall inform the supplier of the agency which will be responsible for carrying out the checks referred to in Article 16, issuing the certificate of conformity or the certificate of delivery, and generally coordinating all stages of the supply operation (hereinafter referred to as 'the monitor').
3 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo biti te analize opravljene zgolj s pregledom dovolj reprezentativnega števila uvoženih količin, kadar ima Skupnost vzpostavljen uradni postopek priznavanja potrdil o kakovosti, ki jih je izdal organ države porekla blaga;
whereas however where the Community has established an official recognition procedure for quality certificates issued by an authority of the country of origin of the goods these analyses need be effected merely by way of verification on a sufficiently representative number of imported lots;
4 Pravna redakcija
Glede na to, da je potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 dokumentarno dokazilo za uporabo preferencialnega tarifnega režima, določenega v tem sporazumu, so carinski organi države izvoznice odgovorni, da poskrbijo, da se stori vse potrebno za preverjanje porekla blaga in da se pregledajo druge navedbe na potrdilu.
Since the movement certificate EUR.l constitutes the documentary evidence for the application of the preferential tariff arrangements laid down in the Agreement, it shall be the responsibility of the customs authorities of the exporting country to take any steps necessary to verify the origin of the goods and to check the other statements on the certificate.
5 Pravna redakcija
"formalnosti" pomenijo vsako formalnost, ki jo subjektom naloži uprava, sestavljena pa je iz predložitve ali pregleda dokumentov in potrdil, ki spremljajo blago, ali drugih podatkov, ne glede na njihovo obliko ali sredstvo, o blagu ali prevoznem sredstvu.
"formalities" shall mean any formality imposed on operators by the administration consisting in the presentation or examination of documents and certificates accompanying goods or other particulars, irrespective of form or medium, relating to the goods or means of transport.
6 Pravna redakcija
izda potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu in overi izjavo v okencu 15 šele potem, ko je preveril dokumente na podlagi vseh ustreznih kontrolnih dokumentov, vključno zlasti s planom proizvodnje za zadevne proizvode, voznimi listi, blagovno dokumentacijo, ter potem, ko je organ opravil fizični pregled zadevne pošiljke pred odpošiljanjem iz tretje države odpošiljateljice, ali prejel izrecno izjavo izvoznika, v kateri ta izjavlja, da je bila zadevna pošiljka proizvedena in/ali pripravljena v skladu z določbami, ki jih zadevni organ izvaja v zvezi z uvozom in dajanjem proizvodov v promet v Evropski skupnosti, ki so navedeni v členu 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91 v skladu s členom 11(1) ali (6) navedene uredbe;
only issue the certificate of inspection and endorse the declaration in box 15, after it has carried out a documentary check on the basis of all relevant inspection documents, including in particular the production plan for the products concerned, transport documents and commercial documents, and after the authority or body has either made a physical check of the consignment concerned before it is expedited from the third country of dispatch, or has received an explicit declaration of the exporter declaring that the consignment concerned has been produced and/or prepared in accordance with the provisions which are implemented by the authority or body concerned in respect of the import and marketing in the European Community of products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 in accordance with Article 11(1) or (6) of that Regulation;
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
Komisija takoj po oddaji naročila obvesti dobavitelja o službi, ki je odgovorna za opravljanje pregledov iz člena 16, izdajo certifikata o skladnosti ali potrdila o dostavi ter za splošno usklajevanje vseh faz dobave blaga (v nadaljnjem besedilu "nadzornik").
As soon as the contract has been awarded the Commission shall inform the supplier of the agency which will be responsible for carrying out the checks referred to in Article 16, issuing the certificate of conformity or the certificate of delivery, and generally coordinating all stages of the supply operation (hereinafter referred to as 'the monitor`).
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potrdilo o pregledu blaga