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potrdilo o prejemu pošiljke
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
V skladu s členom 10(13) osnovne uredbe velja, da je pritožba vložena prvi delovni dan po dnevu, ko je bila dostavljena Komisiji s priporočeno pošiljko ali je Komisija izstavila potrdilo o prejemu.
Pursuant to Article 10(13) of the basic Regulation, a complaint shall be deemed to have been lodged on the first working day following its delivery to the Commission by registered mail or the issuing of an acknowledgement of receipt by the Commission.
2 Pravna redakcija
Kurirjem se vedno izroči potrdilo o prejemu z navedeno odpremno številko pošiljke.
A receipt showing the package number will always be given to the couriers.
3 Pravna redakcija
"Prvi prejemnik ob prevzemu pošiljke izpolni okence 18 izvirnika potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, s čimer potrdi, da je prevzem pošiljke opravljen v skladu s točko 6 oddelka C Priloge III k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2092/91."
The first consignee shall, at the reception of the consignment, complete box 18 of the original of the certificate of inspection, to certify that the reception of the consignment has been carried out in accordance with Section C, point 6 of Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.'
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
V skladu s členom 10(13) osnovne uredbe velja, da je pritožba vložena prvi delovni dan po dnevu, ko je bila dostavljena Komisiji s priporočeno pošiljko ali je Komisija izstavila potrdilo o prejemu.
Pursuant to Article 10(13) of the basic Regulation, a complaint shall be deemed to have been lodged on the first working day following its delivery to the Commission by registered mail or the issuing of an acknowledgement of receipt by the Commission.
5 Pravna redakcija
Kjer ta Poslovnik zahteva, da se dokument vroči osebi, sodni tajnik poskrbi, da se vročitev opravi na vročitvenem naslovu te osebe bodisi s priporočeno pošiljko kopije dokumenta z obrazcem potrdila o prejemu, ali pa z osebno dostavo kopije proti potrdilu o prejemu.
Where these Rules require that a document be served on a person, the Registrar shall ensure that service is effected at that person's address for service either by the dispatch of a copy of the document by registered post with a form for acknowledgement of receipt or by personal delivery of the copy against a receipt.
6 Pravna redakcija
Prejemnik serije ob prevzemu izpolni okence 15 izvirnika izpiska potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, s čimer potrdi, da je prevzem pošiljke opravljen v skladu s točko 6 oddelka B Priloge III k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2092/91.
The consignee of a batch shall, at the reception thereof complete the original of the extract of the certificate of inspection in box 15, in order to certify that the reception of the batch has been carried out in accordance with Section B, point 6, of Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
7 Pravna redakcija
(o) "pošiljka" je količina proizvodov iste vrste, zajetih v istem potrdilu ali dokumentu, prevažanih z istim prevoznim sredstvom, ki jih prejme isti prejemnik in izvirajo iz iste države izvoznice ali dela take države.
(o) 'consignment' means a quantity of products of the same type, covered by the same certificate or document, conveyed by the same means of transport, consigned by a single consignee and originating in the same exporting country or part of such country.
8 Pravna redakcija
Vročitev se skladno s členom 100 Poslovnika izvaja bodisi s priporočeno pošiljko s povratnico, ki vsebuje overjeno kopijo izvirnika dokumenta, ki se vroča, bodisi z osebno dostavo takšne kopije naslovniku s potrdilom o prejemu.
Service shall be effected, in accordance with Article 100 of the Rules of Procedure, either by the dispatch by registered post, with a form for acknowledgment of receipt, of a certified copy of the original of the document to be served or by personal delivery of such copy to the addressee against a receipt.
9 Pravna redakcija
Obrazec potrdila o prejemu, s katerim se dokazuje, da sta bila dokument za skupnostni tranzit in v njem navedena pošiljka predložena namembnemu uradu, mora ustrezati vzorcu iz Priloge 47. Potrdilo o dokumentu za skupnostni tranzit pa se lahko izpolni na vzorcu na hrbtni strani tistega izvoda tega dokumenta, ki se vrne.
The form for the receipt certifying that a Community transit document and the relevant consignment have been presented at the office of destination shall conform to the specimen in Annex 47. However, the receipt in respect of the Community transit document may be made out on the specimen on the back of the return copy of that document.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0552
Odvisno od vrste pošiljke se potrdilo o prejemu predloži:
depending on the type of shipment, the acknowledgement of receipt must be sent:
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0552
je za zagotovitev preglednosti treba oddelke 4 vsake odobrene pošiljke priložiti končnemu potrdilu o prejemu.
to provide an overview, the sections 4 for each of the shipments covered by the authorization must be attached to the final acknowledgement of receipt.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0552
Pri pošiljkah med državami članicami pristojni organi držav članic izvora imetniku pošljejo kopijo potrdila o prejemu.
For shipments between Member States, the competent authorities of the Member State of origin must send a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt to the holder.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Potrdilo o prejemu najprej izpolni udeleženec, ki lahko navede tudi druge podatke, ki se nanašajo na pošiljko, vendar ne v delu, ki je namenjen za carino, potrdilo carine pa velja le za podatke v navedenem prostoru.
The receipt shall first be completed by the person concerned and may contain other particulars relating to the consignment, except in the space reserved for customs, but the customs certification shall be valid only in respect of the particulars contained in that space.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2787
Na zahtevo prevoznika pooblaščeni prejemnik izda potrdilo o prejemu, določeno v členu 362, ki se smiselno uporablja, za vsako pošiljko, dostavljeno v skladu z odstavkom 2.
At the carrier's request the authorised consignee shall issue the receipt provided for in Article 362, which shall apply mutatis mutandis, in respect of each consignment delivered in accordance with paragraph 2.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Obrazec potrdila o prejemu, s katerim se dokazuje, da sta bila dokument za skupnostni tranzit in v njem navedena pošiljka predložena namembnemu uradu, mora ustrezati vzorcu iz Priloge 47.
The form for the receipt certifying that a Community transit document and the relevant consignment have been presented at the office of destination shall conform to the specimen in Annex 47.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Obrazec, ki se izpolni kot potrdilo o prejemu in potrjuje, da sta bili listini T1 ali T2 in ustrezna pošiljka predložene pri namembnem uradu, je skladen z vzorcem v Prilogi II k temu dodatku.
The form to be completed as the receipt, to certify that the T 1 or T 2 document and the relevant consignment have been produced at the office of destination, shall conform to the specimen in Annex III to this Appendix.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0552
Kadar so odposlane vse pošiljke, za katere velja odobritev, se izpolni in predloži končno potrdilo o prejemu, kakor da bi odobritev veljala samo za posamezno pošiljko (glej zgoraj), razen če:
When all the shipments covered by an authorization have been carried out, the final acknowledgement of receipt is completed and submitted as if the authorization were valid for a single shipment only (see above) except that:
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1918
V členu 4(12) se prvi pododstavek nadomesti z naslednjim: "Prvi prejemnik ob prevzemu pošiljke izpolni okence 18 izvirnika potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, s čimer potrdi, da je prevzem pošiljke opravljen v skladu s točko 6 oddelka C Priloge III k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2092/91."
In Article 4(12) the first subparagraph is replaced by the following: "The first consignee shall, at the reception of the consignment, complete box 18 of the original of the certificate of inspection, to certify that the reception of the consignment has been carried out in accordance with Section C, point 6 of Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91."
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potrdilo o prejemu pošiljke